advocacy of violence attention seeking domestic violence doubling down empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam why can't men punch women?

Paul Elam responds to critics of his phony White Ribbon page with reasoned argument. Kidding! He had a tantrum

Paul Elam: U mad?
Paul Elam: He seems mad.

Paul Elam, the maximum leader of hate site A Voice for Men, has responded to the first wave of media coverage of his phony White Ribbon site with a truculent little rant., and the ever intellectually flatulent David Futrelle have rage-written on this issue barely 24 hours after we launched the site.

How does he know about the flatulence? In my defense, I’m still recovering from Dollar Taco Tuesday.

I was also just interviewed by Cosmopolitan Magazine, being asked such incisive questions as, “Do you think it is ever OK to hit a woman?”

I imagine that Cosmo was just trying to get a reaction from him, since it’s fairly well-known, at least among those who follow the Men’s Rights set,  that Elam’s answer to the hitting women question is yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Indeed, Elam can barely restrain himself on the subject, having penned a short story, an allegedly “satirical” post and a serious, non-satirical post all laying out his case for punching women, and not only in self-defense.

Elam pauses his rant for a moment to make the whimsical assertion that his phony site is an “attempt to insert empiricism and genuine expertise into the discussion of violence in the home” before setting forth what he calls “a few facts” that he thinks will answer all questions.

One, White Ribbon Campaign is not trademarked by anyone. Deal with it.

Sorry, Paul. I don’t think this is the get out of jail card you think it is. The real White Ribbon campaign could assert common law trademark rights. It’s been around since 1991.

His other facts are kind of boring, so let’s just move on to the heart of the tantrum:

I have a message for Salon, ThinkProgress, Futrelle and anyone else bashing us for presenting valid research on a very real social problem. It is a message I will not use to sully the pages of

This message is this: Go right straight to Hell you gang of bigoted, lying scumbags. That is, if Hell will even have you pieces of shit. …

That’s it. Write motherfuckers. Whine. Complain. Cry in your fucking Cheerios. The only thing you will ever accomplish is helping us spread the truth.

U mad bro?

I think he’s mad.

Oh, and one last thing. Send your lawyers. We will be happy to ride them for a while just for the fun of watching you pay the fucking bill.

Uh, who exactly are you talking to here? I’m pretty sure that neither I nor Salon nor ThinkProgress will be sending any lawyers. Someone else might, though. I guess we’ll have to see how that works out.

P.S. And while we’re talking about the spiteful immaturity of AVFMers, here’s an AVFM post from the YouTuber blabber “Mad Shangi” in which he actually boasts about acting like an obtuse diskhead in an, er, “debate” with me on Twitter.

More proof that it’s pointless to actually try to discuss anything with people who are either terminally thickheaded, or posting in bad faith, or, as seems to be the case with Mr. Shangi, a bit of both.



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10 years ago

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I judge me so much for posting this.

10 years ago

I actually had to burrito a sugar glider the other day. Hilarious! He was pissed off though, bit my toe in retribution.

But no, I’ve never heard queso or alambre used referentially.

10 years ago

Sexual harassment, east London style: “aw, come on love, let me set me clams in yer aspic!”

10 years ago


Unless someone put pudding in there, there’s no pudding in my quivering mound.

Okay, there’s a D&D plant monster called a Shambling Mound. I suppose it might have pudding in it. It eats people, after all, and maybe it crashed a halfling Christmas party and stayed for pudding.

I’m pretty sure it’s a take-off on Swamp Thing and Man Thing, especially since the new edition says it’s created when someone is murdered in or near a swamp.

10 years ago

Ok, I’m getting far too much mileage out of Press blue button, LOL, press blue button, LOL.

Anything written by Elam in the near future: press blue button, LOL.

10 years ago

Oh, fuck. Big news I forgot to tell you guys:

I……. bought a vacuum two days ago. It’s my first vacuum. I spent hundreds of dollars on it and… I liked it.

Am I a woman now?

10 years ago

Burrito’d sugar glider?


Angry burrito-wrapped sugar glider almost sounds adorable enough for the bite to be worth it… almost.

10 years ago


I’m tempted to look up some of the Ye Olde names for vageens. I’m sure there are some scary ones.

“Quaint” is one, spelled (approximately) “queynte.” I can’t remember if it shows up in Chaucer, but it’s the root of the c-word. There was, historically, a London street called Gropec—- Lane for its reputation as a spot of assignation.

I had a page of Shakespearean euphemisms bookmarked somewhere. No way am I googling “what does Shakespeare call the vagoo” right now, though.

10 years ago


I actually had to burrito a sugar glider the other day. Hilarious! He was pissed off though, bit my toe in retribution.

You got to handle a sugar glider! *me jelly*

I got to handle one a few years ago. Some folks were selling them at the mall. $600 for a startup: cage, bedding, feed, and two “sugar bears” because one by itself would get lonesome and pine.

Beloved and I pet a couple but we have two cats.

10 years ago

@Misha: I’m glad you liked The No Button. I can’t take credit for making it, but I’m glad I was able to share.

10 years ago

Elam appears to be committed to the “if you can’t be famous be infamous” approach to self promotion.

10 years ago

When we used to swaddle our eldest we called it the baby burrito.

10 years ago

Otherwise what’s to stop me from pretending to be the Tea Party and get all of those donations?

And then you could use the money to throw ACTUAL TEA PARTIES!

10 years ago


If it’s a Dyson, you ascend straight to Supreme Being.

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

Shit, it’s been a while since I dropped in. Hi everyone!

On topic, this is scam number… what, four? And lie number googleplex by now.

If you have to lie about your own intentions to get people to donate money to you, you’re doing social justice wrong. (I’m presuming that this is what that want to be, since previous MRAs on this subject claim to be social justice advocates. We know better, but let’s use their own words against them right now.)

10 years ago

Kryten was being a shit so I put on my elbow-high rose tending gloves and grabbed a piece of cloth. I grabbed him, gently wrapped him up in the cloth and held him to my chest, simulating a warm pouch. I was trying to calm him before taking him back to his enclosure.

My sloppy work became apparent when his angry face, ears included, popped out. What a handsome burrito he made though. I screamed “I have a Kryten burrito” and his person came to help. He is a fat boy though and so could not easily sneak his rotund body out of the wrapper.

He was gliding around the spare room later. I was laying on the floor on my front, bare feet up in the air. He flew down to me from the curtain rod and climbed up to my foot which is fine. Then he bit my toe, I kicked in pain and flung the poor soul into a wall. :/

He’s fine though. Still a little jerk. Hopefully he and the second youngest glider can be introduced this winter and cohabitate. Maybe they’ll be less jerky. Poor things though. They didn’t ask to be born into a life of plastic wheels and little cages and fleece pouches in place of nests. They’re just wild.

10 years ago

Misha, baby:

It’s a Dyson.

10 years ago

Elam & co are more or less finished. They peaked prior to the ICMI, since then he’s struggled with “donations” and, crucially, isn’t seen as particularly relevant any more by his peers.

This is a rather pathetic attempt to take attentions away from #GamerGate.

Elam will still make a living doing what he’s doing, but not so sure about anyone else. And, it goes without saying, not a single man (other than Elam) will be assisted in any way by his antics.

Puerile in the extreme.

10 years ago

Okay, there’s a D&D plant monster called a Shambling Mound. I suppose it might have pudding in it.

Or maybe someone crossed it with a Black Pudding…

10 years ago



10 years ago

But, yeah, please no one get the impression sugar gliders are good pets. They’re not and the life we give them in captivity is not one of quality. I’ve tried my best for six years and I still feel badly that I can’t give them more. They’re still wild animals and are not able to exhibit MOST of their natural behaviours living, caged, in someone’s home.

Kevin K
Kevin K
10 years ago

Careful with bird swaddling…their breathing mechanism is very different from mammals and you could unintentionally suffocate them. They have to be able to expand their rib cage.

Learned that when I took George to the vet. Or maybe Georgette. The only way to be sure is if it lays an egg — then it’s a GIRL! Or a $350 DNA test — so not doing that for a rescue conure.

10 years ago

Stomp and rant more, PaulE. If he were any more transparent, he’d be glass.

10 years ago

Exactly, and who cares? You’re not going to love them any more or less.

One of the pet supply places I bought wheels for the gliders at has a peach-faced lovebird named Kevin who was cute as a button, social on their own terms and feisty. One day Kevin laid an egg. Oh well. The name stuck.

10 years ago

I’ve never done too much with birds…

I did help out for the local bird banding station for a few days last summer. Mostly photographing, but I got do do a couple extrications, too.

Woodpeckers are hilarious when you’re extricating them.


Then, they go in the calm down bag, and everything is silence. Pull them out for the banding, and they’re back to yelling about how they’re going to murder you and leave no witnesses the entire time they’re getting their fancy leg identification swag, until you finally release them and they fly away.

Chickadees are just vicious. Adorable, but they’re WAY more vicious than the woodpeckers. The woodpeckers just tell you all about what they’d like to do to you. The chickadees don’t give up TRYING to do what they want to do to you.