#gamergate creepy entitled babies imaginary oppression kitties misandry MRA not all men oppressed men oppressed white men

The Halloween Costume of Great Misandry


Actually it's about ethics in trick or treating
Actually it’s about ethics in trick or treating

So on Halloween the dude in the pics above went out dressed as a … well, a Men’s Rights Activist, I guess, or maybe a GamerGater, or Redditor? Something along those lines. Whatever he was, he apparently won second prize in some sort of costume contest.

Well, the dude at the Tumblr blog Indefinite Free Pizza is having none of it:


Some aspects of this costume make me angry. The Guy Fawkes mask is the symbol of Anonymous, one of the most influential political movements of this century who have done great work in the Arab Spring, in the digital privacy movement, and most recently in Ferguson. Fedoras are classy and the wearing of a fedora does not assume any political or social affiliation. Doritos are yummy. Same goes for Mtn. Dew. Hawaiian shirts are fun and floral. Finally, I just want to point out that if someone were to dress up as a feminist for Halloween, you would all be up in arms. MRAs have some legitimate points which feminists tend to ignore (why are men perceived as criminal? Why are men harassed by progressive movements as a whole when all 3.5 billion don’t share a hive mind? Why are men always seen as aggressors in a conflict if the person on the other side is female?) Then again, Halloween costumes are often things that scare you, so maybe this is a great costume for someone with internalized misandry.

I have to admit he’s kind of got a point about the Doritos.

And he does have some awesome cat pics on his Tumblr as well.

I mean, just look at these awesome cats.

tumblr_nbpxqtQqKE1tficwmo3_500 tumblr_nbpxqtQqKE1tficwmo6_500 tumblr_nbpxqtQqKE1tficwmo10_500


But I think there’s something terribly wrong with this bird.




H/T — r/againstmensrights

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10 years ago

@ ted

Try a newsboy cap, those aren’t associated with assholes yet.

Also, I did dress up as a feminist for Halloween. It’s the easiest costume ever, since we look just like everyone else.

10 years ago

I’m taking back the trilby.

…or I look like an asshole. Whichever. I like my hat.

10 years ago

@ cassandrakitty

That’s what I’ve been doing, actually! And I wear it backwards, because, I mean, if Samuel L Jackson looks awesome that way, I can too.

10 years ago

I love the shoddy craftsmanship on the sign. It’s very MRA.

10 years ago

I actually just bought myself a newsboy cap, for those occasions where the beanie with the big fluffy bobble on the end is a bit too juvenile. Presumable this is misandry, since it’s a boy hat.

Neither of us have a hope in hell of looking as cool as Samuel Jackson in our hats.

10 years ago

Now here is how one wears a fedora:

(this was also a Halloween costume)

10 years ago

oh crumb, try this:

(not the most computer literate person on the planet)

10 years ago

That looks like eerily like an old school friend of mine..

10 years ago

Ooh, Sarah, a “straw feminist” costume could actually be really fun. Think scarecrow meets homicidal and unsexy old woman. With the right crowd, it would be hilarious. I’d have straw poking out all my sleeves and carry a knife for castrating the menz.

10 years ago

Aren’t feminists the ones who are supposed to be humorless outrage monkeys?

I like that the Guy Fawkes mask still has the little tab at the top, from which it was hung on a store’s display shelf.

10 years ago

Zolnier, if you were a panther, maybe so!

10 years ago

Speaking of ol’ Guido, his Day is day after tomorrow. Penny for the Guy?

10 years ago

He isn’t a Northern Territorian is he?

10 years ago

Definitely not — but cool to think he’s got a double out there somewhere. 🙂

10 years ago

Pod People!

10 years ago

Notorious R.B.G. was a popular costume this year.

10 years ago


10 years ago

The funny thing is that I’ve seen the cat in the sink and the bird croissant on the Tumblrs of multiple feminists, so apparently he hates us but also views us as an excellent source of cute. Weirdo.

Psycho Gecko
10 years ago

Actually, the Doritos and Mountain Dew part gave the Gamergate costume too much credit. It’s a clear reference to Doritogate, where a game journalist was interviewed between a poster of Halo 4 talking about XP boosts from Mountain Dew and Doritos, and a table holding Mountain Dew and Doritos. A journalist, not a spokesman.

That’s what’s called an actual gaming journalism ethics controversy. Notice how it didn’t draw nearly the shitstorm as Gamergate. It’s almost as if they don’t care about game journalism ethics…

10 years ago

I laughed a little at him calling Anonymous “one of the most influential political movements of this century” Like, really? Because I can think of a lot of more influential political groups/movements from this century.

10 years ago

By that logic tvtropes would be a superpower and Spacebattles an actual naval power.

10 years ago

@Bina – I like to believe that this young man is aware of this, it makes this costume even more pitch perfect!

Same here. This costume is clever as hell. Wonder who won first place…

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I love how the costume makes him angry, not because #notallgamers, but because it besmirches the honor of Hawaiian shirts, Doritos and fedoras. Don’t anyone dare imply that Hawaiian shirts aren’t ALWAYS fun and fedoras aren’t ALWAYS classy!

For people who speak and think almost entirely in stereotypes, they sure are willfully obtuse about cultural shorthand when it suits them. “What is this ‘Mountain Dew’ you speak of? It’s a refreshing, lively drink enjoyed by millions!” “Big noses are anti-semitic? I had noooooo idea! Maybe YOU’RE the racist, since you brought it up.”

Speaking of stereotypes, I saw this on Daily Kos the other day (apologies if it’s already been posted here, I haven’t been able to keep up with the threads lately):

Q: What’s the difference between wine and gamergaters?
A: Wine eventually matures and leaves the basement.

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

I still don’t understand how people using the Guy Fawkes mask as a symbol for fighting injustice don’t know squat about who was that man and what were his motivations.

I’m pretty sure they only know that mask from “V for Vendetta”.

Or trying to make out that Anonymous is cohesive political movement as opposed to guys on the internet.

Or ignoring that Anonymous is from 4chan and has engaged in such world-changing activism as mass doxxings and posting flashing gifs on a message board for people with epilepsy.

10 years ago

Anonymous, brought to you by the makers of PedoBear!

To be fair, they have done some decent things, due to the whole loosely affiliated collection of individuals thing, but overall? The civil rights movement it isn’t.