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This Men's Rights Redditor has figured out the source of Firefox's memory leaks

I am here to eat your memory.
I am here to eat your memory.

Oh, Firefox, I love your add-ons, but your memory leaks are killing me. And by “killing me” I mean “forcing me to restart you a lot more than I’d like to because of those damn memory leaks.”

Well guess what! One Men’s Rights Redditor has figured out the cause of these memory leaks, and all of Firefox’s other issues. It was Social Justice Warriors all along!

librtee_com 8 points 2 days ago   I can't help but wonder if the fact that Firefox still still not very reliable..and still has memory connected to the SJ madness that pushed out Eich?  People more concerned about 'social justice' bullshit that putting out a competently sound product. Par for the course.  Ditto GNOME. RIP. There's a silver lining, it caused me to try i3WM; since the day I installed it two+ years back I have never used anything else. It's so, so good and has no parallel in Windows or OSX.  The Linux kernel, however, seems to be safe from this madness, as long as the benevolent despot Torvalds maintains his well earned and popularly supported power.

Hmm. I’m pretty sure Brendan Eich ushered himself out the door because his support of Prop 8 had caused a virtual revolt in the Mozilla community. You know, the people without whom Firefox could not continue to exist as a viable piece of software. But whatever. Somehow Firefox would be magically bug-free if the dude the Mozilla community rejected had stuck around anyway because … Men’s Rights?

Fur dudes who like to think of themselves as master logicians these guys aren’t terribly logical a lot of the time.

H/T — r/againstmensrights


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10 years ago

Tangentially related; I hate all the “learn to code” arguments bootstrappers use whenever the discussion is on employment or low wages. Apparently, nobody who isn’t in a STEM field deserves to make a decent living. It also doesn’t occur to people that if everyone got degrees in STEM, that wouldn’t mean everyone would get a job in those fields. You’d just have a bunch of programmers and chemists working at Starbucks instead.

Pocket Nerd
Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

Thus Spake Zaracassandrakitty:

Last comment @ davidnewton, btw.

… oh. Well, I didn’t see it at first either, and I still maintain “shut up and listen” is occasionally good advice to give myself. 🙂

Pocket Nerd
Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

Thus Spake Zaraweirwoodtreehugger:

I hate all the “learn to code” arguments bootstrappers use whenever the discussion is on employment or low wages. Apparently, nobody who isn’t in a STEM field deserves to make a decent living.

It’s also gorram terrible advice. The IT field is overcrowded and underpaid due to a combination of overseas outsourcing and every bright high school kid since 1998 being told to go into computer science. If you “learn to code” you’ll be a wet-behind-the-ears rookie competing in a field where people with freakin’ master’s degrees often get stuck with entry-level positions, and 10-30 hours of unpaid overtime per week are the rule, not the exception.

It’s better advice than “buy a lottery ticket,” but only just.

10 years ago

That body language and those facial expressions? He could not be demonstrating more clearly that catcalling is about aggression, not attraction. His earlier attempts to brush off her points were meant to intimidate her into silence, and when that didn’t work he got really angry really fast.

I can’t help but be cynical and think CNN purposely selected a black woman to face off against a white man on this issue. Many of their viewers are old and white and probably dismissed her as an angry black woman. Because white male anger is always either read as justified or not read as anger at all but assertiveness and strength. But a black woman shutting down some bullshit is always going to be read as angry, savage, and irrational by people with racist and/or sexist tendencies.

10 years ago

Women, otoh, tend to have a lot of experience in watching men go from vaguely condescending to postal when we disagree with them.

QFT. I have absolutely nothing to add to this, as it sums everything up so very well. Just, QFFT.

white male anger is always either read as justified or not read as anger at all but assertiveness and strength.

Isn’t it weird how no one but white men (preferably read as cis and upper middle class) are ever allowed to be angry about anything?

10 years ago

Read by whom, though? Again, women tend to recognize anger as anger when it’s coming from men, no matter how white and/or rich they are, because our safety depends on being able to do so.

10 years ago

I love the subtext here. “women are crappy programers, and are of course the cause of all bugs, and without women there would be no bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Wait till these morans hear that the first programmers were all women, and that the bugs were once literal — the first one was a moth that got zapped to death among the vacuum tubes and wires. They will flip their feckin’ lids!

Rob Christie
10 years ago

I should be angry about this, I guess, but it just makes me feel sad.

Sad that people this stupid haven’t managed to accidentally drown themselves with their own saliva, mostly.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
10 years ago

Well, if you look at the note posted up by Rear Admiral Grace Hopper…

The term ‘bug’ had been used for a while for problems and glitches in hardware, hence her joking comment about this being the ‘First actual case of bug being found’.

And yeah, that was in 1947. Admiral Hopper had a Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale and was an associate professor at Vassar College even before enlisting in the Navy in 1943.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
10 years ago
10 years ago

The term ‘bug’ had been used for a while for problems and glitches in hardware, hence her joking comment about this being the ‘First actual case of bug being found’.

Yup, that’s the one that comes to mind. The previous ones probably weren’t found because they’d all fried up to a frizzle before anyone went looking.

10 years ago

Off-topic but related to computers: Here is a conversation I just had that made me want to flip tables.

Person 1: My world crumbled around my feet this morning. I found out that the demon that haunted my computer also haunts my flash drive (where I store 8 years of my life). I lost everything. Fortunately I had given my historical fictions to friends, so I have recovered them. I also have the edited version of my leprechauns, so I can fix them. But every query, synopsis, current WIP, partially written sequels are all gone.

Person 2: I do remember when I lost a copy of a book I was working on in 2006 during the time of those horrid Trojan viruses. Had the computer brought to the Geek Squad, who asked my family if they were interested in saving all their data. It was an option, but my family didn’t want to pay extra in saving data. Only mentioning my story because I think there is a possible solution.

Me: Whoa whoa, stay away from Geek Squad unless you want personal stuff stolen off your computer.

Person 3: Who the heck leaves nude photos on their main hard drive? I wouldn’t even leave client photos on my comp, nude or not, that weren’t okay-ed for posting on my own website(s).

10 years ago

I’m sure you already have a post on this in the works, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t hedge and tell you about the Gamer Gaters trying to make an ‘even handed’ wikipedia page for themselves. The results are as expected

10 years ago

Yeah, GG’s completely failed to endear themselves to Wikipedia or Jimmy Wales. The Wikipedia article is immaculately cited in painstaking detail, and yet makes the RationalWiki article seem calm.

10 years ago

You can’t parody this shit.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Safe for work, my ass. Those shoes are really inappropriate if she’s going to be mucking out the henhouse.

Let’s hear it for Havana, though. I think the bronze of a nude woman riding a domestic animal that’s closest to me right now is a Europa-and-the-bull fountain on the UT Knoxville campus.

I mean, I tried to get one closer but a) Beloved refused to spray-paint herself in a closed bedroom and b) the cats were contemptuous.

I think Falconer just won the thread.

10 years ago

Semi-related in that it is people who think they are rational completely misunderstanding feminism and SJ. Just another example proving Lewis’s Law

The story that showed up on my facebook feed

“This is why so many people roll their eyes when feminism is mentioned. Maybe pick your battles a little better if you want people to take you seriously.” – Todd Hollenbeck

Me: I, in fact, do care that you landed a spacecraft on a comet. Holy shit, man, that was AMAZING!

Wow, I didn’t realise there was a limit on the number of conversations that could exist at the same time. We better start rationing our time!

Followed by this head-in-arse comment

Again, it’s all so ridiculously infantilizing. If you’re a woman who turns into a puddle of mush at the mere sight of someone wearing a novelty shirt, as far as I’m concerned, you’re really just demonstrating that you don’t have what it takes to be an adult or be taken seriously.

Especially in extremely technical environments, what people care about is results. You can do the job or you can’t.

What kind of shirt you wear might be cause for some HR person to tell you you’re in violation of the dresscode or whatever, but it sure as hell doesn’t harm anyone and anyone who thinks women are harmed by the sight of a shirt is really just saying that women are emotionally weak and must be protected from any possible offense lest they cry and give up on their dreams of becoming awesome rocket scientists.

If someone else’s shirt prevents you from doing your job, you shouldn’t have that job.

Women aren’t “turning to mush” they are correctly reading the room and then talking about it in a rational manner. But way to strawman that dude, and prove exactly the point that they were making.

I don’t normally get crap like this cluttering up my feed so I thought I would share the pain. No idea if the post is public…

10 years ago

I guess they wanted to make sure no one would confuse them for a decent human being.

10 years ago

Hey dipshits, you know why the shirt is a big deal? Because even at event that has nothing to do with gender, even at a conference about one of the biggest accomplishments of human history, someone STILL managed to fuck it up and add to the push women feel away from science.

It’s like if Neil Armstrong stepped out on the moon, and one of the first words out of his mouth was the n-word, or if Barack Obama, when he was first sworn in, started off his speech with a rant about the Jews.

You just ruined your finely crafted and revolutionary meal with a teaspoon of shit. No, the meal itself wasn’t worthless as a result, but yes, we’re going to complain.

10 years ago

Thing is, even it wasn’t a big deal Why is it so important to them that no one talks about it?? They want to dictate what other people talk about, and make sure they’re not saying anything that makes them uncomfortable.

10 years ago

Also, it would not be a big deal if the guy/the other people involved in the project would just say “The shirt was inappropriate, sorry.”

It becomes a big deal when the response is to be defensive and shut the conversation down. Because then it immediately segues into “Why aren’t we allowed to talk about this? Why are you the arbiter of what is or isn’t relevant? Under what circumstances are we allowed to voice our concerns?”

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

… Even aside from everything else, why in the holy flying fuck did he think that shirt was even remotely appropriate for a literal rocket scientist to wear during a professional televised interview? Has he never had a 9-to-5 job, or even a summer job when he was a kid? Aaand now I have a headache.

Bloody hell, my brother (who’s also a literal rocket scientist and as much of a feminist as I am) is going to blow a fuse when he hears about this clusterfuck.

10 years ago

It just comes across as pathetic to have a shirt that’s covered in cartoon boobs and butts be the hill you choose to die on.

10 years ago

@cassandrakitty, I can definitely believe that… I’m just going on my first impressions on a GIF of it I saw, and haven’t watched the full video (and don’t really dare to).

10 years ago

But a woman designed it and she doesn’t know what the problem is! She’s a Cool Girl ™ not like these shrieking feminist harpies.