a voice for men antifeminism douchebaggery manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA vaginas women's jobs aren't real

Men's Rights Activists: PR Geniuses, Part XXVI

public relations

So Cosmo ran a piece by Jill Filipovic on A Voice for Men’s phony WhiteRibbon site, and, as surely as winter follows fall, the AVFM comments brigade showed up to offer their unique brand of wisdom.

Take it away, Samuel Twain:

Samuel Twain · Top Commenter Bahahahahahahahaha, Cosmo is full of morons and gold digger trash. When are you women going to get jobs and start paying your own way instead of what you do now....whine whine and more I have yet to meet a feminist that wasn't getting by by using some white knight mangina mother fucker. I thought you gashes could take care of bidness?lol Reply · Like · Follow Post · 5 hours ago      Natalie Rose Apar · Follow · Top Commenter · Administrative Specialist to the Finance Department at SAAVI - Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired     So, you got that information from doing a rectal pull, I assume? In 2013, women made up more than half of the professional and technical workforce in the United States. Try checking a fact sometime. Also, non sequitur, but most women aren't interested in your dangling, frontal skintag.     Reply · Like · 2 hours ago     Samuel Twain · Top Commenter     bahahahaa nothing I like more than watching some hot headed gash get her panties in a She said work ahahahahahahahaaha paaalease     Reply · Like · about an hour ago

Now, before any MRAs reading this ask how I know that Mr. Twain isn’t just some troll with nothing to do with the Men’s Rights movement or AVFM, bla bla bla, well, as you can see, Cosmo uses Facebook for its comments. And following Mr. Twain’s comment back to his Facebook profile you can see that he regularly posts MRA propaganda and AVFM memes, is a member of a Facebook group called Men’s Human Rights Movement, and, oh yeah, his friends list is filled with AVFM staffers.

So yeah, MRAs, he’s one of yours.


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10 years ago

A nasty little historical trend regarding women working is that when a field dominated by women became very important it often was suddenly flooded by men.

See: film editing.

10 years ago

Absolutely Mary – there seems to be no comprehension that feminists usually seek financial independence, and that the most traditional relationships tend not to contain feminists.

I think that these kind of manospherians think of work as some kind of highly dangerous and male dominated work like mining, logging or deep sea fishing. Except that whilst those jobs may be almost exclusively male there are far more men sitting on their arses doing sedentary jobs. And from my experience men are pretty lazy at work- the last job I had in the v small team the men were lazier (#notALLmen!!!).

10 years ago


…manospherians think of work as some kind of highly dangerous and male dominated work like mining, logging or deep sea fishing.

Irony alert — undoubtedly, the vast majority of those men sitting all day long on the internetz wailing and gnashing about ‘lazy feminists’ on a mission to eat bon bons and take male-earned money are not doing that kind of work. After all, they’re living lives largely online in their favored echo chamber, making it highly unlikely that even in sedentary jobs, they’re getting a whole lot done. That happens to a lot of people of all ideological stamps, let’s be honest, but that little factoid of modern existence doesn’t leave manospherians (to borrow your term) untouched, nor by any means less touched than anyone else.

10 years ago

Also astronaut, scientist, engineer, soldier, secret agent … no way a woman could do any of those!

I know, right? Even though women do ALL of that and more. Is it not wonderful being invisible and having our work be…well…not work at all?

BTW, I have worked on ranches and in stables, taught kids how to ride, wrangled cattle, milked cows. I have been a nurse’s aide in nursing homes,a live-in nanny and housekeeper, an artist, a professional singer, and a Tarot reader. On top of that, I have raised four kids (they are now ages 30 – 41), cleaned, cooked and done laundry for a family of six and I spend lots of time with grandkids. And, just for the heck of it, I protested the Vietnam war, got my head smacked by the nightstick of one of Mayor Daley’s finest, and spent time (not a lot) in jail for my peaceful protest…all to keep a few young MEN from having to go and die uselessly so that some old assholes (also mostly old MEN) could get richer.

Guess I am just one of those lazy-ass, bonbon eating, gold-digging, useless bitches, huh? Oh, and I built a recording studio for my husband and we are working like happy mad people creating a magic garden in the front, with the help of the grandkids.

Sit on THAT, you whiney MRA wastes of space. Go away and stop breathing my air.

10 years ago

Maybe Mr Marxist has been watching too much Simpsons.

McBain: We’re being overrun by Communazis!

Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago

Speaking of PR, the data shows conclusively, once for all, that GamerGate is about harassment. Not only does the evidence say so, the numbers say so also.

10 years ago

Finally, a source my brother won’t automatically write off as “social justice warriors”.

10 years ago

what is it with right-wingers and trying to historically revise the Nazis into communists? It’s not going to work.

Of course it won’t. Sheesh…do these guys not EVER pick up a history book and a dictionary? Nazism is FASCISM, which is CORPORATISM. Mussolini was on top of that.

Come to think of it, so are the right-wingers. What does that say about the guys running this country?

(Shaking head and walking away)

10 years ago

any self-admitted gold diggers that I have ever met were anti-feminist, very traditional women.

And all the UNadmitted ones I’ve known, ditto.

And all the men who go around lawling at women to get jobs? Tend to be couch potatoes leeching off a woman themselves. Usually their mothers.

10 years ago

Bogdon, I saw that too, found it fascinating. Brianna Wu with over 38,000 tweets with just the gamergate hashtag since Sept 1 is outrageous. My gamer son died two years ago and I know he would be freaked out by this, many of his friends were women who were definitely gamers he loved very much.

10 years ago

I know. I think it’s a good example of women doing important and hard manual labour historically.

Women have always done hard manual labour. Carried water. Plowed. Built. Something sexist men somehow both don’t want acknowledge and expect of us at the same time (for example as SAHMs, cleaners etc)

10 years ago

I’m reasonably confident that this guy’s real name is not Samuel Twain.

I’m reasonably confident that you’re right.

I’m also reasonably confident that this guy would have hated where the REAL Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain stood on women’s rights. He was totally FOR them!

10 years ago


Yes, but overall I think it’s a more instructive example of women being pushed out of a specific job in favour of men in short order. Something similar apparently happened in the Postwar US, only that it was both women and black men who found themselves fresh out of an occupation.

10 years ago

From what little of the comment section I read, I see the gaters have already brigaded with a ready made defense. They’re claiming that of course Quinn, Sarkeesian, Alexander, and Wu have gotten the most negative tweets because they’re the ones most often mentioned by the media. Of course, that argument doesn’t really hold up because the reason those 4 are so often discussed is because they were the ones getting harassed in the first place.

10 years ago

Not at all, GrumpyOldMan. I was thinking along the lines of women can be nurses, but doctors are men. I realize that that no longer is true, but the attitude still exists. 🙂

Funny you should mention that. I was just reading about this the other day, and apparently during the 60s and 70s feminists pushed HARD for women to bypass nursing (a low prestige profession at the time, and overwhelmingly female) in favour of medicine. Now, at least in Australia, medicine’s getting close to an even gender split. An unfortunate consequence of this is that nursing remains stereotypically “women’s work”, and nursing staff here are 91% female despite repeated attempts to get more men into the industry.

10 years ago

@Kakanian It’s indeed a good example of that.

The whole women and work during WW2 was so blatant. Happened all over Europe. During the 19th Century, doctors promoted the idea of women as extremely weak and fragile (but only ladies of course, working class women didn’t count) – this happened as women were fighting for their rights to vote. The book The Fraility Myth has interesting info about this.

But then, during the war, women were suddenly needed…time to promote the idea of women as competent!

And after the war, men had to get their jobs back…bye women. Time to promote the ideal of the placid housewife.

10 years ago

The use of the term “gash” comes off as old school Freudian. Very “fear the vagina”.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Totally OT – lkeke35, I love your new gravatar. Is that your artwork?

10 years ago

Um … Feminist woman with no “white knight mangina” taking care of her, here.

What is it with these guys failing to comprehend that women don’t need men to take care of them financially anymore? That we can have jobs? I’m in a relationship because I want to be, not because I need a “sugar daddy.”

Another common statement: “I’ve never met an attractive woman who was a feminist.” How would they know? I doubt they go around asking this question of every woman they pass by. Or maybe they assume that all women who are “traditional” must not identify as feminists, but all my female family members are highly traditional, yet proudly identify as feminists (AND they have long, happy, egalitarian-style marriages). This must be incomprehensible to these men.

10 years ago

Bizarre. So sad for the entities to which these parasites have attached themselves. So happy for the rest of the civilized world that is ignored by them.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I haven’t been taken care of by a man since I was eight years old. Even then, it was only financial.

Gratis Ptaka
Gratis Ptaka
10 years ago

“You people are missing the point.” Here’s your future, lesbian bishes. You know what the fun part is? You miscalculated big time. The lesbian version of social utopia is being bread out of existence. How? Mass immigration is removing you from the gene pool. Too funny:

Women are quite happy to depend on the government if the father doesn’t meet her expectations. Men are quite happy too, as higher taxes are a lot better than complete financial annihilation through divorce. Governments love higher taxes. Many same sex couples are going to want children. As the decline in heterosexual “marital” relationships continues, and it will, more and more will opt for same sex relationships and/or domestic partnerships/cohabitation. Traditionalist views on relationships will gradually become extinct. Polygamist like relationships and/or the broad acceptance of polygamist domestic partnerships amongst heterosexuals, bisexuals, homosexuals and lesbians will become more popular as well.

Female empowerment means that there are fewer men capable of providing for a family. Women want the highest paying, most prestigious, most powerful jobs for themselves. At the same time, women want to marry up. As divorce is nearly a death sentence for breadwinning males, men are opting out of marriage and family. More and more, women will find that they’ll have to go it alone.

Jobs have been shipped overseas so that corporations can benefit from cheaper labor costs. Engineering and high tech jobs are being filled by H1-B visa workers so that corporations can benefit from cheaper labor costs. Jobs that can be outsourced to stagnate wages are being outsourced. Mass immigration of low skilled workers is being used to stagnate wages and fill entry level jobs. Jobs are being contracted out by both the government and corporations to create a disposable workforce and to forgo the higher cost of directly employing workers. Both corporations and the government conspire to divide and destroy society through mass immigration, outsourcing, H1-B visas and division of the populace via race, gender, wealth and age.

Most every bread winning man now knows the devastating consequences that divorce can have on their lives. The result of divorce is often severe psychological, emotional, legal, physical and financial destruction. For these reasons, men will continue to opt out of marriage and family or resort to cohabitation as a lessor of the two evils. As women become the majority of breadwinners, and they will, they’ll feel the same way. Feminism taught women that marriage was slavery. Breadwinning men now know that marriage is a death trap.

The national debt will continue to rise. Entitlement programs will go bankrupt. Eventually, a tipping point will be reached and there will be a call to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Efforts to accomplish this are already underway. The negative consequences that will follow are unthinkable.

The liberal/feminist model of heterosexual marriage has and will continue to fail. Most men aren’t going to allow themselves to be ruled by women in relationships. Women think they want to have power over men in relationships, but have no respect for and are repulsed by the men that aren’t at least their equal in terms of education, finances and social standing. Both sides under the liberal/feminist model are far more promiscuous, more likely to commit adultery and more likely to indulge in infidelity – even in the face of STDs. The playing field for the worst in human behavior is level under the feminist/liberal model.

To sustain the population, prop up the GDP through population growth and to save the entitlement programs, the only solution from the government’s standpoint is mass welfare and tax breaks for single mothers and/or mass immigration. As xenophobia is common everywhere, the preferred method is going to be the mass acceptance of single motherhood and a massive increase in services for single mothers. How? Through higher taxes and/or the diversion of tax funds. More resources will be dedicated to same sex couples under this expanding model as well. This change is social values has been around for a while, is the norm in certain countries and will eventually become the norm across the globe.

As time marches on, fewer and fewer will marry, out of wedlock births will become the majority, polygamy will be legalized, same sex marriage will become more popular and children raised by same sex couples will become widely accepted. The alternative is the threat of massive population decline like that found in Japan. A return to a “traditional culture” like that of the ’50s is highly unlikely for obvious reasons.

As marriage/birth rates continue to decline, huge increases in spending on single mothers will ensue. It already has in several countries. As time passes, greater and greater efforts to enact legislation that benefits women at the expense of men’s lives will increase. Even though women already have enormous gynocentric privilege through current laws and policies, ever more misandric legislation is currently being pushed across the globe.

Marriage and birth rates are tanking in Japan, Singapore, the Netherlands, Taiwan, Scandinavia, Canada, the UK, parts of the Middle East, France, Spain, Germany, Russia, Hong Kong, S. Korea, the US, etc. Mass immigration partially hides these facts. Parts of the Netherlands and Scandinavia are widely touted as social utopias in American mainstream media. What’s not talked about by the mainstream media is the declining marriage/birth rates, high taxes, high cost of goods, the increase in misandry through legislation and social upheaval due to mass immigration. What’s not talked about is that, where mass immigration is used to counter low marriage/birth rates, what follows is social upheaval, unsustainable spikes in welfare costs, the formation of xenophobic immigrant communities, the illegal implementation of laws within these communities (Sharia – for example) and a disproportionate increase in crime emanating from these communities.

Because of the above, the push for ever more misandric laws will increase. Why? Because women make the babies and women won’t have the same power over men that they had through marriage. Cohabitation reform (aka: alimony and asset division) is going to come soon to force transfer of wealth from men to women. This is already being proposed in the UK and other places. Redefining domestic abuse in cohabitation in terms of bullying and denying monetary resources is also being pushed in the UK and other places. Why? To force the transfer of resources from men to women. In some countries, this is already law.

In the future, about 20-30 percent will marry and have children within wedlock. The vast majority of births will occur outside of wedlock and marriage for most will become a thing of the past. In the US, 40% of births are already out of wedlock and marriage rates will continue the decade’s long decline. Singles in the US are now the majority.

As a result of the above, massive shifts in social spending will be devoted to single mothers. This has already happened and will escalate globally. Policies and laws will also shift heavily in favor of single mothers.

This is how deeply gynocentric, liberal, misandric, feminist societies operate, folks. Socialism will become the norm globally. You think capitalism is bad? Wait until you see how socialism works. If you don’t know how socialism works, there are plenty of historical examples from which to learn. Sweden, oft touted as a socialist utopia, ranks near the top in term of income inequality. Buckle up.

10 years ago

Wow. Much teal, so deer.

10 years ago

How long has the manosphere been predicting IMMINENT COLLAPSE now? I remember Roissy commenters, maybe Roissy himself, feverishly producing reams of shallow raggedy breathing just like ptatka’s there. Back then it was stylish to freak out about hyperinflation, too. That also didn’t pan out.

I think it was even plausible circa 2008-9, ’cause for a lot of people it really felt like the sky was falling… savings wiped out, jobs evaporating en masse overnight, foreclosures everywhere. God knew what would happen NEXT!


six plus years later, here we all are, still eating hamburgers, getting haircuts, plugging away at various jobs or schools or hobbies…

Wake me up in another six yrs. Maybe the sky will really have fallen by then