So everyone’s favorite reactionary racist woman-hating fantasy author Vox Day has weighed in on that street harassment video that’s been going around. And his comments will shock you.
At least if you’re easily shocked and have never read any of my previous posts about him.
It’s not exactly a surprise that Vox thinks that street harassment isn’t really harassment, just a bunch of “unsolicited compliments and greetings” from friendly fellows.
But Vox does have one criticism of the non-harassers. They’re not doing it right.
Specifically, they’re being too nice to the women they’re pestering.
The ironic thing is that these men have it all wrong anyhow. They’d be much more likely to get a response from her if they glanced at her and laughed, rolled their eyes, or sniffed dismissively. Street neg, one might say.
So ladies, if you’re walking down the street and some angry weirdo sniffs dismissively in your direction, don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel a strong urge to bear his children. Because sniffing dismissively is a total Alpha move.
Vox’s regular commenters had a few thoughts of their own.
“The more we ignore them, the more they want us. Amusing creatures,” Laguna Feach Fogey sniffed dismissively.
“The day the catcalls finally stop will be far more traumatic for her than the catcalls have been,” Retrenched laughed.
“The poor thing ! but in a couple of decades she will be sexually invisible and all her problems will be solved,” PjBlue added, rolling his eyes dramatically.
Several others suggested that the woman in the sexual harassment video brought it on herself by dressing like a harlot … in a t-shirt and jeans.
“In other words,” cailcorishev wrote,
clothes that show off every curve of her body to greatest effect, so that everyone who sees her can tell from a mile away just how large and perky her goodies are. If her great-grandmother could see her, she’d be scandalized that she’s going outside practically naked.
Today I Learned that wearing clothes that cover up most of your body is the same as going outside practically naked.
Jimmy jambo offered the woman some style tips.
You’re supposed to wear baggy clothes and a hoodie so no one can see your face. I suppose this is what regular women face, but the world has already changed. Men are not required to be polite to women as in chivalry so catcalls are no different than name calling.
Wait, what?
Jimmy jambo is… not very bright, is he? I mean, that logic there… Ow.
Quite right. This will totally stave off all catcalls and other forms of non-sexual non-harassment.
Who knew? Ain’t learning fun?
Obviously Vox has not tried his advice. If I hear a guy sniff, I MAY say bless you. Probably not, though. Other than that I am actively ignoring every dude on the street. You can roll your damn eyes all the way out of your head and I will not see it.
Sheesh, these guys are cattier about women’s outfits than celebrity gossip magazines.
So if women want to, say, walk to work, do they need to wear baggie clothes and a hoodie just so that they won’t get harrassed on their way there? But then that doesn’t exactly respect the dress code policy for many/most workplaces…so what’s the solution? And if she wants to go on a date? lol these guys would throw a fit if a woman showed up in a hoodie for their first date. I guess she has to walk there in the baggy clothes and change once she gets to her destination. Must she always carry to changes of clothes to suit whatever setting she is at that moment?
But don’t you see, Emmy Rae? The more you ignore them, the more they want you. Amusing creatures.
Please demonstrate this by ignoring all teh wimminz 4evAH!
But, they don’t stop. They have, in my experience, decreased in frequency, but they haven’t stopped. The last time some obviously Nice Guy tried to Start a Conversation with me, I was flying a kite in the park with my kids. Pretty sure he wasn’t just visiting, as he scurried away quickly when Mr. Grump came back from the loo and rejoined us. Also, the creeping starts way too early. The first time I noticed someone creeping on my daughter, she was only 3! What the Hell? Is she really going to have to wait 5 or more decades before she can expect no harassment when out in public?
Oh, my, how I luvs teh wizdumb here! You know what, dudebro? I do that, and have done that for over 2 decades. I still get harassed. It’s almost like the harassment isn’t a compliment, but an aggression. Also, the harassment isn’t all complimentary, either. Some men feel perfectly justified in telling women, in great detail, exactly how their appearance gives the harassers’ boners a sad. Also, why should women self-police their appearance to appease men? Do you really not see a problem here? Oops, of course he doesn’t. ::rage stroke::
I do hope to someday be catcalled by an amusing creature, like a goat or a corgi. Sadly it’s only annoying men and some very suspicious actual cats who nonetheless think I might feed them.
@ Shadow_Bee – Women only carry 3 changes of clothes with them at all times because they are vain and shallow!!!1!!!!11!!!!!!
/end sarcasm
@ Emmy Rae – I want to get cat called by a Pikachu!
It’s so cute that these guys and Creep Day think we desire them with them “sniffing” like dogs. Cute as in creepy.
“Rolled their eyes”
Please keep rolling your eyes, roll them far back hopefully you will see your brain back there.
Seriously if I saw a guy glancing, laughing, rolling his eyes and sniffing I’m calling an exocorist!
And about that quote…
“The more we ignore them, the more they want us. Amusing creatures,”
If by “ignore them” you mean “don’t catcall/harrass them in the streets”, then hell yeah. I’m much more attracted to people who aren’t total creepers.
Oops, forgot the link to Vox’s post. I added it to the post.
Here is your catcall
@ fruitloopsie – SQUEEEE!!!!!! Thank-you so much!
I needed brain bleach, as I (stupidly) clicked on David’s link to the original post and (more stupidly) started to read the comments. My unsolicited advice for the day – don’t do that!
*exorcist* my bad
I unfortunately ignored grumpyoldnurse’s warning and read the comments too and uh. It’s the first time I see the term “vibrant” used in…the way that they use it, not sure how to describe it. It seems to have racist connotations? I don’t even want to know…
Also I DID NOT KNOW BABY GOATS WERE SO ADORABLE just just just d’awwwww
Seconding grumpyoldnurse’s warning, unless you truly want to see people arguing that the woman only thought the “compliments” were harassment because they came from black men, or others arguing that the “compliments” were standard fare for black men addressing an attractive woman who may be a prostitute.
Yeah, everyone! Baby goat!! Look at the goat!!!
@ kirbywarp –
I hate this line of reasoning so, so badly! The argument that the woman only thought the harasser was a creep because he was the wrong kind of guy just leaves me frothing at the mouth!
“Well, you’d like it if he was handsome/white/rich/a hockey player/etc”, is one piss-poor argument.
Oh well that explains Twitter today.
And for my daily act of misandry I requested fair and equal treatment from Feminist Hivemind Central. And by fair and equal treatment I mean I asked for my share of “being a women” free money. It seems to have shattered the normal calm cool collectiveness of the Sarkeesian trolls. In related news I have sweet, sweet bitter white man tears for all. And I am not a rational or thinking person (*swoons* he almost called me a person, can I keep him?).
@ Shaun – have I missed another chew toy?
Also my go to response for catcalls (when I feel safe) is “YES! Your obvious disdain for me has won my heart, let’s get married tomorrow and have lots of sex and babies! *extends middle finger*”.