a voice for men antifeminism douchebaggery manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA vaginas women's jobs aren't real

Men's Rights Activists: PR Geniuses, Part XXVI

public relations

So Cosmo ran a piece by Jill Filipovic on A Voice for Men’s phony WhiteRibbon site, and, as surely as winter follows fall, the AVFM comments brigade showed up to offer their unique brand of wisdom.

Take it away, Samuel Twain:

Samuel Twain · Top Commenter Bahahahahahahahaha, Cosmo is full of morons and gold digger trash. When are you women going to get jobs and start paying your own way instead of what you do now....whine whine and more I have yet to meet a feminist that wasn't getting by by using some white knight mangina mother fucker. I thought you gashes could take care of bidness?lol Reply · Like · Follow Post · 5 hours ago      Natalie Rose Apar · Follow · Top Commenter · Administrative Specialist to the Finance Department at SAAVI - Southern Arizona Association for the Visually Impaired     So, you got that information from doing a rectal pull, I assume? In 2013, women made up more than half of the professional and technical workforce in the United States. Try checking a fact sometime. Also, non sequitur, but most women aren't interested in your dangling, frontal skintag.     Reply · Like · 2 hours ago     Samuel Twain · Top Commenter     bahahahaa nothing I like more than watching some hot headed gash get her panties in a She said work ahahahahahahahaaha paaalease     Reply · Like · about an hour ago

Now, before any MRAs reading this ask how I know that Mr. Twain isn’t just some troll with nothing to do with the Men’s Rights movement or AVFM, bla bla bla, well, as you can see, Cosmo uses Facebook for its comments. And following Mr. Twain’s comment back to his Facebook profile you can see that he regularly posts MRA propaganda and AVFM memes, is a member of a Facebook group called Men’s Human Rights Movement, and, oh yeah, his friends list is filled with AVFM staffers.

So yeah, MRAs, he’s one of yours.


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10 years ago

And Cosmo have achieved redpill bingo!

10 years ago

I… I am trying to figure out why saying the word “work” is either funny, or a sign of twisted undergarments.

Really mature, this one.

10 years ago

“Ho, ho, it’s funny that you’d call me sexist, you gendered slur. Har, har, I’m so smart to be telling female journalists to get jobs. Ha, ha.”


This is a man who believes himself to be intellectually superior to women and most men.


Just let that massive lack of self awareness soak in.

10 years ago

I have yet to meet a feminist who wasn’t getting by by using some white knight mangina mother fucker

My wife is a feminist, and could support herself just fine without my input – she has an unusual technical/medical skillset which pretty much guarantees that she’ll never be unemployed. Even if we split up, she easily earns enough to pay for a childminder, and so from a purely economic POV I’m entirely replaceable.

But since we’re mature and intelligent adults, we know that human relationships are about much, much more than crude economics and notions of “using” people for selfish ends.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

And again…please tell me he’s 12…please?

This is someone with such low self-esteem that one wonders how he even manages to trudge down to his mom’s basement to eat Cheetos and play his little games.

Never mind telling a woman to “get a job” who is being paid by Cosmo to criticize his little “hobby”. Yes, dude…she got paid to pwn you.

10 years ago

Just clicked on that link. He seems to have pulled his facebook page-
“This content is currently unavailable”

10 years ago

Jill Filipovic does have a job; probably several. Cosmo is a paying writer’s market, after all. So that “get a job” crap that all these ‘wingers pull is really not only stale and old, but totally inaccurate. Women work more jobs per capita than men do, thanks to the pay gap.

And really: “Gash”? Um, vulvae are not wounds. Penises are NOT the default setting, after all.

10 years ago

It’s still there on my end.

And he seems like a real charmer! /s

10 years ago

The Facebook link worked when I clicked on it, thought I now wish it hadn’t.

10 years ago

@Bina, thanks, I didn’t even know what “gash” meant. I guess I’m not up to speed on my misogynistic hate-speech.

And you’re absolutely correct that male isn’t the default setting, biologically. It’s female. Not that that means anything at all about any gender being “better” than the other, but it’s basic biology, nonetheless.

10 years ago

Wetherby: You are remarkably fortunate in that this woman has chosen to spend her life with you. 🙂 (And the key words in that sentence are “chosen” and “with you”.) I don’t think people, like the man/child above, believe in the existence of love, which is why love is not a factor for them.

10 years ago

I’m going to assume that this one of those young middle-class young men with with low self esteem. They tend to believe that women have always been able to sit around eating bon bons all day while the men folk busted their hump for them. It smacks of classism. We all know that women have had to work since time immemorium. I’m not even going to differentiate between working for a paycheck and working for your family either. Work is work. I really don’t understand this reductionist thinking that marraige is a financial transaction and not two people loving each other and wanting to work as a team and enjoy each other. I would feel sorry for people like him, but I’ll save it for someone who isn’t a complete shit.

10 years ago

I wish these ‘guys’ could come face to face with some actual radfems. They lose their minds over the most innocuous stuff. What would they do if mainstream ‘feminazis’ actually started calling for widespread castration and whatever else these doofuses fantasise about? Maybe it will make them happy. Much of it seems to stem from rebelling against mummy. Maybe mummy needs to be more strict.

10 years ago

Of course he took down his Facebook. These guys are like roaches when you shine light on them.

10 years ago

Oh wait, it’s still up, you just have have an account or be logged in. Yep, he’s an out and proud shitstain.

10 years ago

Mark Twain would look disdainfully down his mustache at this twit.

10 years ago

There seems to be an idea among MRAs that women don’t work, we just laze around manipuliting men into doing it for us. Both today and historically. How blind can they get I wonder?

Off topic but on the topic of working women, I found out about this recently, thought it was really cool:

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

lol She said work ahahahahahahahahaaha paaalease

Hah hah hah it’s funny because a female person used a common word from the English language!

10 years ago

It’s it normally pur-lease. Dude can’t even get his sarcasm right.

10 years ago

Duh! Yes, I should have realised I would have to have an account and be logged in. But I have no intention of getting a farcebook account.

10 years ago

How did these guys get to be so foul? Under the very same cultural influences, most people I know I lovely.

10 years ago

He’s probably one of those dudes who thinks women “working” is just lounging around in the office eating bon bons or something, hence laughing at the word “work.”

This is an anonymous asshole loudly scoffing at the very idea of a woman working… to a woman who’s title as administrative specialist in finance is listed directly under her name. How much more daft could you get? Next he’ll be throwing popcorn at the glass while a female surgeon is operating, calling her stupid and lazy and wondering loudly when the actual surgeon will come in.

All those red pills must have formed a fine insulation layer around his brain, protecting him from reality.

10 years ago

@ Lea – thanks for pointing that out. I never needed to sleep again, anyway.

@ Wetherby – feminist woman here who also earns more money than her male partner, and could support herself and our children financially if Mr.Grump and I split. However, like you and your partner, I really hope we don’t split, for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with money. Think these guys will ever figure something like that out?

Generally, this MRA, like so many others, whinge about how feminists live off men. What I’ve found, though, in my own experience, is that it’s mostly traditional, non-feminist identifying women who ‘live off of’ the men in their lives, whereas self-identifying feminists tend to form more financially equitable partnerships. This includes feminist SAHM’s, who, in my experience, add a whole lot of non-monetary value to the life style of their families, and are usually too Damn busy to lounge about all day eating teh bonbons. Why do guys like this one conflate these two very different groups? Are all women one monolith with a literal hive mind? If so, why do I keep missing the memos?

TL;DR – any self-admitted gold diggers that I have ever met were anti-feminist, very traditional women.

10 years ago

All those red pills must have formed a fine insulation layer around his brain, protecting him from reality.


Now, if only the insulating layer would transport him and his ilk to a dimension far, far removed from our own.

10 years ago

A common tactic of bullies is to provoke by pushing the victim until they react. Then blaming and punishing the victim. If they don’t get a rise out of the victim, they crank up the outrageousness factor another notch, and another, and another, until they do. A compliant or scared victim can find his or her life twisted into a pretzel and stuffed in a shoe box of impossibility, just by going along and trying to keep the peace. This feels like an instance of that. I feel in my gut that Elam knew he was transgressing common decency and that all his protests that what he is doing is ok are just the theatrics of a planned hostile social aggression. Perhaps he even believes himself, having worked up a head of rage-steam. He’s on a trajectory that isn’t normal behavior, that’s for sure. In Bram Stoker’s book, Van Helsing describes Dracula as having a child-mind, as pushing the limits in an incremental and inductive sort of way, one milestone at a time. I feel like I’m seeing something similar here. Could just be my imagination, sure, but I’ve seen it done elsewhere.

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