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Woman-hating Internet losers attack Malala Yousafzai for … not being a good enough advocate for girls and women


Return of Kings contributor “Billy Chubbs,” whose previous contributions to the wisdom of the ages include posts titled Men Should Not Help Sluts, Bangable Women Can Still Be Gross, and Unmarried Older Women Need To Go Away, has outdone himself in the awfulness department with a post this week attacking 17-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai as “A Coward And A Hypocrite.”

Apparently inspired by Chubbs’ bold move, the Sarkeesian-hating, Anton LaVey-looking far-right nitwit Davis Aurini has junped on the bandwagon with his own blog post dissing Malala.

We’ll get to him in a minute. But first, Chubbs.

It’s hardly surprising that a writer for a site that portrays women as emotionally immature, intellectually inferior, and “inherently terrible people” would have a problem with a young woman known around the world for her courageous advocacy on behalf of education for girls.

But Chubbs attempts to portray himself as a true defender of “oppressed girls in crappy countries” and an enemy to “anti-female extremists.” Yes, that’s right: a man who has described young women as “society’s mobile sperm banks” and single women over 30 as “unappealing and repulsive … hoebags” is trying to pretend that he’s better advocate for girls’ and women’s rights than Malala Yousafzai.

His evidence that Malala is a “coward and a hypocrite?” The fact that she has not returned to Pakistan since being literally shot in the face by a Taliban assassin.

The reason the Taliban shot Malala in the head was to send a message that they would attack girls who wanted to get a western-style education. …

Getting shot in the head is pretty extreme, and I could respect Malala if she took it and continued to live in Pakistan. But she ran. She gave up. The extremists won unequivocally …

Malala has done more harm than good to oppressed girls in crappy countries. She says books and education are what we need to change the world, then proved that completely untrue after she ran away when a man with a gun fired a bullet into her.

Yes, what a coward for “running away” after a guy shot her in the face, say Billy Chubbs, a dude who claim to fame in the world is writing clickbait blog posts attacking women, under what I assume is a pseudonym, on a website run by a professional pickup guru who feels resentful that he has to wipe his own ass in order to appeal to women.

Malala has been an activist for education and against the Taliban since the age of 11, when she started writing a blog for the BBC on life in the Swat district of Pakistan, then under the control of the Taliban. A tireless advocate for girls while still a girl herself, she started receiving death threats, some slipped under her door, after her identity was publicly revealed. In 2012 she was shot in the face in an assassination attempt.

And Chubbs — who lives in Canada, and who is unwilling to even post a real picture of himself on the internet — thinks she’s a coward for not returning to Pakistan — where she was shot in the face, and where bookstores won’t even stock her book because of threats from the Taliban.

And he also seems to think that she’s “lucky” for being able to move to England.

Malala was lucky that she was co-opted for an agenda and was given a great place to live in the western world, because while she is touring the globe, advocating girls rights to education, those same girls are the ones forced to continue to live in places where they can be hurt and killed for trying to attend school.

And what were the “lucky” circumstances that led to her relocation to England? Oh yeah, she was shot in the face in a country without the medical infrastructure necessary to treat the injuries she received from being shot in the face.

Chubbs also throws in some old-fashioned imperialist arrogance and racism into the mix:

While Malala was laughing, playing and enjoying the safety of receiving an education in a predominantly white country found upon Christian morals, school girls in Africa were being kidnapped. …

So yes, never fear you ladies of the 2nd and 3rd world. You, too, can brave all those bad men and receive an education: so long as there are prosperous countries founded upon and still more or less exercising European Christian morals that still exist for you to run to (and which you can afford to run off to in the first place), and that you’re willing to be a hollow mascot for the powers that be in those countries.

At one point, Chubbs actually belittles her for … reading books:

Instead of reading text books and trying to fill her head with words, Malala would have been better served to take that textbook and hold it in front of her head to try and stop the bullet.

That doesn’t even make a tiny bit of sense.

Davis Aurini, meanwhile, has weighed in with an equally ridiculous, if not quite as outrageously offensive, attack on Malala for her … alleged unoriginality.

In Aurini’s view, Malala is a mere “youngling,” and a copycat of “Civilized” Western ideas. who doesn’t deserve the Nobel Prize or the money that comes with it.

[F]or the most part, love ‘em or hate ‘em, the past recipients have at least made their mark on history. With few exceptions, they’ve all walked a dangerous path and stayed committed to their cause, and they’ve brought forth intellectual and political blossomings that were unprecedented. They’ve all been inventors.

You cannot say the same for Malala Yousafzai.

Thus far in her life, she’s been little more than a poster child for the prevailing superstitions of our times.  Arguing that women should be allowed to read books is not revolutionary when you live in Britain, and while it may be brave for a girl in Pakistan to make such statements, they’re still not creative in nature; she’s merely channelling the culture of the Civilized West, repeating words that were written by others.

This from a guy whose main claim to, er, creativity consists of this “film.”

So brave, dudes. So brave.


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10 years ago

I do not see a woman as an object to be had, but I now see myself as the prize that she must work for to win.

So instead of seeing women as objects you now … objectify yourself? Redpill-dudebro, the road to happiness that is not.

10 years ago

Ahem, typo. Meant to write Kool-Aid. But yeah, Kook-Aid works better here, since Red Pill ideology is most definitely gonna make a kook (and not somebody cool) out of you.

10 years ago

I read TRP’s blog entries. It’s nice to be reassured about my own life choices. E.g., since leaving college (29 years ago), I have been successfully coupled for twenty four years, counting both husbands. Guess I’m just the marrying type.

It is risible that he would come here blathering as he did and then express surprise at the mocking he got. I could almost hear the monocle drop.

Thanks to everyone for the book suggestions – some of them sound quite appealing.

10 years ago

I now see myself as the prize that she must work for to win.

10 years ago


I’m not even 100% sure he’s not objectionable in some way, which ya know, most self-help gurus are, but still…

I agree that the Fuck Yes or No is a good article and a very good introduction to enthusiastic consent, but this article does irritate me as the author throws demisexuals under the bus. From the article:

The first problem is people who never feel a “Fuck Yes” for anybody they meet. If you are lukewarm on absolutely everyone you meet, then either your demographics are way off, or you suffer from a lack of vulnerability and are protecting yourself by remaining indifferent and unenthused by all of those around you.

No, there is not something wrong with me because my experience doesn’t match your model thank you very much! Grumble grumble grumble. However, more objectively, I can see that if you want to make a set of clear guidelines that limit harassment for everyone else, throwing demis under the bus is probably a pretty good option.


I just deadlifted 120 kilos, and I’m quite proud

WooHoo!! Well done Fibi!

The last I heard you were at 100kg.

As for me I have gone from being completely unable to deadlift to being able to deadlift ::drum roll:: 30kg! The major limitation is still back muscles, but that is mainly because my legs have gotten much stronger.

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)


The liberation of women is synonymous with social and economic progress. Period.


Women are winning. There’s no way around it. That might be why they’re especially heinous lately. A beast fights hardest for it’s life when it’s the closest to its death.

Q4FT. *pumps fist*

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

(Uh, I left out some context in the second quoted passage, so I’ll make it clear that “they (who a)re especially heinous lately” are the MRM, RedPill, GamerGate guys and right-wing misogynists generally.

Antonio Pe Yang III
10 years ago

Um guys… how do I use blockquotes and display gifs?

10 years ago

@Antonio Pe Yang III
Blockquotes are done like this:

Which should turn into this:


As for gifs, just post the link to the gif you want to display and it should embed automatically. Post the link on it’s own line or it won’t work.

There’s more information about HTML tags in the comments of the Welcome Package:

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

Fibi, you should totally publish that list. You’d be a Red Pill bestseller!

SittyKitty, see, now you’re properly back at WHTM – the Blockquote Mammoth has spotted you.

ktrantingredhead, Antonio Pe Yang III, any delurkers I’ve missed, hi, have you had your Welcome Packages yet?

10 years ago

(Pops in)

You rang? I think laughing George Takei pretty much sums up my reaction to Mr “I am a prize that she must fight for”, except I’m not sure he’s laughing hard enough. A prize? Oh honey no. In the great game of life, you’re not the glittering reward that everyone secretly hopes they’ll find some day, you’re the fruitcake that keeps getting regifted,

10 years ago

Laughing George Takei is so stolen. I can think of sooooo many uses for him…unlike our would-be human prize here.

10 years ago

No, there is not something wrong with me because my experience doesn’t match your model thank you very much! Grumble grumble grumble. However, more objectively, I can see that if you want to make a set of clear guidelines that limit harassment for everyone else, throwing demis under the bus is probably a pretty good option.

Yea, I’m not saying he’s great, but as a free self-improvement option (especially one who labels the people who don’t text him back flakes??) for a RPer? Better than nothing and clearly better than whatever BS he’s spouting about alpha males and feeeeemales and whatever the fuck. Also more likely to be listened to, unfortunately, as he’s obviously not a vocally self-identifying feminist, and a white (I’m assuming here) cishet dude.

kitteh T.T Before I left I’d never been blockquote monster prey. I’m really sad about doing it on my first blockquote back lol.

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

I think laughing George Takei pretty much sums up my reaction to Mr “I am a prize that she must fight for”, except I’m not sure he’s laughing hard enough. A prize? Oh honey no. In the great game of life, you’re not the glittering reward that everyone secretly hopes they’ll find some day, you’re the fruitcake that keeps getting regifted,

Yuck! I hate fruitcake. As much as I love my grandmas…

As for George Takei, he should be rolling on the floor laughing his ass off at Mr. “I am a prize that she must fight for”. The first thing I did when I saw him call himself “a prize” was roll my eyes, chuckle in pity, and say, “What a prize.”

10 years ago

Re fruitcake: I always loved it when I was a kid. Then the meme about the continuously regifted fruitcake — or even the boat-anchor meme — became pervasive, and pretty soon I couldn’t find an edible fruitcake. It’s as if fruitcake makers decided that if everyone thinks fruitcakes are meant to be inedible, then why bother making them edible. Thus, once again, life imitates art.

10 years ago

My granny’s fruitcake is actually great, not sure what sort of magic she’s using to make that happen.

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

It’s as if fruitcake makers decided that if everyone thinks fruitcakes are meant to be inedible, then why bother making them edible. Thus, once again, life imitates art.

And I had to come along after the companies gave in to the meme. Or maybe they were just cutting corners on the ingredients and labor. Ah, capitalism…

Meanwhile, Sam Harris mansplains to feminists, “Dear Muslima” style…

10 years ago

“And I had to come along after the companies gave in to the meme.”
They seem to have figured out how to make it rock-hard stale before it’s even in the package. Or maybe they’re still trying to sell the leftovers from when I was a kid, 50+ years ago.

10 years ago

It’s definitely better when it’s fresh-ish. And has sauce. Hot, buttery, apple-brandy sauce.

kittehserf - MOD
10 years ago

kitteh T.T Before I left I’d never been blockquote monster prey. I’m really sad about doing it on my first blockquote back lol.

But it shows the Blockquote Mammoth missed you!

I like fruitcake. Woolworths make a very nice dark fruit cake, surprisingly enough.

Oy, bloody Sam Harris. He’s as big a turd as Dawkins, I swear. Possibly bigger, since I don’t think Dawkins was all rah-rah profiling and torture.

10 years ago

It’s as if fruitcake makers decided that if everyone thinks fruitcakes are meant to be inedible, then why bother making them edible. Thus, once again, life imitates art.

I think it’s just that making a good fruitcake is e.x.p.e.n.s.i.v.e. Any method that companies use to cut down costs is going to affect quality to some extent. Once they’ve gone so far, any further step suddenly takes them into inedible territory.

Michael Lindsay
10 years ago

I seriously sometimes don’t know if it’s hate or pity that I feel for these d00ds, the lack of self awareness you must have to be able to accuse someone who’s faced up to the fucking Taliban in person as an unarmed child, of being cowardly is just mind boggling.

10 years ago

It’s definitely better when it’s fresh-ish. And has sauce. Hot, buttery, apple-brandy sauce.

Not necessarily. There’s a fantastic recipe that one ‘natural living’ author proposes for fruitcake – as a means of preserving the seasonal oversupply of eggs from your own chooks. Once it’s baked and wrapped for storage, the keeping method consists of regularly opening the package and adding Yet Moar Brandy to soak into the cake. Though the conventional method usually uses a cloth soaked in brandy wrapped around the cake, then foil, then an airtight tin. But you have to inspect every month even if you don’t add more brandy. Should keep for a year or more, and get better with every month that passes.

But when you have to pay the full costs of all the ingredients it can be pretty expensive. Having your own eggs and some of the dried fruit/candied peel and a few kilos of almonds/ hazelnuts/ walnuts you grew yourself makes it more doable, if not economical.

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

I like fruitcake. Woolworths make a very nice dark fruit cake, surprisingly enough.

There used to be a Woolworths in my hometown near Seattle from World War II until the US division went out of business. I still miss it. Booth’s drugstore too.
Oy, bloody Sam Harris. He’s as big a turd as Dawkins, I swear. Possibly bigger, since I don’t think Dawkins was all rah-rah profiling and torture.
I don’t remember wanting to throw any of Dawkins’ books. Harris’ first book, The End of Islam? I got sorely tempted to throw that. I wasn’t surprised when he and Kit Hitchens became Darth Cheney’s useful idiots.

I seriously sometimes don’t know if it’s hate or pity that I feel for these d00ds, the lack of self awareness you must have to be able to accuse someone who’s faced up to the fucking Taliban in person as an unarmed child, of being cowardly is just mind boggling.

I have no such uncertainty. What I feel for them is contempt. Them calling Malala a coward while hiding behind faraway screens and nyms strikes me as pure projection; it reminds me of an old playground taunt, in fact: “Don’t call me what you are!”

Dennis Jernberg (@dennis_jernberg)

Ow! Blockquote monster bit again. What I was supposed to be quoting when I commented about Darth Cheney and my temptation to throw Harris’ book was this:

Oy, bloody Sam Harris. He’s as big a turd as Dawkins, I swear. Possibly bigger, since I don’t think Dawkins was all rah-rah profiling and torture.