
Vox Day: #GamerGate-rs "are the only defenders of freedom and Western civilization who are causing enemy casualties."

But mom, I'm saving Western Civilization
But mom, I’m saving Western Civilization

Is there some sort of contest out there to see who can sing the praises of GamerGate in the most floridly self-important, over-the-top  and un-self-aware manner possible?

If so, we seem to have a new contender: the racist, woman-hating fantasy author and actual adult human being who goes by the name Vox Day, who may have even out-melodramatized 8chan’s pretentious pontificators in a post on his Vox Popoli blog today.

At this point, #GamerGate is about more than games now. It is a Schwerpunkt in the ongoing cultural war for the West. And the gamers of #GamerGate are the only defenders of freedom and Western civilization who are counterattacking and causing enemy casualties. That is why it is more than important, it is vital to see non-gamers joining the cause rather than sneering from the sidelines.

Because if the pinkshirts haven’t come after you and yours yet, they assuredly will so long as you have not submitted to them.

I know that Vox writes terrible fantasy novels for a living. Does he think he lives in one as well?

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10 years ago

They came after me when they were still the whiteshirts, before they mixed their laundry up.

10 years ago

Saving western civilization? Feh, Just Feh. Oh, and spitooie. And a giant raspberry. Feh

10 years ago

Oh, and may a thousand sharp-clawed little kitties play with his balls.


10 years ago

It amazes me that Vox thinks that blatant homophobia is going to do good things for #gamergate…. These asshats can’t even villain right.

10 years ago

First they came for the internet trolls, and I did not speak up, partly because I wasn’t an internet troll but mostly because we were all a lot happier after they were gone.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

The Fear Gals Putsch…

10 years ago

Seems to me he hasn’t understood that it’s actually about ethics in videogame journalism…

10 years ago

At this point, #GamerGate is about more than games now.

Actually it’s about ethics in games journalism.

It is a Schwerpunkt in the ongoing cultural war for the West.

Given Vox Day’s background, pretty sure that “ongoing cultural war” he’s describing is being fought by white nationalists and the MRM.

And the gamers of #GamerGate are the only defenders of freedom and Western civilization who are counterattacking and causing enemy casualties.

Yeah, like all those women who have decided not to be part of the community they loved because of harassment. Or the women who have been literally driven from their homes in fear for their lives. At least there haven’t been any literal casualties, or this statement would be even more horrific.

That is why it is more than important, it is vital to see non-gamers joining the cause rather than sneering from the sidelines.

So come, all ye misogynists! Come, ye clansmen! Come, all you who want equality (where you are more equal than the rest)! Together, we will beat back the liberal menace from the streets of our GTA and bring freedom (for us) and prosperity (for us) once more!

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

Because everybody knows that using very specific Nazi terminology is the best way to prove that you’re on the good guys’ side!

10 years ago

“Schwerpunkt” apparently means the core or center. I wonder why Vox Day would use a German word when there is an everyday English equivalent. Is this a hint of something? What could he be trying to convey?

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


Schwerpunkt was a word the Nazis used in the planning of the Blitzkrieg and their other operations.

10 years ago

I’m feeling horribly naive now, cuz when I read ‘pinkshirts’, I thought he meant the anti-bullying ‘SJW’ campaigners.

10 years ago

So Vox Day just called GamerGaters Nazis?

Vanir (@Vanir85)
10 years ago

How,,, the HECK can a man who wants to take away basic rights and liberties for women in ALL SERIOUSNESS talk about defending FREEDOM???

Defending “Western civ”.. maybe.. if rolled back to Roman Empire or Dark Ages kind of “west”; basically slavery, tyranny, women treated as breeding cattle, etc. But FREEDOM?

Vox keeps using that word, I don’t think it means what he thinks it means!

10 years ago

It’s a pretty safe bet that whatever Vox Day’s defending must be abhorrent, and whoever he’s villifying must be doing the right.

10 years ago

These guys laugh at Tumblr because they think it’s overdramatic. Then they hold this shit up as a rallying banner.

I literally cannot comprehend that level of obliviousness.

10 years ago

So Vox Day just called GamerGaters Nazis?

That’s probably a compliment for him.

10 years ago
Reply to  vaiyt

That’s an excellent point, and the language used by Vox Day drives it home beyond a reasonable doubt.

10 years ago

This whole thing reminds me of the old Martin Mull song:

“You’ll never have to lift the seat cause there’s no one here but MenMenMen.”

I’m dating myself.

Thunder foot said Colbert would make her “ketchup “.
How’d that work out for ya?

10 years ago

Is there some sort of contest out there to see who can sing the praises of GamerGate in the most floridly self-important, over-the-top and un-self-aware manner possible?

Yes, and I would say they are winning, but actually everybody is winning, because they are so very mock-able. Pox Day has always been an asshole and will continue his stellar career as an asshole indefinitely, I think.

10 years ago

@M. the Social Justice Ranger

It’s a term from the field of geometry and means “center of mass”. Remember that the art of war used to be heavily based on geometric priniciples during the long 19th century, which is how it slipped into strategic lingo. But yes, him as an Anglo using it together with that talk about wars waged to defend western civilization…

Jon H
10 years ago

Yes, he thinks he lives in a fantasy novel.


Jon H
10 years ago
10 years ago

Good lord, this may be the most hilariously ridiculous thing I’ve read all month. And I’m a regular reader of this blog. 🙂

10 years ago

I hope Scalzi has time enough to properly handle this.

Not only does Beale live in a fantasy novel, he resents the hell out of consensus reality for not matching up with it.

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