
Reactionary racist woman-hating fantasy author Vox Day has some helpful advice for street harassers on how to harass more effectively

"Buck buck buh-kaw!" is not a compliment.
“Buck buck buh-kaw!” is not a compliment.

So everyone’s favorite reactionary racist woman-hating fantasy author Vox Day has weighed in on that street harassment video that’s been going around. And his comments will shock you.

At least if you’re easily shocked and have never read any of my previous posts about him.

It’s not exactly a surprise that Vox thinks that street harassment isn’t really harassment, just a bunch of “unsolicited compliments and greetings” from friendly fellows.

But Vox does have one criticism of the non-harassers. They’re not doing it right.

Specifically, they’re being too nice to the women they’re pestering.

The ironic thing is that these men have it all wrong anyhow. They’d be much more likely to get a response from her if they glanced at her and laughed, rolled their eyes, or sniffed dismissively. Street neg, one might say.

So ladies, if you’re walking down the street and some angry weirdo sniffs dismissively in your direction, don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel a strong urge to bear his children. Because sniffing dismissively is a total Alpha move.

Vox’s regular commenters had a few thoughts of their own.

“The more we ignore them, the more they want us. Amusing creatures,” Laguna Feach Fogey sniffed dismissively.

“The day the catcalls finally stop will be far more traumatic for her than the catcalls have been,” Retrenched laughed.

“The poor thing ! but in a couple of decades she will be sexually invisible and all her problems will be solved,” PjBlue added, rolling his eyes dramatically.

Several others suggested that the woman in the sexual harassment video brought it on herself by dressing like a harlot … in a t-shirt and jeans.

“In other words,” cailcorishev wrote,

clothes that show off every curve of her body to greatest effect, so that everyone who sees her can tell from a mile away just how large and perky her goodies are. If her great-grandmother could see her, she’d be scandalized that she’s going outside practically naked.

Today I Learned that wearing clothes that cover up most of your body is the same as going outside practically naked.

Jimmy jambo offered the woman some style tips.

You’re supposed to wear baggy clothes and a hoodie so no one can see your face. I suppose this is what regular women face, but the world has already changed. Men are not required to be polite to women as in chivalry so catcalls are no different than name calling.

Wait, what?

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10 years ago

Bewilderness: yep! It’s about power, not compliments. If you wound their ego with a response they have to try to save face. They have to assuage their humiliation by hurting you back. I would caution most women against responding. I would only do it if I felt really, really, safe to respond.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

But Policy of Madness, those burkhas are totally inappropriate, because they hug the curve of the top of the skull! Clothing that hugs a woman’s curves is akin to nudity!

10 years ago

Congeal is the perfect word 🙂

I quite liked Costume Quest, though when I finished it I felt like I had missed something, it was so short. Unless it wasn’t short and I really did miss something.

I’ll keep an eye out for Costume Quest 2 though. Thanks for the rec.

@friday jones
And the fact that only women wear burkhas totally give away the fact that they’re women. Flaunt it even. The only real solution is for everyone to wear burkhas at all times, so no one can tell who is who.

10 years ago

There were over 100 catcalls recorded. They edited out the white d00dz. I wonder why.

10 years ago

And the fact that only women wear burkhas totally give away the fact that they’re women. Flaunt it even. The only real solution is for everyone to wear burkhas at all times, so no one can tell who is who.

I’ve sometimes thought that this would be great, to be honest.

“Why are you wolf whistling at George?”

“That’s George? Dammit, I thought Brenna was the third on the left!”

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Which, honestly, I doubt would happen very often. Pretty sure women aren’t wandering around constantly worrying about how attractive they are to other people. So when Mr. Alpha man scoffs his laugh rolls, the first thought would probably be “the hell is his problem” rather than “oh no I have failed to live up to his high expectations of beauty I must get in his pants.”

If we even noticed his nonsense. Unless he was following me and making a point of it (which would completely ruin his attempt at dismissal anyway) I wouldn’t be aware of some random on a city street coughing and rolling his eyes. Hell, in the ‘burb where I used to work, if I saw it, I’d have assumed he was on something.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago
friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

Nope! Twitter is actively fighting embedding more than one at a time.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

There were over 100 catcalls recorded. They edited out the white d00dz. I wonder why.

A (crappy, not very believable) excuse was offered for how that happened.

10 years ago

The comment about how “If you don’t want to be catcalled, just wear entirely formless clothing that covers your whole body!” reminds me of a fantastic poetry slam that I came across in my internet travels (language NSFW):

10 years ago
10 years ago

Sooooooo namecalling is GOOD now?

10 years ago

@Tom Nelson: That was superb.

10 years ago

@Kim: No, Costume Quest really *is* pretty short. I’m one of those cancers that is killing gaming, a female casual gamer, so I don’t mind a bit that it’s pretty lightweight.

If you want something even more light and quick, Haunt the House is another fun Halloweeny game.

Shaun Day
Shaun Day
10 years ago

Apologies if this is a repost.

I’m guessing it’s about ethics in documentary making.

Shaun Day
Shaun Day
10 years ago

I say it’s time to drag the trolls away from the WiFi and game systems under their bridges and drag them, blinking and scratching, into the sun. GO PLAY OUTSIDE!

And suddenly, wham, one thousand too many trolls.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

One has to wonder whether Vox has ever walked the streets of New York, given his absolutely moronic “street neg” advice. Someone following that advice would be more likely to be judged homeless/mentally ill than an “alpha” of any kind.

I lived, worked, and played for 20 years in Manhattan. There’s so much whizzing by every second of every day that the odd snorting and eye-rolling would be either completely ignored and ignorable, or clear evidence that someone had missed their Haldol dose.

10 years ago

Sometimes – actually most of the time – I believe that a large percentage of the “human” male population on this planet will not be happy until the following conditions are enforced for women:

1) You will wear full-body coverings – burkas, perhaps. This is for your safety because men must have every woman they see, which is the fault of women for having bodies that men want. Except when I want you to wear something that gives me a boner. My boner and its happiness is all important.

2) You will forever be considered chattel, with no choice about anything, and will keep your mouth shut, except when I want to a) hear what you have to say (once in a blue moon) or b) I just want it open.

3) You shall refrain from complaining and will immediately give me what I want. If I want to sell or rent you to another man, you shall not attempt to prevent whatever I want you to do, which will prove that you have always been a slut.

4) You shall agree that there is no such thing as rape and that any punishment I deem necessary will be meekly submitted to…because you so richly deserve it.

5) Motherhood is hereby abolished as it is a scientific fact that the only true parent is the father. You shall ever abridge my absolute right to the bodies of my children or you. You will, however, be required to change the poopie diapers (kids and mine) and take care of all the things I do not want to do, after which you will cheerfully feed and pleasure me.

6) In addition to doing everything in my home that I want you to do, you will agree to get a job (because you are so very lazy) and support me and give me all your money, which I totally earn by giving you a good home.

7) Finally, you shall accept, unconditionally, that god is male and that your owner (me) is god made flesh.

The above stupidity is what I get when I read MRA-male screeds. This and the whining…always with the whining they are…And even if they get what they want, the whining will continue.

10 years ago

You will NEVER abridge…Damn spelling gremlin got me again!

10 years ago

@ Kevin

Dude has never been in New York City. Almost every women there (actually I’m pretty sure this applies to most women) is too damn busy getting from Point A to Point B and living their lives to notice if some asshole is glancing and sniffing dismissively. If they do notice, they will give them a lot of space and walk by faster, because they will look like they are either on drugs or not taking their meds. Or both. No one looks at each other in New York anyway.

Because if they showed white guys then no one could be all BUT IT’S ONLY NOT-WHITE GUYS WHO DO THIS TO WHITE WOMEN THERE’S NO PROBLEM. Gag me.

@ Samantha

Your list of MRA desires amuses me. Because it’s so true.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Samantha, yep, that’s pretty much what they want.

10 years ago

Samantha, yep, that’s pretty much what they want.

And it amuses me no end that they really seem to think that it is only right and proper for them to get it! Poor wittle things. Fixated on their moms and all. (gag)

10 years ago

Hollaback did this film and I have always thought well of them. I want to know why given over 100 instances of catcalling the demo is so skewed. They need to spend some time thinking about WTF they were thinking. We grow or we die.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Plus they get the bonus that everything the woman does is wrong and to be violently punished. When she’s at work, she should be at home being fucked. When she’s doing the childcare he will not touch, she should be being fucked. When she’s cooking his dinner, she should be being fucked. She will be punished for all of this, and for failing to do all the other jobs properly, because when she is being fucked by him, it’s because she’s a slut who can’t keep her legs shut – and she will be punished.

10 years ago

She will be punished for all of this, and for failing to do all the other jobs properly, because when she is being fucked by him, it’s because she’s a slut who can’t keep her legs shut – and she will be punished.

Sometimes I find myself daydreaming of a country of, by and for women. Even if I could only be there for a little while…sigh. A woman can dream.