Do you remember when #GamerGate was young? You know, back before #NotYourShield and Vivian James and bizarrely complicated conspiracy theories involving Gawker, Weird Twitter and some sort of international Jewish conspiracy?
Remember when #GamerGate was still called #BurgersAndFries, and the angry gamebro army was focused on the real enemy of all that is good and true – a young game designer by the name of Zoe Quinn?
If you’ve been feeling nostalgic for those good old days, you’re in luck. A sprawling blog post by a female friend of Quinn’s obsessive, accusatory ex-boyfriend Eron Gjoni takes us back to the dog days of August when his even more sprawling thezoepost was unleashed upon the world.
Rachel M, who describes herself as an “engineer, designer, accidental writer,” recalls the months she spent with Gjoni as he began to process his breakup with Quinn and marshal his arguments against her. She was there when he posted thezoepost, making her a sort of midwife of what became #GamerGate.
It’s no secret whose side of this controversy she’s on. Her depictions of Gjoni are written with affection and indulgence; her portrayal of Quinn is brutal and a step or two beyond unfair. When Rachel M pretends for a moment that she’s not “someone with an ax to grind against Zoe,” that’s because her little hatchet is already buried in Quinn’s back.
If there is a point to GamerGate Launched in My Apartment, and, Internet, I’m Sorry (Not that sorry) beyond making Gjoni look angelic and Quinn look like a demon, I’m not sure what it is.
After presenting us with a series of uninteresting and unnecessary details of her own life, Rachel M repeats a number of largely discredited myths about Quinn and even seems to have made up a new myth of her own, accusing Quinn of “telling Eron she believed I was lying about my PTSD” in an online chat.
Never mind that the chat log itself, which Gjoni pasted into his zoepost, and which Rachel M also pasted into an earlier post of her own, suggests that Quinn was dubious not about Rachel M’s medical diagnoses but about Rachel’s intentions towards her then-boyfriend.
As I searched through the screenshots on Eron’s site to see if Rachel M’s recollections of this exchange matched the evidence, I was struck again by the utter surreality of #BurgersAndFries and its successor #GamerGate.
Because, the thing is, I don’t want to be reading these chat logs. I shouldn’t be reading these chat logs. These are private moments between two people at a vulnerable moment in both of their lives. They shouldn’t have been posted on the internet in an act of petty revenge against an ex-girlfriend. They shouldnt’ be on the internet at all.
The fact that the details of Zoe Quinn and Eron Gjoni’s sex lives and their messy breakup are so central to the conflicts now roiling the video game world that I have to turn to these screenshots to fact check this post is weird and wrong and rather depressing. Zoe Quinn isn’t the president, caught pantsless in flagrante delicto with a Haliburton lobbyist. She’s a video game developer, and the details of her sexual history are none of our fucking business.
None of this matters much to Rachel M, who seems to have become trapped in Gjoni’s reality distortion field, borrowing some of his narcissism for herself. She describes Gjoni’s decision to “go public” with the ugly details of his breakup with Quinn and her various alleged infidelities and lies:
Eron talked about going public. He talked about panic, about awareness, about making sure that people knew what they were getting into, about taking a hit – there’d be a hit, for speaking publicly against a woman in any field, but especially against a woman with Zoe’s position and friends in progressive indie gaming – for the good of all, eventually.
This is so perverse and backwards and wrong it’s hard not to wonder if Gj himself wrote it.
He talked about evaluating the risk to his current job, his future jobs, his family, himself. You know, whether he’d get stalked or murdered for this. He talked about the danger to Zoe, about how he could minimize personal harm toward her, whether he could effectively defray harassment towards her.
Well, he did a bangup job of that, huh?
He settled on a few plans toward that end, and decided the risk to himself was worth it. Even the total loss cases for him still meant greater than zero public knowledge about Zoe’s manipulative behavior, her role as an abuser, and the number of lies she’d told. Anything was better than the way it was now.
Really? Because for a lot of people, not just Quinn, things have gotten a lot worse since Gjoni launched his attack against his ex.
Rachel M is actually quite aware of this; indeed, she notes explicitly that the movement that was born out of Gjoni’s long post has directed much of its fury towards women.
Zoe received floods of hate and threats within hours of the post going live. Anita Sarkeesian, a feminist media critic, was forced to cancel a speech at USU after receiving death threats referencing the École Polytechnique Massacre … Brianna Wu, Liana K, and anyone who identifies as a feminist within gaming — they’ve been getting smeared.
Women in games, creators and critics alike, are working through a tide of hate that’s reached the front page of the New York Times. Each new story makes me a little sicker.
Yet somehow she’s still “not that sorry” she helped Gjoni to launch the movement that caused all this. She thinks it’s all somehow … good for women. Because people now know what she thinks is the truth about Zoe Quinn. She ends her post with these bizarre assertions:
I want more women in tech and media, at all levels—in development, in journalism, in the games and books and comics themselves.
I want those women to be as safe, respected, creative, and supported as any man, and I do not want them unprepared in an industry with Zoe Quinn.
And this, I guess, is how someone who helped Gjoni to usher in a hateful, spiteful, reactionary “movement” that has left numerous women fearing for their lives convinces herself that she’s on the side of the angels after all.
EDIT: I corrected Rachel M’s name. No idea why my brain turned her name into Sarah.
Here’s for everyone (but the trolls) a not-at-all awkward turtle-duck with a really important message:

I’m a turtle-duck.
We are all turtle-ducks.
I’m a grouchy turtle-duck who doesn’t feel like digging up links for lazy abuse apologists.
That turtle-duck does look particularly smiley.
The turtle-duck is a real thing, if recently extinct:
The name turtle-dove really confused me as a kid. I kept picturing a bird with a shell, or a turtle with bird feet.
The fact that you think you possibly could be flooded by crap, and don’t know that you have actually been flooded by crap, means that you haven’t bothered to even start looking.
Maybe you ought to spend a little time putting in a teensy bit of effort before demanding that other people cater to you.
You are so fucking lazy.
Just today I needed some information about welfare reform. I did a keyword search in JStor for “welfare reform.” There are 5318 articles for me to sift through to find out the information I need. There are 54 articles on this site under the tag “#gamergate” and you can’t be fucked to so much as glance over them?
No, I have no sympathy for you and your lazy refusal to lift even the first finger to find the information that is already available for you.
I love turtle-duck!
And no, Crissa, a group of people is not a resource that exists so that you don’t have to put even the teeniest bit of effort into looking for desired information, and attempting to frame things that way with the bonus snark will almost guarantee that other people’s desire to help you out will be minimal.
Turtle-duck does zir own googling.
Because turtle-ducks are cool like that.
Once peeps tell you that you can search this site for burgerandfries and instead of taking that simple action you prefer to go on about how unfriendly peeps here are for not serving you the pushback is going to increase, not decrease.
I confess to being one of those whose immediate request for information is to search and find it for the person cuz reasons. However, if you are waving red flags all over the place and then want to be served you are likely to be told no. How do you respond to being told no?
Now we know.
The “reprehensible part” is all of it, there is no non-reprehensible part.
You’re spinning an imaginary narrative where perhaps at first Gjoni was a simply a man in pain who movingly posted about his previous relationship to get feedback, sympathy and support from an online community knowledgable about abuse and adult relationships. That didn’t happen. He’s a douchebag who was out for revenge at the start and he supplied as much inflammatory dirty laundry he could to the worst doxx-happy troll fucknuts in the world.
People are reacting poorly to your unfounded calls for sympathy for this asshole because he doesn’t deserve any. I’m all about empathy and mediation but, good grief, I don’t have much of that for people who voluntarily, on there own, do terrible things for bad reasons, and then have the gumption to be defensive and self-righteous when correctly criticized for it. Fuck that guy and his bullshit hit piece.
*on their own (dagnabbit.)
Normally I’m with you there? But holy shit. Someone saying they didn’t even spend 30 seconds on Google but pull out a sad when strangers won’t pony up with the links? How entitled can a person get?
I think maybe Crissa was trying to put Kiva’s requests/demands in a kinder light (possibly kinder than Kiva deserves given his/her reaction to being told where to look and what to look for).
I do agree with the majority of folks here that finding articles for someone else is not anyone’s responsibility and it is not too much to ask to have the person needing information do their own googling.
Know how long it takes to type “burgersandfries we hunted the mammoth” into your favorite search engine?
0,61 segundos
I mean seconds! Hehe, 😀
Yeah, my thought was that if Crissa was to scroll back a page or two and actually read the endless waffling apologia she might revise her “but people should be helpful!” stance in this particular case, because there were issues with Kiva long before she decided that people were mean for not googling things for her.
Wow. This is kind of overwhelming and disappointing because it is precisely the same over-reaction I got from someone else who felt the need to posture aggressively (the subtext I’m reading is “poor self esteem, must protect imaginary internet territory”) very much like cassandrakitty but a pro-GGer, but I expect no matter what I say now there will just be a roast and a bunch of self-congratulatory back-pats.
But you’re right, I’m Vivian now because I decided to go play games rather than get chewed out last night. I’m glad I came back to see how everyone got to feel super special for calling out a supposed troll. Tipping my hand! Because I’m a troll for not immediately nodding along and saying “Oh, I agree SO MUCH with EVERYTHING said in the comments, just EVERY LAST THING!”
Just disappointing, as the articles are actually quite funny, informative, and written from a viewpoint that I agree with and don’t get to see much of on the sites I generally visit. I engaged in comments. I’m sure you can find whatever reason you need to find to dislike me for that.
And you already have. And you’ve already decided who I am. And you’ve already decided I’m full of red flags or whatever. And I’m clearly not welcome as a feminist and a gamer in this discussion. So I’ll leave you to your glad-handing. I’m just shaking my head sadly because your behavior is pretty shitty.
That doesn’t mean you’re a troll. Just shitty.
Piss off, Kiva. You don’t get to come in here abusing the regulars.
So you’re as good at internet diagnosis as you are at googling. Interesting that you’ve somehow managed to ignore the multiple other people who thought you were behaving badly, though. I guess this “identify target to blame for the results of own foolish behavior” thing is something you’ve had practice at.
Wow Kiva, you come in here, show your arse all over the place, get called on it, and you then try to position yourself as a victim?
Piss off with your armchair psychology, it was unwelcome and unwarranted.
And this whole self-pity bit: “And I’m clearly not welcome as a feminist…” – feminists don’t, as a rule, go around encouraging people to potentially slander another person to entire industries. If you think that is part of being a feminist, you need to do a shit ton more reading up on feminism. Nor do feminists, as a rule, armchair diagnose people.
Grow up.