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This Men's Rights Redditor has figured out the source of Firefox's memory leaks

I am here to eat your memory.
I am here to eat your memory.

Oh, Firefox, I love your add-ons, but your memory leaks are killing me. And by “killing me” I mean “forcing me to restart you a lot more than I’d like to because of those damn memory leaks.”

Well guess what! One Men’s Rights Redditor has figured out the cause of these memory leaks, and all of Firefox’s other issues. It was Social Justice Warriors all along!

librtee_com 8 points 2 days ago   I can't help but wonder if the fact that Firefox still still not very reliable..and still has memory connected to the SJ madness that pushed out Eich?  People more concerned about 'social justice' bullshit that putting out a competently sound product. Par for the course.  Ditto GNOME. RIP. There's a silver lining, it caused me to try i3WM; since the day I installed it two+ years back I have never used anything else. It's so, so good and has no parallel in Windows or OSX.  The Linux kernel, however, seems to be safe from this madness, as long as the benevolent despot Torvalds maintains his well earned and popularly supported power.

Hmm. I’m pretty sure Brendan Eich ushered himself out the door because his support of Prop 8 had caused a virtual revolt in the Mozilla community. You know, the people without whom Firefox could not continue to exist as a viable piece of software. But whatever. Somehow Firefox would be magically bug-free if the dude the Mozilla community rejected had stuck around anyway because … Men’s Rights?

Fur dudes who like to think of themselves as master logicians these guys aren’t terribly logical a lot of the time.

H/T — r/againstmensrights


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10 years ago

I was reading the comments in the linked The Verge piece. Apparently everyone who complains about the shirt is a sensitive flower who needs to get over it. And commenting on the guy’s shirt negatively is literally crucifying him (but spelt with an x, for some strange reason, not reading back).

With women in STEM already under attack for a couple of months now via GG, the fact that this guy wears a fucking sexist shirt in another STEM field is beyond the normal fucking levels of tone deafness.

10 years ago

It just comes across as pathetic to have a shirt that’s covered in cartoon boobs and butts be the hill you choose to die on.

They are upset that horrible feminist are taking attention away from the awesome thing they care about. Actually, no, it was the guy with the “LOOK AT ME” shirt on that took attention away from it.

10 years ago

It’s so garish too. Even if it wasn’t sexist it’d still be butt ugly.

10 years ago

If someone else’s shirt prevents you from doing your job, you shouldn’t have that job.

Dear idiot commenter: You, and all the other purblind casual sexists like you, are the reason why we (meaning women) cannot have nice things.

Go back to your cave, you’re not fit for daylight.

10 years ago

Also, it’s not the shirt that prevents women from doing their jobs. It’s the SEXISM, stupid. You know, that institutional, endemic thing that women are working so hard to eradicate?

10 years ago

@ Bina – a few years ago, a co-worker of mine put up one of those fire fighter’s calendars at work. I didn’t appreciate it, as I thought it unprofessional. Some of my male co-workers, however, almost went ballistic. It came down after a few days. (just thought this was relevant because of the role-reversal. Turns out, in my experience, most men don’t like being objectified any more than most women do).

10 years ago

The basic problem with the response is that it boils down to “Don’t talk about sexism, there’s other stuff going on.”

There’s always other stuff going on. That response just means “Don’t talk about sexism, ever.”

Jarred H
10 years ago

The thing about memory leaks is that they’re not always obvious. For example, if you’re programming in C++, two common causes of memory leaks are (1) freeing a dynamically allocated array with delete instead of delete[] and (2) forgetting to declare destructors in derived classes as virtual. Those aren’t quite as obvious as looking for code where you just outright forgot to free up some piece of memory.

10 years ago

Exactly! Those firemen are posed sexually in those calendars (at least the ones I’ve seen advertised). The argument that was running the The Verve comment section was that the equivalent for objectifying men would be to have muscle-bound men on the shirt. But that’s not the same thing as the titty shirt he’s wearing – because muscle-bound representations of men don’t typically accentuate their sexuality, the depiction is to emphasize strength instead.

Freaking needs a tumblr of isthisshirtokay with women wearing shirts where men are depicted with at least hints of groin. Because that would be the same bloody thing. I can hear the howls of protest already, but really men should just stop being so sensitive.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Or, as I’ve said already, women with Tom of Finland shirts.

10 years ago

I had to search that. Yep, that would be the same. Some of those manchests look like they have (“idealised”) women breasts.

10 years ago

I used to use an icon of a very attractive musician shirtless on stage as my icon on Jezebel and a few other blogs, and you would not believe the number of enraged comments from men I got about that. He wasn’t even posed in a particularly provocative way, it was just a photo of a hot guy sans shirt playing a bass. So much rage from the dudes, so many demands that I change to a different icon. And that was an icon on the internet, it’s not like I had the photo printed on a shirt and wore it to work.

They really are complete babies about this.

10 years ago

I used to carry a pack of Chippendales cards in my purse to piss off guys who had sexist posters, calendars, etc. on their walls. They never appreciated it when I pointed out their hypocrisy…

10 years ago

A shirt made of cloth like this, perhaps:
comment image

10 years ago

@ Nequam – Oh, I die! I can’t imagine wearing a scrub set made of that to work! (strangely, I do have a scrub set that’s printed with an E. coli motif, but I digress).

@ Bina – the Chippendales cards idea is brilliant!

10 years ago

There’s several sexy-guy fabrics out there, though I don’t know if all are in production. This one’s pretty fabulous (and patriotic):

10 years ago

My favourite is the Halloween material off here:

So if had been a female scientist and she had worn a shirt with the devil picture all over it, the menz would be fine? LOL.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

The flautist on that fabric is rather appealing, lol.

I’ve used topless (though only head and shoulders) pics of Mr K as my avatar before, but I dont think I’ve had dudebros whine about it. Main reason I take them down is first, in case it makes him uncomfortable, and second, in case it makes regulars here uncomfortable, as being inappropriate.

10 years ago

Oh myyy. For those kitschy fabrics, I might have to break out my old serger…and that camp-shirt pattern from the ’90s.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

That drummer in the bottom corner looks like he’s pulling out a wedgie.

10 years ago

Totally picking a wedgie.

10 years ago

What a coincidence though that it’s men doing the objectifying with the Tom of Findland stuff, even though it’s men who are the objects. Funny how that happens.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Those are the most restrained Tom of Finland pics I’ve ever seen. Most of ’em are … let’s say physically really unlikely as well as “would probably get you arrested if you wore them”.

10 years ago

lol, yeah – I googled tom of findland before I followed the posted link. There was one funny one with a poster stuck to a wall with a pipe coming out of the wall in a strategic place

10 years ago

It’s downright gay-gay-gaiety-gay-gay. Or, to quote the old Irish Spring soap commercial: “Manly, yes, but we like it too!”