#gamergate 8chan a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy douchebaggery doxing drama kings entitled babies gross incompetence harassment hate homophobia transphobia video games zoe quinn

Teacher: "Don't be a creep. Embrace women in gaming." GamerGaters: Welcome to "the House of Pain."

Unfortunately, GamerGaters aren't action figures.
Unfortunately, GamerGaters aren’t action figures.

GamerGaters sometimes try to rebut charges of misogyny by pointing out that the targets of their wrath aren’t only women. And that’s true. They also target men … who stand up for women.

Mike Stuchbery, a writer and teacher in England, recently aroused the wrath of the Gaters by posting a brief essay titled “A Letter To The Gamerdudes In My Classes” on his blog. In the essay, he wrote “[d]on’t be part of the mob that attacks whichever target GamerGate is going after this week.”

So now he’s become “the target GamerGate is going after this week.” Or one of them, anyway.

The essay that so angered the Gaters is about as mild a criticism of their movement as you can imagine.

Stuchbery, after noting his own love of video games like Skyrim and Assassin’s Creed, simply suggested to his male students that they “stay away” from GamerGate.

He noted that the whole thing started with a blog post by Eron Gjoni,the angry ex-boyfriend of game developer Zoe Quinn – something Stuchbery said he thought was “a bit of a jerk move” on Gjoni ‘s part.

He then went on to describe the harassment and threats directed at Quinn and other women involved in the gaming world, threats that have forced many of the targeted women out of their homes. “Now, it might just be me, but don’t you think that there is something very, very wrong here?” he asked.

The movement that arose in the wake of these events, #GamerGate, claims that it’s not about sexism.They claim that their movement is about journalistic ethics, keeping games magazines about games and not preaching any particular message. …

However, every time a woman speaks up to say ‘Hey, maybe we could change things, make gaming more friendly for women!’, she gets threatened with murder and rape. …

[E]very time a woman speaks up about abuse or harassment she’s received within the gaming scene, she’s forced to leave her home for fear of attack.

There’s a word for the kinds of people who make the kinds of threats that Quinn, Wu and Sarkeesian have received: Creeps.

Hateful, misogynist creeps.

Uh oh. The c-word. If there’s one thing misogynistic assholes hate more than women, it’s being called creeps.

Actually, I think I’ve got that backwards. But trust me, they hate it.

Stuchbery went on to make these radical suggestions:

Guys, I urge you, if you see this stuff online, don’t join in.  …

Don’t be a creep.

Embrace women in gaming.

Apparently, to the assembled masses over on 8chan, these were fighting words. And so the angry mob began to form, in the thread archived here.

The angry and not-very-well-infomed mob, that is. Though Stuchbery has an unequivocally male name, and identifies himself as Mr. Mike Stuchbery on Twitter, many of the angry mobsters assumed he was a she. (Each of these posts are taken from different parts of the thread; see the link above for full context. Also note that all commenters are automatically assigned the name “The Leader of Gamergate.”)


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 13:07:38 ID: b53cd7 No.227893 Find her info and complain to whatever authority is pimping her.

The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 13:41:37 ID: 3b03b4 No.228285>>228295>>228304>>228340>>228348>>231186>>236977>>237922  File (hide): 1413916896731.gif (2.6 MB, 459x459, 1:1, K0bUm.gif) >>227869 (OP)  OK guys I know we have a policy against calling for someone to be fired, but this is different.  This is a school teacher abusing her position to indoctrinate children using vile propaganda.  Email her school right now and demand her to be removed from that position and reprimanded for her actions.

The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:27:03 ID: 32d0c7 No.228980 >>227869 (OP) >Turning true in half-lies and lies in half-trues  I am platinum mad, she is a sick person to do this to kids


Oh, but GamerGate isn’t about women!

Here’s how one of the commenters responded to the news that Mr. Mike Stuchbery was in fact a Mr.


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:18:56 ID: 6d0738 No.228829 >>228304  You shouldn't judge people like that. Mike may very well be a beautiful trans-woman that just hasn't had her name changed, or may even be against changing her name just to fit the patriachy's view of what a woman's name should be like.


Even those who did manage to get Mr. Mike Stuchbery’s gender correct, and managed to avoid making grotesquely transphobic jokes about it, didn’t take their fact-checking much beyond that. The commenters simply assumed that Stuchbery had presented his essay to his class in an attempt to “indoctrinate” them, though there’s nothing on Stuchbery’s site that would suggest this.

Indeed, when I asked him directly, this is what he wrote to me:

I simply posted it on my blog in response to chatter I hear in the corridors. It was kind of an open letter. There was no reading it out in class

But apparently getting basic facts right doesn’t matter much to a GamerGate mob intent on exacting “justice” upon a man they described variously as a “dipshit,” a “cunt,” a “faggot,” and “a shill that cannot be redpilled.”


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:34:55 ID: f9a139 No.229124 >>229100 THREADLY REMINDER THAT THIS IS ACTUAL INDOCTRINATION IN FRONT OF OUR EYES


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 13:43:16 ID: 563ea4 No.228313 >trying to brainwash children with your personal agenda because you're a limp dicked liberal wanker who wants to get laid by some ugly feminist hag really bad and convincing adults that your hogwash is worth a shit is too hard  lmao where do we report him to?


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:28:19 ID: f9a139 No.228999  File (hide): 1413919699793.gif (425.71 KB, 639x360, 71:40, 1413786309433.gif) >>228704 YES YES YES!!! WE'RE FIGHTING FOR THE PEOPLE HERE!!! IT'S NOT HIS FUCKING BUSINESS WHAT HIS STUDENTS TWEET!!!  >POST YFW WE'RE REAL SOCIAL JUSTICE

The Leader of Gamergate  10/22/14 (Wed) 06:10:49 ID: dc56d3 No.239463>>239529 >>239325 If the parents are informed about this the guy will get fired 100%.  In the emails we have to inform them about the situation and ofcourse the parents should know. I would sue the school if they didn't fire a teacher indoctrinating my kids.

The Leader of Gamergate  10/22/14 (Wed) 06:20:47 ID: 02a5bb No.239529 >>239463 >In the emails we have to inform them about the situation  I'm trying to find where to email. This piece of shit seems to be keeping the exact school he "teaches" at a secret. Gee, wonder why.

So this is how it works now.

If you’re a teacher, and you post an open letter on your blog in which you suggest to your male students that they not join up with an online mob that actively harasses and threatens women … that mob will harass you, and doxx you, and try to get you fired. Or at least, as one of the mob put it, “[r]emoved: transferred to another class or whatever, but he can’t keep teaching those kids, not after what he done.”

Or at least after what they think “he done.”

Another one of the mobsters added this ominous note: “as it says in the Book of Gamergate: ‘He who breaks the law goes back to the House of Pain.'”

Now, I should add that some people in the thread — more than a few — suggested that doxxing was bad, and that maybe trying to get a dude fired wasn’t the way to go. One commenter urged fellow Gaters to get back to targeting advertisers instead of, and I kid you not, “going off on sidequests that wont get us any xp.” (That is, “Experience Points.”)

Others thought it would make their side look bad.

The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:48:00 ID: b88b10 No.229368>>229419>>229427>>238675 >>229269 How can I NOT report this? By not doing it. By getting back to emailing advertisers. I seriously don't want to have to fucking deal with "GamerGate is now targeting school teachers", you don't want that spin either. It's not our place to do this, and I really think starting this line of actions is a bad idea.

STARTING this line of actions? GamerGate has been about harassment from the very start, even before it was called GamerGate.

Other commenters responded to the calls for “moderation” with open hostility:

The Leader of Gamergate  10/22/14 (Wed) 05:49:45 ID: 02a5bb No.239325>>239463 >>238839 >I'm not interested in him getting fired at all.   You want this piece of shit to indoctrinate children? Get the fuck out. I'm serious, get the fuck out. You have no place here.

I actually agree with that last bit. If you’re involved in GamerGate and this kind of witchhunt disturbs you, take the hint and get out.

At this point, after all the revelations about what this online mob has done and is doing to fuck up people’s lives, you should realize just what it is you are a part of. You are, as Stuchbery has pointed out, part of a hate group.

Even if you aren’t personally harassing anyone, you are part of an online mob that is. And if you’re on 8chan’s /gg/ board, you’re on a board that is proving to be one of the central organizing hubs of this harassment.

Don’t worry about LOOKING bad. You ARE BAD.

If you have a decent bone left in your body, you need to do everything in your power to shut down this angry mob, end the harassment and threats and witchhunts, and bring an end to GamerGate.

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10 years ago

Off topic, but where can I buy those action figures? Thanks.

10 years ago

@ Misha

Theirs. It seems to be a consistent thing, this assumption that they make that feminists want to punish men for not being conventionally manly enough, and it’s just so weird. I mean I know that in their minds “feminist” is the same thing as “woman saying or doing something I don’t like” but come on now, guys, read a book or something.

10 years ago

It is very weird. Tbh, my go-to conclusion when the “feminists bully men and boys who don’t comply with masculine gender roles” argument popped up used to be “They’re just saying this to deliberately wind people up. Stupid trolls”. It took a while to accept that some (many?) folks actually, genuinely believe this.

Although ‘Feminists = Women We Don’t Like’ is a cracking point.

There may not be enough books in the world.

10 years ago

Honestly. All this crap about people “laughing at nerds” playing games for the last 20 years. That’s not how I remember it.

All I remember about games is the kids having Mario and Zelda and a few others in the 90s. And all of us played or watched. My only “thought” – but that’s far too strong a word – about other people playing games was that it was good to be able to play at home because video game parlours were not generally regarded as good places for younger kids to spend too much time, let alone the money.

Video games were just another kind of game – card games, board games, table games, other games (like charades and similar no-cards-no-equipment games), even jigsaws count once you’re into >2000 piece or weird complexity (circular, 3D, edgeless, double-sided, no picture) territory. And that’s pretty much how other families we knew regarded games.

10 years ago

If the game was D&D then maybe there was some social stigma, but video games? Please. There were game machines in every pizza parlor when I was a kid.

10 years ago

LOL at the pathetic “gamer” dudes. My introduction to games was my C64. As soon as I started buying games for it, I also started buying magazines and books to teach myself how to program games on it – which I was doing in the first month of buying my computer. In BASIC. Using sprites. Programming in sound, note by note. After my vocational training course finished, every Wednesday afternoon I was down the arcade with the guys, normally playing 4-person Gauntlet. Which had a playable female character. In 1985.

So before these “gamer dudebros” were even a fertilized zygote, let alone shitting in their nappies, I was a gamer.

Get fucked with the cultural appropriate shite. Women have always been involved in gaming.

By December 2003, Playstation and PSOne had shipped over 102 million units (, which is almost 11 years ago.

Xbox: sold over 24 million consoles by 10 May 2006 (, which is over 8 years ago.

With sales figures like that, gaming has not been a nerd activity for over a decade. Gamer dudebros, gamers are not a small, marginalised group. Given the cost of some of the systems, add-ons (headsets with mics, better controllers, controller adaptions, etc), and the cost to purchase the games when they are just released, gamers are some of the most privileged people on the planet.

And if you’re using pirated software, tell me again about how gamergate is all about ethics.

10 years ago

Hi Mike,

I know I’m late to the party, but I want to say thank you and I’m so sorry.

10 years ago

“Feminists want to force men to be Real Manly Men” is one of the oddest reversals I’ve seen in a while. Huh?

I think it goes as far as “Feminists want to force men to be Manliest Menz so they can hate them for it”

That would close the projection circle…

10 years ago


10 years ago

Blockquote Mammoth’d

10 years ago

It seems to be a consistent thing, this assumption that they make that feminists want to punish men for not being conventionally manly enough, and it’s just so weird.

On the other hand, apparently feminists love nothing as much as ’emasculating’ men and taking away their manly things. In other words, feminists seek to destroy the masculine manly man identity and turn all men into emasculated wimps, only to then… point and laugh at them for not being masculine manly men enough?

I admit I’m still relatively new to this whole feminism stuff, so please, can someone tell me what sense that’s supposed to make?

They seem to perceive feminists as these twisted creatures causing havoc for shits and giggles, and fail to see that the only thing that’s twisted here is their goddamn logic.


some GG-er is now claiming that people who call themselves gamers but are “not true gamers” (like a mom who plays Candy Crush) are culturally appropriating “gamer culture.”


This is just too silly. Like claiming that Disney’s Brave is racist towards Scots or something.

10 years ago

Feminists are the evil version of Puck from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. We create havok, not for shits and giggles, but because we’re evil. So like a Puck/witch/orc hybrid.

10 years ago

I happened across an enlightening Youtube comment in one of the Auriowen apology shambles videos that genuinely expresses that worry:

The way he sees it, he isn’t allowed to do anything dangerous or manly any more so this fantasy world is the only place real men have left, and even allowing women into man-hobbies once in a while kills them outright.

10 years ago

Cultural appropriation?!?

They’re now appropriating appropriation?


10 years ago

people who call themselves gamers but are “not true gamers” (like a mom who plays Candy Crush) are culturally appropriating “gamer culture.”

There’s a gigantic logic leap here, from “we own gamer culture” to “we own gaming”. That’s the big problem – they want to pretend these two statements are one and the same.

10 years ago

I kind of want to pat them on the head, like “Aw, did you learn a new word? Yes you did!”

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Back in the day (like, the ’80s and ’90s) video game arcades were considered to be dens of juvenile delinquency, drugs, and fighting. There was a lot of hand-wringing in the media over the effects of video games on desensitization, lowered empathy, heightened aggression and anger, etc. It was supposedly the domain of antisocial “dark triad” bad-boy types (think Daniel Desario from Freaks and Geeks).

In my town, the arcade was definitely where the rough kids hung out after school. Teenagers went there to find romance, settle scores, drink furtively, and waste time. Nerds never went anywhere near there. So no, GamerGaters: you didn’t invent gaming, and you don’t own it. You yourselves “culturally appropriated” it from others.

These people really need a session inside the Total Perspective Vortex.

10 years ago

Back in the day (like, the ’80s and ’90s) video game arcades were considered to be dens of juvenile delinquency, drugs, and fighting. There was a lot of hand-wringing in the media over the effects of video games on desensitization, lowered empathy, heightened aggression and anger, etc. 

I recall media hand-wringing, especially around Columbine, but arcades were normal places to hang out where I lived. There were mini arcades at movie theaters, roller rinks and miniature golf courses. Even some small family restaurants had a ‘play area’ for kids that included a few arcade games. I went to large arcades with my whole family.

10 years ago

I think that’s what pisses me off about it most- that it’s like they desperately *want* to be ostracized and hated for being gamers because that means they don’t have to face up to the fact that they’re probably among some of the most comfortable and privileged people in society. That or it lets them ignore the fact that the reason they’re ostracized has nothing to do with the fact that “they like games” and everything to do with the fact that “they’re hateful bastards”.

10 years ago

In the places I lived gaming was just a really banal, ordinary thing that almost all kids did. Trying to turn it into some sort of mark of outsider status seems like arguing that you were a lonely outcast despised by all your peers because sometimes you ate pizza at the mall food court.

10 years ago

Binjabreel: This is a common reaction among privileged folks whose privilege is threatened. MRAs generally fall into that category, as do conservative Christians in America who react in much the same way when told that no, they can’t have the Ten Commandments posted in a school.

Daeran Zemaitis: In response to your question, yes, “irrational” is a better term in general for the phenomenon you’re talking about than the various mental-illness slurs. Also “logic fail” and “twisted/warped thinking/logic”. I do understand–I was making the same errors not all that long ago, just because the language is so common in our culture.

10 years ago

To clarify, that “cultural appropriation” rant was a Gawker comment, not a tweet. Somebody just linked to it on twitter I guess.

The good new is he got smacked down by lots of other commenters, including me, for that stupid little comment.

I think that’s what pisses me off about it most- that it’s like they desperately *want* to be ostracized and hated for being gamers because that means they don’t have to face up to the fact that they’re probably among some of the most comfortable and privileged people in society.

As much as they love to accuse feminists and “SJWs” of playing the “victim card” they sure are eager to claim the marginalized class status. Which in and of itself is proof that they really are privileged and not oppressed. As a woman, I would love to live in a misogyny free world. I don’t want to be a marginalized class! I can’t speak for people of color or LGBTQ people, but I have to imagine they feel similarly.

10 years ago

FFS, dudes, you are not Gollum and games are not the one ring. Stop embarrassing yourselves.

10 years ago

Anybody see this beautiful piece of art from the gamergators yet? (Let’s see if it will embed)

My most favoritest part is the little “Fez 2 cancelled” in the lower left, which if you’ll recall was 100% the fault of the gamergators.

10 years ago

What they meant it to read as – Look at this poor cute little moe character being accused of all these things! Don’t you feel guilty for oppressing her, feminaziliberalpcwarriors?

How it actually reads – Holy shit get me away from these guys! And make them stop drawing me with blow up doll mouth!