#gamergate a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies gross incompetence memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed sarkeesian!

Ladies, your weight is somehow a Men's Rights issue, and five other lessons drawn from six terrible A Voice for Men memes

Subtlety is not considered a virtue at AVFM

Well, I took another look at the A Voice for Men Facebook page. Lo and behold, their little meme makers have been working overtime! So here’s a little gallery of some of their latest work.

I have to admit that these aren’t quite as baffling as the John Galt meme originals we looked at a couple of weeks ago, or these also-very-confusing AVFM memes I posted last spring. But they are pretty darn terrible, in all respects.

Click on the pics to see the originals on Facebook, complete with thoughtful commentary from AVFM’s fans (except in the case of this next one, which I found reposted on an anti-MRA Facebook).


"No fat chicks" is apparently a very important Men's Rights issue
“No fat chicks” is apparently a very important Men’s Rights issue
If a guy "can't control
Wait, what? I was going to write out a clever caption for this but I’m not sure I can cover all the layers of wrongness and WTFuckery in this meme in a mere caption.
Yeah, because Marvel's male version of Thor was exactly what the ancient Norse people would have wanted.
Yeah, because Marvel’s male version of Thor was exactly what the ancient Norse people would have wanted.
No misogyny at AVFM, no siree!
No misogyny at AVFM, no siree!
Hey, a meme just for me, by AVFM meme king "John Galt." Apparently MRAs have only ever watched two movies, The Matrix and Fight Club.
Hey, a meme just for me, by AVFM meme king “John Galt.” Apparently MRAs have only ever watched two movies, The Matrix and Fight Club.

As always, if any of you are inspired to make EVEN MORE TERRIBLE AVFM memes, please post them in the comments below!

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10 years ago

Adopting is even better, fruitloopsie!

Actually, I meant it as a joke. I rather like alone time with my Mr. My sad little attempt at humour was an attempt on my part to shake off the ick that this misogynist left in the thread. Hey! People were talking about Vikings! Fun stuff! (sorry to derail)

10 years ago

Oh! XD
hopefully I can go adopt some kids and travel to Haiti to preach the good word on Misandry. And Vikings! Don’t know much about them but now I do.

10 years ago

Don’t egg banks… like… exist? Like… here’s one I found after one second of googling.

10 years ago

Shhhh, kirbywarp, Google is misandry!

@ fruitloopsie – Haiti and Misandry sound like a winning combo! 🙂

10 years ago

The only thing I have left to say is that there’s a blogger I read often who nominates people for the Bryan Fischer Award. It:

is given to those who display a staggering lack of self-awareness, accusing their opponents of committing their own worst sins.

Let’s just say that it is very kind for Mister Misogynist to declare his intentions right from the get go, and would make a wonderful nominee for this award.

10 years ago

@ kittehserf – You’re the mod, so I’ll take your word on it. Personally, I’m too squicked to get close enough to see if he’s frothy or smooth. So much wrong.

10 years ago

It’s hard to store ova hence the lack of egg banks. What’s easy to store are pre-embryos so what women can do is have the eggs harvested, fertilized and immediately frozen for implanting at a later date.

10 years ago

My understanding is that egg donors are rarer, but get paid more than sperm donors. Misandry!

Or maybe a response to the fact that egg donation requires heavy-duty hormonal tampering and surgery (to get the eggs) and sperm donation… doesn’t.

10 years ago

Yes I’m gonna to pray to have this chance. Just baby steps for the matriarchy.

0-o what the-

10 years ago

@ marinerachel – reproduction isn’t my professional speciality, but isn’t it even harder to grow the embryo into a foetus and then into a child without a uterus? Sexual reproduction is misandry!

10 years ago

About the teal deer above – has it ever occurred to our angry friend that the reason there are sperm banks but not egg banks is that even if you were to go to an egg bank and get the eggs you’d still need a body with a uterus and all the other associated bits to implant those eggs in? If you want to build your egg banks then sure, go ahead, but if your hypothetical customers don’t have uteruses then I’m not sure what the point would be, other than to go “neener neener we can do it too”.

This really is the core of a lot of the rage some men feel towards women, that from a reproductive standpoint we just aren’t disposable and there’s not a damn thing they can do about it. A whole lot of the history of misogyny is about their attempts to exert control over something that is inherently out of their hands just because of how human bodies work.

10 years ago

“Let them have it. Let women have all they want. Let them fight their own fires, their own wars and be humiliated and discarded with the same lack of empathy and compassion that men get. Let them build their own infrastructure and housing. Let women die by the tens upon tens of millions in wars for men’s and men’s children’s lives. “Men’s and men’s children’s lives”. Let women die homeless post divorce. Let women be rejected from homeless shelters in favor of men. Let women be stripped from all wealth post divorce. Let men get privileged status in college and employment.”

Hmm… never mind that most casualities of war are actually civilians, many of whom or women. There’s also the Serbian/Bosnian conflict, where thousands of Bosnian women were raped repeatedly by Serbs and held hostage and forced to give birth to “Serb” babies as part of the general ethnic cleansing… but nope, you’re right, only men suffer from war, and women just get too much empathy and compassion, dangit! Especially those whores who wear short skirts and get raped! Far too much empathy and compassion for them!

And women never find themselves financially screwed after managing to leave an abusive relationship, nor should they have any access to shelter unless the menz can be there too! Misandry, I tell you!

Hurp durp durr

10 years ago

Also sperm banks = Hitler. Hahahahaha.

10 years ago

He does realize that when a man makes a donation to a sperm bank they send him away with some money in his pocket rather than executing him, right?

10 years ago

“Sperm bank only gave me $100 wimminz get more OMG THIS IS AUSCHWITZ”

10 years ago

Also, once we’ve used up all the current sperm stored in the sperm banks where are we supposed to get more if we’ve killed all the men? Will there be sperm rationing to extend the lifespan of our nation’s dwindling sperm stockpile? A sperm lottery? So many questions.

10 years ago

a) supply and demand
b) ova donation is a much more complicated, strenuous process than jerking off into a cup

10 years ago

Once all the men go to the sperm bank and get executed, wimminz will start cloning themselves. It’s totally true I saw it in this movie once.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

jparsons42, hi, have you had your Welcome Package yet?

10 years ago

My granny had a ration book during WW2, so now I’m picturing one just like it, but for sperm.

10 years ago

Nope, kittehserf, but I think I perused it once while lurking the comments! Thanks!

10 years ago

Men are obsessed with porn. This is causing a breakdown in marriage.

Are you sure you didn’t get “feminist” and “fundie” confused, Mr. Misogynist?

10 years ago

Don’t be stupid, cassandrakitty. We’re going to use stem cells from other women to fertilize ourselves.

10 years ago

Women are forced into prostitution.

How dare women blame those traffickers for kidnapping young women, stealing their passports, and keeping them locked up in brothels! Obviously it was the fault of the women for walking around being all womany.

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