#gamergate advocacy of violence creepy entitled babies evil SJWs gamebros harassment misogyny post contains jokes post contains sarcasm sarkeesian! sockpuppetry threats twitter video games YouTube

7 Totally Awesome Last Minute #GamerGate Halloween Costumes

This could be you!
This could be you!

So you waited until the last minute to pull together your #GamerGate Halloween costume. And you’re lazy as crap.

Well, you’re in luck! Here are seven totally half-assed, no-effort #GamerGate costumes you can pull together in a few minutes with stuff you have around the house!

1) Milo Yiannopoulos, #GamerGate’s favorite “ethical” journalist

Download the pic at the top of this post, print it out (choose “fit picture to frame” so it’ll be the right size), cut it out and cut out the eyes, attach it to your face somehow, and ta da!

For added realism, pepper your conversation with complaints about feminist “bullies,” expound on why you think poor people are genetically programmed to steal things, declare Malala Yousafzai a frumpy bore,  and explain to anyone who will listen why white middle-class men are the REAL persecuted minority these days.

2) An angry, hour-long YouTube video about Anita Sarkeesian


Cut a YouTube-video-shaped hole out of a piece of cardboard, draw some crap on the front of it with red and black markers to make it look like a YouTube page, hold it up in front of your face, and start droning on incoherently about how Anita is a scam artist who totally made up all those threats and when you played Hitman you didn’t make a pile out of dead strippers who would even do that anyway Anita no one that’s who what a liar I don’t condone the threats against her but she plugged her book on Twitter after that shooting ok it wasn’t her book but I bet she got a kickback because that’s just the sort of person she is also she’s trying to hypnotize me with adverbs.

3) A confusing infographic.


#GamerGaters love making ridiculously convoluted and confusing infographics, often featuring assorted screenshots carefully annotated with red arrows drawn in MS Paint. Now you can be one of these infographics! Just print out the pic above and tape it to the front of your shirt. (Thanks to @lindsay40k on Twitter for designing this lovely faux infographic.)

4) A sockpuppet


Take a sock from your laundry hamper, attach some googly eyes to it — or just draw some on with a sharpie — and ta da! Now you’re ready to post comments online as someone else — or win the costume contest at a Halloween party!

5) A Twitter account with three followers and a stock photo of a woman and/or person of color as the profile picture

White guys: this could be you!

Are you a straight white cis dude who’d like to do some #NotYourShield-ing on Twitter? Now you can! Find a stock photo of a woman and/or POC, print it out, and tape it to your shirt. Whenever anyone asks who that is in the picture, tell them it’s you!

6) A non-serious death threat

People who make funny faces are never dangerous!

Everyone knows that death threats sent over the internet shouldn’t be taken seriously — everyone, that is, except the silly Social Justice Warriors who get them! This Halloween, you too can be a totally non-serious death threat! Just write “I am going to kill you” on an old t-shirt. Then make silly faces all night so everyone knows not to take you seriously!

7) A gigantic piece of shit


It goes without saying that many if not most #GamerGaters are huge pieces of shit. Now you can be one too! Find a piece of brown cardboard, cut it into the shape of a piece of poop, cut a hole in the middle to stick your head through, and ta da! You are #GamerGate, personified. Or should I say poopsonified.

Happy Halloween!



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10 years ago

I’m actually dressing up as a sock puppet tonight for a party (for real). My friend will be dressed as a false flag.
I’m less lazy than the #gamergate version though – I sewed a body sized sock for the occasion.

Katherine XII
Katherine XII
10 years ago

This is just what I needed!

Halloween snuck up on me this year -.-

10 years ago
10 years ago

Poopy Dog is not impressed.

10 years ago

I was going to go as Davis Airuni. I got my turtleneck. I picked up a plastic skull. I used makeup to give my skin the right pallor and a pencil moustache. Then my wife asked if I was supposed to be a Shakespearean mime so I just gave up.

Fortunately, I already set up a patreon for my costume, so I collected the money despite not finishing the costume. I got that part perfect! $15,000!

Anastasia Maria DiMarca

DAVID! I want you and the other Mammoths to know that I’m doing a Gamergate Halloween costume! I realized it when I was looking at a dog gate and couldn’t figure out what to go to a party as.
Basically I’m going to dress up as a stereotypical “gamer”, and use that dog gate. It slides enough that you can cover one side of it with the other. The inner side will have a picture of a woman with a line through it, and the outer side will say “Ethics in Game Journalism” in big letters. I’ll carry the gate around with me! 😀

10 years ago

Simplest Gamergate costume ever: An old Nintendo joystick and a bag of Cheetos.

10 years ago

Nah, that would imply that they really have been involved in gaming from the beginning, and most of these guys aren’t even old enough to remember the middle.

10 years ago

Oh yeah, that’s right. Make that a Bluetooth headset, a bad case of meth mouth, and a bag of Cheetos.

10 years ago

Now I’m thinking of the sock puppets from Good Eats, for some reason. (They did burp and fart, after all.)

My mom and I call the family dog Poopy Dog all the time, so that made me giggle. XD

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
10 years ago

I actually considered dressing as a GamerGateDudeBro for Hallowe’en. The look would have included some denim short-pants, a men’s faded. baggy black t-shirt, a convention-attendee badge on a lanyard, my hair greased down and tied back at the nape of my neck with a rubber ban, topped off with a fedora and completed with a glue-on neck-beard. I figured that as a fat woman, I could achieve the look even without binding down my tits.

10 years ago

Two things:
1. The YouTube video idea is an all-around brilliant costume idea.
2. You could make a pretty good “awful infographic” costume by sticking random, unrelated pieces of text and/or screenshots all over your regular clothes and maybe drawing those big, red arrows between a few of them, but leaving most of them completely unconnected and tangential. It’d take a few more minutes than printing out one picture and slapping it on your shirt, but it’d probably be more fun, too.

10 years ago

Basically I’m going to dress up as a stereotypical “gamer”, and use that dog gate. It slides enough that you can cover one side of it with the other. The inner side will have a picture of a woman with a line through it, and the outer side will say “Ethics in Game Journalism” in big letters. I’ll carry the gate around with me! 

Ok, that wins.

10 years ago

I made a Femra costume. Actually signs to be exact, they read: “not catering to men 24/7 is misandry” and “I bathe in feminist tears!” With a cupcake on it.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

I was thinking about dressing up as myself – Portal t-shirt, Skyrim beanie, Batman earrings, Pokemon necklace, Zelda wallet, 3DS in one pocket, handheld emulator in another, badges from various local women’s and LGBTQ+ rights charities – and telling people I was #GamerGate’s Freddy Krueger.

10 years ago

I think the spirit of Halloween is best said in things that try to be scary, but are actually pretty comical.

(I didn’t put a whole lot of effort in because I realized halfway through I was seriously dressing up as a neo-Nazi)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Anastasia, don’t forget to demand eye candy. It’s your constitutional right!

If I were dressing up, I’d go as a cherry picker.

10 years ago

Laziest (becuz I am the laziest ol lady in the land) costume idea yet I think: just write smart female on your shirt becuz appparently that scares/disgusts the sh*t outa a lotta guys. Gr8 ideas, tho, evry1 else, espec. Olive, except for your fedora; personally I like fedoras. Becuz James Spader & Apollo Robbins. Happy Halloween!

10 years ago

David: Nicely done.

10 years ago


It’s amazing how well you’ve captured the essence of Aurini. Your picture might as well be a still in one of his videos. You just need a glass of scotch and a lit cigarette (for waving around, obviously, not for smoking) and the illusion would be perfect.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


You win the thread. Also, +15 Awesome Points for having the same Companion Cube plushie as me. Hell yes.

10 years ago

Dress as literally anything, and when people try to guess what you are say, “Actually, I’m ethics in video game journalism.”

DStunt Rocker
10 years ago

Wait. RE: The first image that shows up before the jump. Why would GamerGaters be wearing a Balki from PERFECT STRANGERS mask? No really. Dude looks like Bronson Pinchot. Unfortunate for Bronson Pinchot.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

I was going to balance Barbie’s dream sofa and Mr. Potatohead on my back as a GG supporter.

10 years ago

David: you are a goddam hero.