#gamergate creepy entitled babies imaginary oppression kitties misandry MRA not all men oppressed men oppressed white men

The Halloween Costume of Great Misandry


Actually it's about ethics in trick or treating
Actually it’s about ethics in trick or treating

So on Halloween the dude in the pics above went out dressed as a … well, a Men’s Rights Activist, I guess, or maybe a GamerGater, or Redditor? Something along those lines. Whatever he was, he apparently won second prize in some sort of costume contest.

Well, the dude at the Tumblr blog Indefinite Free Pizza is having none of it:


Some aspects of this costume make me angry. The Guy Fawkes mask is the symbol of Anonymous, one of the most influential political movements of this century who have done great work in the Arab Spring, in the digital privacy movement, and most recently in Ferguson. Fedoras are classy and the wearing of a fedora does not assume any political or social affiliation. Doritos are yummy. Same goes for Mtn. Dew. Hawaiian shirts are fun and floral. Finally, I just want to point out that if someone were to dress up as a feminist for Halloween, you would all be up in arms. MRAs have some legitimate points which feminists tend to ignore (why are men perceived as criminal? Why are men harassed by progressive movements as a whole when all 3.5 billion don’t share a hive mind? Why are men always seen as aggressors in a conflict if the person on the other side is female?) Then again, Halloween costumes are often things that scare you, so maybe this is a great costume for someone with internalized misandry.

I have to admit he’s kind of got a point about the Doritos.

And he does have some awesome cat pics on his Tumblr as well.

I mean, just look at these awesome cats.

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But I think there’s something terribly wrong with this bird.




H/T — r/againstmensrights

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10 years ago

He is angry because “fedoras are classy” and… somebody is implying that they are not?

Is there a specific word that means someone has proven true a stereotype by the way in which they react against it?

Silver Sloth
Silver Sloth
10 years ago

Am I alone in invoking Poe’s Law

Atomic Mutant
10 years ago

Anonymous is “one of the most influential political movements of this century”? Wow, standards have really dropped since the last century. In the 20th century you needed to fight for something like Civil Rights, etc. to be considered “one of the most influential political movements”. Seems in the 21st century all you need is a bunch of bored script kiddies.

10 years ago

His facial expression is SO PERFECT. Five stars, would lol again.

10 years ago

I think there is something terribly RIGHT with that bird. It looks DELICIOUS.

10 years ago

If you’re going to dress as “misandry” I would dress as Frank Butler, who in real life put his marksman career aside for Annie Oakley, as opposed to the other way around. I’m sure discovering that historical tidbit deeply annoys these sorts of people.

10 years ago

Mind you, to be perfect, the guy should’ve been wearing a trillby with a sign attached that reads, “Like my fedora?” But otherwise, yes, this is pitch-perfect.

10 years ago

If people wouldn’t like someone wearing a Halloween costumer making fun of feminists, that maybe has something to do with the fact that feminism is a movement that’s fought for women’s rights for decades, achieved massive political victories and has a long and continuing track record of improving the lives of women around the world.

Whereas the men’s rights movement is a reactionary backlash that uses “men’s rights” as a flimsy cover to attack feminism and women. The author of that post is attempting to draw an equivalence between two things that simply aren’t equivalent.

Samuel Schmitt
10 years ago

I still don’t understand how people using the Guy Fawkes mask as a symbol for fighting injustice don’t know squat about who was that man and what were his motivations.

10 years ago

Or trying to make out that Anonymous is cohesive political movement as opposed to guys on the internet. Or being offended by a goddamn fedora, that’s like being offended by a Magneto cosplayer in a cape.

10 years ago

If you actually look at his tumblr, it’s clear the cognitive dissonance is STRONG in this one.

10 years ago

Fedoras are classy … with a suit and tie. Indiana Jones is an exception (no suit and rarely a tie), but we can’t all be Harrison Ford.

@Samuel Schmitt: That Fawkes mask is from V for Vendetta (of course) so I think a lot of people stop there.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Regarding the mask: It just reminds me of college kids wearing Che Guevara shirts.

10 years ago

Fedoras are classy! Oh, he’s definitely a “hello m’lady.”

I know I’ve posted this before but I just love it so much.

10 years ago

Also, fedoras were originally worn by women, in fact they’re named after a fictional princess who wore a hat in that style.

10 years ago

I think it’s interesting that the defense is not, “Hey, we don’t all dress like that/eat those things”, but rather, “Hey, those are all things that I like.”

10 years ago

Fedoras are only classy if you don’t use them as shorthand for “I’m a classy guy, not a whiny douchebag — REALLY!”

Also, that’s a trilby. Which douchey guys routinely mistake for a fedora.

10 years ago

The fedoras remind me of this exchange during a meeting at the Very Big Corporation of America in “Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life.”

Chairman: Item six on the agenda, the Meaning of Life. Now Harry, you’ve had some thoughts on this.

Harry: That’s right, yeah. I’ve had a team working on this over the past few weeks, and what we’ve come up with can be reduced to two fundamental concepts. One, people are not wearing enough hats. Two, matter is energy. In the Universe there are many energy fields which we cannot normally perceive. Some energies have a spiritual source which act upon a person’s soul. However, this soul does not exist ab initio as orthodox Christianity teaches; it has to be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation. However, this is rarely achieved owing to man’s unique ability to be distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivia.


Max: What was that about hats again?

10 years ago

As a man with terrible and uncontrollable hair, I lament what’s become of fedoras. Thank god for kangols, though.

10 years ago

I’ll leave the same comment I left when I saw this costume of Facebook.

Costume incomplete: missing Pinkie Pie backpack.

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
10 years ago

@ M the SJR
Fun Fact: Schoolmates of mine actually thought he was the singer of Rage Against the Machine, because they had a T-Shirt with his profile… I also loved the flags with the huge profile of Che and his quote about how you shouldn’t have any heroes.

LOL@ the “achievements” of Anonymous. If I remember correctly, the guys who helped Egyptians and Tunisians set up proxies to circumvent the internet blockages were a small group from Sweden and Germany brought to the brink (and beyond) of physical and psychological breakdown by the work. They didn’t really care what they called themselves. Meanwhile, idiots wearing those stupid masks protested the ban of a website streaming illegal copies of bad Hollywood blockbusters in Germany.

10 years ago

He is angry because “fedoras are classy” and… somebody is implying that they are not?

He only has himself to blame for giving fedoras a bad name.

10 years ago

@Bina – I like to believe that this young man is aware of this, it makes this costume even more pitch perfect!

10 years ago

Schoolmates of mine actually thought he was the singer of Rage Against the Machine


*remembers herself in high school*

Nevermind, that sounds about right.

10 years ago

Love it. Also as kootiepatra says whiny guy doesn’t even claim misrepresentation. I wouldn’t feel at all bothered if someone dressed up as a real feminist (not a straw one), like Rosie the Riveter and sufragette costumes are cool.

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