#gamergate a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies gross incompetence memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed sarkeesian!

Ladies, your weight is somehow a Men's Rights issue, and five other lessons drawn from six terrible A Voice for Men memes

Subtlety is not considered a virtue at AVFM

Well, I took another look at the A Voice for Men Facebook page. Lo and behold, their little meme makers have been working overtime! So here’s a little gallery of some of their latest work.

I have to admit that these aren’t quite as baffling as the John Galt meme originals we looked at a couple of weeks ago, or these also-very-confusing AVFM memes I posted last spring. But they are pretty darn terrible, in all respects.

Click on the pics to see the originals on Facebook, complete with thoughtful commentary from AVFM’s fans (except in the case of this next one, which I found reposted on an anti-MRA Facebook).


"No fat chicks" is apparently a very important Men's Rights issue
“No fat chicks” is apparently a very important Men’s Rights issue
If a guy "can't control
Wait, what? I was going to write out a clever caption for this but I’m not sure I can cover all the layers of wrongness and WTFuckery in this meme in a mere caption.
Yeah, because Marvel's male version of Thor was exactly what the ancient Norse people would have wanted.
Yeah, because Marvel’s male version of Thor was exactly what the ancient Norse people would have wanted.
No misogyny at AVFM, no siree!
No misogyny at AVFM, no siree!
Hey, a meme just for me, by AVFM meme king "John Galt." Apparently MRAs have only ever watched two movies, The Matrix and Fight Club.
Hey, a meme just for me, by AVFM meme king “John Galt.” Apparently MRAs have only ever watched two movies, The Matrix and Fight Club.

As always, if any of you are inspired to make EVEN MORE TERRIBLE AVFM memes, please post them in the comments below!

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10 years ago

Also, how can a sperm bank take out the garbage or get things down off the high shelves for me? That page must have gotten lost when my How To Replace Your Husband With A Sperm Bank package was mailed out to me from headquarters.

10 years ago

“The Truth: Women take naked pictures of themselves and post them online because they’re obsessed with themselves and want others to be obsessed with them as well.”

Damn wimminz, doxxing themselves! Obv those well-known actresses want to make people obsessed with them! “Why you hittin yourself, why you hittin yourself?” Oh but wait women don’t computers BRAIN IMPLODE

10 years ago

Cassandrakitty, you just stack up the sperm ration-books until you have a stack tall enough to stand on and get things from shelves. And women only produce garbage so men have to take it out, so that won’t be a problem after the revolution.

10 years ago

I’ve got some time on my hands so I’ll take one for the team. Does that make me a white knight, sacrificing myself for women? Of course, I’m a woman myself and lots of Mammotheers are men so I don’t know if it counts.

The men’s rights movement represents true feminism.


MGTOW represents the total and complete rejection (and future collapse) of female privilege. MGTOW are an evolution of MRAs.

Since MGTOWs have not reproducing as a specific goal, how does evolution come into this? You can’t have evolution without reproduction.

MGTOW are the future of men. Across the globe, in all developed nations, men are opting out.

Citation needed. Despite stereotypes, the majority of men (of any sexual orientation) actually do want a long term relationship and kids. Just because you and your sad assortment of buddies rage wank about how terrible women are and you’ll totes go your way one day, doesn’t mean that most men think like you.

Why? To understand why – you have to understand the power of projection. Ever have someone do something really bad and then blame the result of their bad behavior on you? If you have, then you understand projection.

*Rolls eyes* Thanks for the high school level Freudian theory mansplanation but I think we all already knew what projection is. In fact MRAs and MGTOWs engage in it more than just about anyone.

Here’s an example. This example can be applied to any number of things that women blame on men:

Ooh, this should be good! I’ve seen a lot of projection from manospherians, but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen on project projection.

The Blame: Men are obsessed with porn. This is causing a breakdown in marriage. Men are sex obsessed pigs. Women are forced into prostitution. Women wear revealing clothes because the patriarchy makes them.

You’ve assumed a lot of things and provided no evidence. Please show that it’s mostly or all women who make these allegations and show that most are all women believe any of this. Nobody said one thing about porn on this thread. You’re the one who brought it up and were clearly thinking about it. It’s almost like you’re I don’t know, what the word? Projecting!

You’re also conflating straw feminist arguments (patriarchy forces women to wear revealing clothes) with the moral panics of the religious right (looking at porn cause marriage to break down and that’s bad for society). Feminism and the religious right are not in agreement and are not allies. They are in fact two groups who are constantly in opposition.

The Truth: Women take naked pictures of themselves and post them online because they’re obsessed with themselves and want others to be obsessed with them as well.

What percentage of woman actually post naked selfies online? Do you have evidence that this is something that women, in general do? I suspect no.

Are you aware that men sometimes post naked selfies online too? Just because you don’t go looking for them, doesn’t mean they don’t exist. In fact, women on dating sites are often inundated with dick pics. Yet, for some strange and unknowable reason you only have an issue with women who do this.

Women wear butt floss, high cut skirts and low cut blouses to lure in naive, ignorant men to pay for their drinks and meals.

Butt floss? What are you, Beavis and Butthead? You sound like the type of guy who touches all the panties at Victoria’s Secret and has to be escorted out by mall security.

Women sell themselves sexually to gain monetarily. Women use their bodies to gain favoritism in employment and education and to avoid traditional male labor.

Are you claiming that sex work is easy and safe compared to “male labor?” Because it’s actually quite common for sex workers to be beaten, raped or even killed by her pimp or johns. Quite the female privilege that is!

Women always claim victimization because they know the naive, ignorant cowardly white knights will fall to their knees for a sniff.

Yes. Being a victim is so fun and easy! It’s not like women are ever blamed, harassed or threatened for coming forward to report a rape!

Boys should be raised to “not be traditional men”.

Who here is arguing that boys have to be raised to be traditional men?

Boys should be raised into men that understand the centuries of social programming, brainwashing and manipulation that has gone into making them disposable utilities. Boys should be raised to reject the white knight role and to reject gynocentrism.

Isn’t this a moot point anyway? I thought all men were going their way. We’ll soon run out of boys to raise at all, right?

Look at the BS movies that always put men in the position of sacrificing their lives for women. There are thousands of these movies. That’s some deeply, psychologically damaging stuff both men and women are doing to boys. It’s psychological abuse against boys and men. When a man doesn’t act in a way that’s self-sacrificing when a woman’s life is at risk, how is that portrayed in the media? These are obvious examples of self imposed misandry by men and women upon men and boys.

The notion that women are weak and must be taken care of and protected by men is patriarchal. It was not advanced by women and it doesn’t benefit women. Benevolent sexism is used to remove agency from women.

You’re also ignoring all the movies and TV shows that feature women sacrificing their bodies for their children.

The most important thing to teach boys is how gynocentric shaming and projection work. It’s also very important to teach boys how men help women proliferate gynocentric shaming and projection.

How are you going to accomplish this when you haven’t even demonstrated that gynocentric projection exists? Also, I think you meant to say “perpetuate” not “proliferate.”

Let them have it. Let women have all they want. Let them fight their own fires, their own wars and be humiliated and discarded with the same lack of empathy and compassion that men get. Let them build their own infrastructure and housing.

Too bad that when women do join fire departments or the military, misogynists like you can’t wait to talk about how women are too weak and don’t belong there. Women have been fighting for careers in traditionally male fields all along. They’ve been doing these jobs all along.

Let women die by the tens upon tens of millions in wars for men’s and men’s children’s lives. “Men’s and men’s children’s lives”. Let women die homeless post divorce. Let women be rejected from homeless shelters in favor of men. Let women be stripped from all wealth post divorce. Let men get privileged status in college and employment.

Men have largely been in wars started by men. But okay, if you want to play this game, we’ll play. Let tens of millions of men die birthing out children for women!

I should also point out that on average, after a divorce, men are better off financially while women are worse off. You’re tying male homelessness to divorce without any evidence.

Cut off all donations to sperm banks. Women are starting to get the massage that they can get the best genes through sperm banks and have children later in life, without men. Men need to stop donating to these banks and these banks need to be blown into oblivion (by whom, I know not). That I have billions of sperms and that somehow makes women’s fewer numbers of eggs more valuable than my sperms is a dangerous train of thought. You just watch how quickly that calculation can change. You just watch how quickly revolution can take place.

You are aware that women donate eggs, right? You’re also advocating for terrorism. You seriously want to blow up sperm banks? You think that would start some sort of revolution? What the fuck? You sound like Charles Manson trying to start Helter Skelter.

That women consider a sperm bank the equal of men

Citation needed.

is pure bigotry, sexism and represents the precursor to Hitler’s vision of establishing a “pure race”. It represents women’s hatred of men.

You just Godwinned. And you did because you’re jealous that women would rather reproduce via sperm bank than fuck you. You think not being fucked is synonymous with genocide. Wow.

You know what’s funny? Women are 10,000,000,000 times more misandric than men ever considered themselves misogynistic. Ever hear of a man wanting to establish an egg bank? Never, right?

You do know that women donate eggs, right? It took me two seconds on Google to find an egg bank

A man would never consider storing up women’s eggs in a plan to eradicate women. Further proof than men are naive and ignorant white knights. Women actually think about how they can be impregnated without having a man involved.

Search this blog. MRAs/MGTOWs do in fact fantasize about artificial wombs that will allow women to become extinct.

Also, you never actually established that sperm banks are there for the purpose of getting rid of (cis) men and their role in reproduction.

They think about this process in terms of sperm banks. Think men. Think. Sperm banks represent the feminazi ideal of future male disposabilty. Men won’t be needed if trillions of their sperm are stored for future IVFs, right? Sperm banks represent the feminazi’s goal for the end of men.

The end of men and the rise of the FemiNazi can be achieved through sperm banks. Take note, you naive, ignorant men.


Phew! That was quite an undertaking!

10 years ago

I took a long time making my last post and got ninja’d many times. You Mammotheers are worse than Hitler!!!!!! How dare you ninja me!?!?!?!?!? WHAT IF I WENT MY OWN WAY? THEN YOU’D REALLY BE SORRY.. .. .. .. .. ..


kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Rhetorical question: if frothyboy really is so upset at the cruelty and humiliation women bestow on men, and knows that the One True Way to save civilisation is for men to GTOW …

… why is he here?

10 years ago

@grumpyoldnurse, I thought the babymaking part was the easy bit. The hard part is childbirth and then the ensuing childrearing years.

On the third meme, there are two basic instincts? And they’re sex and food. Really? What part of the peer reviewed literature was this misinterpreted from? Food isn’t an instinct, because it’s not a behaviour, if anything the instinct would be



I managed to go 18 years without having sex. Nothing bad happened. If I had been celibate for even longer, nothing bad would have happened. The estimate for starvation is that I would last 3 weeks, maybe a month. It wouldn’t be a nice way to go either, as my body would start purposely destroying itself in order to create glucose sources for the brain (for example).

To express this in a simpler way for the MRAs: people


eat in order to survive.

No one

has to have sex in order to survive.

Also, by creating the analogy of sex (not required for survival) with food (absolutely required for survival, and the body automatically releases chemicals to make people hungry in order to make them eat when the body wants more fuel), this suggests that MRAs think that men cannot control their sexual side. Feminists, on the other hand, think that men are capable of controlling their sexual behaviour. So which side has the most positive view of men?

MRAs: not the STEM, logical guys they think they are.

MRAs: not the advocates for men that they allege they are.

10 years ago

This is almost as good as Antz and his sexbots.

10 years ago

The blockquote monster claims another victim.

10 years ago

Because sperm banks, Kitteh, because of those evil misandric sperm banks. You think he wants to be here exposing himself to the feminist death rays designed to suction the sperm right out of his balls and leave him bereft and disposable? No! But the men, you see, they have to be warned, and also he won’t be able to get enough of a boner to go make his own donation if he doesn’t shout at some women first.

Trolling – it’s Viagra for misogynists.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

I’ve got some time on my hands so I’ll take one for the team. Does that make me a white knight, sacrificing myself for women? Of course, I’m a woman myself and lots of Mammotheers are men so I don’t know if it counts.

It does mean you’re racking up lots of misandering points with the Feminist High Council!

10 years ago

I shouldn’t post after naps. I think I was using the blockquote code instead of the strong code for the later ones. I do not know why I did this. Actually, it’s all David’s fault anyway because I’m David. Except I’m cats in a David suit, not ferrets.

10 years ago

If I rank up lots of misandering points, do I get extra sperm rations after the revolution?

10 years ago

@Mister Misogynist: I knew a guy in high school who was the product of artificial insemination from a sperm bank. You want him to not exist? Misandry!

10 years ago

Mister Misogynist:

That I have billions of sperms and that somehow makes women’s fewer numbers of eggs more valuable than my sperms is a dangerous train of thought.

Mister Misogynist has apparently never taken Econ 101 with basic lessons in supply and demand. If you’re holding billions of something, Mister Miso, and half the population is also holding billions of the same product, your billions are necessarily going to be assessed at a lower value than a less readily available, yet equally in demand ‘commodity’. I mean, if you’re going to reduce procreation down to a commodified thing based on who has what necessary bits and pieces, basic supply and demand economics comes down on the side of women.

I would speculate, too, that Mister Miso’s “billions of sperms” would probably not be in very high demand even if he were the only supplier of “sperms” out there.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

This one’s username is a little too on the nose to be completely for real, I think.

10 years ago

I thought all the sperm at sperm banks went through a special Feminazi process so that it can only produce female babbies.

10 years ago

Billions and billions! Poor Carl Sagan, he never anticipated this.

10 years ago

@WWTH – thanks for taking one for the team, slugger! You deserve those misandry points!

@ pallygirl – the baby making bit was fun, IIRC, the baby growing part was unpleasant the first time and godawful the second time, the childbirth was difficult but bearable both times, and I’m only half done the child rearing part, so I’ll let you know in ~10years.

10 years ago

So much wrong!

Women are too stupid to get jobs on their own, so they use their feminine wiles to get jobs. I don’t know how this explains WoC or unconventional looking women or women with disabilities who manage to get jobs. Pity? Intelligence? Skills? Hell if I know!

If you’re a woman who stays home then you’re a lazy slob who needs to go out and get a job and stop taking advantage of some guy. Although, you should realize that trying to get a job makes you a slut cuz that’s the only way to get a job.

Women are holding men hostage with marriage. Uhhhmm, we didnt invent marriage. Men invented that. In fact all of the things they cite as being women’s fault…invented by men. How do I know this? Men have always run the world, so they made up the rules.

If you’re a women who follows all the rules men made up, then you’re lazy and stupid and …MISANDRY!
If you’re a woman who refuses to follow any of the rules men made up, then you’re a feminazi and …MISANDRY!

Why it’s almost like a lose lose situa…oh yeah, that’s right.

It is.

10 years ago


I was wondering about that actually. Depending on the tech level, wouldn’t you still get male children when you have babies with all the stored sperm? I’m guessing that once all the men are gone, you raise men to be sperm doners to keep the supply. Seems like a wonderful chance for a genetic bottleneck though, unless you plan on storing billions of different kinds of sperm.

A couple of the sperm donor sites I visited had around 400-500 results when you don’t select any filters, so maybe that’s a rough estimate of the variety they offer? Another place I went to says that one donor potentially can provide enough sperm for a hundred pregnancies or so, with 500 being far too many. Multiply these numbers together and you get on the order of hundreds of thousands of pregnancies from one bank.

If you wanted to kill all men right now, there’d be a few billion women left. To sustain that level of population, surely you’d need to support on the order of billions of pregnancies over the course of a woman’s fertility years (let’s say 30ish, really roughly).

You’d need on the order of thousands of sperm banks (with complete storage facilities) worldwide similar to the ones we have today for just one 30 year cycle. It doesn’t sound like much, but I’m pretty sure sperm banks probably have big centralized storage facilities, so there probably aren’t that many in operation. I don’t know, because apparently the sperm market is very unregulated and no statistics are kept (that I could find at least) about the number of donors and the number of locations and so forth.

Maybe a better calculation would be how many men per cycle you’d need to harvest sperm from. 100 is probably pushing it for number of children, especially when you consider genetic diversity, so maybe on the order of 10 per donor. With that, you’d need 100 million donors to support a billion pregnancies.

And that’s on the order of 100 million individuals with no repeats every 30 years. I think this means feminism is over? The logistics behind this seem absurd, having to handle, maintain, and cycle through a sperm donor population the size of the US (3.5 billion pregnancies requiring 350 million donors) every three decades.

10 years ago

That last post was in response to cassandrakitty’s post here.

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

You think he wants to be here exposing himself to the feminist death rays designed to suction the sperm right out of his balls and leave him bereft and disposable?

Not only do we have death rays, they work through the intertubes!

10 years ago

Out of curiosity, I copied part of Mr. Men Idly Threatening To Go Their Own Way’s big dramatic speech from the previous page and did a Google search, and it seems he’s spammed this elsewhere as well:“Ever+hear+of+a+man+wanting+to+establish+an”&hl=en&gbv=1&ie=UTF-8&prmd=ivns&filter=0

Truly the behavior of a man whose left women behind, no longer cares about them, and has gone his own way.

10 years ago

As I actually am a reproductive professional all I have to say is… LOL.

Just lol.

Sperm banks.


(Especially ironic to me since this is actually how I’m planning to have kids because I actually do believe I don’t need a man… Having a partner (of any gender) would be nice, but not necessary…)