#gamergate 4chan a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism antifeminism conspiracy theory creepy doubling down emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies gamebros irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim post contains sarcasm zoe quinn

Actually, it's about Zoe Quinn. The midwife of #GamerGate has no regrets.


Do you remember when #GamerGate was young? You know, back before #NotYourShield and Vivian James and bizarrely complicated conspiracy theories involving Gawker, Weird Twitter and some sort of international Jewish conspiracy?

Remember when #GamerGate was still called #BurgersAndFries, and the angry gamebro army was focused on the real enemy of all that is good and true – a young game designer by the name of Zoe Quinn?

If you’ve been feeling nostalgic for those good old days, you’re in luck. A sprawling blog post by a female friend of Quinn’s obsessive, accusatory ex-boyfriend Eron Gjoni takes us back to the dog days of August when his even more sprawling thezoepost was unleashed upon the world.

Rachel M, who describes herself as an “engineer, designer, accidental writer,” recalls the months she spent with Gjoni as he began to process his breakup with Quinn and marshal his arguments against her. She was there when he posted thezoepost, making her a sort of midwife of what became #GamerGate.

It’s no secret whose side of this controversy she’s on. Her depictions of Gjoni are written with affection and indulgence; her portrayal of Quinn is brutal and a step or two beyond unfair. When Rachel M pretends for a moment that she’s not “someone with an ax to grind against Zoe,” that’s because her little hatchet is already buried in Quinn’s back.

If there is a point to GamerGate Launched in My Apartment, and, Internet, I’m Sorry (Not that sorry) beyond making Gjoni look angelic and Quinn look like a demon, I’m not sure what it is.

After presenting us with a series of uninteresting and unnecessary details of her own life, Rachel M repeats a number of largely discredited myths about Quinn and even seems to have made up a new myth of her own, accusing Quinn of “telling Eron she believed I was lying about my PTSD” in an online chat.

Never mind that the chat log itself, which Gjoni pasted into his zoepost, and which Rachel M also pasted into an earlier post of her own, suggests that Quinn was dubious not about Rachel M’s medical diagnoses but about Rachel’s intentions towards her then-boyfriend.

As I searched through the screenshots on Eron’s site to see if Rachel M’s recollections of this exchange matched the evidence, I was struck again by the utter surreality of #BurgersAndFries and its successor #GamerGate.

Because, the thing is, I don’t want to be reading these chat logs. I shouldn’t be reading these chat logs. These are private moments between two people at a vulnerable moment in both of their lives. They shouldn’t have been posted on the internet in an act of petty revenge against an ex-girlfriend. They shouldnt’ be on the internet at all.

The fact that the details of Zoe Quinn and Eron Gjoni’s sex lives and their messy breakup are so central to the conflicts now roiling the video game world that I have to turn to these screenshots to fact check this post is weird and wrong and rather depressing. Zoe Quinn isn’t the president, caught pantsless in flagrante delicto with a Haliburton lobbyist. She’s a video game developer, and the details of her sexual history are none of our fucking  business.

None of this matters much to Rachel M, who seems to have become trapped in Gjoni’s reality distortion field, borrowing some of his narcissism for herself. She describes Gjoni’s decision to “go public” with the ugly details of his breakup with Quinn and her various alleged infidelities and lies:

Eron talked about going public. He talked about panic, about awareness, about making sure that people knew what they were getting into, about taking a hit – there’d be a hit, for speaking publicly against a woman in any field, but especially against a woman with Zoe’s position and friends in progressive indie gaming – for the good of all, eventually.

This is so perverse and backwards and wrong it’s hard not to wonder if Gj himself wrote it.

He talked about evaluating the risk to his current job, his future jobs, his family, himself. You know, whether he’d get stalked or murdered for this. He talked about the danger to Zoe, about how he could minimize personal harm toward her, whether he could effectively defray harassment towards her.

Well, he did a bangup job of that, huh?

He settled on a few plans toward that end, and decided the risk to himself was worth it. Even the total loss cases for him still meant greater than zero public knowledge about Zoe’s manipulative behavior, her role as an abuser, and the number of lies she’d told. Anything was better than the way it was now.

Really? Because for a lot of people, not just Quinn, things have gotten a lot worse since Gjoni launched his attack against his ex.

Rachel M is actually quite aware of this; indeed, she notes explicitly that the movement that was born out of Gjoni’s long post has directed much of its fury towards women.

Zoe received floods of hate and threats within hours of the post going live. Anita Sarkeesian, a feminist media critic, was forced to cancel a speech at USU after receiving death threats referencing the École Polytechnique Massacre … Brianna Wu, Liana K, and anyone who identifies as a feminist within gaming — they’ve been getting smeared.

Women in games, creators and critics alike, are working through a tide of hate that’s reached the front page of the New York Times. Each new story makes me a little sicker.

Yet somehow she’s still “not that sorry” she helped Gjoni to launch the movement that caused all this. She thinks it’s all somehow … good for women. Because people now know what she thinks is the truth about Zoe Quinn. She ends her post with these bizarre assertions:

I want more women in tech and media, at all levels—in development, in journalism, in the games and books and comics themselves.

I want those women to be as safe, respected, creative, and supported as any man, and I do not want them unprepared in an industry with Zoe Quinn.

And this, I guess, is how someone who helped Gjoni to usher in a hateful, spiteful, reactionary “movement” that has left numerous women fearing for their lives convinces herself that she’s on the side of the angels after all.

EDIT: I corrected Rachel M’s name. No idea why my brain turned her name into Sarah.

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Sean Wednesday
Sean Wednesday
10 years ago

“After presenting us with a series of uninteresting and unnecessary details of her own life”

Minor correction, HIS life. He’s talking about his life, and his own personal experiences. Abuse victims are not be barred from speaking out about their abuse out of convenience’s sake for their abuser.

10 years ago

@M. the Social Justice Ranger

God do you have to circle the wagon like I’m some concern troll? Everyone makes mistakes. This is the first time I’ve ever criticized one of David’s posts; I honestly found the language patronizing, this once. If nobody else did, fine, I’ll shut up.

10 years ago

I guess there is a sense in which this is for the best. At least all the pent-up rage is now visible, which means we can do something about it.

Of course, that’s easy for me to say. I haven’t received a torrent of rape and death threats.

10 years ago

@chaltab I thought it was a little patronizing but I also think she kind of deserves it. I even repeated it in a comment when I called Eron her “little boyfriend.”

10 years ago

But all that’s better than something an MRA told me once. U ready?

“Let me pause while you stamp your little feet in frustration.”

Maybe I got low standards but if David can avoid talking like a cartoon villain while using a diminutive sarcastically he’s head and shoulders above the people he covers here. And to be fair I write about these same kinds of people in much more scathing tones.

10 years ago

My bullshit opinion on the Sarah/Rachel thing?

They have very similar connotations–common biblical names for girls, etc. So when people are trying to remember someone’s names, the connotations come with it, and they end up substituting Sarah for Rachel and vice versa.

But again: this is me bullshitting, so take it with as much salt as you want.

I just can’t deal with the OP right now.

10 years ago

Just noticed that Rachel is still referred to as “Sarah” in Paragraph 8. You’re probably already aware, but I thought I should point it out

10 years ago

My god. That might be the most pretentious tract I’ve ever read. “Go live?” Are you kidding me? Go live with what, details of your relationship drama? This isn’t Iran-fucking-Contra, you weasely assholes. And her justification is to save the development world from Zoe Quinn? Really? REALLY? Is Zoe Quinn patient zero of some horrifying zombie-apocolypse virus? Is she the vessel of a reincarnated SuperHitler? Does she have the remote control to activate the nuclear warheads positioned at the center of the earth, thus just a thumbpress away from dooming us all to oblivion? Because unless the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then Zoe Quinn is really not enough of a danger to justify starting a war campaign against women in gaming. Jesus.

10 years ago

@ sylviaplant – yes, but how is the poor dear going to get Gj to like her if she doesn’t support his melodrama?

Also, I think it would be kind of cool if Zoe was patient zero of the apocalypse zombie virus. AZV for the win!! brrrraaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

And now I’m imagining this scene…

… With #Gaters instead of Homer.

10 years ago

Ooohhh! May I please be a zombie, too? My daughter has a microscope, so I’m sure I could find a GGer’s brain.

10 years ago


Is it an electron microscope?

10 years ago

“Anything was better than the way it was now.”

The “way it was” being that they’d gone their separate ways and were free to move on with their lives.

That’s what this is about, isn’t it? Anger that the Evil Ex had moved on, that she wasn’t being punished. Sorry, but that’s the way relationships work. You have a bad relationship, the best you can do is leave. You don’t get to hang around wrecking the other person’s life until you decide they’ve suffered enough for your sense of karmic balance. We have laws against that. Which you would know, since you’re currently FIGHTING A RESTRAINING ORDER, you colossal creep.

Why does the video game industry need to know what Zoe is “really” like? Is she harassing or assaulting colleagues? Is she a serial rapist? Is she doing anything wrong within the context of indie video game design? No? Then fuck off.

10 years ago

@ sylviaplant – Oh, SNAP! I knew I was overlooking something!

10 years ago

My god. That might be the most pretentious tract I’ve ever read. “Go live?” Are you kidding me? Go live with what, details of your relationship drama? This isn’t Iran-fucking-Contra, you weasely assholes.

No shit. And really: “Go live” makes it sound like his cum-collage saga there (and that’s an image now permanently seared into my brain, ghaaaah) was something he actively promoted and teased to the ‘channers before posting it, instead of just this mournful private blog entry that blew up, as she seems to be painting it. At the very least, that makes BOTH of them look just disingenuous as fuck.

10 years ago

Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, Brianna Wu and Leigh Alexander as The Four Horsewomen of the Zombie Apocalypse. Hmmm.

10 years ago


Michelle C Young
10 years ago

OK, let’s just say for one moment that Zoe Quinn really IS “the invisible stair” that everyone needs to know about, so they can hop over it, as they maneuver up and down the stairwell of the gaming industry.

Now that all those other stairs have been covered in burning pitch, somehow, I doubt that really makes it worthwhile that people can now hop over one invisible stair, that is also burning pitch, when before, it was simply a trick stair that might let your foot fall through, and scratch at your ankle a bit, before you pulled your foot back out.

Yeah, maybe not the best metaphor.

Still, even if everything said about Zoe Quinn is absolutely, 100%, undeniably, completely fact-checked and certifiably true, are we still supposed to believe that it was worth all the carnage to other people, who are so completely unrelated to her, at all?

Women, whom Rachel M. claims to support, are suffering on a massive scale, because you had to help get the word out there that Zoe was a jerk? Seriously? That makes it all worth it, to you, and gives you warm fuzzy feelings, knowing that those suffering women will, at least, be able to avoid Zoe? Because what could Zoe possibly do that is worse than death and rape threats, doxxing these women’s FAMILIES, and driving women game designers CLEAN OUT OF THE INDUSTRY?!?!?!

Gee, you’d think Zoe was guilty of rape and murder and international espionage, with a bit of arson and medical torture thrown in.

Oh, wait. She cheated on her boyfriend, told him a few lies, and questioned whether or not Rachel M actually did have PTSD.


That’s a totally reasonable response. Yep.

So, Rachel M., have you had sex with Zoe’s ex, yet? Because if you didn’t at least get a good orgasm out of this, I’d say you got a bum deal. Now that everyone who likes women in gaming is going to hate you just as much as that other jerk…

Yeah, I can’t understand these people, at all.

10 years ago

@Bina: She can’t even keep the narrative straight:

A month later, my friend and I sat on the edge of my bed, with our legs crossed and laptops open. “Okay, I’m going live.”
“Do it,” I said. “Go.”

Okay so, if this was a private rant, why the hell would you two be acting like Benedict Cucumberbramble and what’s his face in that wikileaks documentary?

“Fuck,” Eron said suddenly, a few moments later. “4chan found it.”

That is not how the internet works. You don’t “accidentally” have something pop up on 4chan moments after posting something. “Whoops, I meant to text my grandma that I love her, but I accidentally ended up having a long-winded diatribe about my ex go ‘the virals’ on the 4-chans. Yuh-oh! Oh, and it looks like I am in IRC and replying to their comments and egging them on! Whoopsiediddles!”

10 years ago

OK, that was really funny. Especially the “Whoopsiediddles” part.

10 years ago

Reading back through the GamerGate archive and decided I needed to investigate this 8chan. The top thread on the GG forum is GamerGaters attempting to subvert ethics in games journalism by trying to economically harm news sites that print things they don’t like.

The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is just staggering.

10 years ago

Oh noes! I accidentally convinced 4chan to become my personal army! How could this happen?

10 years ago

“4chan found it” refers to the deleted SomethingAwful post, I’m pretty sure. 4chan spawned from SA, didn’t it, way back in the olden days? There’s a lot of overlap, even if they’ve split off a lot in the years since. And some goon/4channer screencapped the thread and brought it to gossip about anonymously, complaining about the always-hated SomethingAwful mods or Zoe or something.

So yeah, they probably didn’t find the wordpress URL out of nowhere. It’s not unbelievable though that they’d gotten basically the same contents from a few hours previous.

…Does “respective internet bubbles” mean Rachel browses 4chan, though?

10 years ago

They don’t understand art criticism includes opinion. Ask any journalism professor in the country. They think critics shouldn’t hurt their fee-fees. This mob shouldn’t dictate what true journalism is…’cause it’s not about just hearing what you want to hear.

10 years ago

Oh noes! I accidentally convinced 4chan to become my personal army! How could this happen?

It’s like the time I tried baking cookies, but accidentally sent out a bunch of death threats. I’m such a klutz!

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