all about the menz douchebaggery harassment irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy PUA rape culture rhymes with roosh sexual assault sexual exploitation sexual harassment

Can the Julien Blanc problem be solved with … more patriarchy? One misogynistic douchebag says yes.

Patriarchy: Also good for protection against hell lizards.
Patriarchy: Also good for protection against hell lizards.

One favorite tool in the misogynist’s toolkit is the old “if women want to be protected from violent men it proves they need patriarchy” argument. It’s a rather silly argument, but those making it tend to do so with enormous smugness, feeling that they’ve got the ultimate “gotcha” to use against feminists.

Cast in point: A post today on Roosh V’s reliably horrendous Return of Kings blog arguing that, as its title puts it, “#TakeDownJulienBlanc Shows Feminists Need The Patriarchy To Protect Them.” Never mind that the woman-led campaign against the abusive pickup artist seems to be doing pretty well already.

“Well feminists, I’ve been waiting for this a long time, and it’s finally come,” the ROK contributor who calls himself runsonmagic writes. “I’ve been waiting for the day you’d ask us to bring back patriarchy.”

He’s so obviously and so extravagantly pleased with himself here you could probably see his smug grin from space.

His “smoking gun?” A comment that #TakeDownJulienBlanc organizer Jenn Li made in a video about the campaign she started.

Describing the video in which Blanc told a room of tittering men that the best way to pick up women in Japan is by literally grabbing them while shouting “Pikachu,” she wonders aloud why women should be put in the position of having to defend themselves against being assaulted by socially stunted wannabe PUAs.

Or, as she puts it,

The responsibility shouldn’t be on the women. It should be on these nasty ass men.

That is, she thinks that the “nasty ass men” in Blanc’s audience giggling at his stories about assaulting women should have enough self-control to, you know, not grab women they don’t know and put them in headlocks because some creepy “dating” guru tells them it’s a good idea. That sounds pretty reasonable to me, as I suspect it does for most non-nasty-ass men.

But runsonmagic decides that what Li is really saying is that she

doesn’t want to fight her her own battles. She wants a men [sic] to protect her. And she isn’t alone. Many of the #TakeDownJulienBlanc tweets echo the same sentiment. Why aren’t men stopping men like this?

His conclusion: “Feminists Need Patriarchy To Save Them From Julien Blanc.”

Filling in the rest of runsonmagic’s post is a bit like playing connect the dots; you pretty much can tell what the picture is going to look like by just glancing at it.

He begins with an idealized vision of patriarchy in which men are the wise protectors of their women.

It used to be if a man was abusing or harassing women, the older men of that community would get together and teach the young man a lesson. Fathers in particular would teach their sons to be respectful of women. This system of men maintaining order was known as patriarchy. The word patriarch literally means rule by fathers.

Now, in the absence of patriarchy and male organizations, women only have ineffective government organizations, Twitter, and petitions to turn to.

Huh. Men have access to all these things too. And the women, men and everyone else involved in #TakeDownJulienBlanc has been doing a pretty good job of making use of the tools that are open to all of us in democratic societies.

Apparently forgetting that he has been mocking feminist women for relying on men for protection, runsonmagic takes a few swipes at Li for talking about defending herself from assault with a taser.

Are you so frightened of men that you carry a weapon at all times? Or is this just a violent power fantasy you indulge in, in the absence of any real power? You live in Washington D.C. If you don’t feel safe walking the streets in the city with the most government of any place in the world, who can you turn to for protection?

Uh, possibly the police? The people we pay with our taxes to ostensibly “serve and protect” us from crime?

Yes, proud patriarch, most police officers are men. Is this proof that women need “patriarchy” to protect them? No more than the fact that most teachers are women means that men need matriarchy in order to be educated.

But to runsonmagic

#TakeDownJulienBlanc is a cry for help, a damsel in distress trope.

Oh lord, is runsonmagic a #GamerGater too?

I say this not to be mean, because I truly want each and every woman tweeting that to feel safe and secure, but because I believe what will make those women most secure is being surrounded by strong men, who’ve been raised by their fathers to behave honorably and justly. Patriarchy is what make women feel safe, which is why survey after survey says that conservative married women are the most happy and sexually satisfied demographic in America.

This is a favorite argument of patriarchy (and marriage)  fetishists, but it’s not that simple. The study often cited as proof that married women are safer than single women also notes that the safest demographic of all is … widows.

So instead of arguing that women who want to feel safe should run out and marry the first guy who seems interested, perhaps the marriage-promoters should be arguing that women should marry and then, er, somehow have their husbands die?

These dark speculations aside, study after study after study after study find that domestic violence rates tend to be highest amongst those with traditional – that is, patriarchal – values, as I pointed out in a previous post. Blanc’s own behavior towards women seems to be rooted, at least in part, by the notion that in some fundamental way their bodies belong to him to do with what he pleases. That’s a pretty patriarchal idea.

But runsonmagic has moved on, declaring (based on nothing but speculation) that Julien Blanc’s seemingly sociopathic behavior must be the fault of his mother, whom runsonmagic has simply decided was single. Noting Blanc’s evident delight that he was able to assault multiple Japanese women and get away scott-free, runsonmagic writes

“I didn’t know how much I could get away with,” is the voice of a child who was never taught boundaries. It is the voice of a child who never had a father to teach him right from wrong, or to give him meaningful challenges by which to discover the limits and abilities of his own powers. …

I have no doubt that Julien is relishing much of the controversy that surrounds him now. No one would give him attention when he was a fatherless young man who wanted girls to talk to him, and now he’s got his own hashtag. …

When I see Julien, I don’t see a monster. Julien is what men become when they are raised by only women, and told women’s attention is what defines their worth.

I tried to find evidence of Blanc’s alleged “fatherlessness,” but was only able to find evidence that there was a famous French “romancier” by the name of  Julien Blanc  who was fatherless. And apparently motherless, too, after the age of eight. They’re definitely not the same guy, as the older Blanc died in 1951. Presumably the current douchebag “romancier” calling himself Julien Blanc borrowed his name from the dead guy.

If feminists truly wanted to #TakeDownJulienBlanc and keep men like him from ever becoming a problem again, they would make sure their sons grew up with fathers who were present active parts of their life. They would give attention to men they respect, rather than only engaging men who choke them and call them “dog.” And they would encourage the men in their lives to band together and lead their communities.

Or they could, you know, organize on the internet to shut down Blanc’s venues and get him tossed out of the countries he tries to bring his toxic teachings – and behavior – to. So far, that’s been working.

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10 years ago

contrapangloss | November 7, 2014 at 4:53 pm

freemage: correction. David is ferrets in catsuits in a david suit. And all of us.

Do keep up.

D’oh! Even as I was typing it, I had the feeling there should be ferrets in there, but I couldn’t quite remember their place n the scheme of things. I apologize to our playbitey overlords. (*Wonders if new adoptee tabby is actually a ferret in a catsuit, actually–he is a bit too fond of play-bites.)

10 years ago

Now back to reality the most respectful, interesting and caring men I’ve met were real feminists (two of them were the longest relationships I’ve had, because feminism is sexy) raised by smart, hard working women with very strong personalities (some of them single some of them divorced or married). I would feel very safe with them not because I needed their protection, but because I wasn’t at all afraid of them.

The most misogynist guy I’ve met had a conservative submissive wife as a mother and he had learned to denigrate women by throwing actual ‘go make me a sammich’ commands to her. Last thing I heard of him was, an ex-girlfriend of his was terrified he’d find her and get violent. Ah, he was a gamer too.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

Julien is what men become when they are raised by only women, and told women’s attention is what defines their worth.

Right. The ROK crowd certainly doesn’t define the worth of men by how much attention they get from women. Not at all. No sir. /s

I once heard a libertarian proposal for environmental protection; privatize the environment. If every natural thing was owned by someone, then those owners would be sure to protect their stream/forest/air! This is a dumb idea for a lot of reasons. Runonsentence’s proposal seems similar; if every woman was owned by a man, then her owner would protect his property. This is one of those things that’s so wrong on every level that it’s difficult to know where to start criticizing it.

10 years ago

Sometimes the True Adventure takes place in a jungle or a desert. Diversity, dontcha know.

The ads in the back are even creepier than the stories.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

(*Wonders if new adoptee tabby is actually a ferret in a catsuit, actually–he is a bit too fond of play-bites.)

Are there going to be pictures of new tabby, freemage? 🙂

As to “bring back patriarchy” – pfffft these fuckers would never admit that patriarchy never went away.

10 years ago

“Well feminists, I’ve been waiting for this a long time, and it’s finally come,” the ROK contributor who calls himself runsonmagic writes. “I’ve been waiting for the day you’d ask us to bring back patriarchy.”

You’ll be waiting a while so don’t hold your breath.

Actually, do hold your breath. Maybe then you’ll pass out and the world will be spared from your drivel for a bit.

10 years ago

“The thing is, these dudes have been riding the alpha-vag carousel for a few years, and now they’ve hit the wall: their charms are gone, they’re all used up and and their biological clocks are ticking. They’ve realised the only women that would stick with them are beta traditional wives so they’re now desperate to get one to settle down have kids and be ‘patriarchs’ because what’s left of them is no good for anything else.”

Sarah… You win. Everything.

10 years ago

Hi everyone
I feel like a photographic negative of the things these idiots hold up as their great war.
I’m a woman who was raised by a father. My mom was very sick from when I was 6 and died when I was 11. My dad remarried but she died after 2 years so he was my total constnat till he died when I was 21.
My marriage ended because my husband was screwing the babysitter/our friend. Because this felt like the end of the world, I stupidly left and within months he moved my kids to another state. I paid child support and drove to meet them halfway every other Friday evening for pickup in a fucking McDonalds parking lot and went back on Sunday night to give them back. I did that for 7 years until I got custody of my younger son who wanted to live with me; his brother was in high school and wanted to finish there. He ended up leaving his fathers house senior year and living with a friends family because his father was an asshole. After my son came to live with me, I never saw a cent of child support. He went to school to be an art teacher; one judge asked him it it wasn’t time to get a real job and support his children.

My ex was a “family man” and shoved that in my face at every opportunity. He allowed his stepchildren to abuse and bully my younger son who was obese in his early school years; both boys believed this was to keep the peace with his wife.
I was referred to as “bitch” in their household.

When my son learned he had cancer, the first words out of his mouth, literally, were,” I don’t want my father involved”.

So shit happens and you do the best you can. My surviving son has a long distance relationship with his father now but he moved across the country for 10 years to be away from the whole mess. Having a father to teach him how to be a man did not benefit him at all, he has said so, it was an example of who not to be.

I get really irate at these MRAs and father’s righters who think they are the oppressed. It is so fucking self-involved!!! My father didn’t want to be a single father of three kids, I sure didn’t want to be a noncustodial mom. But rather than whining about it and blaming women, why don’t they set an example for their kids by doing what’s right

End of rant

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
10 years ago

Shitty male behavior is not inborn, after all — it’s learned. And it has to be learned from somebody.

You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
— Oscar Hammerstein II

10 years ago

kittehserf: At some point, yes. Right now, we’re mostly just trying to get him and the other tabby, a lady of advanced years (at least ten!) to tolerate one another without loud growly noises.

10 years ago

OK, so I’ll admit I was curious about this tidbit from runsonmagic:

“Patriarchy is what make women feel safe, which is why survey after survey says that conservative married women are the most happy and sexually satisfied demographic in America.”

Futrelle already dismantled the bit about overall safety, but what about the sexual satisfaction stuff? Well, I quickly glanced at the links, and from what I can tell – it seems like the two studies runsonmagic linked to say pretty much nothing to prove his point. I didn’t do a super-close read, but these are both studies of sexual satisfaction amongst heterosexual couples: the first one seems to be entirely of married couples, and the second one, unmarried couples; in other words, neither study actually compares sexual satisfaction among married couples to that of unmarried couples. And, the second study says clearly that women with liberal politics experience greater sexual satisfaction; the first study (the one actually on married couples) doesn’t seem to mention political affiliation at all.

So, like I said, I just did a quick skim, but whatever data supposedly supports his ‘conservative married women are the most sexually satisfied’ bit, well, I didn’t see it.

10 years ago

Li: “Skeezy men should stop assaulting women.”

Magic: “You’re saying you need other men to stop them for you.”

Um, no, moron, that’s not even close to what she said.

10 years ago

The thing about these guys is they’ll claim every positive or neutral interaction between a man and a woman is somehow “protection”. Woman marries a man, he’s protecting her, woman’s accountant happens to be a man, protection, two lesbians have a child via a sperm donor, well they couldn’t do that without a man could they? Woman firefighter pulls a man out of a burning people while simultaneously curing his back problems, he’s protecting her job security.

10 years ago

Awwwww, that’s so cute!!

Thanks, kittehserf.

You see why I have no patience for these brats.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

How long have you had new tabby, freemage? It can take quite a while.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

zennurse, yes indeed I can.

Oh, freemage, Fribbie says “She’s just a child!” about your senior tabby lady. (Fribs is 19.)


10 years ago

Hahaha… speaking of tabbies, my own tabby decided my lap is an excellent place to me, and now typing is difficult. (ETA: FUCKING CHARTER called me and scared him off. Assholes. But now he’s back.)

But yeah, the whole “women expecting to go out in public without being harassed are asking for patriarchy” is so… so protection racket. Men should be able to go out in public without being mugged, and if they are, the police are expected to take it seriously, but women want to go out without being choked by a stranger? Only if you consent to being owned. By a man who probably won’t let you out anyway (after all, there are strange men on the streets).

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Even if we’re out with our owners, plenty of scumbags will decide that owner isn’t ALPHA!!! enough and still try shit on.

They also blithely ignore the owners who are themselves the abusive scumbags.

Kitties running (or sitting) interference – I made the fatal error of having Fribs up for a shoulder-level cuddle while on the couch a couple of weeks back. Within a day it had become an Olde Traditione and sitting on my lap just wasn’t good enough, especially if I was knitting. Nope, put those needles down and cuddle me, right now.

10 years ago

Then there’s the fact that self reports have some built in unreliability. A conservative and traditional woman will have been conditioned to believe that women aren’t sexual beings themselves but merely the gatekeepers. It wouldn’t occur to some of them to want more then whatever they’re getting from their husbands.

I’m not one to tell a person they aren’t truly happy because their definition of happiness doesn’t match mine or anything. Just pointing out that satisfaction is subjective and different for everyone so it’s hard to survey a bunch of people with different values and lifestyles and conclude that one type of lifestyle is better than the other.

10 years ago

But yeah, the whole “women expecting to go out in public without being harassed are asking for patriarchy” is so… so protection racket.

Oh my dog! I just had a vision of the classic movie bad guys. Two guys with baseball bats saying “Nice business you’ve got here. Be a shame if anything happened to it.” Walking straight over to a woman customer at the establishment saying “Nice body you’ve got there. Be a shame if anything happened … “

10 years ago

You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
— Oscar Hammerstein II

Oh! I love that song. So very much:

(Actually, ALL of South Pacific is excellent. And very far ahead of its time.)

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Brain bleach! Pardus the black leopard sees a favourite person.

I want that job!

10 years ago

He could have just bleated “I don’t know what patriachy is” 100 times and said the same thing.

10 years ago

Aw, I want to cuddle a leopard.