a voice for men antifeminism douchebaggery manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA vaginas women's jobs aren't real

Men's Rights Activists: PR Geniuses, Part XXVI

public relations

So Cosmo ran a piece by Jill Filipovic on A Voice for Men’s phony WhiteRibbon site, and, as surely as winter follows fall, the AVFM comments brigade showed up to offer their unique brand of wisdom.

Take it away, Samuel Twain:

Samuel Twain · Top Commenter Bahahahahahahahaha, Cosmo is full of morons and gold digger trash. When are you women going to get jobs and start paying your own way instead of what you do now....whine whine and more I have yet to meet a feminist that wasn't getting by by using some white knight mangina mother fucker. I thought you gashes could take care of bidness?lol Reply · Like · Follow Post · 5 hours ago      Natalie Rose Apar · Follow · Top Commenter · Administrative Specialist to the Finance Department at SAAVI - Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired     So, you got that information from doing a rectal pull, I assume? In 2013, women made up more than half of the professional and technical workforce in the United States. Try checking a fact sometime. Also, non sequitur, but most women aren't interested in your dangling, frontal skintag.     Reply · Like · 2 hours ago     Samuel Twain · Top Commenter     bahahahaa nothing I like more than watching some hot headed gash get her panties in a She said work ahahahahahahahaaha paaalease     Reply · Like · about an hour ago

Now, before any MRAs reading this ask how I know that Mr. Twain isn’t just some troll with nothing to do with the Men’s Rights movement or AVFM, bla bla bla, well, as you can see, Cosmo uses Facebook for its comments. And following Mr. Twain’s comment back to his Facebook profile you can see that he regularly posts MRA propaganda and AVFM memes, is a member of a Facebook group called Men’s Human Rights Movement, and, oh yeah, his friends list is filled with AVFM staffers.

So yeah, MRAs, he’s one of yours.


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10 years ago

Ruh Roh! The teal deer is bursting with assfax.

10 years ago

How do you people deal with this? Walk away from the crazy. Is that post a few above even real? TheOnion is envious of that spiel…

10 years ago

The lesbian version of social utopia is being bread out of existence.

No, not bread out of existence!

*Wails, gnashes teeth*

Bread is delicious AND IT MAKES SANDWICHES.

10 years ago

Wall-o-text says WHAT?

Oh. Nothing I haven’t seen before. And all of it BULLSHIT.

I live in a country that was and still is somewhat socialist. It’s not hell on Earth. Anyone who thinks that of Canada is welcome to fuck off out of here. Fuck off the whole planet, even.

Srsly, dude, just GYOW already. In silence and darkness. To a desert island with no internet access or cellphones. You’ll be happier, and so will everyone else.

10 years ago

1, divorce is a death sentence for men
2, there just isn’t enough bread
3, feminism = socialism= bad
4, Sweden does not neither have economic equality
5, So There!

10 years ago

My husband made four loaves of bread today. Provider game, mangina-knightery, or clever evopsych mate-guarding strategery to lower my SMV by enfattening me?

(Five years ago I would have just thought he liked bread, but my manosphere addiction has got the better of my native good sense, lol)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I’m still full from dinner, so no thanks to the copypasta and word salad.

It’s an unsubstantiated bunch of wankvoyance, all based on opinion, and frankly, my reaction to the whole thing is “so what?” Civilization isn’t going to crash and burn because some people who don’t want to get married, don’t get married.

It is worth noting that Mister Manifesto has admitted to socking on multiple sites with spoofed IPs. Here’s a comment he left on after posting the same overheated assertions there:

I like to post under different aliases. I’ve posted on at least thirty different sites today. I sometimes can’t remember the alias I posted under last. I often read my last post, read the response and then list my last alias. Also, I post through an IP proxy, which makes me look like I’m coming from multiple states in the same day.

Because it’s important to be deceptive and dishonest when spouting The Truth.

10 years ago

And then they express astonishment when they whip open their grimy raincoats at us and we say “No thanks, I’ve seen that one before”.

10 years ago

haha, “wankvoyance”!

10 years ago

So… how are we being bred out of existence and becoming more popular at the same time, again?

Yeah, every time progress happens people scream about OH NOES THE WORLD IS RUIN FOREVERZ, so forgive me for not being worried. Or don’t. I don’t care.

Oh, I almost forgot. Shut up, Woody.

10 years ago

Anyone who leads with “lesbian bishes” lets me know they’re not to be taken seriously.

Get a life, copypasta dude.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago


Right-wing bigots want the world to collapse, because they know they’ve lost the fight against gender, racial and LGBTQ+ equality and that’s the only way they can regain control and stuff the cat back in the bag.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

The lesbian version of social utopia is being bread out of existence.

White, wholemeal, multigrain, sourdough, rye? Do tell.

Or on second thoughts, don’t, because that’s as far as I got before my eyes glazed over.

10 years ago

Everytime I see someone write “bishes”, I hear a drunken lishp. Er, LISP.

10 years ago

What on earth does sexual orientation have to do with immigration?

And where is the proof that most women, today, need or want to “marry up”? That may have been true decades ago, but it’s no longer necessary BECAUSE of feminism. Even my mom, who married in the 70s, married my dad, who at the time was making far less than she was. Oh, and her previous boyfriend had been the wealthy son of a country singer. There goes the hypergamy theory. And she never felt “resentful.”

I swear, I think these guys derive most of their opinions of women from shows like the Real Housewives.

10 years ago

I stopped at “lesbian bishes”. Kudos to anyone who bothered reading anything else.

10 years ago

I wonder how much actual GTOW is in the book, as opposed to whining about how men should totally go Galt their own way, and when they do women will be sorry, any day now, I swear, don’t try to keep me here…

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I know it’s been asked before, but I wonder if the *cough* designer *cough* of that cover meant it to be that Freudian …

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Now I’ve got Fleetwood Mac stuck in my head.

kittehserf – undoubtedly! A more apt road sign would be a roundabout.

10 years ago

Lucille Ball: Prophet of Doom

10 years ago



Did they really have to use the erect roadsign as their cover? Seems like a bad PR move.

10 years ago

“In the future, about 20-30 percent will marry and have children within wedlock. The vast majority of births will occur outside of wedlock and marriage for most will become a thing of the past.”

So? Even if we abolished marriage tomorrow, people would still be living together while romantically attached. And what’s so bad about children being born out of wedlock? Do they lack something children conceived by married people possess? Can only they defeat The Old Ones? I’m going to assume that people will still be raising children with other people when possible, it’s usually easier that way.

Inez Milholland
Inez Milholland
10 years ago

Can I just say how much I LOATHE the word “gashes” as a pejorative? It’s worse than the C word. It implies that my genitalia is some kind of mistake of nature and it just pisses me off. #ragestroke

10 years ago

Plus it reminds me of shitty online erotica trying to be poetic.