a voice for men antifeminism douchebaggery manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA vaginas women's jobs aren't real

Men's Rights Activists: PR Geniuses, Part XXVI

public relations

So Cosmo ran a piece by Jill Filipovic on A Voice for Men’s phony WhiteRibbon site, and, as surely as winter follows fall, the AVFM comments brigade showed up to offer their unique brand of wisdom.

Take it away, Samuel Twain:

Samuel Twain · Top Commenter Bahahahahahahahaha, Cosmo is full of morons and gold digger trash. When are you women going to get jobs and start paying your own way instead of what you do now....whine whine and more I have yet to meet a feminist that wasn't getting by by using some white knight mangina mother fucker. I thought you gashes could take care of bidness?lol Reply · Like · Follow Post · 5 hours ago      Natalie Rose Apar · Follow · Top Commenter · Administrative Specialist to the Finance Department at SAAVI - Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired     So, you got that information from doing a rectal pull, I assume? In 2013, women made up more than half of the professional and technical workforce in the United States. Try checking a fact sometime. Also, non sequitur, but most women aren't interested in your dangling, frontal skintag.     Reply · Like · 2 hours ago     Samuel Twain · Top Commenter     bahahahaa nothing I like more than watching some hot headed gash get her panties in a She said work ahahahahahahahaaha paaalease     Reply · Like · about an hour ago

Now, before any MRAs reading this ask how I know that Mr. Twain isn’t just some troll with nothing to do with the Men’s Rights movement or AVFM, bla bla bla, well, as you can see, Cosmo uses Facebook for its comments. And following Mr. Twain’s comment back to his Facebook profile you can see that he regularly posts MRA propaganda and AVFM memes, is a member of a Facebook group called Men’s Human Rights Movement, and, oh yeah, his friends list is filled with AVFM staffers.

So yeah, MRAs, he’s one of yours.


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10 years ago
Reply to  Zolnier

And what’s so bad about children being born out of wedlock? Do they lack something children conceived by married people possess? Can only they defeat The Old Ones? I’m going to assume that people will still be raising children with other people when possible, it’s usually easier that way.

Well, if children are born out of wedlock, the fathers cannot own them and the mother. The whole thing is about property rights and making sure that the man’s property goes to the the kid with the “correct” genetic “legitimization.”

Personally, I think that the whole idea of “illegitimate” kids is a steaming pile of road apples. Listen up, manospherians – EVERY CHILD WHO COMES INTO THE WORLD FROM BETWEEN A WOMAN’S LEGS IS A LEGITIMATE CHILD. Children do not need to be claimed by the right father to be legitimate. Nope. The ONLY important thing is for children to be wanted and loved. And that does not have to be by the “right” sperm donor.

10 years ago

I just noticed the paragraph where she’s going on about birth rates tanking and this being hidden by mass immigration…in Japan and South Korea? Oh honey, no.

10 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

But they overlook the fact that plenty of relationships aren’t like that today, and that plenty of people in those relationships are not miserable.

You know, I think that the reality is that the best marriages and live-in relationships have always been that way. Happy people who love each other cannot be bothered with those stupid power games.

10 years ago

The illegitimate child nonsense really bugs me. Mr.Grump and I have been happily living in sin for over 20 years, now. My mother keeps reminding me how I’ve Damned my progeny for 7 generations because my kids are bastards. Never mind that their father is actively involved in their lives, and was, in fact, a SAHD for 3 years. Never mind that my relationship with Mr. Grump is based on mutual respect and is very loving. /end rant

Sorry, all, if that was TMI.

10 years ago

@Gratis Ptaka sounds like my gut feels after I’ve eaten too much stuff at the Chinese buffet and digested it poorly. Some of his points are valid enough, but they are mixed in with all sorts of crap, pop-psych, crackpot economics and what-not, totally disorganized and incoherent.
When I read something like this, I think with pity of the professors and graduate assistants that have to grade crap like this every day.

Shaun DarthBatman Day
10 years ago

The good news is that men *can finally go their own way and have it all*. Please go your own far far away MGTOW’rs.

10 years ago

I keep offering to give them a compass and a map. Maybe I need to offer orienteering classes too?

10 years ago

The important part, cassandrakitty, is that you recognize that it’s your job, as a woman, to do all the actual work involved in a Man Going His Own Way. What, you think his cheetos are going to deliver themselves? Pfft.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

Orienteering classes are misandry! What are you, implying that men need to be instructed in this? Don’t you know that orienteering skills are genetic, and carried on the Y-chromosome?

10 years ago

I keep offering to start a Kickstarter to buy them an island so they can fuck off to there, and program their sex dolls for them.

10 years ago

My, I missed some very long, pointless copypasta. I’m gonna skip reading it and just laugh at silly boys who haven’t figured out how easy it is to go their own way. Far, far, far away. We encourage it.

10 years ago

Wait, I noted the last bit. Sweden really doesn’t rank neat the top in income equality. I have no doubt income inequality is a problem because, well, that’s how capitalism tends to work. And the current government is mostly centre-right (and there is a worrying rise of extreme right wing support). Sweden isn’t the most conservative country going, but it’s no hippy love-in.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Every time I see “born out of wedlock” I’m reminded of an old Peter Cook and Dudley Moore sketch. Pete told Dud that a kid in school told him the worst word in the world – bastard (which he pronounced ba-starrd).

Dud: wot’s a bastard, Pete?

Pete: a bastard, Dud, is a child born out of wedlock.

Dud: eww … wot’s a wedlock, Pete?

Pete: a wedlock, Dud, is a horrible thing. It’s a cross between a steam engine and a padlock, and some children are born out of them instead of the usual way, and it’s the worst word in the world.

10 years ago

As a celiac, I fully support bread out of existence. It can go it’s own way.

BGTOW #yesallbreads

Rob Christie
10 years ago

This is old, and I apologize for engaging in thread necro’ing, but um…do these clownshoes realize that they’re also railing against the patriarchy by “…opting away from the traditional expectations of manhood. “?

I mean, protesting “traditional gender roles” is…I dunno, seems pretty feminist-y to me. I could be wrong, but the notion that MGTOWs are accidentally fighting a feminist cause (only in their alleged desire to break away from “traditional expectations of manhood”) makes me emit the giggle unending.

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