So everyone’s favorite reactionary racist woman-hating fantasy author Vox Day has weighed in on that street harassment video that’s been going around. And his comments will shock you.
At least if you’re easily shocked and have never read any of my previous posts about him.
It’s not exactly a surprise that Vox thinks that street harassment isn’t really harassment, just a bunch of “unsolicited compliments and greetings” from friendly fellows.
But Vox does have one criticism of the non-harassers. They’re not doing it right.
Specifically, they’re being too nice to the women they’re pestering.
The ironic thing is that these men have it all wrong anyhow. They’d be much more likely to get a response from her if they glanced at her and laughed, rolled their eyes, or sniffed dismissively. Street neg, one might say.
So ladies, if you’re walking down the street and some angry weirdo sniffs dismissively in your direction, don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel a strong urge to bear his children. Because sniffing dismissively is a total Alpha move.
Vox’s regular commenters had a few thoughts of their own.
“The more we ignore them, the more they want us. Amusing creatures,” Laguna Feach Fogey sniffed dismissively.
“The day the catcalls finally stop will be far more traumatic for her than the catcalls have been,” Retrenched laughed.
“The poor thing ! but in a couple of decades she will be sexually invisible and all her problems will be solved,” PjBlue added, rolling his eyes dramatically.
Several others suggested that the woman in the sexual harassment video brought it on herself by dressing like a harlot … in a t-shirt and jeans.
“In other words,” cailcorishev wrote,
clothes that show off every curve of her body to greatest effect, so that everyone who sees her can tell from a mile away just how large and perky her goodies are. If her great-grandmother could see her, she’d be scandalized that she’s going outside practically naked.
Today I Learned that wearing clothes that cover up most of your body is the same as going outside practically naked.
Jimmy jambo offered the woman some style tips.
You’re supposed to wear baggy clothes and a hoodie so no one can see your face. I suppose this is what regular women face, but the world has already changed. Men are not required to be polite to women as in chivalry so catcalls are no different than name calling.
Wait, what?
You’re welcome though it’s Pickachucall not catcall I guess. Yeah never ever read the comments.
So adorable
Jimmy jambo
“As a man I will share my manly wisdom to the Ladiz…”
It was on Twitter.
He kept repeating himself. I called him tedious.
I could copy paste if y’all like!
Mr Day uses “vibrant” in a consistantly sarcastic manner to refer to diversity, and his followers (who call themselves the “Dread Ilk”, btw) slavishly imitate him. This is an excellent example of people finding their own level. Basically, if a person is racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, Mr Day is the blogger for him. Scary/ disgusting.
Shadow Bee – yes, that term (vibrant) is a dog whistle for PoC. I do not understand the thought process behind it.
Shouting goat for the win.
I used to witness catcalling and wonder to myself ‘dude, does that ever work?’ Now that I know what it’s actually supposed to accomplish, I realize that it _does_ work. Unfortunately.
Ah, well then! A Twitter troll you can keep, if you really want to. It’s just the last few that came through here left such a nasty mess on the rug! Though, it was fun watching the one get told what an adjective is.
Shaun – please do. I could use some point-and-laugh today.
Speaking of fair and equal petitions to FHC can I get feminist misandry laws passed forcing Vox Day to misanderingly have to change his last name to protect the sanctity of mine?
Sounds reasonable, Shaun. Maybe his new moniker could be Dim?
I don’t know how to Twitter paste, I thought that would bring them all up.
So if you dress to obscure the fact that you are a woman, men might treat you with a tiny bit of respect? How nice of them. I don’t know why I never thought of passing as male if I want to avoid sexism. Silly me.
Let’s see if that worked…
Well, Vox Day is right about this one. They certainly would get a response. The content of that response, however, is probably not what they’d like. That is, if the woman in question actually interpreted the rolling scoff laugh as a neg.
Which, honestly, I doubt would happen very often. Pretty sure women aren’t wandering around constantly worrying about how attractive they are to other people. So when Mr. Alpha man scoffs his laugh rolls, the first thought would probably be “the hell is his problem” rather than “oh no I have failed to live up to his high expectations of beauty I must get in his pants.”
Don’t take that one. Someone hack my twitter and do this for me.
Basically troll stated that GG gave 70 thousand dollars to feminists. Was debunked. Kept saying this and was deeply wounded that he was disbelieved. I mocked, people engaged and we further mocked. Then troll twitted that Anita took all the money. I responded with poise (facts) and grace (mocking). He repeated twittings and was aggrieved that I was not baking him cookies. I said I muted him, he called me legbeard.
want to know something truly, truly sad? The comment threads on Hollaback’s FB page featuring this video are rife with guys trolling the women–never the men, though there are guys involved in the discussions who side with Hollaback. In a 5 hour window, I was told: 1) I must be a lesbian (people still think that’s an insult for some reason), 2) I must not have a man in my life, 3) my father must have molested me (personal fave, blocked and reported that one), 4) I looked like an ugly, overweight prostitute, 5) I’m bitter because no one ever catcalls me, and 6) I have penis envy. Also, all of us feminists were invited to kill ourselves. These comments came from multiple guys.
So: in trying to discuss a video about street harassment, in an online space designated for that purpose, virtually all of the women on the threads were subject to its internet equivalent. The trolls were insisting that we were making the problem up while they piled on the insults. The stupid made my head hurt.
Because Anita took all the feminist and all the SJW and all the free for being a women money and that is why I didn’t get my share.
evewc18 that is appalling. May I translate from troll to english for your entertainment?
The bit about how awful it will be for a woman to be sexually invisible is so creepy because he cannot even consider women existing as anything other than sex props. Who wants to be “sexually visible” on a public street? Physically being on the street where someone else’s eyes can see you is not a sexual act. If you get horny watching someone walk down the street that is you being horny not them being sexual. So fucking gross, especially when you consider that these guys harass underage girls.
Weird coincidence. I just saw this today at Lawyers, Guns and Money. Walking While Female:
Shaun, please don’t take this as an attack: gamergate supporters have only themselves to blame for Sarkeesian’s Kickstarter exceeding its goal. The more people doxxed her and showered her with rape, bomb, and death threats, the more people who were horrified by that donated to her. The people who hate her the most are the ones who’ve created this juggernaut. She didn’t have to “exploit” anything. Her haters delivered that money and fame to her, and despite her success, I’m sure she’s prefer not to live in constant fear. I suspect the Hollaback campaign will have a similar outcome in terms of donations, and once again the trolls and haters will miss that point completely.
I would love to be catcalled by an actual cat. “Meow” is much more adorable from a cat than a human. And I would be more likely to take them home and feed them.
I know. That’s exactly what I told the troll. I said that if it were still up and running I’d be donating every day.
See, this is where treating women as inscrutable mystery creatures takes you. “Sniff to draw the She-Beast’s attention! Don’t reason with it, it doesn’t understand human language!”