#gamergate drama kings memes whaaaaa?

Completely Inexplicable #GamerGate Meme of the Day

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

Found on the Twitter. Here.

And a couple bonus pics that aren’t quite as inexplicable, but which are pretty ridiculous. From here and here. #WinningHeartsAndMinds #YesDudesImSureYoureAsBraveAsThatChineseGuyWhoStoodInFrontOfTheTanks

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Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Cassandrakitty – I’m still trying to catch my breath – laughing SO HARD!!!

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

Ludophobia would have worked.
I really do not understand why the assorted bigoted garbage heaps have such severe issues with language, it is one of their stranger traits

10 years ago

Michelle, that’s a good thought but I was thinking of Jordan Owen as Toto.
The site with belts video was so incredibly irritating, like a jumpy little dog.

No offense to dogs in general but you get the idea. I love dogs.

10 years ago

I can’t stress enough that these are the same assholes that mock Tumblr relentlessly for being too dramatic.

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

Thought: Is their tendency to use unnecessarily long YouTube videos instead of written articles a symptom of the previously mentioned language problems?

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

Wait, if Jordan Owens is Toto, does that make Davis Aurini “my pretty”? Do I have to get him, and his little dog, too?

I’d rather not.

10 years ago

Can’t we just send the flying monkey instead? Let them touch him, I’m not going to.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

So, I just loaded up the latest episode of Castle on Hulu. It’s called “Meme is Murder.”

Somehow, that just struck me as apropos. Well, off to watch it now. Later, y’all!

10 years ago

Shit, I just now noticed that they can’t even English correctly- they list “misogamistic” as an adverb.

10 years ago

Also, they’re passing around one with every video game character pasted into it with an inspiration poster caption like “Games are diverse already” or some bullshit. Hilariously they’re still hella white.

But it’d be better to have one arranged like a timeline with the caption “Aren’t games diverse enough already?!” under the sea of still white characters.

10 years ago

It’s even more insulting that the tank/Tianamen Square comic is a crudely edited Pablo Stanley comic (its ‘creator’ didn’t even bother to match the font for the new text) – they didn’t even drum up the creativity to draw their own!

10 years ago
Misogamy is a word but it means hatred or opposition of marriage.

10 years ago

If there’s one thing I’ve learned lurking on 8chan lately it’s that these dunces sincerely believe they’re at war with the forces of cultural Marxism.

There was a great thread where they debate the merits of adopting the flag of the Spanish fascist regime as their official flag.

10 years ago

@A Wolverine

I don’t think it’s “language problems” as much as it is that they are people who invest their identity into vacuous skinner-box entertainment. The written word is anathema to their short attention spans.

P.S. this implies that these are the people who ruined games until the indie revolution.

10 years ago

“adopting the flag of the Spanish fascist regime.”

oh, please, please, please…
” In related news, Francisco Franco is still dead.”

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

That doesn’t really account for the tendency of the non gamer MRA/Racists/Other assorted trash doing the exact same BAD AT WORDS (poor comprehension, endless YouTube videos being considered better than written articles that can be more quickly read, purple prose when they do actually write, the cargo cult like use of feminist/social justice language, the mra double dot ellipsis ) stuff though.

10 years ago

A theory on that first one.

A lot of the 8channers seem to think feminism is about getting “butthurt” (in their idiom, disproportionately wounded and outraged) over relatively trivial things. Their definition of “trivial” is, well, I think WHTM does a pretty good job of discussing how manosphericals minimise anything that causes women harm or distress.

Being the mature, analytical people they are, I’m guessing the channers thought it’d be hilarious to equate the life rings being inflated en masse in that pic with haemorrhoid pillows. The implication being preparations for a mass casualty disaster of “butthurt”, I presume.

Or in other words, the assholes are once again showing that This Totally Isn’t About Sexist Bullshit, Not At All by implying that women who oppose GG are “hysterical”.

10 years ago

See also:
* Monogamy: playing one game at a time until completion.
* Bigamy: starting a second game before finishing the first.
* Polygamy: having multiple games on the go at once.
* Hypergamy: speedrunning.

10 years ago

* Hypergamy: speedrunning.


10 years ago

I’m not a very smart person but after seeing these memes from avfm and gamergate I feel a little bit better about myself.

And yummy miso soup

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

The real Tank Guy was partially responsible for my political awakening as a teenager. These fools aren’t fit to polish his shoes.

I had no political awakening, but seconded about the real man. Someone incredibly brave and risking his life, and these scum dare use his image? That didn’t make me laugh, it made me coldly angry.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Are we still looking for Green Aurini?

10 years ago

I think misogamy should mean marrying miso soup. Sounds good. I’m cold and could use some soup.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

OH SHIT you can get hon dashi granules on Amazon! Hooray! Miso soup is in my future again!

10 years ago

I don’t know about miso soup, but I went to a restaurant that had miso sauce as a condiment, and I still miss it to this day.