Today, the most pretentious, and also probably the most ridiculous GamerGate video I’ve seen so far.
Over black-and-white footage of assorted video game shooters, the YouTuber who calls himself PowerIndustry tries to provide a bit of inspiration to his comrades in the virtual trenches who have chosen, as he puts it, to “stand and fight.”
For those who can’t make it through the whole nine minutes– and there may be more than a few of you – here’s Mr. PI’s basic argument.
Be warned: his sentences can get a little long and convoluted and at times he doesn’t seem to know what the words he’s using actually mean. Roll with it.
He starts off with a description of GamerGate that might strike you just as a teensy bit overwrought.
This is a war. A war of the dialectics. A battle not just for the culture of gaming, for ethics in journalism, but perhaps the final battle of logic and reason in the modern Western world. Gawker, Kotaku and all the other political hacks know that they will have to break us and this movement, for if they do, with the most powerful medium at their disposal, they will be able to broadcast and control all intellectual ideas and messages for their corrupt and vile ideology, and video games, along with all mediums and media, will sink into a dark age not since seen or heard of, made only perhaps more sinister by the pollution of the pseudo-intellectualism that may very well dominate all it touches for generations.
Yes, that second sentence there was 92 words long.
But if we hold strong upon this war, if we endure upon the hit pieces and lies and fight back, if we remain sovereign and strong and respond with a resonating and sustaining yell of “no, not one step further” then not only will they be driven back to the idiological darkness from which they came but a new dawn shall shine its light back upon reason, back upon truth and honor. And not only will ethics return to journalism but the cultural Marxists who seek only to control and oppress those they pretend to speak for will find themselves for the first time in ten years on the defensive and the war taken to their front.
He goes on in this vein for some time, before finishing up with what he intends to be a rousing pep talk.
To you weary, who wonder now as I drivel on as I always have, wonder whether you will have the strength to continue, or if our battle has been in vain, and that soon GamerGate may plunge into darkness I say to you this: Do not despair. The shield of deception and lies has never once stopped even the weakest parry of the sword of truth, for it is truth that has driven back the darkness from the primordial age, it has turned huts to nations and nations to civilizations, it has pumped electricity into your home and put the sun at the center of the solar system, it has brought the world closer to becoming the sons of gods we were meant to be, [?] apes that we but a few million years ago closely resembled. …
Truth will prevail, as long as there are men who are willing to carry the light.
In his mind, the evil enemies of truth and gaming have
made a fatal miscalculation.
They have forgotten that we are gamers. That we on a daily basis fight and die a thousand deaths in a humiliating and ego-shattering fashion for perhaps a single taste of glory.
Or perhaps just a taste of Mountain Dew.
We are a breed that will fight a thousand wars for a chance of a single victory. … We will not stop fighting until the final boss falls at our feet.
He continues on with more of this “never surrender” nonsense, but I think you’ve probably gotten the gist of it. And I find myself too annoyed to keep transcribing.
![GamerGaters love militaristic bombast, in this case borrowed from the tabletop game Warhammer40k](
Which, by the way, YOU ARE.
Look , I enjoy video games too, including Call of Duty and other first person shooters.
There are no “millions of gaming dead.” They’re PIXELS ON A SCREEN.
Your “movement” for “Truth” and “Reason” started off as a harassment campaign aimed at a female game developer. And at its heart it remains a harassment campaign today, albeit one with a somewhat wider range of targets and some nobler-sounding rhetoric.
Which often ends up sounding as ridiculous as this risibly bombastic little video does.
But the REAL problem with this video isn’t just that it’s ridiculous; that’s pretty much the only thing that makes it watchable.
No, the real problem is that it’s fundamentally dishonest as well. Its vague and pompous rhetoric is designed to hide what GamerGaters are actually doing in this “war” of theirs – that is, trying to ruin the lives and livelihoods of game writers (and critics and developers) who’ve gotten bored with hackneyed sexist tropes and endless Call of Duty sequels and who’ve dared to say so publicly.
In his famous essay Politics and the English Language, George Orwell tried to figure out just what made so much political writing so very bad. “As soon as certain topics are raised,” he noted,
the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated henhouse.
That of course is a perfect description of the rhetoric in PowerIndustry’s little video.
Orwell realized that this kind of bad writing didn’t just stem from a lack of imagination. No, he argued, political language sinks into clichés and vague writing generally because, in so many cases, political writers are trying to obscure the ugly realities of politics with pretty rhetoric.
In our time [he was writing in 1946], political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible. …Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Millions of peasants are robbed of their farms and sent trudging along the roads with no more than they can carry: this is called transfer of population or rectification of frontiers. … Such phraseology is needed if one wants to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.
Obviously GamerGaters aren’t razing villages or throwing peasants off of their farms. But they are harassing and in some cases terrorising their chosen enemies in the name of “Truth” and “Reason” and “Ethics.
And while few pieces of GamerGate are quite as ridiculously bombastic and overblown as “For Those Who Stand and Fight,” much if not most of GamerGate rhetoric is as fundamentally dishonest in its attempts, as Orwell would put it, to defend the indefensible.
Most of us outside of GamerGate can see this propaganda for what it is. Which is perhaps why so much GamerGate propaganda – including this video – is intended primarily for internal consumption, as a way to shore up the flagging spirits of new activists and convince them what they are doing is a noble thing.
The best way for us to fight rhetoric like the rhetoric in this video isn’t with detailed rebuttals but with laughter.
So mock on, comrades, we have a culture war to win! With your help, and a little luck, we can defeat GamerGate and plunge western civilization into a new dark age just in time for Christmas.
These guys don’t understand the implications of their own terminology. It’s “social justice warrior” versus “gamergate.” Of the two characters described in these two expressions, the warrior and the gamer, who would you rather have on your side in a fight? Who would you expect to find better prepared for a real combat, a real conflict? Which of the the two would be more likely to be a serious contender at anything you might want to mention, mockery included?
OTOH, kudos to that fella for suggesting that it was the Sword of Truth that put the sun in the center of the solar system. My impression was that the sun started out in the center of the solar system and never needed Richard Rahl to save the day but let’s face it, the Sword of Truth version is way more fun.
Yeah. He’s “Not a #Gater, but…” like all those “I’m not a Republican, but…” and “I’m not a racist, but…” types.
Given that quote and his written work, it looks like he basically just hedging as much as humanly possible. Seems like he lumps SJ folks, MRAs, feminists, and gamergaters all together under the heading of drama raisers.
Given the tone of the written piece I linked to, it looks like he’s hedging towards gamergate because they’re the ones yelling at him. Hyper-apathetic without realizing (or maybe just not caring) that he’s adding fuel to the fire.
On the other hand, fuck that noise about the threats not being credible because Anita is still alive. Fuck everything about that.
Oh, wow, I just saw one of his tweets that I assume is connected to the quote M posted. I mean, he’s basically saying “I acknowledge that Anita has received many rape and death threats, but they don’t mean anything and I’m going to ignore any connections they have with Gamergate.” I don’t get how hard it is to just agree that spamming someone with horrible threats is an awful thing to do, whether they’re ‘credible’ or not. (Plus it’s not always possible to tell if a threat is credible, but that’s another topic.)
Yeah, I’m disappointed in the guy now, I was never really into his videos but I thought he’d at least try to stay out of it. Thanks for providing some information, everyone!
I think this is the result of him trying to stay out of it. I honestly think he feels obligated to make a statement because of his status as a famous figure, but doesn’t want to anger any of his fans so he goes with the side that has “game” in it.
In trying to be neutral and detached, he basically just starts digging a very deep hole.
@kirbywarp, I do see your point, I just don’t really get how someone can talk about how constant harassment isn’t that bad because the person is still alive (because we all know threats totally aren’t credible if the person comes out alive/unharmed!) and then think ‘yeah, that sounded totally fair.’ It doesn’t even have anything to do with ethics or video games, surely he could’ve picked a better point to side with GG on.
Not that I disagree with you, just it says a lot about him personally if he thought that was a reasonable point to make. Again, thank you for the information!
OMG I love this so much. You’re aware that you and this article are the butt of a massive joke, right?
Yeah, that TotalBiscuit position is disappointing, although I’ve never been a big fan. I prefer Errant Signal, who tries to develop some actual games criticism and has great analyses (I recommend his videos of Half Life’s female companion figure and the mechanics of Assassin’s Creed games.)
Thus Spake Zarakirbywarp :
TotalBiscuit is not a sucker; he’s a hypocrite. He’s a gaming journalist who has taken undisclosed sums of money from software companies to promote their games in his YouTube series, but that hasn’t stopped him from joining the gamergitz and whining about behind-the-scenes “corruption” at game review sites. “Ethics in gaming journalism” indeed.
I have no idea who that d00d is but I have head this from men all my life. It can’t have been all that bad cuz you aren’t dead.
It is the second rule of misogyny.
The first rule is that women are responsible for what men do to them.
So even if you are dead it is your own fault.
No, you’re right. The things he said, whatever the intention, paint a very poor picture of him as a person.
@Pocket Nerd:
Yeesh. That really hits hard when one of his primary interests (as stated by him) are “Industry Corruption.” Also really highlights (as if it needed to be any further) that gamergate is not about ethics in games journalism, it’s about harassing women.
Even better, the guy who made this video has made even MORE overlly-dramatic videos! Here they are:
“GamerGate: Censorship”:
“GamerGate: The Manhatten Project”:
“GamerGate: Wounded Warrior Project”:
Also, looking through his past videos, he seems to be your average /v/ user.
Shorter TotalBiscuit: Hey, at least she’s not dead, right?
No, of course not dead. Just facing death threats CONSTANTLY. And being forced to cancel appearances because of them.
What part of all this is NOT “credible”?
Meanwhile, as I see it hasn’t been mentioned yet, Adam Baldwin has horked up one helluva hairball.
The right-wing opportunists hanging on GamerGate have a clear grasp of what the whole thing is about; they can recognize bullshit obfuscation because they’re used to making it up all the time.
On the plus side, the comments on the article are, for once, not hellish. In fact, they’re downright decent!
Dear Mr. Baldwin, please stop being awful. Even Jayne had occasional breakthroughs in which he almost became a decent person.
David, this site is so awesome that MRA-blogger wannabes come begging to be mocked!
It’s like, they need the validation of *people laughing at them*. That’s some sad shit.
I guess anti-GGers have the memory span of a fruit fly? Who kicked off the “war” rhetoric, particularly “culture war”? It was not us.
Please approve/don’t delete this comment.
It is sad. Also hypocritical since they always whine about femaaales being “attention whores” but I’ve never seen people more desperate for attention than the manurespherians who make their way here.
The reddit thread where the GGer proclaims he’s black, that’s oddly like a comment I got a few days ago after I posted on tumblr that I thought that their invasion was unlikely to trick anyone on tumblr be they female or not, and I got this non-sequitor response:
And I was like “???” because I hadn’t said anything about anyone’s race or anyone not being real and this reply felt really stilted, like it was a canned response that someone had decided was supposed to just get me to stop in my tracks or something? We ended up having a brief argument that I gave up on after a few silly rounds and their last reply was basically “you SJWs are all about emotion and emotions have nothing to do with Gamergate” which I believe when I read that, I made a long raspberry sound, lord how do these boys comb their hair in the morning if they never seem capable of seeing their own reflection for even a second? lol
On the Internets, nobody knows you’re black. Unless you tell them. And even then, in the case of GamerGomers, it could just be that you’re wearing black socks.
Or it’s the ingrained all-over grime, if they attended the Roosh School of Dude Hygiene.
Well, that was completely surreal.
TIL that gamergate is a movement fighting for “reason, truth and honor” by harrassing and doxxing women who criticize misogyny in video games. Or make video games they don’t like. Or, you know, exist.