#gamergate bullying creepy harassment twitter zoe quinn

#GamerGater declares "the only harassers are anti-GGers." Then sexually harasses an anti-GamerGate woman

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This shirt available in men’s and women’s styles


Sexual harassment: it’s not just something that dudes do. And here’s a little story from the GamerGate wars on Twitter to demonstrate this.

Yesterday, an anti-GamerGate Twitterer known as directed a question to Adobe Software. And got an indignant reply from a GamerGater known as Cameralady.

Now, this response is interesting for several reasons.

For one, Cameralady on Twitter, called that because she is the, er, camera lady for the YouTube channel ShortFatOtaku, is the same Cameralady I ran across repeatedly when going through those logs of the #burgersandfries IRC channel, one of the main organizing hubs of the campaign of harassment that became #GamerGate.

Cameralady, one of the angriest commenters in that angry bunch, showed up in the IRC channel on August 23rd ready to do battle with Zoe Quinn, who she claimed had once “belittled me for having autism.”

She turned out to be an indefatigable researcher, digging up a great deal of dirt about Quinn’s past, including what she said was a photo of Quinn at age 13. And she passed along lurid gossip from Zoe’s terrible ex about her sex life.

Here’s the charming way Cameralady introduced herself to the IRC channel, the log of which you can find online here. (I’ve removed some unrelated comments, indicating cuts with ellipses. )

Aug 23 01.51.50 <Cameralady> fuck zoe quinn

Aug 23 01.52.08 <Cameralady> she’s not interested in equality she’s interested in stuffing her flappy cunt with flaacid boy penises
Aug 23 01.52.14 <TechPriest> So your in this to take her down, and dehumanize her because she deserves it


Aug 23 01.52.38 <foTTS> To be honest, I wouldn’t credit her with depression quest since she only provided 75 lines for it, Cameralady
Aug 23 01.52.54 <Cameralady> that’s less than the lines of cum she’s swallowed

Aug 23 01.53.26 let’s al capone her

On another occasion, she thought about releasing all the dirt she found on Quinn to the world.

Aug 23 18.57.47 <Cameralady> there’s a part of me that is evil and says MAKE A BIG DOXX AND RELEASE IT AND SHIT ON ZOE MOOOORE …
Aug 23 18.57.57 <Cameralady> but the rational part of me is “what no what will that even do”
Aug 23 18.58.18 <W334800> exactly, give her more attention her current monstrous form craves
Aug 23 18.58.34 <rd0952> attention is not the same as punishment

You may also recall in one of my previous posts about the IRC log that I quoted someone fantasizing about starting a relationship with Quinn just so she could “dump her in the most brutal, heartwrenching way possible.”  That was Cameralady.

So that’s one of the interesting things about this alleged opponent of harassment.

The other one?

Well, shortly after Tweeting about how only anti-GamerGaters harass people, she sexually harassed an anti-GamerGater.


When someone called her on it, Cameralady accused him of homophobia:

No, I’m pretty sure what we’re talking about isn’t lesbianism (or misogyny) but harassment. When you say, to a woman you’re having an argument with on Twitter, that you want her to prove something “preferably in a post-coitus conversation with me, grrl,” that’s harassment, not a clever pickup line. Regardless of your gender.

Especially since this isn’t the first time that Cameralady has crudely “propositioned” Izzy Mariana on Twitter. Indeed, a week ago, they had this exchange:




Indeed, to even call these “propositions” is a bit misleading. These are attempts to rattle Mariana by addressing her in a crudely sexual way, not serious attempts to ask her out.

Are any GamerGaters calling out Cameralady for this behavior? No, they’re trying to pretend that she’s being oppressed as a lesbian — for sexually harassing a woman who already told her to get lost.

GamerGaters always deflect accusations of harassment by saying that “we don’t know if the harassers are GamerGaters.” Well, here’s an example of a rather prominent GamerGater sexually harassing a woman in broad daylight on Twitter — and all her GamerGater comrades can do is deny and deflect and throw out accusations of homophobia.

Oh, and give Cameralady virtual high-fives for her harassing tweet — which at the moment boasts seven favs and retweets, all of them from active GamerGate supporters.

Such ethics. So anti-harassment.

EDITED TO ADD: According to this Storify, Cameralady has done this to at least one other person.







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10 years ago

@samantha: Ken is not a rape apologist. Patrick is, very openly. I don’t know about Clark. He’s just one of those people who thinks of himself as Manly Shit-Disturber and Teller of Truths, i.e., tedious.

Ken also isn’t one of those Free Speech is All activists who suddenly becomes very distracted and busy when the target of harassment and silencing techniques is a woman. This puzzles many of his freeze peach commenters.

10 years ago

This is so wonderful I wish I could pay people to watch this.

10 years ago

Just in case there was any doubt that GamerHate is just a different suit on the same neoreactionary garbage, they’re even using redpill/bluepill rhetoric:

Embedded tweet rather than linking direct to the image because a) it’s huge and b) the graphic is awful and hurts my eyes as well as my brain.

10 years ago

LOL: second-to-last line, bottom right on the link, they seem to be admitting that their current cadre of gamergaters are stupid. There’s a reason for the quality of the cadre, and it’s not going to change because smart people see right through the smoke and mirrors.

I wish I knew how many “brights” were involved in gamergate. And yep, Dawkins is involved too, on the side of gamergate: (note, also found on his Twitter feed, so legit tweet not shopped, see

Ah Richard Dawkins, is there any rock under which you won’t scramble if it involves having something nasty to say about feminism?

10 years ago

I’ve read the back comments of this thread and am probably about to ask a dumb question but…who are these Ken and Clark dudes?

10 years ago


Thank you for asking that. I was wondering that too. Also why I would give a flying fuck.

10 years ago

I know. I will re-watch Firefly and, when I am done, everything in my ‘verse will be shiny again! 🙂

Well, at least until you find out Adam Baldwin’s a GamerGater too.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

10 years ago

Titianblue: did you mean for that to come off as snarky as it did? I’m not sure how to respond to that post.

10 years ago

You people are mocking an autistic person with a whole article and a comment saying that “she has issues”.

I hope you’re real fucking proud of yourselves.

My husband’s very high functioning, classified as having Asperger’s before the DSM revision. He doesn’t grok people’s emotional states, but he’s put a lot of time and energy into understanding / systematizing possible reactions based upon prior experiences and his knowledge of the individuals (or “individual type” if he doesn’t know the person well).
I (only half) joke that he’s set up impossibly complicated (to other people) interaction/reaction matrices.

He sometimes missteps, but (through no doubt enormous effort), what I would hold to be his inherent kindness and consideration translate well to his family, coworkers (in tech – surprise!), and even casual acquaintances.

This is because he’s not an asshole.

This woman’s an asshole, with (I’d guess) some serious rage issues.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Dawkins really is the pseudo-intellectual of the scum-of-the-earth brigade, isn’t he?

10 years ago

No statement that begins with “you people” ever ends well. It’s one of those universal life rules.

Emil Söderman
10 years ago

“Aspie” is a bit of a tricky word. Some people use it, some don’t. I personally am not fond of it, (it sounds way too twee) but I know lots of people who prefer it.

10 years ago

Geez, the presence of every ignoramus under the sun supporting the #GG mob should have tipped him off, but no, Dawkins will happily side with Breitbart if it means attacking feminism. No misogyny in the atheist movement, no siree!

10 years ago

Richard Dawkins is such a shitbag.

10 years ago

sunnysombrera, titianblue.

Ken and Clark are 2 of the 3(? maybe more) regular contributors at the Popehat blog. Lots of tedious free speech and associated bro-blah are their usual offerings. Not worth keeping as a regular blog to check, but if someone links to a piece by Ken on legalities or US constitutional issues in some item that’s newsworthy at the time you’ll find he’s pretty good at making sense of it for non-lawyers like the rest of us.

vaiyt. Dawkins? Again?

10 years ago

Every time Dawkins comments on something to do with feminism someone should start singing “I’m Against It!” at him, since that’s about the level of intellectual rigor he’s displaying.

10 years ago

@ M. The Social Justice Ranger – Well, not to go all “No True Scotsman” myself, but if they were willing to make a change that radical over something like this, then their roots probably didn’t run very deep to begin with. They were probably the fabled liberal at twenty who becomes conservative by forty.

You say these are actually people you know, so here’s a question to confirm that: how many of them are young white males who don’t like the Party of the Plutocrats because they’re relatively poor for the moment, and who don’t like the Tea Party for their blatant bigotry, but who are in good position to take their own place in the power structure in a few years’ time, and who refuse to acknowledge the privilege they do have?

10 years ago

Dawkins is like the atheist movements Jeremy Clarkson. I always thought the reason Clarkson got away with being a racist sexist shitbag was that people were distracted from his behaviour by the “it was just a bit of fun, jeez, can’t you take a joke” handwaving, but as it’s not a common “defence” in the case of Dawkins, maybe any justification for doubling down is acceptable, just so long as the people not bothered to censure him have some “explanation” with which to muddy the waters.

Daeran Zemaitis
Daeran Zemaitis
10 years ago

people who use asd to justify being assholes to people

literally fuck that cartman shit, I’ve had that line pulled on me and as someone with ASD just no

Also side note – do we even still *use* Asperger’s? I heard that it was basically folded into the greater spectrum, and no longer exists as a seperate diagnosis. I feel that “high-functioning autistic” feels clunky as fuck though.

10 years ago

I clicked on the comments under your reddit link, pallygirl, because apparently I’m in a masochistic state of mind. Someone asked why Dawkins is always shooting his mouth off about this stuff, to which “urection” (hurr hurr) replied:

the social sciences are close relatives of biology and have been utterly infected by SJWs; ask a biologist if it’s even remotely conceivable in the current PC climate to get funding to study IQ differences between men and women for example

Yes, we can no longer get funding to ask a question that has been asked OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN* for decades upon decades, on which there is widespread consensus as to the answer — there does not appear to be any practical difference in intelligence between men and women. Help help, I’m being oppressed.

*generally by psych, not bio, but whatever

10 years ago

“I just don’t understand why my grant applications keep getting turned down. Phrenology is a perfectly legitimate field of inquiry!”

10 years ago

I just want to run a study to determine if women are actually houseplants who have developed basic verbal skills! Why must you SJWs stand in the way of science??!?

10 years ago

Ha, ninjaed by Cassandra with almost exactly the same joke.

10 years ago

Ken’s big claim to fame is defending scientists and critics from SLAPP suits from creationists and assholes. To that end, he does good legitimate First Amendment work. But yeah, I don’t read the blog on a regular basis either, because of the freeze peach attitudes towards shitbirds in the comment section.

10 years ago

So I was mooching about on Reddit and found folks chatting about a Guardian article written shortly after Dawkins stuck his oar in with the pro-Hoff Sommers/Gamergate tweet,

read it and thought, “Ah.Jolly good”. But then I saw saw something which made my eyebrows nearly hit the ceiling.
