#gamergate drama kings memes whaaaaa?

Completely Inexplicable #GamerGate Meme of the Day

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

Found on the Twitter. Here.

And a couple bonus pics that aren’t quite as inexplicable, but which are pretty ridiculous. From here and here. #WinningHeartsAndMinds #YesDudesImSureYoureAsBraveAsThatChineseGuyWhoStoodInFrontOfTheTanks

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I love the implication that anti-GGers are a mass of obedient, unthinking sheep, from people who regularly swarm comment sections with identical talking points.

Actually, it’s all about soup ethics.

10 years ago

Stolen from a twitter comment,”Is this in any way related to Misunderstandery?

10 years ago

When I think of the real Tank Guy’s bravery, it still brings tears to my eyes. He and Rosa Parks are two people YOU DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO unless you want to be dismissed as a blowhard with no sense of proportion.

10 years ago

The real Tank Guy was partially responsible for my political awakening as a teenager. These fools aren’t fit to polish his shoes.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

From what I’ve heard, Tank Guy disappeared shortly thereafter and was probably murdered by the state.

Because that’s exactly what GGers are facing here! Literal murder!

10 years ago

Freemage, not British but believe twat is an idiomatic insult there, as is cunt.

They’re not the nuclear option of swear words over there like they are here in the States, and they’re not applied solely to women. They’re about equivalent to “prick” or “asshole”. For what that’s worth.

10 years ago

British feminists do not generally onsider it to be OK to use those words just because they’re sometimes applied to men, btw. It should not be all that difficult to figure out why.

10 years ago

No surprise that the Twitter doucheweasel took a Pablo Stanley comic and changed it to fit in this ridiculous Gater crap.

Here is the original:

10 years ago

Is it meant to be a variant on “In Soviet Russia, [subject] [verb] you”, mis-remembered, stretched, and pasted onto an irrelevant image?

10 years ago

So when the MRAs go on about hypergamous women, what they’re actually talking about is women who, ah, are super rabid about gaming?

Almost sounds like all of gg, if men could be included too.

10 years ago

Hypergamous = games a lot.

10 years ago

@ Cassandrakitty – Oh, not at all. But, taking it as given that it’s better not to use genitals as insults at all, I can’t help but wonder if “all pelvic organs are synonyms for obnoxious” isn’t a lesser evil than “female genitalia shall be reserved as a special insult for women, used to imply that they are nothing but their holes”.

Again, not arguing for a second that either is okay.

10 years ago

Uh-oh. Memes that make no sense? Check. Weirdly militaristic rhetoric and imagery? Check. Making up nonsense words co-opted (incorrectly) from actual language oppressed people use to discuss oppression? Check. Overblown “Us vs. Them” complex, where “them” is a vast faceless cabal that has somehow been wielding unimaginable power behind the scenes for years without anyone noticing? Check.

#GamerGate is officially the Men’s Rights Bowel Movement of games, and I imagine it’s going to go in exactly the same direction in terms of its internet status. People will lose interest, anyone with half an ounce of empathy or reason will jump ship, leaving only the most intellectually and morally bankrupt gaters seething away in their forums and on their hashtags, growing more and more incoherent and irrelevant, and occasionally venturing forth to harass individual women in the name of their “cause”.

10 years ago

Making soup out of miso is against nature’s food roles. It is your hatred and vitriol of the miso identity that makes you make soup of it.

…I am so tired of oracle over on the other thread, if you didn’t guess… he is much more entertaining if you replace “masculinity” with “miso soup.”


Oh, have any of you got any good recipes for miso? The store-bought stuff I find isn’t usually that great.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

What? Seriously, what?

I have no idea what that first thing is about. Misogamy is NOT A THING.

And comparing themselves to that brave man is just wrong on so many levels.

Where is my even? I need to can’t it.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Xanthe – I stand corrected. Misogamy is a thing. Just not the thing they think it is.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


Also, doesn’t this mean that MGTOW are misogamists? Oh dear, looks like gamergate has to oppose them too.

Yeeeaaaahhhhh. I don’t think they’ll take you up on that. We can wish, though.

After all these years, those Men Going Their Own Way STILL have not gone!

It reminds me of Pirates of Penzance, when the police are singing their song, “Forward on the Foe.”

“We go! We go! Yes, forward on the foe!”

“Yes, but but you don’t go!”

“We go! We go! Yes, forward… on the foe!”

“Damn it, they don’t GO!”

“We go! We go!”

But then, in the end, “Yes, yes, we really, really, reaaalllllyyyyy goooooo!” And then they actually do go.

So, perhaps, if everyone sings enough, the MGTOW will finally make their exit.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago


Aurini and Toto

Toto? Is that what he named his skull pet?

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I liked that Amanda Palmer song! Thanks for telling us about it.

10 years ago

Now I’m imagining Anton Jr singing “I hear the rains down in Africa” to his pet skull. Thanks a lot!

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

@Cassandrakitty – Oh, wow! I’m laughing so hard right now.

Bonus – I finally have something to oust the ear-worm that has been buzzing in my head since Saturday.

Michelle C Young
10 years ago

I am pleased to say that not even that jerk can ruin the glory of Toto’s “Africa”!

Yeah, I really like that song. Excellent brain bleach.

10 years ago

Now imagine him staring lovingly into its eye sockets as he croons “Roseanna, Roseanna”.

10 years ago

The Tienanmen Square comic is a joke, right?

No one is really making that comparison.

They couldn’t be.

10 years ago

It’s so lovely that they compare a knee-jerk opposition to more diversity in video games to someone who risked (and probably gave) their life protesting a brutal and oppressive regime.

Oh wait, no it’s not. It’s disgusting and disrespectful.