creepy douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism rape culture sexual assault sexual harassment

Melbourne hotel boots pickup artist advocating emotional abuse and physical assault. #TakeDownJulienBlanc campaign continues

Julien Blanc, also known as RSD Julien, is a self-described “executive dating coach” seemingly without a conscience. In expensive seminars held in hotels around the world the Real Social Dynamics instructor teaches men to “Make Girls BEG To Sleep With You After SHORT-CIRCUITING Their Emotional And Logical Mind,” as his breathless promo material puts it.

What this means in practice? Manipulation, mind-fuckery and in some cases outright physical assault — none of which he makes any attempts to hide.

Indeed, a video Julien himself put out in September showed the “dating” guru working his particular magic on unsuspecting Japanese women — by putting them in headlocks and/or pushing their heads to his crotch.

In footage from one of his recent workshops, he told a roomful of hopeful creeps that in Tokyo,

if you’re a white male, you can do what you want. …  I’m just romping through the streets,just grabbing girls’ heads, just like, head, pfft on the dick.

After discovering a video featuring some of this footage — the one I’ve embedded at the top of this page —  feminist activist Jennifer Li set up a petition on urging the Como Melbourne hotel, and other hotels hosting Real Social Dynamics seminars, to boot Julian and his comrades, charging them with “[making] a living by teaching men how to violate women through physical and emotional abuse.”

Li also started up the hashtag #TakeDownJulienBlanc in order to spread the news and organize opposition to Julien’s seminars.

It worked. The video featuring Julien’s abusive tactics went viral, racking up a quarter million pageviews on YouTube, and the petition quickly garnered nearly fifteen thousand signatures.

And the Como Melbourne hotel listened:

[UPDATE: RSD quickly rescheduled the event at a different location.]

Li and the other #TakeDownJulienBlanc organizers are now aiming their sights on hotels hosting other RSD events in Seattle and Austin, Texas. Anonymous has also gotten into the action.

It’s easy to see why the  #TakeDownJulienBlanc campaign has spread so quickly. Pickup artists are a sleazy, manipulative and generally pretty amoral bunch  But “RSD Julien” takes PUA creepiness to a whole new level, teaching his acolytes a form of “pickup artistry” that bears a strong resemblance to domestic abuse.

In his promo material, he boasts that his approach is

Offensive, It’s Inappropriate, It’s Emotionally Scarring, BUT IT’S DAMN EFFECTIVE

He tries to pass this off as a joke, but it’s really not; his techniques are clearly abusive.

I pointed out some of his bizarre gaslighting tricks in a post last year. But if anything he seems to have gotten worse since then.

Indeed, Julien recently Tweeted a picture of the Duluth Power and Control wheel, a tool used by anti-DV activists to highlight abusive behavior, declaring it to be a handy “checklist” of techniques to use to “MakeHerStay.” (Another sleazeball pickup guru I’ve written about a lot, Heartiste, also claims to have found inspiration in the Duluth wheel.)

And then there’s what Julien calls the “Choke Opener,” which he has documented in a series of pics showing him with his hand around the throats of assorted women, all of which he’s helpfully tagged with #ChokingGirlsAroundTheWorld.

rsdchokeAs Julien sees it, these, er, pickup techniques enable men to, as he declares in all-caps on his site, to


Well, he’s generated some powerful emotions, all right, though I don’t think anger and disgust were the ones he was going for.

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Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

Way OT…My 5 year old has a boyfriend. And when they grow up and get married she will have babies and he will change all the poopy diapers. She says it’s the perfect plan.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

I love hollandaise. It is the world’s second most perfect food, the first being hummus.

10 years ago

Hollandaise sauce, cheese sauce, chocolate sauce, berry sauce… Dude, it’s all good.

@ Shaun – I don’t care if it’s OT, that’s adorable. Also, your small is a very smart cookie! 🙂

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

It gets better! And when she breaks up with him (presumably after potty training) she will hypergamously marry Spiderman. *wipes tear*

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Shaun, she has it all planned!

After that she will be head of the Feminist High Council. I see it all.

10 years ago

She is so advanced, Shaun! You must be so proud!

10 years ago

actually….was run out of the country, might be a more appropriate way to phrase that.

There is only one fitting response to that…

And thank you, Australia, for taking out the trash.

10 years ago

Wow Shaun, your kidlet’s has a misandry game that is well beyond her years. You must be teaching her well!

10 years ago

Why did I put an apostrophe s in there for no reason? This is what happens when you work for 10 days and then crash I guess.

10 years ago

lol. a quote from The Backburner

The leader of the movement was unavailable for comment due to not being asked for comment because The Backburner really doesn’t want to hear what that guy has to say.

10 years ago

The Drum on ABC has Julien Blanc and the influence of social media on the agenda … so I’m watching instead of switching to a nature documentary or whatever. (They insist on a “balanced” approach so they often have a representative of the nastiest scum of the right wing commentariat as part of the day’s panel. I won’t watch, but I’m making the sacrifice for youse guize today.)

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Don’t forget the shit the ABC gets from the government for being a hotbed of rabid commies – it’s not really about them insisting on a balanced approach a lot of the time. They depend on those turds for survival.

10 years ago

Yaaaay! They didn’t have any scumbags on today. One thing they pointed out was that the social media success was openly supported by the Victorian Commissioner of Police. He’s been talking a lot on domestic violence the last couple of weeks while the inquest into Luke Batty’s death has been going on and this is entirely consistent with his opinions on violence against women and within families.

I haven’t been able to make the episode come up on iView so far. I’ll try a few other approaches. (Might wait until the episode has aired in WA a couple of hours from now.)

10 years ago

Mildly Magnificent, thanks for the heads up on Ken Lay! He’s a fantastic campaigner and speaker, I hope he can also be effective in changing policies and police views on domestic violence.

From his statement:
“I’ve seen Julien Blanc’s work. To me most of it appears to be deeply disturbing and offensive.
Labelling women as objects and actively promoting the abuse of women degrades the dignity of our whole community.
We want to assure everyone that we have been paying close attention to this issue and appreciate that so many community members have expressed concern.
I was enormously relieved The Como Melbourne rejected his event and other venues followed suit.
I’m proud that Victoria has taken this stance against violence. It gives me confidence that we are moving in the right direction.”

Shaun Day
Shaun Day
10 years ago

Can’t sign on my phone, will have to sign tomorrow.

And I am so proud of my Mouse. She is truly the misandrist of her time.

10 years ago

The actual statement (which I forgot to link):

10 years ago

Lol, that link was a totally deliberate meta-joke that would just be ruined if I try to explain it 🙂

This is the real link

10 years ago

Can we attempt to get his visa canceled in every country in the world while he’s in transit?

10 years ago

I hope there are people waiting to greet him at the airport when he gets back to LA so he can do the walk of shame there too.

(Also, sorry, LA. You have way too many of these assholes, so we should probably be sending him somewhere else, but where would want him?)

10 years ago

Do you think he lives DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH?

10 years ago

In reality I suspect he lives directly in his parent’s spare room. I’m sure that’s not what he tells potential victims, though.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

I noticed from The Age article that, while RSD representatives are playing deaf and mute over this controversy, one of their other “coaches” just made some sort of online lecture on consent in dating.

I predict RSD will discontinue their relationship with Mr. Blanc, although he might later pop up somewhere and still manage to make a meager living in pick-up artistry.

I predict that the blogs, Facebook accounts and Twitter accounts of several RSD-affliliated “coaches” are currently being cleansed of offensive material.

I predict that the echoes of this persecution will inspire plenty of new offensive material all over manosphrere, and hopefully activists will be around to dig it up.

10 years ago

He lives directly on the beach because he’s not allowed farther inland.