#gamergate drama kings memes whaaaaa?

Completely Inexplicable #GamerGate Meme of the Day

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

Found on the Twitter. Here.

And a couple bonus pics that aren’t quite as inexplicable, but which are pretty ridiculous. From here and here. #WinningHeartsAndMinds #YesDudesImSureYoureAsBraveAsThatChineseGuyWhoStoodInFrontOfTheTanks

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10 years ago

I think they’re trying to imply that the men are inflating the rings to save the poor women who are drowning in the gaming industry (because, as we all know, women can’t make games).

Of course, in my mind, these women aren’t really drowning. Presumably, they built a raft of successful video games and have paddled away before the guys can finish inflating the life preservers.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

This site:

describes the image as, “Chinese paramilitary police prepare for a storm in the South China Sea.” A 30-second Google search provides no additional information on the image itself. However, it looks like it was featured on Cracked and captioned with various permutations of, “the Chinese make people do pointless things just to keep them busy,” which I guess is hilarious?

10 years ago

Freemage, not British but believe twat is an idiomatic insult there, as is cunt. I don’t like it much either and it doesn’t even rhyme with cocks.

10 years ago

Everything they don’t understand is “communist”. Because Those People all look alike to them, no doubt.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Is the Chinese thing supposed to be referencing the Titanic?

10 years ago

Also, misogamy, as was pointed out above, means “hatred of marriage”. Which totally sounds like an MGTOW thing.

10 years ago

The tank one is definitely overwrought and and self-congratulating, but I can see it getting traction because it’s not entirely wrong. I mean, twenty years ago, being a male gamer* stereotyped me as a basement dwelling loser. Now, the stereotype is a woman hating loser. Neither has anything to do with my actions, so it’s easy to shrug and disengage with the people pushing those lines.

Of course, that’s quite a lot of people, many in the media, so said disengagement means a lot of distance between myself and society and, looking at some of the people buying into Gamergate (the cannon fodder, I mean, not the leadership), I don’t think that’s terribly uncommon. It is unfortunate that the Misogynist Lobby managed to turn that social disconnect into a recruitment drive, but I suppose somebody was going to eventually.

*to address the inevitable complaints, I’m not including female gamers because I didn’t know any growing up and thus can’t speak to their perspective

10 years ago

My brain is trying to autocorrect misogamy into “anisogamy”… Do they hate gametes? Spermatozoa or Ova?

10 years ago

“[T]he Chinese make people do pointless things just to keep them busy,” is hilarious is that so racistly stupid it’s absurd and makes you chortle because how else to respond sense.

10 years ago

And of course I’d fuck up the tag. *sigh*

10 years ago

That Pablo Stanley cartoon is almost well-drawn, though. If anything, I think it would have less traction with these guys because it doesn’t look awful.

10 years ago

My weeaboo friend’s reaction: Misogami is the god of miso.

10 years ago

“[T]he Chinese make people do pointless things just to keep them busy,” is hilarious is that so racistly stupid it’s absurd and makes you chortle because how else to respond sense.

Speaking of pointless things and keeping busy…ISN’T THAT WHAT GAMERGOMERS DO???

Oh dear, that projection is really coming back to bite ’em today.

10 years ago

Misogamy sounds like it sould be describing the act of marrying a pot of fermented bean curd.

10 years ago

Using Google’s English-Greek translator (the origin for the words misogyny and misandry are from Greek, not Latin), the best I can figure (which, I should warn you, is not very good, I should point out I have zero experience with the Greek language), the proper term for hatred of gamers (or just games) would be something like “misopaichny”.

I tried to find out how to say “games” in greek, which is apparently “paichnídi” (or “παιχνίδι”). Greek video game sites seem to refer to video games as “video games”, so that wasn’t much help.

I also considered “misopaktis”, which is easy to pronounce, and I think means something like “hatred of players”, but then I figured that “player hater” already had a meaning of it’s own.

I’m not sure why I did this, but I’m even less sure why the gamergater who came up with “misogamy” *didn’t* do this. Trying to show off your skills as a master of the classical languages by fumbling through the use of an online translator sounds like it would be right up Davis Aurini’s turtleneck.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Maybe the meme’s point is that defending women in gaming is pointless, just like inflating a fuckton of life rings in preparation for a storm in which some people might drown without a life ring is pointless.

Oh, wait …

10 years ago

I am laughing so hard I can’t even read the comments, so I feel totally deprived.

10 years ago


Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Obviously, anti-gamergaters are supposed to be a mindless hive-collective blowing up life-rings for ungrateful harpies who will grab them and jump, laughing, into alpha rescue boats while the men drown.

Or something.

I kind of now want to call them “gamygaters”.

10 years ago

Me reading this post:

“And there’s the title image. Heh, no idea what’s going on in that pic, but the caption follows the other meme. Alright, let’s read now. Ooh, a new GG meme! It isn’t embedded? Better follow the link to see what it was. Wait… that was the meme? Oh.”

Finding out misogamy has a definition is pretty hilarious. Almost moreso than the tweet attached to the definition. “Read it and weep, eh?” Oh no, they made up a word to describe a persecution that doesn’t really exist! Everything is lost!

That Pablo Stanley one though… It’s referencing the dude that stood in Tiananmen Square, right? That’s just a bit disgusting.

GG: *harasses women*
Media: “GG harasses women”
GG: “Oppression! Tiananmen Square massacre! Stop hating video games, misogamists!”

I guess this is just the latest squirm of the great abusive beast that is GG.

10 years ago

I swear I won’t do this all day but upworthy has some really perfect stuff.

Thank you haters is a response to online harassment that does it for me.

Can’t link but its easy to find.

10 years ago

Would hatred of miso be misomisomy?

Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

Yet another example of privileged jerks trying to co-opt the language and imagery of their opponents, without bothering to understand what any of it means.

Spoiler alert, dudebros: Words like “misogyny” and “sexist” are not magical trump cards — and if you think feminists use them that way, it’s because you haven’t really been listening.

10 years ago

Given a quick Google and my incredibly rusty Greek, I think “hated of gamers” should be something like “misokybeuty”.

10 years ago

Is the ‘it’s really about defending women in gaming’ them trying to co-opt the “your ‘ethics in games journalism’ cover sucks” memes in order to point that anti-GGers (aka decent people) are trying to pretend the criticism of the gaters is about their treatment of women but it’s really about… whatever they think it’s about

I dunno this is like legit incomprehensible to me