#gamergate creepy entitled babies imaginary oppression kitties misandry MRA not all men oppressed men oppressed white men

The Halloween Costume of Great Misandry


Actually it's about ethics in trick or treating
Actually it’s about ethics in trick or treating

So on Halloween the dude in the pics above went out dressed as a … well, a Men’s Rights Activist, I guess, or maybe a GamerGater, or Redditor? Something along those lines. Whatever he was, he apparently won second prize in some sort of costume contest.

Well, the dude at the Tumblr blog Indefinite Free Pizza is having none of it:


Some aspects of this costume make me angry. The Guy Fawkes mask is the symbol of Anonymous, one of the most influential political movements of this century who have done great work in the Arab Spring, in the digital privacy movement, and most recently in Ferguson. Fedoras are classy and the wearing of a fedora does not assume any political or social affiliation. Doritos are yummy. Same goes for Mtn. Dew. Hawaiian shirts are fun and floral. Finally, I just want to point out that if someone were to dress up as a feminist for Halloween, you would all be up in arms. MRAs have some legitimate points which feminists tend to ignore (why are men perceived as criminal? Why are men harassed by progressive movements as a whole when all 3.5 billion don’t share a hive mind? Why are men always seen as aggressors in a conflict if the person on the other side is female?) Then again, Halloween costumes are often things that scare you, so maybe this is a great costume for someone with internalized misandry.

I have to admit he’s kind of got a point about the Doritos.

And he does have some awesome cat pics on his Tumblr as well.

I mean, just look at these awesome cats.

tumblr_nbpxqtQqKE1tficwmo3_500 tumblr_nbpxqtQqKE1tficwmo6_500 tumblr_nbpxqtQqKE1tficwmo10_500


But I think there’s something terribly wrong with this bird.




H/T — r/againstmensrights

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10 years ago

I wonder if he had ye olde equivalent of Beliebers mooning after his portraits back in the day.

10 years ago

I’ve never had a stubble rash. When the hair is still really short and it’s got that blunt end because it was cut it can be very hard and abrasive but unless you’re really pushing up and dragging against it I’m not sure where the rashes come from. Never experienced one upstairs or down. Hm. My guess would be it’s all in the pressure applied and how vigourous one’s movements are. I was smooching this dude last week who had a couple days’ stubble and we just kept the movements smooth and didn’t apply tons of pressure and it was great.

10 years ago

In other hair news, I got mine chopped last week and let my girl do whatever she felt like. She gave me these short frigging Bettie Page bangs I just can’t get behind. It’s OK. Three weeks and they’ll be of a reasonable length again.

10 years ago

Ugh, bangs. I just can’t, too much work.

(I’m guessing this may be less the case if your hair is straight.)

10 years ago

His character succeeded using Guy’s methods, but his motives were entirely different, and I think most fans of Anonymous have only seen the movie adaptation of the V for Vendetta graphic novel,

Or maybe they just don’t consume culture beyond the superficial level GEEZ I WONDER IF THERE’S A PATTERN HERE 😛

10 years ago

Super duper curly. I’ve never had to style my hair daily before. I look absurd of I do not now.

10 years ago

Yeah curly fringe is awkward. My hairdresser tried to talk me into it once and when she got to the part about having to blow dry it every day I was all, um, have we met? Surely you jest.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

I like having a curly fringe. Mostly because it’s really easy to denote a shitty stick figure as being me by just giving it an Aeris fringe and glasses.

10 years ago

Actually, I once did a ‘Major Feminazi’ costume for halloween. It was basically a nazi uniform, only with a really short skirt and armbands with the female symbol instead of a swastika. Not one of my best ideas, looking back, and I certainly wouldn’t do it again.
Still, the objectionable part of my costume wasn’t the ‘dressing up as a feminist’ so much as the ‘dressing up as a nazi’ part, contrary to Indefinite Free Pizza’s claims. Hell, I’d think it’d be awesome to see someone dressed up as a suffragette for Halloween. Better yet, a zombie suffragette, or even- *gasps* ZOMBIE DWORKIN!

10 years ago

“This costume is so objectionable! He is wearing a guy Fawkes mask! I love guy Fawkes! And Doritos and Dew are delicious! And fedoras (cough, cough, trilbys) are totally classy! And he has a sign claiming Misandry is real! Why is he making fun of everything I, as a MRA, hold dear!”

I love how his argument isn’t that the costume isn’t realistic, it’s that it’s too realistic.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Wait, is not liking facial hair misandry? That would be awesome if so, would make it so much easier to get my 10 daily acts of misandering in. It’s like v8 for evil feminists!

Liking only certain types of facial hair is misandry, too. As is liking actual fedoras only on certain people/with certain clothes. (Notice that MRAs etc. will be excluded from all these categories.)

I wonder if he had ye olde equivalent of Beliebers mooning after his portraits back in the day.

I think he did – he was a pop star of his day, iirc.

Hair convo!

My fringe is a little bit curly (or wavy?) but not enough to need straightening or anything, I’m glad to say.

Musicians with splendid hair – how about the teenage Boss?

10 years ago

I don’t know about his hair, but Franz Liszt was allegedly very much sought after for reasons other than his musical genius.

10 years ago

I am loving the idea of a suffragette Halloween costume! It wouldn’t be too difficult to put together either. Maybe next year.

10 years ago

My only disappointment is the slipknot shirt. Don’t bring slipknot into this. 🙁

10 years ago

One of the guys in the background is Marty McFly! What’s the other guy though? I can’t work it out.

10 years ago

Yeah, what’s the dude in the tights meant to be?

10 years ago

There are quite a few classical musicians who were pretty good looking when they were young. We are just used to seeing the wildly styled hair on an old dude image.

10 years ago

My mom dressed up my sister and I as “Sister Suffragettes” based on Winifred Banks from Mary Poppins one year when we were very small (no, we didn’t understand the costumes):


Inez Milholland
Inez Milholland
10 years ago

But there is a “straw feminist” costume. That one “villain of the week” from the Powderpuff Girls:

10 years ago

I am not certain but I think the tights with the black markings on them seem like one of the anti spiderman costumes.

10 years ago

You could always dress as the rouge Amazon from the Justice League cartoon who tried killing all the males with allergies or something.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Wild hair in need of a hat: Hector Berlioz

10 years ago

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good mop of hair must be in want of a hat.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

LOL Kim, so true!

Not particularly on topic (well, musician) but I love this painting. Dress! Hair! Lute!

Bogdan Cvetkovic
Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago

@kittehserf – MOD you read my mind! I’m reading the huge doorstopper biography in two parts by David Cairns right now. Only Berlioz can wear a neckbeard right.