![I am here to eat your memory.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/redpanda-1.jpg?resize=500%2C334&ssl=1)
Oh, Firefox, I love your add-ons, but your memory leaks are killing me. And by “killing me” I mean “forcing me to restart you a lot more than I’d like to because of those damn memory leaks.”
Well guess what! One Men’s Rights Redditor has figured out the cause of these memory leaks, and all of Firefox’s other issues. It was Social Justice Warriors all along!
Hmm. I’m pretty sure Brendan Eich ushered himself out the door because his support of Prop 8 had caused a virtual revolt in the Mozilla community. You know, the people without whom Firefox could not continue to exist as a viable piece of software. But whatever. Somehow Firefox would be magically bug-free if the dude the Mozilla community rejected had stuck around anyway because … Men’s Rights?
Fur dudes who like to think of themselves as master logicians these guys aren’t terribly logical a lot of the time.
H/T — r/againstmensrights
Ah, so the constant freezing and force quitting I’ve been going through recently isn’t just a problem with my computer.
It’s those damn Social Justice Warriors! Somehow.
@Jono That’s misandry. Don’t you know that feminists are supposed to go out and fix those “What about the menz?” memory leaks? Not that they could because women and manginas, of course. Besides open source is just another scheme to trick the Glibertarians into contributing to the commons which are a tragedy. How dare you be discriminatory against their Objectiv(ly terrible)ism!
Jono: but from what I gather the “activism” part of Mens Rights Activism consists of demanding that others fix their problems for them and feeling oppressed when they don’t.
When they talk of the Linux kernel being “safe”, are they talking about the thing with the 0xB16B00B5 constant that got baked into the kernel? Because that would be both hilarious and sad.
So Brendan Eich helped start the company and served as the chief technical office for years, but he was supposed to have done something as CEO that would have fixed a problem the browser has had as long as I’ve been using it (~ten years)? Also his quick dismissal as CEO didn’t even have anything to do with MRA nonsense, it was because he donated to the Proposition 8 fund. You know, something that discriminated against the rights of gay men as much as it did against gay women?
I’m beginning to think when these people say they’re fighting for reason and logic, they’re not so much lying as just having no fucking clue what reason and logic are.
Safe for work, my ass. Those shoes are really inappropriate if she’s going to be mucking out the henhouse.
Let’s hear it for Havana, though. I think the bronze of a nude woman riding a domestic animal that’s closest to me right now is a Europa-and-the-bull fountain on the UT Knoxville campus.
I mean, I tried to get one closer but a) Beloved refused to spray-paint herself in a closed bedroom and b) the cats were contemptuous.
I could look up that statue on the Internets but I think if I learned anything about Cuba I’d be banished.
Browser Crashing: SJWs
Spilt coffee: SJWs
Less Games that I want: SJWs
More Games I don’t want: SJWs (Different but both VERY important points.)
Manly men not allowed to be manly: SJws
No Sun at night: SJWs
JFK Assassination: SJWs
Hilter: SJWs
Crime: SJWs
Income inequality: SJWs
Poverty: SJWs
Death itself: SJWs
Climate change: not real and totally a conspiracy by SJWs, if it is definately SJWs at work with the emissions from their latte foam.
The inevitable heat death of the universe: SJWs
By the way, the actual answer to the question is that the high memory usage is usually a bad interaction between Firefox and AdBlockPlus. https://blog.mozilla.org/nnethercote/2014/05/14/adblock-pluss-effect-on-firefoxs-memory-usage/ Note that in general, adblockers are going to use a lot of CPU and memory, as they check literally everything on the page and everything loaded by a script on the page.
I like to focus all my SJW powers on causing constipation. All of it. That’s all me. You’re welcome.
It’s alot of work, but…
Works what keeps us happy.
Lea, those bowls:
… I’m done. FOR NOW.
It’s not a memory leak, it’s the outcome of a bot network reminding women everywhere to go make their man a sammich.
Well, I’ll be damned! Them SJW!
Do you think if I wrote gendered slurs on all my post-its and stuck them onto the fridge, the light inside would turn back on?
contrapangloss ,
But, the bowls are are filled with mighty fine cereal flakes. You will love them.
Sorry, Raising Arizona is one of my favorite movies. H.I. and Ed remind me of a certain couple I know.
(It’s me and Hubby.)
Every now and then I erupt with a “I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, HI!” and get back, “I know ya do, honey.”
I’ve also taught kids (including my whole G.S. troop) the buddy system for years by telling them “You never leave a man behind!”
I think he’s right.
After all, it was feminism that made you all forget that WE hunted the mammoth.
Uhm… No… Firefox is not entirely open source. It uses some closed-source technologies that can’t show up in the code, something which is a source of controversy among the OS community. I know this because I am using Debian Linux which pre-installs Iceweasel, an entirely Open Source fork of Firefox, for this very reason. I have to say I prefer Iceweasel to Firefox; almost all the plugins work perfectly so far (I can’t seem to be able to run Seamonkey scripts, but Flashgot and DownThemAll work great) and it’s much more fast and stable. It’s the best of both worlds!
That being said, I prefer using Midori to either of them. It’s much faster, requires way fewer resources, supports HTML 5, and can even play YouTube videos perfectly on my 10YO laptop!
On a somewhat related note, the Mozilla Foundation recently came out against #Gamergate which pissed people like TheRalph.
Am I supposed to be negging my browser?
I need brain bleach immediately. I’ve been arguing on Facebook with idiots about Julien Blanc’s possible ban from the UK and I’ve just encountered a douche who has claimed in all seriousness that Julien’s harassment is the fault of the women he targets.
Aw shucks y’all. Old hands around here will realize that the reason I don’t post more is because my real-deal bro writes all the posts.
Also: tech guy here, the only non-open-source component of Firefox is the branding (name, icon, logo) which I believe are trademarked. The code itself is all open-source.
Buttercup: don’t forget to shove its head into your crotch while shouting “Pikachu!”
Answering the question about memory leaks above – when an application needs to store anything in the computer’s memory (say, the contents of a Firefox tab), it needs to first tell the operating system that it’s going to use that memory, so that the OS can set it aside for that application’s use. When you no longer need that thing in memory, the application is meant to signal to the OS to release the memory that it had set aside. But if you don’t eventually release everything you set aside, you end up taking up more and more memory over time with those unused leftover bits you’re holding on to. These can be deceptively complicated to track down, and I personally have never been good at it and use languages that handle it automatically – you’re the computer! Work it out for yourself.
Anyway. This also appeared on my Twitter feed today – they want you to know that a certain choice phrase is actually about gender equality.
Here I thought the high memory usage by Firefox was due to the fact that I usually have three or four windows open for work, each with over a dozen tabs, including several videos on YouTube (I have to watch my hockey highlights somewhere).
Firefox NEVER had any notable bugs or memory leaks when Brendan Eich was still at Mozilla. HOW LONG WILL WE ALLOW THIS POLITICALLY CORRECT MADNESS TO CONTINUE?! You can’t PROVE SJWs weren’t responsible for removing the Start menu from Windows 8. It’s entirely maybe almost slightly possible that the Heartbleed vulnerability was DELIBERATELY INTRODUCED TO OPENSSL as a feminist weapon by the developers, some of whom are ADMITTED women or woman-sympathizers. Also, note the rise of stronger gaming support for Linux (including Steam, yay!) coincides with the rise of the Men’s Rights Movement. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!
Davidknewton: “perks of being a woman in geek circles.”
What the fucking fuck?!?!?!