#gamergate 4chan 8chan a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy evil SJWs hamstering imaginary backwards land literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sarkeesian! threats twitter

Why are #GamerGaters so quick to excuse an anti-Semitic caricature of Anita Sarkeesian that's literally derived from Nazi propaganda?

The other day, I posted a screenshot of an 8chan comment featuring the drawing above, a crude caricature of Anita Sarkeesian that’s a not-very-subtle variation on a racist and anti-Semitic cartoon that originally ran in a neo-Nazi newspaper.

Here’s the original, in all its crapitude:

The original neo-Nazi cartoon that inspired a thousand 4chan threads.

Let’s face it! That is one fucking awful cartoon.

Now, if that picture — or at least the grinning fellow on the left — looks familiar, it’s because he’s been that’s turned into a meme (“Le Happy Merchant”) that’s proven popular with 4channers and Stormfronters alike.

Given that GamerGate itself has its origins on 4chan — and in an IRC channel populated mostly bey 4channers — it shouldn’t come as a complete shock that #GamerGaters, some of whom refer to Sarkeesian as “Jewkeesian,” have repurposed the image into a caricature of one of their most hated foes. Sarkeesian isn’t actually Jewish, but for whatever reason this doesn’t seem to faze her anti-Semitic non-admirers.

GamerGaters like to claim that this sort of bigotry “isn’t what GamerGate is really about,” and that anti-Semites and other bigots are fringe elements in their movement, if not “false flagging” feminazi shills trying to make GamerGate look bad. Here, one GamerGater makes that point with as much sarcasm as he can muster:

This would be a much more convincing argument if GamerGaters weren’t so quick to excuse and/or explain away the anti-Semitic imagery every time it rears its ugly head.

Here’s one active GamerGater who wants everyone to know that, actually, it’s about ethics in game journalism.

But she has a pretty unusual notion of what “not hate” is, given that she posted this picture several days later:

B06oYLtCUAA3yhPThis lovely little drawing combines the racist caricature of Sarkeesian with another bit of neo-Nazi propaganda that’s been floating around the internet for a while, and which had already been repurposed as an anti-Muslim comic. In other words, @SlushStuff has posted a mashup of a neo-Nazi cartoon that’s already been used in another bigoted mashup.


We can’t blame @SlushStuff’s glee in posting this on her ignorance of the sources of the cartoon in question; she’s well aware that the picture is based on anti-Semitic propaganda. She just thinks this isn’t a problem, because reasons.

Then again, @SlushStuff doesn’t seem to have a problem with straight-up racism either.

This is a common reaction amongst GamerGaters when confronted with this particular work of, er, art. When srh, who tracks GamerGate bigotry on Twitter, posted the tweet at the top of this post, here are some of the reactions she got, in a seemingly unending discussion that extended over hundreds of tweets. (These aren’t all successive tweets; see here for the whole thread.)

aas1 aas2 aas4 aas4two aas5 aas6 aas7

Yep. That’s right. A guy whose avatar is a white dude in an American Indian headdress (comedian Jim Norton, FWIW) is lecturing people about what is and what isn’t racism.

aas8 aas9 aas10 aas11 aas12 aas13 aas14 aas15  aas16aas17


At this point I “noped” out of reading the rest of the thread before my head exploded from all the nonsense.


GamerGate claims to have an anti-harassment squad, but when someone posts caricatures of Anita Sarkeesian that are not just inspired by but probably literally traced from Nazi propaganda, these are the guys who show up.

To quote the robot bartender in The Fifth Element, do you want some more?

Here’s more.

After one anti-GamerGater posted a screenshot of Mary’s post featuring Sarkeesian painting fake threats on a wall, one #GamerGater had this response.


Here yet another GamerGater claims that the caricature is mocking Sarkeesian, so therefore it can’t be anti-Semitic:

Oh, wait, is this yet another GamerGater making the same terrible “argument?” Why yes, it is:

And, oh, it gets weirder. Here a GamerGater responding to a critic who was pointing out an instance of GamerGaters using “Le Happy Merchant” in an infographic … by suggesting he was “Jew-shaming.”

And here’s a GamerGater who uses “Le Happy Merchant” as his fucking avatar … accusing Sarkeesian of anti-Semitism. And spelling it wrong.

B1RZD5pIEAAhWFH.png large

I could keep going, but after this, is there any point?

Bottom of the barrel, consider yourself scraped.

EDIT: Added more info on the source of that second Sarkeesian cartoon.

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10 years ago

I’m sure Saul will now run off to 8chan to whine to all his buddies about frozen peaches.

10 years ago


Ah, well – atleast “Saul” will have something else to be oddly rageful and, yes, bitter about.

It seems like you all had fun batting him around, though.

FYI: the new (old) season of Portlandia’s now on Netflix.

10 years ago

Whoa whoa wait, is someone in here trying to defend this??

*grabs popcorn*

10 years ago

Aww, missed it. Well, back to playing not-video games. (Partner’s turn on the 360, and I’ve rediscovered Burger Shop)

10 years ago

It’s so amazing to see GG rushing to defend the indefensible. Oh, wait.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

You know who does or says indefensible things and then is unable to admit to error?

Children. And not just any children. Only the deeply immature.

Sadly, some children never grow out of it, and become adults who behave in this underdeveloped fashion. GGers fit this profile.

Pithy Pseudonym
10 years ago

Okay, “Saul,” earlier you seemed to say that it would be impossible for non-Jews to call a specific thing anti-Semitic. Question for you: I’m a gentile and in the showers after cross country practice one day in high school, I got called a k-ke*. Was I wrong to be offended and think of the speaker as an asshole?

* The actual insult was “cheesedicked k-ke”. Yes, he noted I was uncircumcised and still called me an anti-Semitic slur. We really needed a better class of anti-Semite in that town.

10 years ago

Ok, time for some brain bleach but rather that a picture it’s a quick lesson in how we refer to cats in my family (you will be converted)

A cat is a munch.

Also to give a cat a cuddle is to give a cat a munch

Cats paws are munchies.

To squish a cats paw is to munch it.

So whether you’re cuddling cats or squishig their paws , you are in fact munching a munch.

I was reminded of this when looking at WWTH cat picture and thinking what a munchy munchball.

10 years ago

Off topic: I don’t quite know how to feel about this

Pithy Pseudonym
10 years ago

And I see that Saul’s been banned. I really should have either not procrastinated in hitting submit, or at least refreshed a final time before doing so.

10 years ago

When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say. Or in this case, what he did say

Wow. Generic #GamerGate meme much?
Anyway, this would certainly explain why David let your previous comments through.

10 years ago

Aaand the sock’s gone…Aww, what a loss.

10 years ago

That’s really cute. When I rub my face in a kitty’s belly floof, I call it snorfeling. I don’t know why. It just seems right.

10 years ago

Need more subtlety

Well, we can’t all have the masterful subtlety of a slightly altered Nazi cartoon about exterminating the Jews.

10 years ago

WWTH, I don’t really know what to say either. But on the topic of grumpy cats and performances, Tim Curry does the audiobook versions of the Old Kingdom Trilogy. So if you have a sudden need for a grumpy not-actually-a-cat voiced by Tim Curry… you know where to go.

Bad Raptor
Bad Raptor
10 years ago

wordsp1nner, you have my eternal gratitude. This is amazing on my earholes.

10 years ago

Tim Curry is *so good* as a sinister cat. I was iffy on the audiobook version until that character appeared.

10 years ago

I think Tim Curry might be a sinister cat that disguised itself as a man. Also it was probably the biggest Tim Curry related surprise I had since he turned up on Lexx.

10 years ago

I like his performances in Lirael and Abhorsen better than Sabriel, but Mogget is definitely the best.

10 years ago

@WWTH and everyone else.

Maybe the next open thread could be about nick names for our munchies (you will be converted) and the names we give for different types of cuddles,I mean munchies (YOU WILL BE CONVERTED)

Btw ,PZ Myers has officially adopted a cat, showing that our mission to take over the internet and indeed the world with cats is nearly complete.

10 years ago

The whole “I know you are, you said you are, but what am I” schtick gets boring quick.

There’s no entertaining trolls anymore. I remember back in the good old days…

10 years ago

OK, I appreciate not everyone here is owned by a cat.However until our mission is complete nick names for other animals will be permitted.

10 years ago

Here’s some cat pictures:

Why did no-one tell me before the 29th of October that it was world cat day?

10 years ago

When you tear out a man’s tongue,

10 years ago

Why did no-one tell me before the 29th of October that it was world cat day?

Isn’t every day world cat day?

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