
This phony Sarkeesian Effect Director's Commentary video is the best thing I've seen on YouTube since, well, probably something involving cats

Oh my lord, this thing is funnier than it has a right to be.

Maybe we shouldn’t begrudge the Sarkeesian Effect duo the money they’ve managed to raise so far, because they’re inadvertently providing us all with so much joy. This fake director’s commentary is ridiculously perfect. (Here’s the original sans commentary.)

And while we’re doing the video thing, here’s another video featuring the dynamic duo themselves.

And now, a cat.

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10 years ago

Matt Lees is a (inter)national treasure 🙂

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

… Did anybody else imagine the narrator as being Nigel Thornberry?

10 years ago

So, finished the second video…. what the fuck did I just watch?!

10 years ago

I wanna play.

The pizza box, backpack, grill and mop handle in the shots were all part of the artistic vison. We know that because nothing in such a high quality production is on screen by chance. They items are subtly placed just so in the background as if by negligence, but nothing could be further from the truth. Owen’s exceptional understanding of subliminal messaging truly shines in these carefully thought out details.

The pizza box represents the hunger for ethics in video game journalism. The backpack represents how this documentary is, on so many levels, about unpacking this brave film making duos issues with women. The grill, clearly suggests to the viewer that Davis will not hesitate to “grill” his interviewees in his search for an excuse to make this unparalleled shitstack of clueless misogyny. Of course, it goes without saying that the mop handle tells us that Kubrick helped to fake the moon landings.

10 years ago

Hilarious! Like a cross between Stephen Merchant and Stewart Lee 🙂

10 years ago

How can you be a sexist if you’re talking to a woman? It’s not possible!…

I have no words, so I’m going to post a picture of Bassem Youssef looking really disappointed to illustrate what I’m feeling.

10 years ago

Okay, I have not heard of Matt Lees before, but I already like him. So very much. I thought this recent post of his was also wonderful:

10 years ago

Casino Ken is a bulletproof charisma bomb!

Also, Tacocat is a palindrome.

10 years ago

They really do centre every shot of the “documentary” footage on themselves, don’t they? I don’t understand how they spend $10k on that thing. It looks worse than their regular Youtube videos. Did they buy a bunch of fancy equipment and not bother to learn how to use it? Well, whatever, as long as they managed to both rip off a bunch of GamerGate scum and waste the money so they can’t keep it for themselves, I’m quite pleased 🙂

10 years ago

Oh, oh. Casino Ken got “falsely accused” of domestic violence! For some reason, I find that very hard to believe. Pretty sure that big glass of booze had nothing to do with it, either.

Somebody please set this kitty on him:

10 years ago

Oh, oh. Casino Ken got “falsely accused” of domestic violence! For some reason, I find that very hard to believe.


10 years ago

Meanwhile, I’m sure that half the world is waiting with bated breath for Gene Simmons to pronounce on women.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
10 years ago

Hilarious! This looks and sounds like a Ricky Gervais’ gag.

In any case, it is inadvertently shaping to be an excellent mockumentary, in the style of “Spinal Tap” or “Best in Show.” The comedic value is fantastic. I can’t wait to see more.

10 years ago

It’s great, but for my $ the Very Best was Saruman explaining how his seed was shpxvat gold. This is nice, but it’s a foothill experience, as opposed to a peak experience. Good try, though.

10 years ago


Tacocat does not seem very impressed by this. Maybe she’s tired of hunting on the evil star and coming up empty.

10 years ago

@ Bina – Gene Simmons said something? Oh, my! ::zzzzzzzzzzgaspzzzzzzdroolzzzzzz::

Sorry, what were you saying?

10 years ago

I want to see this duo on Between Two Ferns.

10 years ago

I really want to see them interviewed by Will Farrell as James Lipton.

10 years ago

Aurini: “… so desperate for adherence that they let anybody into the club, including the faggots, guys that want to bitch about women, the misogynists, the pussies, the pillow-biters…”

Droz: “Whoa, whoa, which ones are the pillow-biters again?”

Nathan Hevenstone
10 years ago

The first video was frickin’ hilarious. That second video… I…

Aurini is what he is. I expect no less from someone who makes the male characters on Mad Men look like forward-thinking feminists.

But Owen… “I will give her the respect I want for myself”… it’s… almost as if he really does think women are equal to men… or something… that women are people, too. Granted, many of his others videos show that one to just be a fluke, but still…

As for Gene Simmons… it’s always nice to have yet another reason to abhor Kiss. Take away the facepaint and the giant productions and the huge sets, and Kiss is a mediocre radio band at best. Sure, they’ve got some talent on those instruments, but the music…

And they had the gall to call it Metal? Opeth is Metal. Black Sabbath is Metal. Otep is Metal. In This Moment is Metal. Randy Rhoads was Metal. Hell… Porcupine Tree was Metal for a few albums, at least.

I’m not sure Kiss even qualifies as Anthem Rock. And Gene Simmons would probably call himself an MRA if pressed.

10 years ago

Tacocat does not seem very impressed by this. Maybe she’s tired of hunting on the evil star and coming up empty.

LOL! I’m told she’s a photoshop job. A very good one, too, because I have trouble telling if she is or not. But yeah, she looks totally blasée.

Gene Simmons said something? Oh, my! ::zzzzzzzzzzgaspzzzzzzdroolzzzzzz::

Sorry, what were you saying?


You're right. The man hasn't put out a decent record in…well, EVER…and he seems to think it's women's job to put out. And shut up. And he's obviously blissfully unaware that the world has gone around the Sun a few times since he last put out any record at all, and that women ARE making their own way (and have been since loooooonnnnng his band was even a thing), even without him and his ill-gotten million$$$.

Yeah, snoring's the most polite response to his utterances.

Gene Simmons would probably call himself an MRA if pressed.

MRA in the wallet, PUA in the sack. This dude just randomly propositions every woman he meets. (It’s one reason I would never want to meet him…eeeeurgh. The other reason is that he’s just a loathsome right-wing troll doll.) It wouldn’t surprise me if he has a number of, er, unacknowledged offspring kicking around, and a number of women seeking child support for the same. Retroactively.

Also, he’s married. I think his wife deserves danger pay for just putting up with his shit.

10 years ago

There was an autobiography I bought about a medical doctor, who used to be a sex worker. She recounts an incident where she was hanging out with KISS, and she (and I’m not sure who else was with her) was in a (hotel?) swimming pool, and Gene Simmons pissed in it. While she/they were in there. I never liked their music anyway, and that anecdote has meant I have subsequently actively avoided anything that Gene Simmons has been associated with.

10 years ago

That’s so unfair to troll dolls. They never sexually harassed anyone, or inflicted Rock and Roll All Night upon the ears of innocent people.

10 years ago

(I still think KISS is what would have happened if someone had specifically set out to make a rock band designed to appeal to toddlers.)