Oh, Firefox, I love your add-ons, but your memory leaks are killing me. And by “killing me” I mean “forcing me to restart you a lot more than I’d like to because of those damn memory leaks.”
Well guess what! One Men’s Rights Redditor has figured out the cause of these memory leaks, and all of Firefox’s other issues. It was Social Justice Warriors all along!
Hmm. I’m pretty sure Brendan Eich ushered himself out the door because his support of Prop 8 had caused a virtual revolt in the Mozilla community. You know, the people without whom Firefox could not continue to exist as a viable piece of software. But whatever. Somehow Firefox would be magically bug-free if the dude the Mozilla community rejected had stuck around anyway because … Men’s Rights?
Fur dudes who like to think of themselves as master logicians these guys aren’t terribly logical a lot of the time.
H/T — r/againstmensrights
My toaster stopped working. Connect the dots, sheeple. Connect. The. Dots.
So using GNOME (or Windows or Mac) would make me more of a misandrist? But I like my linux with KDE! But at least I also use FireFox. 😀 I need to do more misanering (did I write this right?), maybe I’ll get more scented candles. :3
God… you can just see the republican-of-the-future written all over this jerk. It’s that exact same “Everything would be perfect if you didn’t interfere with the natural order” line of thinking.
Eich has been involved with Netscape and Mozilla for a couple decades, most prominently as the creator and first implementer of JavaScript. He is probably responsible for more than his share of leaks being created in the first place. Not because he’s incompetent, but because resource leaks sort of come with the territory of writing a dynamic language runtime and plugging it into a document language that wasn’t designed to be programmable. This guy doesn’t want an Eich-led Mozilla, he wants Dillo or hv3 or something.
…because the CEO of Mozilla definitely does all their bug-fixing and error checking himself, right? I realize these are the same libertarian a-holes who argue that CEOs NEED to be paid ten thousand times as much as their employees because they do ten thousand times as much work, but still.
Eich had largely calmed things down inside Mozilla itself (because, apart from the bigotry, he was otherwise the ideal choice and everyone recognised that even if they were swallowing bile in the process). What got him was the end user revolt – charities in Australia publicly boycotting Firefox, OKCupid telling its users to boycott Firefox …
(Of course, it was frankly idiotic that neither he nor the board realised that his public bigotry would be the story, the whole story and the entirety of the story … because it had already made international news when the donation came out in 2012. And he could just about get away with it as a techie, but not as CEO.)
Alpha von Carousel, your username and your avatar combined are one of the best things I’ve seen on the Internet. xD
Rock on.
Thanks sunny, I lurk b/c I’m usually too lazy to log in.
So it’s SJWs that are causing my phone to turn itself off occasionally, my home wifi to disconnect at times, and my laptop screen to have a giant crack in it that looks like someone stepped on it.
Damn you all!
Oh wow. Ta sunnysombrera, I hadn’t really looked as I scrolled down.
Alpha von carousel — that avatar/nym combo is a thing of beauty.
Exactly. Stop lurking and comment more! 🙂
So…is that also how I got some sort of ad virus or something on Firefox and Safari, but not on Chrome?
@ sunnysombrera – Yes! Because SJW totally want all communication to grind to a standstill so that we, er, I mean they, they can take over the world!!
Do you not see the utterly perfect plot here? Connect teh dots, Sheeple!!eleventy!!
(I also think that Alpha von Carousel should win one free internet for the best avatar/nym combo evah!!)
Well, if only Mozilla had hired the right man for the job, instead of a diversity hire, they would have fixed this.
You know, because the CEO is personally responsible for programming, and only a straight white cis man can be the best choice.
I’m pissed because Firefox is no longer supporting my trusty ol’ G4 PowerBook. But that’s not the reason he’s gone.
Menz Rightz: Getting gay rights wrong since — uh, how long has Menz Rightz been a thing, again?
Ohhh you just remind me of this statue I saw in Havana where I realised that the red pill wisdom is quite universal!
(in case it doesn’t embed, don’t mind the link it’s pretty much sfw ^_^)
My interpretation was that, US blockade causing shortage of carousels, Cuban alpha-cock-riding ladies devised to replace them with forks to… uhm… propel?… or something.
Damn you SJWs! Were it not for your misandering the connection between my charger and motherboard would work and I wouldn’t have to buy a new laptop! I bet they’re to blame for the heating element in my oven breaking too! Misandry I tell you!
At this point there’s nothing bad that they won’t blame on “SJWs” is there? What’s next? An elaborate conspiracy theory about how the evil SJWs caused the earthquake leading to the Indian ocean tsunami of ’04. The power of our dread misandry caused the very earth to shake! We lead to destruction and doom everywhere we go!
This reminds me an awful lot of the Republican I once talked to who accused Obama of organising a vast conspiracy to make him miss an NFL match, because his wife accidentally TiVo’d over it with the State Of The Union address. I swear I’m not making this up.
What the hell is a memory leak? When the biggest thing you have to complain about is the browser you choose to use, you might as well just call your life meaningless. -_-
@ WWTH – Ummmm… Yeah us, woop, woop?
@ M. the Social Justice Ranger – Must be nice to be the centre of all attention everywhere like that. I mean, I’m pretty sure Obama doesn’t even know that I exist, let alone what sporting events I enjoy.
Sarah, I have that same photo of that statue in Havana. My boyfriend and I stared at it for quite some time trying to understand what exactly it was all about. Cock carousel…of course!!!
I don’t get it. Firefox is open source anyway. So if they’re so concerned about memory leaks, why don’t they look at the code themselves to try and fix it.