#gamergate a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies gross incompetence memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed sarkeesian!

Ladies, your weight is somehow a Men's Rights issue, and five other lessons drawn from six terrible A Voice for Men memes

Subtlety is not considered a virtue at AVFM

Well, I took another look at the A Voice for Men Facebook page. Lo and behold, their little meme makers have been working overtime! So here’s a little gallery of some of their latest work.

I have to admit that these aren’t quite as baffling as the John Galt meme originals we looked at a couple of weeks ago, or these also-very-confusing AVFM memes I posted last spring. But they are pretty darn terrible, in all respects.

Click on the pics to see the originals on Facebook, complete with thoughtful commentary from AVFM’s fans (except in the case of this next one, which I found reposted on an anti-MRA Facebook).


"No fat chicks" is apparently a very important Men's Rights issue
“No fat chicks” is apparently a very important Men’s Rights issue
If a guy "can't control
Wait, what? I was going to write out a clever caption for this but I’m not sure I can cover all the layers of wrongness and WTFuckery in this meme in a mere caption.
Yeah, because Marvel's male version of Thor was exactly what the ancient Norse people would have wanted.
Yeah, because Marvel’s male version of Thor was exactly what the ancient Norse people would have wanted.
No misogyny at AVFM, no siree!
No misogyny at AVFM, no siree!
Hey, a meme just for me, by AVFM meme king "John Galt." Apparently MRAs have only ever watched two movies, The Matrix and Fight Club.
Hey, a meme just for me, by AVFM meme king “John Galt.” Apparently MRAs have only ever watched two movies, The Matrix and Fight Club.

As always, if any of you are inspired to make EVEN MORE TERRIBLE AVFM memes, please post them in the comments below!

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10 years ago


10 years ago

But Sarah, that salad was totally asking for it, dressed like that! 🙂


10 years ago

The fact that it also distresses these precious chaps who opine that 99.9% of the female population of the world aren’t good enough for their boners is the icing on the cake.

I have never been more proud to be a fat, middle-aged, boner-killing FEEEEEMALE!

*waves sparklers around*

Bogdan Cvetkovic
Bogdan Cvetkovic
10 years ago

They feature manly men being cool rebels and doing manly man things. Whoosh! Pow! Trenchcoats! Sweaty fisticuffs! Katanas!

The irony is that MRAs are anything but.

Mister Misogynist
Mister Misogynist
10 years ago

The men’s rights movement represents true feminism. MGTOW represents the total and complete rejection (and future collapse) of female privilege. MGTOW are an evolution of MRAs.

MGTOW are the future of men. Across the globe, in all developed nations, men are opting out. Why? To understand why – you have to understand the power of projection. Ever have someone do something really bad and then blame the result of their bad behavior on you? If you have, then you understand projection.

Here’s an example. This example can be applied to any number of things that women blame on men:

The Blame: Men are obsessed with porn. This is causing a breakdown in marriage. Men are sex obsessed pigs. Women are forced into prostitution. Women wear revealing clothes because the patriarchy makes them.

The Truth: Women take naked pictures of themselves and post them online because they’re obsessed with themselves and want others to be obsessed with them as well. Women wear butt floss, high cut skirts and low cut blouses to lure in naive, ignorant men to pay for their drinks and meals. Women sell themselves sexually to gain monetarily. Women use their bodies to gain favoritism in employment and education and to avoid traditional male labor. Women always claim victimization because they know the naive, ignorant cowardly white knights will fall to their knees for a sniff.

Boys should be raised to “not be traditional men”. Boys should be raised into men that understand the centuries of social programming, brainwashing and manipulation that has gone into making them disposable utilities. Boys should be raised to reject the white knight role and to reject gynocentrism.

Look at the BS movies that always put men in the position of sacrificing their lives for women. There are thousands of these movies. That’s some deeply, psychologically damaging stuff both men and women are doing to boys. It’s psychological abuse against boys and men. When a man doesn’t act in a way that’s self-sacrificing when a woman’s life is at risk, how is that portrayed in the media? These are obvious examples of self imposed misandry by men and women upon men and boys.

The most important thing to teach boys is how gynocentric shaming and projection work. It’s also very important to teach boys how men help women proliferate gynocentric shaming and projection.

Let them have it. Let women have all they want. Let them fight their own fires, their own wars and be humiliated and discarded with the same lack of empathy and compassion that men get. Let them build their own infrastructure and housing. Let women die by the tens upon tens of millions in wars for men’s and men’s children’s lives. “Men’s and men’s children’s lives”. Let women die homeless post divorce. Let women be rejected from homeless shelters in favor of men. Let women be stripped from all wealth post divorce. Let men get privileged status in college and employment.

Cut off all donations to sperm banks. Women are starting to get the massage that they can get the best genes through sperm banks and have children later in life, without men. Men need to stop donating to these banks and these banks need to be blown into oblivion (by whom, I know not). That I have billions of sperms and that somehow makes women’s fewer numbers of eggs more valuable than my sperms is a dangerous train of thought. You just watch how quickly that calculation can change. You just watch how quickly revolution can take place.

That women consider a sperm bank the equal of men is pure bigotry, sexism and represents the precursor to Hitler’s vision of establishing a “pure race”. It represents women’s hatred of men. You know what’s funny? Women are 10,000,000,000 times more misandric than men ever considered themselves misogynistic. Ever hear of a man wanting to establish an egg bank? Never, right? A man would never consider storing up women’s eggs in a plan to eradicate women. Further proof than men are naive and ignorant white knights. Women actually think about how they can be impregnated without having a man involved. They think about this process in terms of sperm banks. Think men. Think. Sperm banks represent the feminazi ideal of future male disposabilty. Men won’t be needed if trillions of their sperm are stored for future IVFs, right? Sperm banks represent the feminazi’s goal for the end of men.

The end of men and the rise of the FemiNazi can be achieved through sperm banks. Take note, you naive, ignorant men.

10 years ago

I am not an expert on Dark Age Norse societies, but from what I know, those MRAs would be quite shocked (if not appaled) by how women were perceived by Vikings. I’d even risk a statement that they (Vikings not MRAs) would treat a female fighter-goddess as something… ordinary?

10 years ago

Vikings were much more open-minded than MRAs, and their women didn’t take shit from nobody.

10 years ago

Slivarth, sort of – Norse women (as long as they weren’t slaves; Vikings were heavily involved in the slave trade, usually abducting and selling Eastern Europeans during raiding trips down major rivers) did have some rights that women in most of Europe didn’t. They could inherit property, sue for divorce and retain their dowries in case of divorce. They didn’t really go out raping and pillaging with the boys, though, nor can I think of a female “war” goddess.

10 years ago

Totally off topic, but OMG exciting — a potential fix for spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis!

Not cute, per se, but a form of brain bleach none-the-less if anyone needed some.

10 years ago

@jparson: Freya was associated with war, in addition to her more famous love-and-beauty thing. Valkyries would also qualify as war goddesses if you stretched the definition a bit. On the mortal end, there were those stories about shieldmaidens, and there are Viking graves where women were buried with weapons.

10 years ago

Sorry, I’m going to go jump around and squee for a bit.

10 years ago

@ jparsons42 – what about Freyja and her army of fallen heroes gathering in Folkvangr?

10 years ago

It’s funny because I see fat men on MRA sites complain about “creep shaming” all the time.

“Just because I’m a fat guy, I get called a creep.”

…maybe it’s NOT because you’re fat. Maybe it’s because you’re a horrible person.

10 years ago

There are some powerful women in Norse mythology, but I don’t think Norse society was exactly a feminist utopia, either. There’s also the fact that “Vikings” were not monolithic in the slightest – it’s a term we use now looking back, not one that had a specific homogeneous culture, really. The “Vikings” I’m most familiar with were the ones who colonized what’s now Russia (and gave it it’s name, from the tribe name “Rus”), and they had some not-very-nice practices, according, at least, to accounts from travelers like ibn Fadlan, like burning the wives/women of men in their boats with them after they (the men) died. In any case, women in mythology being powerful doesn’t always translate into actual power in society – in Athens, named for Athena, for instance, women didn’t have the vote, etc. etc. Ancient societies were complicated…

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Fred the Dog, joining you in the squeeing! That’s amazing, wonderful stuff. Thank you for sharing that link!

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Oh! And I’ve earned extra misandering points today, I think. I bought a pair of jeans I’m very happy with, in a bigger size! And at a discount!

10 years ago

@ Fred the Dog – OMG!!!!OMG!!!OMG!!!!!

[insert happy nurse dance]

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
10 years ago

There’s also the fact that “Vikings” were not monolithic in the slightest – it’s a term we use now looking back, not one that had a specific homogeneous culture, really. The “Vikings” I’m most familiar with were the ones who colonized what’s now Russia (and gave it it’s name, from the tribe name “Rus”), and they had some not-very-nice practices…

Varangians, then?

And yeah, my understanding is that ‘Viking’ was not a culture or people, ‘Viking’ was more a profession as raider.

That said, when you live in a culture that has raiding as a major aspect of it… even the ‘stay at home’ women had to know how to fight if they were the only ones at home while the raiding parties were out and somebody else decided to show up.

10 years ago

Um, anyone going to tackle the angry mister upthread? Because, um, wow. I just…

Does anyone still have a copy of “How to Even for Dummies”? Because I could sure use one.

10 years ago

Yeah, they were alternately called Varangians or Rus’. (Rus’ is what they seem to have called themselves, though.) It’s not really my area of expertise – I study Russian and Polish poetry, actually – but I had to study this stuff when I was an undergrad and later on in my early years of grad school.

It’s generally pretty hard to know what the general day-to-day living conditions of people living a thousand years ago, anyway. If people wrote anything down, it was usually about deaths, battles, etc., though there are some exceptions. And the mythologies we know are what got codified and set down, generall, in the 19th century, when everybody was all about Romanticism and the creation of nation-states (with accompanying mythologies.)

I found this article online, which might refer to the original source article about “Viking warrior women” that people are referring to. Basically, the original source article simply says that women were accompanying Vikings on raiding trips, but it doesn’t say that they were warriors. They could have been concubines or servants or anything, really.

In any case, roving raiders who were into slave trading and rape and pillaging generally strike me as pretty creepy humans…

10 years ago

Not me I don’t think he’s worth it but I did get bingo!

10 years ago

Mr. Misogynist fails to realize that we don’t care if they GTOW, we just wish they’d fucking go already and stop with the sour grape screeds.

10 years ago

One thing, though, fruitloopsie. I do wish he had enlightened me about 10 years ago, and then Mr.Grump and I could have just gone to a sperm bank instead of doing all that f*cking. Baby-making the easy way, I tell ya!

kittehserf - MOD
kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

grumpyoldnurse, nah, he’s just another frothy idiot.

10 years ago

Sorry about that 🙁
But I’m glad I got to hear it so I can have a baby on my own or I can just adopt that works too. Don’t need to bring another poor soul into this horrible world. I’ll bring home children that don’t have homes of their own.