Sexual harassment: it’s not just something that dudes do. And here’s a little story from the GamerGate wars on Twitter to demonstrate this.
Yesterday, an anti-GamerGate Twitterer known as @Auragasmic directed a question to Adobe Software. And got an indignant reply from a GamerGater known as Cameralady.
Now, this response is interesting for several reasons.
For one, Cameralady on Twitter, called that because she is the, er, camera lady for the YouTube channel ShortFatOtaku, is the same Cameralady I ran across repeatedly when going through those logs of the #burgersandfries IRC channel, one of the main organizing hubs of the campaign of harassment that became #GamerGate.
Cameralady, one of the angriest commenters in that angry bunch, showed up in the IRC channel on August 23rd ready to do battle with Zoe Quinn, who she claimed had once “belittled me for having autism.”
She turned out to be an indefatigable researcher, digging up a great deal of dirt about Quinn’s past, including what she said was a photo of Quinn at age 13. And she passed along lurid gossip from Zoe’s terrible ex about her sex life.
Here’s the charming way Cameralady introduced herself to the IRC channel, the log of which you can find online here. (I’ve removed some unrelated comments, indicating cuts with ellipses. )
Aug 23 01.51.50 <Cameralady> fuck zoe quinn
Aug 23 01.52.08 <Cameralady> she’s not interested in equality she’s interested in stuffing her flappy cunt with flaacid boy penises
Aug 23 01.52.14 <TechPriest> So your in this to take her down, and dehumanize her because she deserves it….
Aug 23 01.52.38 <foTTS> To be honest, I wouldn’t credit her with depression quest since she only provided 75 lines for it, Cameralady
Aug 23 01.52.54 <Cameralady> that’s less than the lines of cum she’s swallowed…
Aug 23 01.53.26 let’s al capone her
On another occasion, she thought about releasing all the dirt she found on Quinn to the world.
Aug 23 18.57.47 <Cameralady> there’s a part of me that is evil and says MAKE A BIG DOXX AND RELEASE IT AND SHIT ON ZOE MOOOORE …
Aug 23 18.57.57 <Cameralady> but the rational part of me is “what no what will that even do”
Aug 23 18.58.18 <W334800> exactly, give her more attention her current monstrous form craves
Aug 23 18.58.34 <rd0952> attention is not the same as punishment
You may also recall in one of my previous posts about the IRC log that I quoted someone fantasizing about starting a relationship with Quinn just so she could “dump her in the most brutal, heartwrenching way possible.” That was Cameralady.
So that’s one of the interesting things about this alleged opponent of harassment.
The other one?
Well, shortly after Tweeting about how only anti-GamerGaters harass people, she sexually harassed an anti-GamerGater.
When someone called her on it, Cameralady accused him of homophobia:
No, I’m pretty sure what we’re talking about isn’t lesbianism (or misogyny) but harassment. When you say, to a woman you’re having an argument with on Twitter, that you want her to prove something “preferably in a post-coitus conversation with me, grrl,” that’s harassment, not a clever pickup line. Regardless of your gender.
Especially since this isn’t the first time that Cameralady has crudely “propositioned” Izzy Mariana on Twitter. Indeed, a week ago, they had this exchange:
Indeed, to even call these “propositions” is a bit misleading. These are attempts to rattle Mariana by addressing her in a crudely sexual way, not serious attempts to ask her out.
Are any GamerGaters calling out Cameralady for this behavior? No, they’re trying to pretend that she’s being oppressed as a lesbian — for sexually harassing a woman who already told her to get lost.
GamerGaters always deflect accusations of harassment by saying that “we don’t know if the harassers are GamerGaters.” Well, here’s an example of a rather prominent GamerGater sexually harassing a woman in broad daylight on Twitter — and all her GamerGater comrades can do is deny and deflect and throw out accusations of homophobia.
Oh, and give Cameralady virtual high-fives for her harassing tweet — which at the moment boasts seven favs and retweets, all of them from active GamerGate supporters.
Such ethics. So anti-harassment.
EDITED TO ADD: According to this Storify, Cameralady has done this to at least one other person.
I didn’t even read the author name there at first, but when that article started talking about ‘the band of monkeys known as “the cultural left”‘ I just knew that it was Clark that had written that one, and not Ken. Ken is a bit of a free speech absolutist, but consistent in that position; I can respect that even when I disagree. Clark… I don’t even know how to describe him. Libertarian Anarchist? He’s most of why I don’t read Popehat anymore. Calling the pro-SJ forces ‘pinks’ and implying they were the ones that decided to make this into a gigantic explosion, calling Scalzi an ideologue on Twitter and being proud of that… yeah, not someone I really want to deal with more than necessary. Not to mention the references to ‘Alinsky’s battle plan’.
Aaand oopsie’d by David above.
Well, anyhow. The point about harassment still stands, so nyeahh.
Thanks for the heads up, David!
I still question all her other claims. HA!
I bet they just went “let’s get evidence of the OVERWHELMING HARRASSMENT against us!”
Which would produce the steps as you described them.
Also I stopped being wiling to extend CL any benefit of the doubt when she OPENLY SOLICITED DEATH THREATS on Twitter just for the purpose of mocking Zoe Quinn.
Anybody with a shred of empathy for people suffering harassment, or who actually knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a deluge of people hating you, wouldn’t be asking her trollish brethren to send her threats so she can be held up as the “See? She just laughed it off, why don’t you?” poster girl.
I’ll see if I can dig up the relevant Tweet, it was a couple days ago.
What is it with people trying to use a mental illness as a shield against criticism when they (or others) act like abusive assholes? Just like having a mental illness doesn’t mean you’re automatically a horrible person, it doesn’t give you a “get out of responsibility for your actions free” card.
We’re not criticizing Cameralady for being autistic. We’re saying she’s a horrible person because she is harassing and abusing people.
Here’s the most recent time, which was directly after she’d had a lengthy conversation with ZQ basically calling her a coward for not wanting to continue talking with people openly hostile to her:
And here’s an earlier one:
As was said earlier, whether or not you’re an asshole has nothing to do with whether or not you have a condition that lies on the ASD spectrum. It’s just another GG “use SJW speak against SJWs because words don’t actually mean things” trick.
I’ve never read popehat before, but if that article’s typical of its output, I’m never reading it again. I’m not sure which I found more eye-rollingly pretentious: the overplay of gamerghazi (it’s totally part of an eternal war fought since the dawn of modern history!) or the smug, “let me tell you how the world works, there’s two kinds of people” biological determinism.
(There’s also the implied contradiction of citing millions of years’ worth of evolution and then calling the “kulturkampf” a thousand-year war. Urg, that whole article just riled me up.)
Yeah, I’m confident I won’t be clicking any more popehat links, either.
They’re some horrible gaslighting bastards. I think the rule is, “anything they’ve accused their opponents of is something they’re in the middle of doing”.
I completely agree. It’s nothing but projection, obtusification, and gaslighting.
And really, who are they trying to fool? No, seriously, who are they trying to fool?
Pretty much anyone who has been on the internet since the late 80s/early 90s knows about the group of trolling shitheads who troll because they’re assholes. There’s entire articles, blog posts, funny pictures, etc. about “how to be a troll” that pretty much sums up every single thing the trolls are doing. We’ve had about 20-30 fucking years to study Trollus Assholus in xie’s natural environment.
People are really tired of this shit. We were tired of it back in the 90s. We were tired of it in the last decade. We know you’re shitweasels, perhaps you might want to stop being shitweasels? Try that for a change?
Instead, they go for the old n’ moldy, unoriginal stagnating beliefs and methods that are so transparent, some guy just walked through it and wondered what that shattering sound was. If you manage to make a majority of the internet hate you, you are still a shitweasel, and no, your “Achievement Unlocked” badge will not be coming in the mail. All you win is a trophy of socks that smell just as horrid as your pathetic desperation.
@AbsintheDextrous, that was a thing of beauty. May I quote you on my blog? 🙂
In happier GG news The Onion’s sister publication Clickhole (pretty much a piss-take of Buzzfeed-type clickbait sites) posted this hilarious satirical piece that seems to be exactly what the GG intimidation machine is going for:
A Summary Of The Gamergate Movement That We Will Immediately Change If Any Of Its Members Find Any Details Objectionable
She’s been around for awhile on Youtube–but, this is granted secondhand because I haven’t been willing to comb through the videos myself, but what I’ve been told is that she’s always behind-the-scenes on the Short Fat Otaku stuff, that maybe once there was a woman’s voice that was supposedly her? One instance of there being a female voice plus a lot of things in which she has no name, no voice, no videos of her own, no pictures, no identifying information, and then she’s conveniently everything GG thinks it needs to defend itself from criticism? Yeah, I don’t buy it. Not that a lesbian on the spectrum couldn’t be this poorly-behaved, but it’s awfully convenient that she’s a lesbian on the spectrum who talks like and acts like and completely 100% agrees with a bunch of straight guys about absolutely everything ever.
I mean, does anybody REALLY believe that her grudge in all of this is actually that Zoe Quinn really used an anti-autism insult against her once? And if she lied about that from the beginning of her involvement with GG, why should we believe any other word she says?
Even if ‘aspie’ is not considered a slur in some contexts using it in that way (you gross fucking aspie) is definitely not okay… Of course, GamerGate realizes that it was not actually Wu’s account.
Reminds me of the other day someone said they supported GG for the sake of TWOC safety and acted like I had said something transphobic when I pointed out that her reason was complete nonsense.
I don’t. Free speech absolutists are either ignorant or hypocrites, because they defend speech even when it impinges on other rights or when it’s meant to intimidate other people into not exercising THEIR freedom of speech. That kind of absolutism always ends up benefitting the already privileged.
Her being a real autistic lesbian or a fake troll is completely irrelevant to condemning the behavior she has displayed.
I totally agree with that.
Also, surprise surprise. This is just in from the Facebook page Being Feminist: https://www.facebook.com/BeingFeminist
They have screenshots as well.
Are we supposed to feel confused? I feel slightly confused…
How much longer is this GamerGate shit gonna go on for?!?! When are these jackholes gonna get bored already?!?!
That is one of the MRA, I think AVFM, ongoing projects. Reporting Feminist pages, creating fake accounts and fake pages. Most of them are so obvious that people don’t bother with them. Although it has been frustrating for some people to have lost all their posts and pictures.
I went to check Feminists for Social Justice (yeah, obvious enough) and they were sharing prety accurate news from everydayfeminism.com and the Huffington Post.
It would be cool to see them attract people with them and then freak out when they get called out for Straw-Feminist-ing.
BTW, that whole Brianna Wu makes fun of autistic people tweet, that’s a fake, and this is one of the best videos I’ve seen on this whole thing. Brianna discusses, at one point, the template they have up at 8chan for this.
Cripes. “Feminism is evil, and here’s the proof: My fake feminist page.”
An ideology so obviously noble and true that it must lie about its political foes to win, huh.
Luzbelitix, actually, it’s kind of worrying that they’re posting accurate stuff right now instead of clearly straw. Given the fondness for doxxing these folks have, I worry that they’ll gain the trust of some vulnerable (& probably niave) folks and do some real harm
Luzbelitx, sorry I messed up your name
That is exactly what they do, Skye. Once you like or join the page they send friend requests and PMs trying to find out as much as they can for their doxxing page.
Clark is beyond my comprehension. Ken is one of the good guys when the chips are down. He gives some good legal advice when it’s needed and he’s contacted his professional mates and arranged free legal representation for people several times.
Though I only go there when someone else points out an insightful OP from him. Most of the time he’s pretty tedious when he’s highlighting the One True Path to free speech purity.