#gamergate 8chan a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy douchebaggery doxing drama kings entitled babies gross incompetence harassment hate homophobia transphobia video games zoe quinn

Teacher: "Don't be a creep. Embrace women in gaming." GamerGaters: Welcome to "the House of Pain."

Unfortunately, GamerGaters aren't action figures.
Unfortunately, GamerGaters aren’t action figures.

GamerGaters sometimes try to rebut charges of misogyny by pointing out that the targets of their wrath aren’t only women. And that’s true. They also target men … who stand up for women.

Mike Stuchbery, a writer and teacher in England, recently aroused the wrath of the Gaters by posting a brief essay titled “A Letter To The Gamerdudes In My Classes” on his blog. In the essay, he wrote “[d]on’t be part of the mob that attacks whichever target GamerGate is going after this week.”

So now he’s become “the target GamerGate is going after this week.” Or one of them, anyway.

The essay that so angered the Gaters is about as mild a criticism of their movement as you can imagine.

Stuchbery, after noting his own love of video games like Skyrim and Assassin’s Creed, simply suggested to his male students that they “stay away” from GamerGate.

He noted that the whole thing started with a blog post by Eron Gjoni,the angry ex-boyfriend of game developer Zoe Quinn – something Stuchbery said he thought was “a bit of a jerk move” on Gjoni ‘s part.

He then went on to describe the harassment and threats directed at Quinn and other women involved in the gaming world, threats that have forced many of the targeted women out of their homes. “Now, it might just be me, but don’t you think that there is something very, very wrong here?” he asked.

The movement that arose in the wake of these events, #GamerGate, claims that it’s not about sexism.They claim that their movement is about journalistic ethics, keeping games magazines about games and not preaching any particular message. …

However, every time a woman speaks up to say ‘Hey, maybe we could change things, make gaming more friendly for women!’, she gets threatened with murder and rape. …

[E]very time a woman speaks up about abuse or harassment she’s received within the gaming scene, she’s forced to leave her home for fear of attack.

There’s a word for the kinds of people who make the kinds of threats that Quinn, Wu and Sarkeesian have received: Creeps.

Hateful, misogynist creeps.

Uh oh. The c-word. If there’s one thing misogynistic assholes hate more than women, it’s being called creeps.

Actually, I think I’ve got that backwards. But trust me, they hate it.

Stuchbery went on to make these radical suggestions:

Guys, I urge you, if you see this stuff online, don’t join in.  …

Don’t be a creep.

Embrace women in gaming.

Apparently, to the assembled masses over on 8chan, these were fighting words. And so the angry mob began to form, in the thread archived here.

The angry and not-very-well-infomed mob, that is. Though Stuchbery has an unequivocally male name, and identifies himself as Mr. Mike Stuchbery on Twitter, many of the angry mobsters assumed he was a she. (Each of these posts are taken from different parts of the thread; see the link above for full context. Also note that all commenters are automatically assigned the name “The Leader of Gamergate.”)


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 13:07:38 ID: b53cd7 No.227893 Find her info and complain to whatever authority is pimping her.

The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 13:41:37 ID: 3b03b4 No.228285>>228295>>228304>>228340>>228348>>231186>>236977>>237922  File (hide): 1413916896731.gif (2.6 MB, 459x459, 1:1, K0bUm.gif) >>227869 (OP)  OK guys I know we have a policy against calling for someone to be fired, but this is different.  This is a school teacher abusing her position to indoctrinate children using vile propaganda.  Email her school right now and demand her to be removed from that position and reprimanded for her actions.

The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:27:03 ID: 32d0c7 No.228980 >>227869 (OP) >Turning true in half-lies and lies in half-trues  I am platinum mad, she is a sick person to do this to kids


Oh, but GamerGate isn’t about women!

Here’s how one of the commenters responded to the news that Mr. Mike Stuchbery was in fact a Mr.


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:18:56 ID: 6d0738 No.228829 >>228304  You shouldn't judge people like that. Mike may very well be a beautiful trans-woman that just hasn't had her name changed, or may even be against changing her name just to fit the patriachy's view of what a woman's name should be like.


Even those who did manage to get Mr. Mike Stuchbery’s gender correct, and managed to avoid making grotesquely transphobic jokes about it, didn’t take their fact-checking much beyond that. The commenters simply assumed that Stuchbery had presented his essay to his class in an attempt to “indoctrinate” them, though there’s nothing on Stuchbery’s site that would suggest this.

Indeed, when I asked him directly, this is what he wrote to me:

I simply posted it on my blog in response to chatter I hear in the corridors. It was kind of an open letter. There was no reading it out in class

But apparently getting basic facts right doesn’t matter much to a GamerGate mob intent on exacting “justice” upon a man they described variously as a “dipshit,” a “cunt,” a “faggot,” and “a shill that cannot be redpilled.”


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:34:55 ID: f9a139 No.229124 >>229100 THREADLY REMINDER THAT THIS IS ACTUAL INDOCTRINATION IN FRONT OF OUR EYES


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 13:43:16 ID: 563ea4 No.228313 >trying to brainwash children with your personal agenda because you're a limp dicked liberal wanker who wants to get laid by some ugly feminist hag really bad and convincing adults that your hogwash is worth a shit is too hard  lmao where do we report him to?


The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:28:19 ID: f9a139 No.228999  File (hide): 1413919699793.gif (425.71 KB, 639x360, 71:40, 1413786309433.gif) >>228704 YES YES YES!!! WE'RE FIGHTING FOR THE PEOPLE HERE!!! IT'S NOT HIS FUCKING BUSINESS WHAT HIS STUDENTS TWEET!!!  >POST YFW WE'RE REAL SOCIAL JUSTICE

The Leader of Gamergate  10/22/14 (Wed) 06:10:49 ID: dc56d3 No.239463>>239529 >>239325 If the parents are informed about this the guy will get fired 100%.  In the emails we have to inform them about the situation and ofcourse the parents should know. I would sue the school if they didn't fire a teacher indoctrinating my kids.

The Leader of Gamergate  10/22/14 (Wed) 06:20:47 ID: 02a5bb No.239529 >>239463 >In the emails we have to inform them about the situation  I'm trying to find where to email. This piece of shit seems to be keeping the exact school he "teaches" at a secret. Gee, wonder why.

So this is how it works now.

If you’re a teacher, and you post an open letter on your blog in which you suggest to your male students that they not join up with an online mob that actively harasses and threatens women … that mob will harass you, and doxx you, and try to get you fired. Or at least, as one of the mob put it, “[r]emoved: transferred to another class or whatever, but he can’t keep teaching those kids, not after what he done.”

Or at least after what they think “he done.”

Another one of the mobsters added this ominous note: “as it says in the Book of Gamergate: ‘He who breaks the law goes back to the House of Pain.'”

Now, I should add that some people in the thread — more than a few — suggested that doxxing was bad, and that maybe trying to get a dude fired wasn’t the way to go. One commenter urged fellow Gaters to get back to targeting advertisers instead of, and I kid you not, “going off on sidequests that wont get us any xp.” (That is, “Experience Points.”)

Others thought it would make their side look bad.

The Leader of Gamergate  10/21/14 (Tue) 14:48:00 ID: b88b10 No.229368>>229419>>229427>>238675 >>229269 How can I NOT report this? By not doing it. By getting back to emailing advertisers. I seriously don't want to have to fucking deal with "GamerGate is now targeting school teachers", you don't want that spin either. It's not our place to do this, and I really think starting this line of actions is a bad idea.

STARTING this line of actions? GamerGate has been about harassment from the very start, even before it was called GamerGate.

Other commenters responded to the calls for “moderation” with open hostility:

The Leader of Gamergate  10/22/14 (Wed) 05:49:45 ID: 02a5bb No.239325>>239463 >>238839 >I'm not interested in him getting fired at all.   You want this piece of shit to indoctrinate children? Get the fuck out. I'm serious, get the fuck out. You have no place here.

I actually agree with that last bit. If you’re involved in GamerGate and this kind of witchhunt disturbs you, take the hint and get out.

At this point, after all the revelations about what this online mob has done and is doing to fuck up people’s lives, you should realize just what it is you are a part of. You are, as Stuchbery has pointed out, part of a hate group.

Even if you aren’t personally harassing anyone, you are part of an online mob that is. And if you’re on 8chan’s /gg/ board, you’re on a board that is proving to be one of the central organizing hubs of this harassment.

Don’t worry about LOOKING bad. You ARE BAD.

If you have a decent bone left in your body, you need to do everything in your power to shut down this angry mob, end the harassment and threats and witchhunts, and bring an end to GamerGate.

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10 years ago

Jesus tapdancing Christ I almost can’t believe they’re real people. It’s like some terrible joke.

By the way, there’s really no way they can get him fired for this. I have tried to get teachers fired for more than this in my time and it is HARD even when you have a legitimate stance against them.

Why do these pisswizards think they are so powerful? Is it the 4/8chan echo chamber?

Dwayne Dibbley
Dwayne Dibbley
10 years ago


Just when I thought these numtpies couldn’t sink ANY lower, they go ahead and prove me wrong.

I wouldn’t be surprised if these people decided to launch a hate campaign against Jesus Christ next week.

10 years ago

My Gods, they sound like Creationists ranting about teaching evolution in biology class (liberal agenda!). Do they even hear themselves?

Who am I kidding? Of course they don’t…

10 years ago

actually maybe that’s the problem: all they hear is themselves, they refuse to comprehend any outside criticism or observation and think that their frantic trolling is the great cry of an oppressed and righteous mass because they only hold actual conversations with each other (while shouting down everyone else) and just keep hearing the same opinions over and over again. It’s all they hear.

10 years ago


Exactly my first thought as well.

“Stop the one-sided reporting! Teach both positions! Equal representation in class! Teach the controversy! Stay neutral towards us, even though our actions are indefensible! Say nice things about our hateful movement! Rabble rabble rabble!”


“Meanwhile, let’s prove beyond a shadow of a doubt why we’re just as awful as the teacher says we are. I mean sure, going by our actions alone, we’re pretty goddamn terrible and creepy people, but no one’s supposed to say that! That’s the real crime here!”

10 years ago

Haha for a moment I thought they had gone on to hating men who disagreed with them. But nooo, only a woman could come up with this kind of evil, so Mike must be a woman!

I’m wondering what their idea of a classroom is…a purely amoral place whose only purpose is to teach students trufax? And teachers can’t take a stand against bullying? I mean, what even?

Mike Stuchbery
Mike Stuchbery
10 years ago

I have, over the years, taken on powerful evangelical churches, right-wing fascist groups and the conservative party in Australia through my writing.

I have never been treated like this. This is a new, toxic phenomenon.

10 years ago

Teacher – Embrace women in gaming

Gamergate dudes – How fucking dare you you evil cunt! Stop calling us misogynists!

10 years ago

Fighting for the people! Mhm, sure you are.

Also, hi everyone. I’m new.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
10 years ago

GG: proving every negative accusation true at every opportunity.

10 years ago

Everyone involved in the harassment brigade known as “GamerGate”: You are horrible people. You are simultaneously running a censorship campaign, a death threat brigade, and ruining video games for decent human beings. You’re only success will be creative stagnation in the games industry due to a mass exodus of talented developers who don’t want their families lives threatened and their bank accounts hacked. I hope that for the rest of your lives, every time you try to sharpen a pencil, the lead breaks off in the sharpener. Every time.

10 years ago


Say nice things about our hateful movement!

That’s… exactly everything there is to know about MRAs and Gamergate.

10 years ago

“A bit of a jerk move” is about as harsh a rebuke one receives if said with Received Pronunciation

Was the Jules Verne reference included because this was an English teacher?

I also wonder if his job is part of why these folks thought he was female

10 years ago

Hey, at least we’re seeing some kind of internal dissent. I was tired of meeting #notruegater excuses every time the angry mob does something stupid.

Too bad their non-harassment campaigns are still aimed at people they disagree with under the guise of “corruption”, so even the “good guys” are basically useless.

10 years ago

I’ve been trying to argue with some Gamergaters about the integrity levels of the movement. They insist that it is about ethics and how it’s impossible for the “good” majority to control the “bad” minority, how Eron Gjoni is totes a decent guy who was clearly emotionally abused by Zoe and even though nobody can prove his accusations are true Zoe hasn’t denied them so they must kind of be true…also he is totally within his constitutional right to fight his restraining order.

I just can’t anymore. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

10 years ago

If the parents find out about this that guy will get fired 100%

I imagine the parents would try to find out more about GamerGate, and then wonder why he didn’t read the essay aloud in class.

10 years ago

David’s right, as usual. If you talk to any individual #gamergater in a reasoned way they typically don’t espouse the crazy BS that’s happened to Sarkeesian or Quinn or Wu; and want to think that those are just rogue agents stepping out of line.

I must have told thirty or forty of them (individually, since no #gamergater seems to read what I tweet to any other, except what they find offensive) that if they’re actually decent guys, they should leave the tent so that the only people left in #GamerGate are the scumbags. Not one of them seems to listen or agree with this statement, and as I refine the message it gets even less traction.

None of them seem to get that they’re being judged by the company they keep; that if you hang out with rape-threatening violent assholes people might assume you agree with their views w/r/t rape, death threats harassment etc.

And then these idiots have the gall to tell me I’ll look back one day and find I was on the wrong side of history. Aha; I think not. The cognitive dissonance is so strong in #GamerGate that they’d tell you down was up if Sarkeesian did a video on gravity.

Johanna Roberts
10 years ago

You have to wonder just how far they think this conspiracy and Quinn’s power goes. I mean, you think it would occur to them the more people that look at them and say stop it that maybe her magical powers aren’t what’s wrong here. Maybe it’s THEM. But that would be too much to ask for.

@sunnysombrera Wow… um, holy shit. If there’s an abusive party to that relationship (and it’s not ours so we can’t say for sure) my money is firmly on Eron – everything he’s done so far just SCREAMS abuse to me.

10 years ago

Reblogged this on J. B. Garner – Musings of a Starving Author and commented:
As if you didn’t need more evidence of the insanity of #GamerGate, they are attacking a teacher because he doesn’t want his students to be misogynistic freaks. Wow.

10 years ago

@sunnysombrera: Yeah, the “but Eron was really abused” is a common excuse for ZQ’s treatment, as if he hasn’t already exacted a pound of flesh and then some in revenge with thezoepost. #Gamergaters seem to believe whatever he says. He raised more than a thousand dollars from them on GoFundMe for his restraining order in a matter of hours; and this was after scores of people approached him individually offering gifts, headphones etc. He was treated like a celebrity in their IRC, then pretends he’s somehow an “outsider” to this. More annoyingly, he lies if he thinks he can get away with it, then backpedals once you catch him.

It’s amusing to watch him spin but irritating to see how readily these people accept whatever he says as gospel truth. You’d think if the movement were as amorphous as they say somebody would think he’s a heartbroken fag who needs to get over himself, but I rarely if ever see that position on Twitter. In fact, there’s almost no diversity of opinion at all. I may have spoken to fifty people but I hear the same ten talking points; the same Viv James anime avatar. Do it long enough and people will start tweeting you the same dumb mosaic photos and screenshots that “prove” GamerGate is all the good stuff they think & none of the bad.

10 years ago

the insanity of #GamerGate

heartbroken fag

Seriously, guys? Seriously?

10 years ago

Jessica Valenti wrote this yesterday for The Guardian:
I’m waiting to see how long it takes the MRA’S to pick up on it and lose their shit. Again.

None of them seem to get that they’re being judged by the company they keep; that if you hang out with rape-threatening violent assholes people might assume you agree with their views w/r/t rape, death threats harassment etc.

The question we need to start asking Gamergaters is: “If you don’t agree with the harassment and doxxing, why are you a member of Gamergate?”

Because there is absolutely no way GG can recover from its reputation. Mainstream media has called it, the majority of GG boards have little or nothing to do with ethical journalism, they have corrupt misogynist journalists for talking heads, women and men who stand up for women have been driven out of their homes/careers and plenty of them have NOTHING TO DO WITH JOURNALISM. Meanwhile the harassment of actual corrupt gaming journalists is unheard of. And that one guy who blatantly tried to proposition a female dev in exchange for a good review was…left alone. Meanwhile she gets slandered for turning him down.

10 years ago

What blows my mind is the way that they are talking about “Literally Who” as LWs, that is to say, “I literally don’t know who that is” because the “movement” is trying to distance itself from misogyny and harassment (or, at least, they want to have the narrative appear that way). But while they’re continuing to claim that this is about ethics (ethiiiiiics, ethiiiiiiiiiiics!) they’re still talking about the LWs using that name/acronym and disingenuously claiming that their movement has nothing to do with the LWs.

Here is an article from a Breitbart-style “reporter” about the latest conspiracy about how Zoe Quinn is the leader of a feminist cabal out to ruin video games with her sex life:

So apparently the fact that Zoe Quinn was beta-testing her game before releasing it, and gave thank-yous to the testers, including the reporter who never wrote the alleged corrupt review of her game, is evidence of this conspiracy. And this guy dug into the coding for the game to come up with this, rather than seeing that the thank-yous were in the credits at the end of the game for all the world to see. Chris Kluwe was right. The internet should be burned to the ground and the ashes salted.

10 years ago

Yeah, the “but Eron was really abused” is a common excuse for ZQ’s treatment, as if he hasn’t already exacted a pound of flesh and then some in revenge with thezoepost.

They also try to use “but Gamergaters are being harassed too!” as some sort of checkmate. Yeah it happens on both sides, but that doesn’t excuse GGers actions. Try again.

10 years ago

They insist that it is about ethics

While subscribing to a version of “ethics” that basically means “no criticizing the status quo, because that’s Politics, and also no criticizing us”. I don’t buy it. As far as I know, it’s just more spin.

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