#gamergate 8chan

#GamerGate's new theme song is possibly the worst thing unleashed on the internet since, well, #GamerGate

Brace yourself, because there’s really no way to prepare you for how terrible this song is.

The lyrics are a bit difficult to figure out using, you know, your ears, so watch this in fullscreen mode so you can read them.

And no, this isn’t a joke. It’s a serious song made by serious #GamerGaters on 8chan. See this thread, or the GamerGareSings Twitter, for more details.

They are hard at work on more of these.  A lot more. Here are a couple of works-in-progress. Put them in your ears if you dare.

Do they have a GamerGate version of Bohemian Rhapsody? Why yes, they do.

Do they have one dedicated to their imaginary girlfriend, Vivian James? Why yes, they do.

Wash all of this out of your brain with some awesome music from Kiss!

If only Kiss really did sound like this. If only the GamerGaters sounded like this!



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10 years ago

Apologies, kittehserf, apologies filmrunner, this isn’t the thread for it and I should have let it lie.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

That’s cool, humourlessRadicalFeminazi. 🙂

Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

Awww, we have Gators in here. How cute~!

10 years ago

Claiming Vivian James isn’t ever sexualized. Um, okay.

10 years ago

I have something that will really piss them off, then! It will make everyone else happy though.

So, I haven’t played games in years, partly because of the gross toxic culture that grew up around them starting in the 90s, but I may actually make the effort to get a hold of this game because, well, look how gorgeous this is, plus, think that having it exist will mean to some of the people who that toxic culture has been working so hard to drive away.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

That’s a beautiful piece of animation. Not being into games, I was wishing it was a film, ‘cos I’d love to watch it.

10 years ago

@Leader of Gamergate:

Three months, and not a single woman has left. Gee willigers, we must be pretty bad at forcing women out of games. It’s almost as if this is actually about corrupt journalism!

Mattie Brice and Jenn Frank, both of whom were covered in this post on this very blog. Zoe Quinn has tweeted that she keeps a folder dedicated to women who have told her privately they have decided to peace out because of all the harassment. If there aren’t more obvious public examples, it’s only because the high-profile women have been so dang strong (Brianna Wu).

She’s /v/’s daughter. Part of the reason they say “Don’t sexualize the Vivian”.

One thing you may not have realized is that what gamergate says and what gamergate does are very different. Evidence? The 4chan thread here. Not safe for life. You have been warned.

10 years ago

I think of all the links dimension left behind, the one featuring the alleged feminist who self-describes as “moderate pro-GGer” is the most iffy and amusing. There’s an image of some supposed anti-GGer shit written down on a piece of paper with some, um, other stuff that was unclear. I dunno. Later in the thread, two gators criticize her feminism. At one point she posted “patriarchy” is real, and some gator replied that it’s not — is just a word SJW’s evil PR people invented to demonize men.
Yeah, thanks for sharing, dimension. Err, did you think that link made feminism look bad or gators? I’m not sure what you were going for. I guess I’ll have to look at the others, too.

10 years ago

Self-important trilbybros tickle my funny bone and make me really sad at the same time.

“Trilbybros” really does need to catch on.

10 years ago

Three months, and not a single woman has left.

Well, if you’re referring to #notyourshield socks, who are indeed your shields, then maybe that’s correct. Otherwise, as kirbywarp has noted above, numerous women (some named, most not) have been forced out.

Troll harder, emo kid.

10 years ago

Being the good lockstep Social Justice Warriors that you are, you’ll pretend this isn’t happening. The proof is supplied below for any among you who may have a shred of honesty left. The rest of you can go back to flinging shit and lying like your kind always do.

Pompous teal deers get no respect from me. Piss off.

10 years ago

Aww, look. I found ambient dimension’s copypasta source.

Dimension, let’s pretend that every single link is an accurate and true event of gamergaters being harassed and/or doxxed.

Ssssssso what?

Every single one of the people who did those things (assuming they were done) is a scumbag. Does it mean gamergate hasn’t been harassing and sending death threats to women? Nope. Does it mean their cause is valid? Nope. Does it mean gamergate really is about ethics in game journalism? Nadda.

All it means is that shitty people exist, possibly ones on our “side.” If you haven’t been paying attention, there’s been quite a bit of turmoil in SJ folks speaking out against high-profile individuals who were considered to be thought leaders, but then they go and say something stupidly racist or sexist.

Gamergate started with harassing and doxxing and threatening the hell out of Zoe Quinn. The original folks used “ethics in games journalism” as a cover. This is a fact. Gamergaters continue target women despite real ethical problems in games journalism, which gamergate does not address. This is also a fact.

You can’t say anything similar about the anti-gg “side,” because there is no anti-gg movement. There are SJ folks who were being targeted, there are assholes who happen to want to harass GGers instead of SJ folks, there are people who don’t give a damn about any of it but recognize that GG is a hate movement. There is no “side” here. Many of the links I bothered to check kinda just assume that SJWs are the enemy, so they must be the ones doxxing.

Seriously, my condolences to everyone who has been doxxed and harassed. There’s no excuse for it. But as for me, my argument against gamergate doesn’t weaken if some gamergaters get harassed, or if not every gamergater is a white male, or if there aren’t real problems in games journalism. The Westboro Baptist Church most likely gets tons of harassment, most likely death threats as well. Doesn’t mean they aren’t shitty people, just means that even the shittiest people don’t deserve harassment.

10 years ago

*if there are real problems in games journalism

10 years ago

Not to mention, gamergate has poisoned the well already by setting itself against a fabricated conspiracy that they can argue is behind every bad thing that happens ever to anybody. Nobody has any reason to take you guys seriously when your movement is dedicated to deceit and misdirection, or argue seriously about who is harassing who when your fundamental claim is that women are harassing themselves to get pity points to use against gg.

10 years ago

Honestly, GG is utterly pointless imo. Even if this were about ethics in video games, let’s just pretend that, that is accurate for a moment, the level of hyperbole and vitriol really doesn’t match the “purpose” of the movement. And tbh I have no idea what the ethics conundrum even is since they don’t seem to make any effort about actually educating people about what it is that they think is the problem.

I love to play video games, and have particular ones that I will watch out for new releases, but honestly I never read video game news and tend to just look and see what the game is about and typically test it out if I think I might like it, or wait til it goes on sale. Do people actually take these reviews that seriously? I don’t get it.

10 years ago


The best I can figure is that they want to limit what reviewers talk about. To hear them explain it, they think that SJWs have taken over the industry and are forcing everyone to talk about sexism and so forth. Their response, however, is to force everyone to not talk about sexism.

And yeah, some people do actually take reviews that seriously. Outside of gamergate even. Wasn’t there numerous hissy fits about some games like GTA V being rated lower due to sexism, and they demanded the scores be raised? Happened to a couple other games as well.

For all gg’s talk of creating an open market for games, they are particularly intent on making sure that market only caters to them.

10 years ago

That word proof? I do not think it means what you think it means.

10 years ago

What the hell did I just listen to? Why the hell would anyone think that that was a good idea? Why would anyone think that creepy reference to “journos that are still alive” would come off as anything other than creepy?

Why is there a Vivian James theme song to the tune of “The Circle of Life?”

And, seriously, everything kirbywarp said.

And LOL at the troll who claimed Vivian James wasn’t being sexualized.

10 years ago

GGers who made this are comparing themselves to a psychopathic misanthropic AI whose sole purpose in life is terrorizing and then killing humans.

They did not think this through.

Seriously, how do you take lines like “We do what we must because we can” and assume those are great lyrics to use in support of yourselves?

These are the same people who saw Fight Club and took it completely at face value.

10 years ago

Ooh ooh ooh! Forgot about this:

Do you deliberately set out to misread the lyrics, or is it a simple failure to read properly? They refer to the simple fact that YOUR anti-GG side is busy doxxing people, making threats, getting them fired, sending syringes through the mail and making racial attacks.

Let’s look at the lyrics, shall we?

This was a triumph.
We’re making some posts here:
It’s hard to overstate our satisfaction.
Gamergate hashtag
We do what we must
because we can.

“We do what we must because we can” is the line GLADos uses to justify all the sciencey science Aperture does, which results in deaths and inhumane treatment. “Because we can” is an irresponsible excuse to do anything, wouldn’t you say?

For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are doxxed.

Note again that the original lyrics refer to the ones who are dead. Who killed them? The “us,” and the “we.” Namely, Aperture Science. Here, that implies that “gamergate hashtag” is the one doing the doxxing.

But there’s no sense crying
over every mistake

Further reinforcement of gamergate doing the doxxing, dismissing those doxxes as just a mistake. In the original, to GLADos and to Aperture, the deaths are unfortunate impediments to their progress rather than serious ethical concerns. But hey, no use crying over our mistake, just keep on trying.

You just keep on trying
even though you’re a fake.

Pop quiz time! Who does the “You” refer to here:
a) Someone mentioned earlier in the song, and the only subject given so far
b) Someone not mentioned earlier in the song

If you guessed b)… Well, you’re wrong. I made it pretty obvious what the answer was there. You’re a bad guesser. It was true of the original; “you” referred to the scientists at Aperture. It’s still true, because that’s what you get when you just copy most of the lyrics over. Sorry guys, but you’re calling yourselves fakes here.

You’ll have your moment of fame
when you make a neat game.
For the gamers who are
still alive.

Given the “you” referrent, this makes very little sense.

So, QED, gamergate through these lyrics admit to doxxing, call themselves fakes, and describe themselves the way the GLADos (unintentionally) describes Aperture; unequpped morally to handle the power they’ve been given.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

She’s /v/’s daughter.

Yep, that’s why the pages and pages and pages of porn pass by eyeroll-worthy, zoom past creepy and land in incestuous, paedophillic and all-around fucking disgusting territory.

10 years ago

I can’t help but wonder how good they are at gaming if they are this bad at thinking..

10 years ago

Funny fact, M. In the thread where 4chan was creating Vivian, there was a debate of who she should be. Early in the thread she was described as /v/’s sister, but other people decided she should be /v/’s daughter to try to stem some of the tide of porn.

It… didn’t work.

10 years ago


Why is there a Vivian James theme song to the tune of “The Circle of Life?”

If the lyrics aren’t thus:

Video games, Vidya Video games. x20

Games. x100

I’ll be disappointed.

10 years ago

Regarding the Vivian James character, it only becomes more horrifying when you realize that her green and purple theme colors are based on a rape joke.