
#GamerGate Manifesto Translated into English

Courtesy of somewhat_brave
Courtesy of somewhat_brave

This graphic by somewhat_brave on Reddit pretty much nails it. (Click here to see a larger version.) When #GamerGaters talk about “ethics” in journalism, this is pretty much code for “journalists shouldn’t be allowed to say anything critical of us!”

And in case you missed the all-Cat version of the manifesto, here it is again:

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kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

You could be the Wicked Witch of the West, or Glinda, though I don’t quite see you doing the pink sparkly dress.

9 years ago

That peg doll was from an episode of Dr Who, I think.

Relics like myself when we were young did not know the word schadenfreude we said Hardy har har when things like this happened. Eat your hearts out he man woman haters club

9 years ago

If I’m going to be a witch I want to be a proper witch, with a hat and only tastefully subtle sparkles. My inner goth always wants to give Glinda a makeover.

9 years ago

Of course you can be an omega splergh! Our entrance requirements are surprisingly slack! Also, the more, the merrier! Just let me dust the chip crumbs off the couch…

I’m sticking with the Tin Man, as I’m built like him and his outfit is suitably low-key and relatively low maintenance. I also have a certain empathy for stiff joints.

9 years ago

Any time Wizard of Oz comes up, this:

9 years ago

I actually use Glinda as the header photo on my blog for the page that comes up to let banned trolls know that they are persona non grata. She really does have a great quote with that “Begone, before somebody drops a house on you” bit.

9 years ago

Hey, just because I’m an evil radical feminist and made of straw, that’s no reason to go around threatening to drop houses on me!

kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

That’s another thing: the Lion gets that gorgeous green mat/robe!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

*joins grumpyoldnurse in the omega splergh pit*. My kids had hot chocolate and Dunkin’ Donut sticks for lunch. It was awesome.

(okay, normally they have actual vegetables and fruit and whatnot, but just this once we were out at a soccer game and I said “fuck it”. Tomorrow I’ll resume sculpting organic kale and cloudberries into bento-box characters from Frozen and silently judging the other moms at daycare.)


Yesterday I saw a bumper sticker that said “Honk If You’re Devo” and had a laugh.

That is hilarious!

It makes you wonder whether “Q: Are we not men?” applies to GamerGaters.

kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

Elphaba’s (the Wicked Witch of the West) outfit is beautifully updated in the musical Wicked.

9 years ago

Charlie: Pull your head out and lurk more.

9 years ago

Real nice to see the dudely lurkers have come out to finger-wag at us.

9 years ago

Welcome, Buttercup Q. Skullpants! Always room for more!

I must give you side-eye, though, for organic kale and cloudberries – MY small treasures normally only eat distilled moon light and mother’s love. ::flounces off in a could of diffused rainbow lights::

Sarcasm aside, though, don’t the alpha moms bug you, too? Policy of Madness is spot on about the alpha momness being the new policing that women do to each other. Why, moms, why with this nonsense?

kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

The whole attachment parenting thing makes my skin crawl, tbh.

9 years ago

@ kittehserf – there are some good points about attachment, it’s just a question of degree. Some people try to turn their children into projects, and that part of it certainly skeevs me out. I kind of think that my role as mom is kind of like a life coach – I’m supposed to get them ready for the big tournament. Fortunately for my smalls, I coach little league rather than the Bigs.

9 years ago

Is there now a male lurker consensus that we women are back to doing feminism right?

9 years ago

Lifeskills! Yes, parents, please worry less about your child being exposed to concepts and activities that you don’t approve of. Please, please teach them the skills they will need to function in society, without you. Society will thank you.

Well, probably not, but really ought to.

9 years ago

If someone wants to do attachment parenting then hey, cool, do what works for you, but the idea that it should be mandatory seems very sexist. There are a lot of women who just plain aren’t going to be able to do it because of their jobs, for example, and expecting that they’ll just put everything else on the backburner to do that? Yep, that’s sexism alright.

9 years ago

Also maybe a bit of classism too. Not everyone is in a position where if attachment parenting means they have to quit their job, well, I’m sure everything will be fine!

9 years ago

Have you guys read the book “The Boy who was Raised as a Dog?”

9 years ago

Kim: never even heard of it. Off to the Googles.

9 years ago

And there’s fuck-all support for the idea it results in healthier, better adjusted kids so even if you do have the time and money, you do not have to attachment parent.

There are a million ways to rear children well and which method is right has more to do with who the parent is and what their kid’s like than anything else.

9 years ago

On the idea of concepts the parents don’t approve of, my parents always seemed to view my exposure to that stuff as an opportunity to explain why they disagreed, Why can’t it just be a learning opportunity, providing that it’s not placing the kid in actual danger?

9 years ago

Yeah, having a plan that cannot be changed in place for how your kid will be raised sounds like a recipe for disaster, because you may end up with a kid whose needs the plan doesn’t address at all.

kittehserf - MOD
9 years ago

Yeah, I should have clarified that it’s the “Look at the wealthy white mommy who can breastfeed till the kid hits kindergarten age, aren’t I special!” variety that gives me the willies. Also what Unimaginative said, about when do the kids start learning independence?

Also! In incredibly important news, I’ve got a pic of the jacket I’m working on. The colours are entirely from the yarn, it’s just in moss stitch with random bits of stocking stitch for different textures.