#gamergate antifeminism davis aurini entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sarkeesian!

#GamerGate question of the day: Does Davis Aurini own multiple skulls, or is he moving one skull from room to room?

Oh, why are the Sarkeesian Effect dudes so endlessly hilarious? It almost makes me want to donate to their Patreon.

I know I’ve been posting a lot of videos lately, but, come on, this one from hbomberguy is pretty good.

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9 years ago

So, this is why they need $10,000 a month? To keep them in fake skulls? Huh.

9 years ago

comment image

9 years ago

Why was Aurini just standing out in the middle of the forest? And where was the skull?

It would have been better if he’d had the skull out in the forest with him.

9 years ago

I got an irritated glare from my partner this morning for busting up laughing at this video and waking him up. Just watched it again because I am in love with it.


9 years ago

Where are the bodies buried, I wonder. In the woods? Why did he save the skulls? Are they his trophies? It was funny at first, I loved the giggling, then suddenly it got not so funny.

9 years ago

Same guy.

9 years ago

Buy what’s on the other side of the cabinet?? A tiny possum? A treasured childhood toy?

9 years ago

Urgh. I tried to link to a screenshot but I guess I don’t know how. It turns out I had picked basically the exact same shot that David used for the main image up above, so I guess it doesn’t matter. But what is that thing?

9 years ago

Wrong again. The still I was looking at was where I had paused it at about 1:15. It’s definitely not interesting enough to warrant three posts. Sorry guys.

9 years ago

Hey drmr, yeah my friend was pointing out to me earlier that “this guy is an asshole” so she didn’t want to promote his video. I would like someone to parse this for me, because from what I gather. One- he’s playing a character here. Two- he’s attempting satire, and I think Three- he’s just failing.

What do others think of this, I really didn’t give it that much time. There are some reasons that I think he’s not really an Anita hater, evidence from his parody video. For one, he seems to get Marxism. I’m just saying that this video you posted doesn’t seem to match up with the knowledge that he does have, I am not saying that all Marxists would love Anita.

Delphi Ote (@delphi_ote)

Hey! Start mobilizing, you guys! We should be out in the streets in mass. Can someone help me carry this couch outside?

Nathan Hevenstone
9 years ago

Yeah, the guy is not at all a fan of Anita Sarkeesian, and his Tropes vs Turtles video is just fuckin’ terrible.

But the video highlighted in the OP is amazingly hilarious. I’ve probably watched it six times now and… you know what? A seventh can’t hurt…

9 years ago

Oh yeah, I think I’ve watched it 4 times now. It’s great! I was just saddened by the last few seconds of the video I posted. Yet again, the absurd argument that disabling comments in the face of unending torrents of harassment is somehow irrational and hypocritical.

9 years ago

I don’t think the guy is much of an ally. Did you read the text at 6:53? He’s the master of the cheap shot.

Michelle C Young
9 years ago

Oh, wow! This was so funny! Thanks for posting one more, David!

Michelle C Young
9 years ago

Clearly, the skull is Morte Rictusgrin, and he’s following the Nameless One around, as he tries to sort out his identity and fulfill his quest.

9 years ago

One of the things I find the most humorous in this video, and baffling about the original, is the whole ‘Fifteen Thousand Dollars’. I mean, they’re at 9k a month. Wouldn’t that translate to making the same video every two months instead of monthly? What are they going to do with whatever comes in until they hit 15k? Use it to line the kitty litter cuz it’s not Fifteen Thousand Dollars?

Elijah C
9 years ago

Fifteen. Thousand. Dollars.

9 years ago

Now, guys, in all fairness, I do live with someone who loves a toy skull and takes it with her from room to room and likes to get her picture taken with it. Of course, she is only 7, so let’s not jump down her throat about it.

Nathan Hevenstone
9 years ago

I went ahead and did a screencapture of that last bit of text. I’m not sure if this will embed correctly, so if it doesn’t I’ll post the link to it in another comment.

I guess I can see what he’s saying, but… honestly… I don’t think it works as a legitimate criticism of Anita simply because she has been saying stuff like this for a very long time, now. Focusing on a specific point within culture is not denying the nuance or complexity of the situation. It’s acknowledging that the way to change it is by changing points within it.

Nathan Hevenstone
9 years ago

Yup… didn’t embed. So here’s a direct link to the pic, and I’ll go ahead and quote it here, as well:

The text from the end of the video

So here’s what it says:

When you really get down to it, miss Sarkeesian’s basically dumbing-down the concept of ‘ideology’, where media influences how you relate to the world in a subtle and complex way. In modern culture the ultimate ‘freedom’ is presented as the freedom to commit all sorts of violence, a-la GTA or Hitman, but not to actually change the system in which you live. Like, the very superficial freedom to murder any man or woman you want. You can’t actually change anything by choice in GTA, like buying properties and altering the cultural landscape with all your crime money. So, of course, when people go off the deep end in search of ‘freedom;, they become free in a way precoded by this stuff, murdering all the people they want and then themselves. When it really comes down to it, true freedom is the freedom to decide what it is you even want to DO with your freedom, not this phoney baloney pseudo-objectivist ‘I am finally free to buy and sell on the free market’ stuff.

Her videos are super basic in terms of critical theory but watching the internet 9/11 itself over her is fucking hilarious so hopefully no-one reads this and keeps screaming!

Like I said… Anita’s been saying much the same thing for a long time. She’s aware of this. Going to one specific source to critique it is not ignoring these factors.

9 years ago

I have multiple skulls, in multiple rooms (what can I say, I have a twisted sense of humor/style) but they are all different. I have a few different human skulls (all fake of course) and some animal skulls (mix of real and fake). If you are going to have that sort of decorating scheme, do it right, mix them up a bit, add some non-skull items like I have other bones, natural history and medical illustrations, mounted insects, old medical devices, and a preserved mouse in a jar too.

9 years ago

Yeah, I don’t get how that big paragraph is supposed to be a criticism of Anita’s video, as opposed to a criticism of video games and GTA itself.

Nathan Hevenstone
9 years ago
Reply to  vaiyt

@Vaiyt… gotta take it in context with his Tropes vs Turtles video (linked to on the last page).