#gamergate creepy entitled babies imaginary oppression kitties misandry MRA not all men oppressed men oppressed white men

The Halloween Costume of Great Misandry


Actually it's about ethics in trick or treating
Actually it’s about ethics in trick or treating

So on Halloween the dude in the pics above went out dressed as a … well, a Men’s Rights Activist, I guess, or maybe a GamerGater, or Redditor? Something along those lines. Whatever he was, he apparently won second prize in some sort of costume contest.

Well, the dude at the Tumblr blog Indefinite Free Pizza is having none of it:


Some aspects of this costume make me angry. The Guy Fawkes mask is the symbol of Anonymous, one of the most influential political movements of this century who have done great work in the Arab Spring, in the digital privacy movement, and most recently in Ferguson. Fedoras are classy and the wearing of a fedora does not assume any political or social affiliation. Doritos are yummy. Same goes for Mtn. Dew. Hawaiian shirts are fun and floral. Finally, I just want to point out that if someone were to dress up as a feminist for Halloween, you would all be up in arms. MRAs have some legitimate points which feminists tend to ignore (why are men perceived as criminal? Why are men harassed by progressive movements as a whole when all 3.5 billion don’t share a hive mind? Why are men always seen as aggressors in a conflict if the person on the other side is female?) Then again, Halloween costumes are often things that scare you, so maybe this is a great costume for someone with internalized misandry.

I have to admit he’s kind of got a point about the Doritos.

And he does have some awesome cat pics on his Tumblr as well.

I mean, just look at these awesome cats.

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But I think there’s something terribly wrong with this bird.




H/T — r/againstmensrights

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Emil Söderman
10 years ago

I never got the point of fedoras (or trilbys) the brim is a bit too narrow to actually provide any shade (which is why I wear hats)

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago


She was nine! Sweet Cookie Monster! Nine! No doubt the conspirators thought that was a plus.

Yeah, but Charles was five!

Cripes, if Douglass is kicking racists’ arses, no wonder he has to limit himself to certain days. He’d be on the go 24/7 otherwise and I’d bet he has better things to do.

And hey, big picture of Douglass = good!

Also Owen and Durer, damn yes! I love that Durer self portrait.

10 years ago

Did you hear? They’re pretty much sure they’ve found her crash site. They might have even found her plane!

Ooh, I did not hear about that! Details?

10 years ago

When I was in high school, I had a total crush on Filipino revolutionary Emilio Aguinaldo. I am convinced that only his failure to die prematurely prevented him from achieving Che-like status.

10 years ago

@Katz: A fragment of aluminum found on the Nikumaroro atoll seems to match a patch installed on her aircraft in Miami, and sonar imaging off that atoll showed up an object that’s the right size and shape to be her plane. The object is under 600 feet (!) of water.

But Elgen Long (first transpolar circumnavigation) and a panel of experts, including a Lockheed engineer who helped build Earhart’s plane, examined the aluminum sheet just after it was found and decided it came from the wing of a PBY Catalina instead.

So I guess I’m going to have to walk it back a bit. This one group (TIGHAR) is pretty much sure they’ve found her.

10 years ago

@GrumpyOldMan: Dulce Et Decorum Est has always moved me.

I tend to shy away from Siegfried Sassoon — his war poems tend to be heavy lifting, emotionally.

I seem to have made it an informal tradition to listen to Eric Bogle’s “The Green Fields of France” every November 11.

10 years ago

Can’t link, but back in college I saw a photo of Chou En-Lai as a nineteen year old student.

Just yum.

10 years ago

Yep, that’s another addition to the hot political leader hall of fame.

10 years ago

I am in LOVE with the guy in the costume. A guy w/ a sense of humor who “gets it”? Sign me up!!!!

10 years ago

@Charles Montgomery Burns: I really think there is. In their weird fantasy world, it’s a zero-sum game and any gain for women is a loss for men. I also get the impression many believe that the goal of feminism is not equality of women but subjugation of men. So even if they conceded the former was a worthy goal (which they won’t, a lot of them deny sexism towards women even exists) they would oppose feminism for fear of the latter.

@Emil Sideman: An actual fedora can certainly have a wide enough brim to keep sun out of your eyes. A good one is also more or less waterproof so it works for rain too. Really though, it’s a style thing. I have one but I’ve barely worn it in years because it doesn’t match up with most of my wardrobe. You can’t usually wear a hat like that with casual clothing without looking like a jackass. The stereotypical “nice guy” doesn’t seem to understand that.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Yep, that’s another addition to the hot political leader hall of fame.


10 years ago


“and their general inability to read critically or Google anything”

There are indeed plenty of younger people on Tumblr who fall too easily into the “not doing the damn research” trap. However, I’m fairly certain that a lack of critical thinking and lack of Google skills transcends age barriers and is consistently displayed throughout the internets. Obviously being gullible is a common Tumblr trait, but I wouldn’t go so far as to attribute their age as being the primary factor in that. It’s unfair to the younger people who actually do the damn research and do their best to correct the inaccurate information…which usually gets ignored because of course, the truth never does get as much attention as the initial falsehoods. But hey, they try.

10 years ago

I come on here sometimes to just look at the awesome cat pics. That cat on the hood. Awesome. Nonetheless that guy’s costume was great. Good idea, glad he got a prize.

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