all about the menz douchebaggery harassment irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy PUA rape culture rhymes with roosh sexual assault sexual exploitation sexual harassment

Can the Julien Blanc problem be solved with … more patriarchy? One misogynistic douchebag says yes.

Patriarchy: Also good for protection against hell lizards.
Patriarchy: Also good for protection against hell lizards.

One favorite tool in the misogynist’s toolkit is the old “if women want to be protected from violent men it proves they need patriarchy” argument. It’s a rather silly argument, but those making it tend to do so with enormous smugness, feeling that they’ve got the ultimate “gotcha” to use against feminists.

Cast in point: A post today on Roosh V’s reliably horrendous Return of Kings blog arguing that, as its title puts it, “#TakeDownJulienBlanc Shows Feminists Need The Patriarchy To Protect Them.” Never mind that the woman-led campaign against the abusive pickup artist seems to be doing pretty well already.

“Well feminists, I’ve been waiting for this a long time, and it’s finally come,” the ROK contributor who calls himself runsonmagic writes. “I’ve been waiting for the day you’d ask us to bring back patriarchy.”

He’s so obviously and so extravagantly pleased with himself here you could probably see his smug grin from space.

His “smoking gun?” A comment that #TakeDownJulienBlanc organizer Jenn Li made in a video about the campaign she started.

Describing the video in which Blanc told a room of tittering men that the best way to pick up women in Japan is by literally grabbing them while shouting “Pikachu,” she wonders aloud why women should be put in the position of having to defend themselves against being assaulted by socially stunted wannabe PUAs.

Or, as she puts it,

The responsibility shouldn’t be on the women. It should be on these nasty ass men.

That is, she thinks that the “nasty ass men” in Blanc’s audience giggling at his stories about assaulting women should have enough self-control to, you know, not grab women they don’t know and put them in headlocks because some creepy “dating” guru tells them it’s a good idea. That sounds pretty reasonable to me, as I suspect it does for most non-nasty-ass men.

But runsonmagic decides that what Li is really saying is that she

doesn’t want to fight her her own battles. She wants a men [sic] to protect her. And she isn’t alone. Many of the #TakeDownJulienBlanc tweets echo the same sentiment. Why aren’t men stopping men like this?

His conclusion: “Feminists Need Patriarchy To Save Them From Julien Blanc.”

Filling in the rest of runsonmagic’s post is a bit like playing connect the dots; you pretty much can tell what the picture is going to look like by just glancing at it.

He begins with an idealized vision of patriarchy in which men are the wise protectors of their women.

It used to be if a man was abusing or harassing women, the older men of that community would get together and teach the young man a lesson. Fathers in particular would teach their sons to be respectful of women. This system of men maintaining order was known as patriarchy. The word patriarch literally means rule by fathers.

Now, in the absence of patriarchy and male organizations, women only have ineffective government organizations, Twitter, and petitions to turn to.

Huh. Men have access to all these things too. And the women, men and everyone else involved in #TakeDownJulienBlanc has been doing a pretty good job of making use of the tools that are open to all of us in democratic societies.

Apparently forgetting that he has been mocking feminist women for relying on men for protection, runsonmagic takes a few swipes at Li for talking about defending herself from assault with a taser.

Are you so frightened of men that you carry a weapon at all times? Or is this just a violent power fantasy you indulge in, in the absence of any real power? You live in Washington D.C. If you don’t feel safe walking the streets in the city with the most government of any place in the world, who can you turn to for protection?

Uh, possibly the police? The people we pay with our taxes to ostensibly “serve and protect” us from crime?

Yes, proud patriarch, most police officers are men. Is this proof that women need “patriarchy” to protect them? No more than the fact that most teachers are women means that men need matriarchy in order to be educated.

But to runsonmagic

#TakeDownJulienBlanc is a cry for help, a damsel in distress trope.

Oh lord, is runsonmagic a #GamerGater too?

I say this not to be mean, because I truly want each and every woman tweeting that to feel safe and secure, but because I believe what will make those women most secure is being surrounded by strong men, who’ve been raised by their fathers to behave honorably and justly. Patriarchy is what make women feel safe, which is why survey after survey says that conservative married women are the most happy and sexually satisfied demographic in America.

This is a favorite argument of patriarchy (and marriage)  fetishists, but it’s not that simple. The study often cited as proof that married women are safer than single women also notes that the safest demographic of all is … widows.

So instead of arguing that women who want to feel safe should run out and marry the first guy who seems interested, perhaps the marriage-promoters should be arguing that women should marry and then, er, somehow have their husbands die?

These dark speculations aside, study after study after study after study find that domestic violence rates tend to be highest amongst those with traditional – that is, patriarchal – values, as I pointed out in a previous post. Blanc’s own behavior towards women seems to be rooted, at least in part, by the notion that in some fundamental way their bodies belong to him to do with what he pleases. That’s a pretty patriarchal idea.

But runsonmagic has moved on, declaring (based on nothing but speculation) that Julien Blanc’s seemingly sociopathic behavior must be the fault of his mother, whom runsonmagic has simply decided was single. Noting Blanc’s evident delight that he was able to assault multiple Japanese women and get away scott-free, runsonmagic writes

“I didn’t know how much I could get away with,” is the voice of a child who was never taught boundaries. It is the voice of a child who never had a father to teach him right from wrong, or to give him meaningful challenges by which to discover the limits and abilities of his own powers. …

I have no doubt that Julien is relishing much of the controversy that surrounds him now. No one would give him attention when he was a fatherless young man who wanted girls to talk to him, and now he’s got his own hashtag. …

When I see Julien, I don’t see a monster. Julien is what men become when they are raised by only women, and told women’s attention is what defines their worth.

I tried to find evidence of Blanc’s alleged “fatherlessness,” but was only able to find evidence that there was a famous French “romancier” by the name of  Julien Blanc  who was fatherless. And apparently motherless, too, after the age of eight. They’re definitely not the same guy, as the older Blanc died in 1951. Presumably the current douchebag “romancier” calling himself Julien Blanc borrowed his name from the dead guy.

If feminists truly wanted to #TakeDownJulienBlanc and keep men like him from ever becoming a problem again, they would make sure their sons grew up with fathers who were present active parts of their life. They would give attention to men they respect, rather than only engaging men who choke them and call them “dog.” And they would encourage the men in their lives to band together and lead their communities.

Or they could, you know, organize on the internet to shut down Blanc’s venues and get him tossed out of the countries he tries to bring his toxic teachings – and behavior – to. So far, that’s been working.

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10 years ago

freemage – I ended up with a new cat unexpectedly. I kept him isolated for about a week but I also put blankets or towels in there that I would swap out with blankets/towels my other cats would hang out on. When I finally let him out there was some angst but for the most part, it went well. The new kitty was just over 3 and the other 2 were 7 and 16 respectively. Here is a picture of Huckleberry

10 years ago

I just want runsonbullshit to cuddle a cactus

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

acrannymint – give Huckleberry an extra cuddle from me, please? He is so adorbs.

10 years ago

What does RoK mean by “Conservatively married”? I mean, I’m guessing it means monogamist, one man one woman, but many people would be in such a relationship (Myself included) and not consider anything about it conservative, with gender roles being fairly equal and mutually supportive. And I don’t think the “Equal sharing of domestic/parenting/supportive duties” is what they mean by conservative either.

10 years ago

kitteserf – he is a purr monkey and extremely talkative. He is very good with the oldest
cat but is kind of an asshole with the other one sometimes.

10 years ago

This is the coolest boy-and-his-dog duo I’ve ever seen

10 years ago

Kittesherf – sorry for screwing up the name and by the way love the whole guy fawkes look with the hair, mustache and beard.

10 years ago

Oh my dear paws and whiskers you did not mistake Louis for Guy Fawkes/nononono

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

acrannymint – no worries, I didn’t even see the typo till you mentioned it!

Thanks, too! The cool dude in the pic isn’t me, it’s Mr Kittehserf. He’s been sporting that look a very long time – he’s in Spirit and is a younger contemporary of Fawkes, actually. Funny thing is, Fawkes didn’t wear that style at all; it’s from later. He was a redhead with a full beard, if the only engravings are anything to go by (part seventy million of “do not believe Hollywood about anything,” lol.)×300.jpg

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

thebewilderness, ROFL!

10 years ago

Kittehs, of I ever meet Louis, may I please, please, pease call him Guy? Once? Or Fawkesy? (Hypothetically, if I ever wander into that corner of the other side, preferably after getting well into my old-geezer years)

Wait, better question: if I did so, would he laugh and find it hilarious, or would he find it really annoying? Because if it’s laughable, then I’d totally go for it and call him Fawkesy all the time.

If he’d hate it… I don’t like making people all sorts of uncomfy, so I’d rather not meet someone by annoying the living daylights out of them.

Teasing between friends, fun. Teasing until it’s no longer friendly, not cool.

10 years ago

Some brain bleach for fans of Doctor Who and/or Peter Capaldi. He recorded this for a kid with autism grieving the death of his nanny. Squee!

10 years ago

So as far as the OP goes, maybe he shares the adjective describes a particular noun language problem a couple of trolls a week or two back had; the ones who kept conflating toxic masculinity with masculinity. This guy hears “these nasty ass men” are responsible for their crappy behavior and should stop it and translates this into “men should protect women from other men.”

Tl; dr: basically what reiko said.

Also, dirtbag Blanc is twenty-freaking-five, what he does is his responsibility, not his mom’s. (Guess OP had to cover the “always a woman to blame” bingo square). I’ve known good folks with lousy parents and lousy folks with good parents. Good parenting does not always perfectly equate to good children and vice versa.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

ROFLMAO contrapangloss, Louis’s going to answer that one himself:

“But what shall you then call Monsieur Fawkes, should I introduce you?”

(No, he doesn’t know him, but you just know he’d tease you right back by doing that!)

10 years ago

I’ve met some shitty parents, but none shitty in a specific enough way that they’d be proud that their son grew up to become internet famous for sexually harassing women while shouting the names of children’s TV shows at them.

10 years ago


I’m a doctor who fan, although I have a lot of issues with Moffat as of late (ahem, the writing, oh lordy the writing) but I love Peter Capaldi. That video is really touching, I love it when actors use their characters to reach out to kids who could use a little cheering up.

10 years ago

I hear there is a bit of controversy over the Mistress. Haven’t watched the episode yet. I don’t know if it is the sex change or the fact there is a female time lord. If it is the former then get over it and if it is the latter – Romana I and II

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I didn’t bother watching that ep, because Moffat’s godawful writing has killed my hopes for the series, and I wasn’t even slightly interested in finding out who Missy was. I doubt I’ll watch the series final, either, even with Cybermen.

10 years ago

Was doing a youtube steam of consciousness – basically listening to a tune and then looking at the related songs. It eventually got me to this –

10 years ago

A little bout of insomnia here – I think the line “women seem wicked if you’re unwanted” kind of sums up the MRA/PUA/MGTOW movements.

10 years ago

So you’re a damsel in distress if you’re trying to do something about a problem? What?
That female protester who punched a PUA was she a damsel too?

10 years ago

I just want to say that this is the greatest website in the history of the internet and I will definitely donate as soon as possible!

Twisted Inspiration
10 years ago

Well, it’s her own fault for doing something that actually involves other people (instead of just, don’t know, playing games or something like that). Because, everyone knows that the only people who count are men, right? (I really hope that I don’t need an irony tag for that… Should be obvious.)

10 years ago

“I didn’t know how much I could get away with,” is the voice of a child who was never taught boundaries. It is the voice of a child who never had a father to teach him right from wrong, or to give him meaningful challenges by which to discover the limits and abilities of his own powers.

Sooo….what you’re saying is, instead of having the dude deported, Li should have called his daddy to give him a stern talking to? Yeah, I bet that would have worked
Instead of marrying for protection, I suggest mandatory robot chaperones for all menz, to keep them in line and all. Ya know, since self control apparently doesn’t exist…

True Men Stories: I think I’ve also seen covers in which a burly man fights nazis.

Doctor Who: I think I’ll wait until Moffat leaves. I love this show but that writing…I’m not even mad about the sex change thing, I’m mad because Moffat is doing it and he absolutely blows at writing women.

10 years ago

many people would be in such a relationship (Myself included) and not consider anything about it conservative,

Same here.

As in most of the man-o-sphere’s claims, this one is a steaming pile of manure.

Telling awful people to stop being awful is not asking for their protection, either.