#gamergate creepy entitled babies imaginary oppression kitties misandry MRA not all men oppressed men oppressed white men

The Halloween Costume of Great Misandry


Actually it's about ethics in trick or treating
Actually it’s about ethics in trick or treating

So on Halloween the dude in the pics above went out dressed as a … well, a Men’s Rights Activist, I guess, or maybe a GamerGater, or Redditor? Something along those lines. Whatever he was, he apparently won second prize in some sort of costume contest.

Well, the dude at the Tumblr blog Indefinite Free Pizza is having none of it:


Some aspects of this costume make me angry. The Guy Fawkes mask is the symbol of Anonymous, one of the most influential political movements of this century who have done great work in the Arab Spring, in the digital privacy movement, and most recently in Ferguson. Fedoras are classy and the wearing of a fedora does not assume any political or social affiliation. Doritos are yummy. Same goes for Mtn. Dew. Hawaiian shirts are fun and floral. Finally, I just want to point out that if someone were to dress up as a feminist for Halloween, you would all be up in arms. MRAs have some legitimate points which feminists tend to ignore (why are men perceived as criminal? Why are men harassed by progressive movements as a whole when all 3.5 billion don’t share a hive mind? Why are men always seen as aggressors in a conflict if the person on the other side is female?) Then again, Halloween costumes are often things that scare you, so maybe this is a great costume for someone with internalized misandry.

I have to admit he’s kind of got a point about the Doritos.

And he does have some awesome cat pics on his Tumblr as well.

I mean, just look at these awesome cats.

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But I think there’s something terribly wrong with this bird.




H/T — r/againstmensrights

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Bogdan Cvetkovic
Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago

Inez found my next Halloween costume!

Also, I knew Fawkes was a villain in Britain, but isn’t he celebrated in Scotland? Like, “Awesome! He tried to blow up Parliament! Eff the Brits!”

10 years ago

Maybe next year I’ll dress up as Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.

Shaun Day
Shaun Day
10 years ago

Couldn’t make it all the way through and can’t find contact on my phone plus e-mail being wonky and I’m guessing content warning here is the latest GG nonsense.

10 years ago


It looks more like a strap holding his hair on like a helmet

10 years ago

From what Shaun Day linked about a new gamergate strategy

Most users on Tumblr are teenagers between 12 and 20

Taking on Tumblr is a bold move. It’s the opposition’s home base.


But actually it’s about ethics in gaming journalism, because most game journalists are teenagers on Tumblr

10 years ago

No, Scottish people do not generally think that murder and mayhem are awesome.


10 years ago

Given that Tumblr’s userbase leans more female than male, and gamergate is 4chan-adjacent, and 4chan came up with Pedobear…ew. It’s like a really sick, twisted, horrifying version of when boys pull the hair of girls who they like on the playground.

10 years ago

I think I first heard of Guy Fawkes/Guy Fawkes Day from watching She-Wolf of London reruns on the (then) Sci Fi Channel.

I fail at misandry. I don’t dislike facial hair. I don’t like it to be ridiculously long, but let’s face it, that’s weak tea. And I’m not even manipulating my husband into growing his hair the way I want him to. (I think he looks better with a short beard, but he says that if he grows out his facial hair it is itchy, plus he feels that it is too patchy to look good.)

10 years ago

My mother and sister were on my dad about his moustache for years (he was too lazy to trim it very often). He said he would shave it off when my sister got straight A’s. She finally did.

Within hours, they both wanted him to grow it back out. We all thought he looked freakishly like his brother without it.

He’s kept it shaved for years now.

I don’t know if this story is misandry, but it probably is.

10 years ago

They must not realize the gamergate meme has been all over Tumblr for over a week.

10 years ago

@CassandraKitty Whoops, my bad. My high school friend went to Scotland in November and told me that was the deal, but now that I think about it, he’s maybe not the most reliable source of information. Sometimes my gullibility gets the better of me. Sorry!

10 years ago

I first heard about Guy Fawkes from an episode of Daria. The weird one in which holidays take human form and hide out in Lawndale refusing to do their duties. Guy Fawkes day is a British punk rocker type.

10 years ago

Scottish people don’t call the English “Brits” either.

10 years ago

Wow, for a bunch of people who complain that SJWs are whiners and purposely look for minor things which we then use to get upset over, that GGer is a whiner and got upset over something really minor. Oh noes, the oppression from just one person in a Halloween costume.

10 years ago

Oh my, wasn’t teenage Bruce pretty? Yow.

And yeah, curly bangs. I loved mine until suddenly I didn’t. Now I’m growing them out. Hip hip hooray for French-made combs, they let me tuck the whole mess up into a stylish pair of pseudo-Victory rolls. No one knows my secret…

10 years ago

from Shaun Day’s link in how to suck Tumblr users into GG

People are the heroes of their own story

The irony it buuuuuuurns.

That link just fills me with tedium to an extraordinary degree. If it wasn’t for the misogyny and the doxing, it would be so easy to point and laugh at the delusions of grandeur.

Chiming in as a Scot, don’t call the English ‘Brits’. Also we just called Guy Fawkes day Bonfire night and set off fireworks. I knew as a kid in a vague way it was linked to Guy Fawkes, and I knew the story, but it really had no interest for me. As I got older, the whole day lost interest and even as someone who support Scottish Independence it was never going be some day where we protested about rule from Westminster. It’s a kids’ celebration and an excuse for fireworks.

10 years ago

Cassandrakitty, BigMomma, also sorry. I realized after I hit post and reread it that I meant English, not Brits. Mea culpa?

10 years ago

vbillings, it’s all good, it just stood out as wrong, I’m not cranky.

10 years ago

Kaykay. Tone is so complicated over the Internet.

On a cats note, my kit has been following me around the house all afternoon. I feel like a god.

10 years ago

Normally Buzzfeed isn’t my thing but this cat video is pretty great.

10 years ago

A Melbourne hotel has cancelled the seminar of a self-described “pick-up artist” whose methods include choking female strangers.

Julien Blanc, 25, was due to give a talk at the Como Hotel on Wednesday night advising men how to “pick up women from open to close”

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

WWTH, that is indeed a great video. 🙂

Magpie – gah, that PoS was coming here? He should be locked up forever.