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Angry GamerGaters Telling Brianna Wu to Shut Up and Make Games, Not Realizing That's Already Her Job

Screenshot from Revolution 60, the game with women in it that Brianna Wu already made
Revolution 60, the game with women in it that Brianna Wu already made, dudes!

When women, in conversations online,  point out the ridiculously tiny percentage of video games that feature women as protagonists, they tend to get flooded with responses from indignant gamebros telling them that if they don’t like the games out there, they should just make their own.

The gamebros mean their comments to be conversation-enders. Just as Vivian James, #GamerGate’s imaginary girlfriend, tells game critics to “shut up and play,” these guys are telling critics of the retrograde gender politics in gaming to “shut up and make games.”

It never occurs to them that some of the women they smugly tell this to … might already be doing this.

One of the more entertaining aspects of following the Twitter account of much-harassed game developer Brianna Wu — known in #GamerGate circles as Literally Who 3 —  is watching clueless gamebros try this “argument” on her.

The whole thread is here if you’d like to see what an unpleasant fellow this Simon Wood really is.

Oh, but there’s more:



It never ends:




Of course, some of her, er, critics seem to realize that she already makes games. But somehow this doesn’t keep them from yelling at her to make games anyway.

Others demand that she start making GOOD GAMES.

(Huh. Seems like a decent number of people think the game she just releaased is good.)

And this demanding GamerGater wants to know why she doesn’t make MORE games.



Oh. That.

This guy apparently thinks that instead of criticizing the game industry, Wu should be personally training a new generation of girls to make games.

It must be hard to find time to make games with all these dudes yelling at her to make games. And then yelling at her more when she does.




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10 years ago

The stupid is strong in GGers. Wow. It burns. And the glasses? They do nothing.

10 years ago

I find the indifference of the world towards this obnoxious assholes disturbing.

10 years ago

*I meant <i<these

Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

“Make your own” is a standard reply that these guys trot out when they have nothing else to attack you with. It is funny to see it turned on someone who actually makes games. XD

10 years ago

“Just make your own game! I mean, not that game. A different game. No, not that one either. A REAL game. And by that I mean a gritty FPS with lots of blood and a white male antihero lead.”

P.S. Seems like as good of a place as any to leave this: (Possible CW if you don’t like monsters)

10 years ago


Oh, I dunno, because if I happen to have a venegeful ex-boyfriend or a sex life of any description, I might become the target of a sustained campaign of harassment, culminating in being hounded out of my home by death threats?

10 years ago

Blargh. Who cares about actual facts when you can just splurge words are people, eh? Bloody gaters. :

10 years ago

Hell, I’m not a game developer by trade, and even I’ve made a game or two with a female protagonist.

This argument exists solely as a deflection. A mindless regurgitation by people who are afraid of change.

10 years ago

It’s not a ‘casual’ game, either — I was a playtester for Revolution 60’s ‘girlfriend mode’ (the hardest difficulty) and uh let’s just say my skills were adequately tested.

No Gaters have trotted this line out at me yet, but part of me hopes they do:
I make one game a month at minimum, half of which feature explicitly female protagonists and only one of which has an explicitly male one. ‘course, 75% of them are text based, which means they aren’t ~real games~

10 years ago

Something else been hilarious? The fact when they are told to make their own Gaming Publication they jump bonkers by saying they are a customer and they have the right catered to.

Dude, this hypocrisy cannot run deeper. But, of course, I just jinx’t and that will happen soon.

Pocket Nerd
Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

“Aside from Revolution 60, what have you made since?”

Yeah, man, that game came out, like, LAST MONTH. How long are you going to rest on your laurels? It’s not like games typically have development cycles measured in months or years…

10 years ago

The Simon Wood guy from the first tweet convo here describes himself as a ‘generally top bloke’ on his own Twitter profile. Proving once again that the more you have to describe yourself as something the less likely you are to actually be that thing – see also the Democratic Republic of Congo

10 years ago

And then when someone says “If you don’t like game reviews that consider cultural and artistic merit of games when we review them, go make your own review site.” GooberGoats lose their shit because they are quite sure that everything ever in existence is meant to be catered directly to them.

10 years ago

Bloody hell, I literally can’t understand how this has gotten so out of hand. Good luck to all the lovely ladies involved.

friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

Is that a Strogg in a fedora? Or just some generic alien cyborg in a trilby?

10 years ago

I find the indifference of the world towards this obnoxious assholes disturbing.

Take it as a sign that the world at large failed to notice their presence.

10 years ago

Wow. There’s nothing that these jerks throw at people that they won’t turn around and freak out if you suggest it to them, so there’s that.

Also, “You haven’t made a game in six weeks you don’t even count as a developer anymore GOSH” huh.

10 years ago

It’s easier to understand this when you notice that the important part of the message is not “make games”, but “shut up”.

10 years ago

I’d be interested to know how many people saying how simple it would be to make your own game are developers themselves. (Not to mention, as ginnyn56 said above, the horrified reaction to the idea of ‘make your own publication’!)

10 years ago

Shouldn’t Gamergators like this game since it’s about weird-looking anime girls in miniskirts?

10 years ago

If women are making games (and I assume that the games they are making would conform to their expectations) then why is their an issue? The “dudebros” can have games that appeal to them and feminists can have games that appeal to them. Everyone can be happy.

Why is it necessary for feminist friendly games to replace (rather than coexist with) dudebro friendly games?

10 years ago

Before all of this shit I used to wish that people had suggested ‘Video Game Developer’ to me as a viable career choice for girls. I probably would have loved it… up until this point. So it is both a great regret and great joy which is… confusing.

At least a future in academia only offers an introverted sort of Game of Thrones-style competition, elitism and backstabbing.

Hm. Wait.

Daeran Zemaitis
Daeran Zemaitis
10 years ago

Gotta love the brigading bad scores against her game on MetaCritic.

You can’t win with these people.

Pocket Nerd
Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

Oh, and since David Futrelle linked the MetaCritic page — it’s worth pointing out Revolution 60, like pretty much every game featuring strong female characters or by a prominent female developer, is being spammed with negative reviews by people who despise games by, for, or about women.

It’s playable, but you’re better off spending your time on myriad other games. If you could even classify this as a “game”.

Simply put, this game is nothing more than a bland, uninteresting, feminism circle-jerk.

I don’t condone playing a victim to promote your products, it’s the classic ‘boy who cried wolf’ scenario, people with actual problems will be ignored because of all these falls accusations of hate and discrimination. This is to balance out the metascore

And of course we have a few reviews from the obligatory Men-Pretending-To-Be-Feminist-Women. (GG is explicitly advising its supporters to do this; it’s #notyourshield all over again.) And anyway, what is it with MPTBFW and the word “wymmyn”? It’s a pretty reliable giveaway, guys — I don’t know a single woman, feminist or otherwise, who spells it like that.

Plus the character designs give unrealistic standards of beauty for women, do not buy.

This falsely so called ‘feminist game’ is actually a sexist depiction of womyn. The barbie-doll figures set unreal and unfair standards for womyn. Also by giving male players control over female characters it is intrinsicly a patriarchy violation of their bodies. So this game is literally rape.

… but it’s about ETHICS IN JOURNALISM, really!

10 years ago

None of these people mentioned GamerGate, why is it that they are roped in with GamerGate? This just seems like tweets taken by random people to be used as more bait against GamerGate so Brianna Wu can be even more “harassed”(get more mentions among GamerGate because of her popularity and misguided hate of GG she and her followers have)

I’d like to note that I really respect Brianna Wu as a developer, and for wanting/fighting for more women in the gaming industry. But she actually has nothing to do with GamerGate except for when she and the media inject their agenda/narrative into it.

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