#gamergate a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies gross incompetence memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed sarkeesian!

Ladies, your weight is somehow a Men's Rights issue, and five other lessons drawn from six terrible A Voice for Men memes

Subtlety is not considered a virtue at AVFM

Well, I took another look at the A Voice for Men Facebook page. Lo and behold, their little meme makers have been working overtime! So here’s a little gallery of some of their latest work.

I have to admit that these aren’t quite as baffling as the John Galt meme originals we looked at a couple of weeks ago, or these also-very-confusing AVFM memes I posted last spring. But they are pretty darn terrible, in all respects.

Click on the pics to see the originals on Facebook, complete with thoughtful commentary from AVFM’s fans (except in the case of this next one, which I found reposted on an anti-MRA Facebook).


"No fat chicks" is apparently a very important Men's Rights issue
“No fat chicks” is apparently a very important Men’s Rights issue
If a guy "can't control
Wait, what? I was going to write out a clever caption for this but I’m not sure I can cover all the layers of wrongness and WTFuckery in this meme in a mere caption.
Yeah, because Marvel's male version of Thor was exactly what the ancient Norse people would have wanted.
Yeah, because Marvel’s male version of Thor was exactly what the ancient Norse people would have wanted.
No misogyny at AVFM, no siree!
No misogyny at AVFM, no siree!
Hey, a meme just for me, by AVFM meme king "John Galt." Apparently MRAs have only ever watched two movies, The Matrix and Fight Club.
Hey, a meme just for me, by AVFM meme king “John Galt.” Apparently MRAs have only ever watched two movies, The Matrix and Fight Club.

As always, if any of you are inspired to make EVEN MORE TERRIBLE AVFM memes, please post them in the comments below!

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10 years ago

Right? It’s like the punchline to the old joke about a cranky customer complaining, “The food is awful and there’s not enough of it!”

Is this it’s own logical fallacy?

the PrudeSlut fallacy: Believing incorrectly that women have two opposite attributes or are taking two opposite actions and that in so being or doing women are ruining everything.

10 years ago

“It’s hilarious to me that these guys constantly complain about marriage “putting a man under a woman’s control” in one breath, then in the next complain about the death of traditional marriage.”

This one isn’t illogical, actually. They think of traditional marriage as one where the man had all the power, compared to what we have now where everyone knows women have all the power (translation: women don’t have to take orders from their husbands and can leave if they don’t like how he treats her).

These are guys who see women as providers of housework and sex, but don’t want to make an effort to figure out what they might need to do to make a woman reasonably happy in a relationship.

9 years ago

Whenever MRAs get a hard on over Fight Club, I can’t help but think about this interpretation of it, and giggle at the thought of how uncomfortable they would get:

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