#gamergate drama kings memes whaaaaa?

Completely Inexplicable #GamerGate Meme of the Day

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

Found on the Twitter. Here.

And a couple bonus pics that aren’t quite as inexplicable, but which are pretty ridiculous. From here and here. #WinningHeartsAndMinds #YesDudesImSureYoureAsBraveAsThatChineseGuyWhoStoodInFrontOfTheTanks

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10 years ago

As a Classics student, the misogamy one is especially painful. WORDS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY.

Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

I hereby decree that misogamy now be the name for the thin film that forms on miso soup if you leave it out too long.

10 years ago

Misogamy means the hearted of marriage. These people are not very smart.

10 years ago

The MRAs have used the term Misofeminy in an attempt to shift the purported hate from women to feminists but thats a new one.

10 years ago

Barnburner: but they talk about women and feminists interchangeably, so of course that new word of theirs doesn’t work.

Faint Praise
Faint Praise
10 years ago

Give the real definition of “misogamy” and #GamerGate’s huge overlap with MRA/TRP/etc, I think we know which side is packed with misogamists.

10 years ago

What a shame misogamy already has a meaning, hatred of marriage, since the -gamy suffix (e.g. monogamy, bigamy, polygamy) comes from the Greek γάμος, meaning marriage. Though any alternate definition involving miso soup is certainly likely to be scrumptious.

10 years ago

Sadly, its come down to a war of words and that is sort of like a propaganda war. In their little minds its about who can best ‘sell’ a particular philosophy to the American public.

10 years ago

I’m not down with any hatred of miso, which is delicious. It’s also quite good for you, so clearly it has no relation to gamergate.

10 years ago

It’s funny because literally none of my gamer friends are remotely offended nor feel threatened by criticisms of GG and are actually embarrassed and outspoken about the Gators. It’s as if they know they aren’t part of the problem.

10 years ago

Also, doesn’t this mean that MGTOW are misogamists? Oh dear, looks like gamergate has to oppose them too.

10 years ago

Admittedly, my gaming is limited to Duck Hunt.

I love Duck Hunt.

10 years ago


Misogamy?! Thats… not how words work.


Oh gods, I’m choking on my tea. Send help.

10 years ago

Sorry to spam – does anyone know what the gentles in the “Communist China” image are doing?

10 years ago

The funny thing for me is that my friend’s boyfriend worked for a major gaming media site, and judging by what he had to say most of the people working there had pretty much the same attitude towards women the gamergate dudes do. Think how well they’d get along if the gamergate dudes weren’t so determined to see themselves as a persecuted minority.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago


It looks like they are inflating life rings. For what purpose, I could not say.

10 years ago

It really is a room full of mirrors.

I found a happy thing that some of you may have seen, a wonderful woman’s response to a sexist review to her performance in the UK where she (gasp) had a “wardrobe malfunction”. I can’t link, my monitor died so I am on my tablet and none too clever at it, but if you search Amanda palmer dear daily mail you will find it. It is pretty great.

10 years ago

So misogamy either means hatred of marriage, or marrying miso…

10 years ago

Oh hey, I just found a WHTM-appropriate image to illustrate the gamergate approach to gaming. It has a cat and everything!

10 years ago

More like misgamy, amiright?

10 years ago

They do look like kisby rings. I’ve never seen them with a joint but it makes sense, given how hard it is to pull the damn things up over your hips or down over your shoulders and chest to get them around your waist on dry land. I can only imagine how trying it would be in an emergency situation.

I…. still don’t understand the reference. Foolish of me to expect it to make sense, coming from those goons.

10 years ago

zennurse: That was mostly a lovely retort (lost a half-point for the use of ‘twats’ as a slur, but only a half-point, because the rest was brilliant).

Misgamy (n): A cultural phenomenon wherein the traditional marriage ceremonies all center around the cooking and consumption of miso soup, mainly practiced by weeaboo sects of the Pastafarians.

10 years ago

Gah, stupid typo–shoulda been ‘Misogamy (n)’, etc.

10 years ago

They tried to make rings out of Pocky but had to give up because there was no mom around to clean up the resulting mess.

10 years ago

8chan had a little gamergate party at a strip club says NY magazine, it really says it all about the mentality behind this. They seem thrilled with the coverage, taking the reporter back to F. Brennan’s apt for the after party with no awareness how terrible the coverage will be. The photo is hilarious. I’m sorry I cant link for you.

8chan, Stormfront, Forney, Aurini and Toto, Brietbart. What a crew.

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