#gamergate 8chan

#GamerGate's new theme song is possibly the worst thing unleashed on the internet since, well, #GamerGate

Brace yourself, because there’s really no way to prepare you for how terrible this song is.

The lyrics are a bit difficult to figure out using, you know, your ears, so watch this in fullscreen mode so you can read them.

And no, this isn’t a joke. It’s a serious song made by serious #GamerGaters on 8chan. See this thread, or the GamerGareSings Twitter, for more details.

They are hard at work on more of these.  A lot more. Here are a couple of works-in-progress. Put them in your ears if you dare.

Do they have a GamerGate version of Bohemian Rhapsody? Why yes, they do.

Do they have one dedicated to their imaginary girlfriend, Vivian James? Why yes, they do.

Wash all of this out of your brain with some awesome music from Kiss!

If only Kiss really did sound like this. If only the GamerGaters sounded like this!



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10 years ago

Lol, the fuck did I just listen to. It’s official, #GamerGate has become incomprehensible to anyone except #GameGate.

A person
A person
10 years ago

I predict that soon Jonathon Coulton will issue a statement distancing himself from this version of “Still Alive”

10 years ago


10 years ago

Are you SURE that wasn’t a joke? Because it was pretty funny.

10 years ago

I never thought I’d say this, but they should talk to the dude who did the Fuck Your Shit Up song for AVFM. It was terrible, but at least you could understand the words and it wasn’t guilty of extreme vocaloid abuse.

10 years ago

Oh wow, they really weren’t kidding about the shitty vocals on the Bohemian Rhapsody one.

10 years ago

Wasn’t the murderous robot voice in Portal the bad guy? Maybe they are becoming self aware, finally?

I’m not sure what the point of emailing Gawker sponsors was supposed to be… I guess they were really mad that a Gawker writer tweeted a joke about nerds? I mean, you have every right to boycott a publishing company if you take offence to the things they say, but don’t pretend you’re some bastion of “free speech”. They’re like an exaggerated, bizarro version of everything they accuse “SJW”s of being.

Although if they plan to stop harassing women, attacking game critics, and having tantrums on the internet so that they can focus their efforts on just being pains in the ass to Gawker, I don’t think anyone would mind much.

Andrew Johnston
10 years ago

@magnesium: Not only was Glados the bad guy, she was also a liar by her own admission. Every line in “Still Alive” is a lie, and I don’t feel that this was especially subtle. These guys who obsess over video games don’t seem like they understand them all that well.

10 years ago

I still don’t understand what their beef with Gawker is? Is it that Jezebel exists, and Kotaku has occasional moments of “hey, maybe we should be a teeny bit less sexist (racism is still cool, though), or is this about Adrien Chen going after Violentacrez?

Andrew Johnston
10 years ago

One thing: Could someone here clue me in on what that crap about dropped sponsors was supposed to mean? They’re claiming some sort of victory here, and I’m not sure what it’s meant to be. Hell, I didn’t even think these idiots had an end game beyond “yell at people via Twitter.”

10 years ago

I find that first one amusing, because it’s based on “Still Alive”, sung by the rogue AI GLaDOS in the end credits of Portal 1. Just a leetle bit ironic that Gamergate would choose a song from a character who can be described as murderous and amoral at best.

10 years ago

This is a pretty fantastic example of missing the point of a parody. Still Alive was GlaDOS passive aggressively attacking the player for defeating her and saying she doesn’t care anyway because she still has so many awesome things to do.

Actually, this song fits gamergate disturbingly well. Are we sure this isn’t a joke? This is either a brilliant critique of gamergate or a product of a lack of awareness of such magnitude that I’m amazed it didn’t create a black hole and devour the Earth.

10 years ago

…okay, how did they make a voice synthesizer sing off-key?

(I want to say something witty about how this song is another example of GamerGaters equating themselves, apparently without irony, with THE VILLAIN of a piece of media, but really at this point what else is there to say? ‘Yes, here is this song sung from the perspective of a murderous power-mad AI angry at the woman who almost destroyed it in self-defense after said murderous AI, you know, killed a bunch of people. What a perfect representation of the #GG movement!’)

10 years ago

Damn, that is some seriously bad shit. Almost as bad as a horrible RAC “cover” of “Fight For Your Right (To Party)” I heard one time. Good job at being slightly better than neo-nazis skinheads, gg (you know, for those among you who are not neo-nazi skinheads, since there appears to be a fair bit of crossover between those two groups)?

10 years ago

Do I dare to click that play button? Or do I heed the previous commenters and nopetopus out?

10 years ago

Being a skinhead would require actually shaving their heads occasionally, or getting someone else to do it for them, but of which seem like way too much effort for our trusty fedorakin to be willing to put into their appearance.

10 years ago

@cassandrakitty: Can I give you an internet cookie? Because your post was magnificently hilarious. XD

10 years ago

Oatmeal raisin, please! Misandering properly requires a lot of fiber.

10 years ago

@cassandrakitty: Undoubtedly. How can you shit all over men, maleness, and general decency if you are constipated? XD

10 years ago

cassandra: “trusty” or “crusty”?

10 years ago


Why can’t it be both?

10 years ago

I don’t think it’s a Vocaloid or any other synthesizer, they credited an actual vocalist and she commented on the video about it.

Which is very relieving to me because I love Vocaloid and don’t want it associated with this

10 years ago

I . . . what? What was that? I can’t even . . .

Why would they not be alive? How is that an inspirational message to other GGers? Are they trying to suggest they have legitimate fear of bodily harm? The hyperbole is astounding.

10 years ago

Perhaps they think that people habitually post terrible music on the internet from beyond the grave?

10 years ago

Huh. Apparently Poe’s Law also applies to Gamergaters.

Seriously, I can’t tell if this is a stealth parody or not.

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