Return of Kings contributor “Billy Chubbs,” whose previous contributions to the wisdom of the ages include posts titled Men Should Not Help Sluts, Bangable Women Can Still Be Gross, and Unmarried Older Women Need To Go Away, has outdone himself in the awfulness department with a post this week attacking 17-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai as “A Coward And A Hypocrite.”
Apparently inspired by Chubbs’ bold move, the Sarkeesian-hating, Anton LaVey-looking far-right nitwit Davis Aurini has junped on the bandwagon with his own blog post dissing Malala.
We’ll get to him in a minute. But first, Chubbs.
It’s hardly surprising that a writer for a site that portrays women as emotionally immature, intellectually inferior, and “inherently terrible people” would have a problem with a young woman known around the world for her courageous advocacy on behalf of education for girls.
But Chubbs attempts to portray himself as a true defender of “oppressed girls in crappy countries” and an enemy to “anti-female extremists.” Yes, that’s right: a man who has described young women as “society’s mobile sperm banks” and single women over 30 as “unappealing and repulsive … hoebags” is trying to pretend that he’s better advocate for girls’ and women’s rights than Malala Yousafzai.
His evidence that Malala is a “coward and a hypocrite?” The fact that she has not returned to Pakistan since being literally shot in the face by a Taliban assassin.
The reason the Taliban shot Malala in the head was to send a message that they would attack girls who wanted to get a western-style education. …
Getting shot in the head is pretty extreme, and I could respect Malala if she took it and continued to live in Pakistan. But she ran. She gave up. The extremists won unequivocally …
Malala has done more harm than good to oppressed girls in crappy countries. She says books and education are what we need to change the world, then proved that completely untrue after she ran away when a man with a gun fired a bullet into her.
Yes, what a coward for “running away” after a guy shot her in the face, say Billy Chubbs, a dude who claim to fame in the world is writing clickbait blog posts attacking women, under what I assume is a pseudonym, on a website run by a professional pickup guru who feels resentful that he has to wipe his own ass in order to appeal to women.
Malala has been an activist for education and against the Taliban since the age of 11, when she started writing a blog for the BBC on life in the Swat district of Pakistan, then under the control of the Taliban. A tireless advocate for girls while still a girl herself, she started receiving death threats, some slipped under her door, after her identity was publicly revealed. In 2012 she was shot in the face in an assassination attempt.
And Chubbs — who lives in Canada, and who is unwilling to even post a real picture of himself on the internet — thinks she’s a coward for not returning to Pakistan — where she was shot in the face, and where bookstores won’t even stock her book because of threats from the Taliban.
And he also seems to think that she’s “lucky” for being able to move to England.
Malala was lucky that she was co-opted for an agenda and was given a great place to live in the western world, because while she is touring the globe, advocating girls rights to education, those same girls are the ones forced to continue to live in places where they can be hurt and killed for trying to attend school.
And what were the “lucky” circumstances that led to her relocation to England? Oh yeah, she was shot in the face in a country without the medical infrastructure necessary to treat the injuries she received from being shot in the face.
Chubbs also throws in some old-fashioned imperialist arrogance and racism into the mix:
While Malala was laughing, playing and enjoying the safety of receiving an education in a predominantly white country found upon Christian morals, school girls in Africa were being kidnapped. …
So yes, never fear you ladies of the 2nd and 3rd world. You, too, can brave all those bad men and receive an education: so long as there are prosperous countries founded upon and still more or less exercising European Christian morals that still exist for you to run to (and which you can afford to run off to in the first place), and that you’re willing to be a hollow mascot for the powers that be in those countries.
At one point, Chubbs actually belittles her for … reading books:
Instead of reading text books and trying to fill her head with words, Malala would have been better served to take that textbook and hold it in front of her head to try and stop the bullet.
That doesn’t even make a tiny bit of sense.
Davis Aurini, meanwhile, has weighed in with an equally ridiculous, if not quite as outrageously offensive, attack on Malala for her … alleged unoriginality.
In Aurini’s view, Malala is a mere “youngling,” and a copycat of “Civilized” Western ideas. who doesn’t deserve the Nobel Prize or the money that comes with it.
[F]or the most part, love ‘em or hate ‘em, the past recipients have at least made their mark on history. With few exceptions, they’ve all walked a dangerous path and stayed committed to their cause, and they’ve brought forth intellectual and political blossomings that were unprecedented. They’ve all been inventors.
You cannot say the same for Malala Yousafzai.
Thus far in her life, she’s been little more than a poster child for the prevailing superstitions of our times. Arguing that women should be allowed to read books is not revolutionary when you live in Britain, and while it may be brave for a girl in Pakistan to make such statements, they’re still not creative in nature; she’s merely channelling the culture of the Civilized West, repeating words that were written by others.
This from a guy whose main claim to, er, creativity consists of this “film.”
So brave, dudes. So brave.
@Fibinachi, seconding You Are Your Own Gym, Mark Lauren and Convict Conditioning, Paul Wade! Great books. Though currently I’m exploring Body By Science (Doug McGuff MD & John Little), bc I’ve gone about as far as I can (for now) with bodyweight and suspension trainer, based on my overall goals. Also, congrats on your DL, rawwwr!
Anything constructed along the lines of “I’m not a red piller, but” or “I’m not an MRA, but” I just read as “I am a red piller” or “I am an MRA”.
*Adds titles to book list*
Some of those look awesome fibinachi!
Yeah, that’s probably true, Policy of Madness.
Something in the faux-apologetic half-assed “Oh, but I’m not really mean, I don’t pay attention to all the negative vibes, and besides, I lost 35 pounds and have a daughter, so you can’t tell me feminism is perfect” just gets to me.
But I notice a double punctuation in my wall of text, so it’s time to go sterilize myself because I think I’ve accidentally caught MRAmmar (It’s like grammar, only not)
Choosing to not read the most vitriolic misogyny coming from your movement, does not absolve you of anything. You’re still associating with people who consistently dehumanize women and advocate abuse and rape. If you’re being honest about being a long time lurker, you’re obviously familiar with the worst of the misogyny (often with a side of racism, homophobia, and transphobia) coming from the PUA community and it still isn’t enough to put you off them. If misogyny doesn’t bother, you must be misogynistic too.
I can’t help you with the bible analogy. As a culturally Christian atheist, I’ve never understood how progressive and rational Christians reconcile their beliefs with the parts of the bible that are problematic. I accept that they have because I’m not a Sam Harris type, but I can’t do it myself.
It is however, interesting that you chose belief in the Noah’s ark story to make your analogy. It would have made more sense to point out there are Christians who aren’t misogynists even though the bible says that when a town full of non-believers is conquered, the victors are permitted to rape and forcibly marry the virgin girls from that town. Apparently you’re so misogyny blind that you couldn’t use misogyny in the bible to make your Christianity analogy because you couldn’t think of anything.
Of course, it’s silly to compare a huge and diverse religion that has been around a couple thousand of years to a group that is dedicated to picking up women and saying sexist things about them. You’re underestimating the importance and influence of red pill here.
Real world experience raping women too drunk to consent, coercing women into sex and violating women’s boundaries in public places? Nothing says self improvement like sexual assault! I guess getting laid is more important than the health and safety of women though.
I thought you said you’ve lurked here? This is not a feminism/social justice 101 site. This is a mockery site. We mock misogyny here. You should read the description of the site before commenting. If you expected cookies for #notallredpilling from us, you don’t know this site at all.
What do any of these things have to do with red pill? For your sake, I hope you haven’t substituted red pill for a recovery program because that’s not going to be sustainable.
Again, you don’t need red pill to go to the gym and eat healthier. There’s about a zillion health and fitness websites, books and magazines out there. As I’m sure you know.
I really, really don’t see how red pill could possibly make you a good role model for your child. Would you really feel comfortable letting your daughter around red pillers once she reaches puberty (if she hasn’t yet)? Do you want them looking at her, giving a rating from 1-10 and declaring that they would or would not bang? Do you want them pumping alcohol down her throat and isolating her from her friends so she’s vulnerable and not in good condition to say no? Do you want them going up to her, grabbing her and forcing her hand on their penises because to be an alpha male you have to show dominance? Are you not aware that as soon as a girl grows breasts she’s subjected to constant cat calls and harassment, frequently from much older men? And that this behavior is still socially acceptable because thanks to men like you, women are still viewed as the sexual class and not full human beings. Really?
I usually hate arguments like this. Men shouldn’t have empathy for us because we’re daughters, mothers, wives and sisters. They should have empathy for us because we’re human. As men are. I don’t know how else to get through to you though. The women that you dehumanize, are also somebody’s daughter. Just like your daughter.
False equivalence. Feminism is a social justice movement dedicated to achieving equality for women.
The manosphere is a corner of the internet devoted to hating and dehumanizing women. It has never achieved anything positive for the world. And no, getting your dick wet doesn’t count as something positive for the world.
Feminism has not been perfect, but that doesn’t mean we’re like the manosphere.
What gets to me is the “I am such a prize, and I’m going to prove it by negging this entire commentariat!”
Yeah, actually, actively trying to ding the self-esteem of everyone he meets (I mean, we’re on the fucking internet here, he can’t bang anyone so he gains nothing from the neg except a warm fuzzy at the expense of others) makes him a raging asshole. He’s a prize like a rat turd in a box of Cracker Jacks is a prize.
Yeah, I wasn’t particularly nice to him but still felt I was a little too nice.
*Summons Cassandrakitty and Hellkell*
Oh, thanks Tracy, Google tells me that’s just up my alley as well. Thank you!
( Since I guess we’re doing that now, here’s some other stuff I’ve found useful:
Wreck This Journal, Keri Smith
It’s a journal with instructions how to destroy it.
It’s really more fun than it sounds.
Drawing On the Artist Within, Betty Edwards
It’s a book on learning how to draw semi-realistically in 2-3 months. It’s bloody amazing, is what it is, and even though the science itself is way, way out of date (right / left brain split isn’t really vogue any more) the notions themselves are sound. If anyone’s interested, I can finagle up some “from this to this” progress pictures of my own stuff.
The New Voice, How To Sing and Speak Properly, Alan Green
I used to mumble and stutter and talk really, really quickly.
Now I don’t.
Unmasking The Face, Paul Ekman
Think of it as a manual of applied empathy. It’s a combination of fun research about facial expressions, and various tips for recognizing emotion in others / yourself.
Zen Meditation in Plain English, Iforgottheauthor Damnbylongtermmemory
Sit still, productively.
The Post Above This One, Weirwoodtreehugger
It’s a really good post! Read it! )
@Policy of Madness
“I’m such a prize, and I’m going to write a long blog post about my intentions of getting revenge on my ex-girlfriend by sleeping with one of her self-declared enemies! That’ll really show ’em all! Mwahahaha! It’s not like they’re really people anyhow!”
Actually he does get worse the more you think about it. I think the rational choice of staying away from this lad is entirely the rational economic choice. Neat analysis, by the by.
I do have to admit that I am absolutely in love with this image that our TRPer has on his top post right now:
Redpiller dude. This doesn’t mean what you think it means. I am laughing at your expense.
I must say – excellent response. I will in fact look at the books you mentioned (I love Dale Carnegie’s work, so I’ll trust your recommendations).
I cannot defend what men say on the internet and how they choose to hate particular groups and/or individuals. What my original comment was meant to highlight is that the Red Pill Movement does include men that are void of this hatred.
On a side note, where is the “hating 50% of the human race” reference toward? I didn’t understand.
You blatantly compared me to a rapist lmfao! Who does that? Lol
I enjoyed his articles. Thank you for that.
So, you’ve gone from thinking of women as objects to seeing them as adversaries. And you’ve started to think of relationships as power struggles where someone has to “win” and someone has to “lose”.
Dude, that’s not progress. You’re making yourself less attractive to women, not more. It doesn’t matter how many crunches and reps you do if no one can stand to be around you because you’re always negging them and using them as a punching bag for your insecurities.
Self confidence doesn’t come from a bunch of formulas and jargon and bogus “field reports”. It’s learning to feel comfortable enough in your own skin that you can relate to people as they are, not as levels to beat in your own personal video game.
You just blatantly demonstrated that you know nothing about economics, statistics, business administration or game theory, because any of them would have educated you enough to follow what I was doing.
This is basic, 201-level stuff here. Go back and study up, and try again.
The human race is traditionally split up into two genders, of approximately 50/50. One of these is men, the other is women. When a group of men hate women they are therefore hating 50% of the world’s population. HTH.
(I’m going to assume that gender binary and discussions about gender, sex, ect is known by regulars and more than this person can handle atm.)
You can’t defend it, no. You can speak out against it and not explicitly endorse it though! Shockingly, when you call yourself a Red Piller, and the majority of the Red Pill movement is made up of misogynistic entitled assholes, and what they’re known for is hatred of women, most people are going to assume you share that ideology. Just sayin’.
I really encourage you to click on his name and read his blog before you offer him much more benefit of the doubt.
It has been quite intense taking in all of your opinions. I’m glad that I commented on David’s work yesterday and look forward to reading his next article (especially the comments). Enjoy your weekend!
that’s really not what happened. It’s not (statistically) about *you*, it’s a (somewhat cold) statement about strangers, sociality and people in *general* (using you as a constructive starting point).
I’m going to add Mathematics for Economics and Business, Seventh Edition, Jacques to my list of recommendations.
Maybe Policy of Madness has some more books on policy or economics or game theory or business to add (I’ll take ’em, for sure)
Sorry, was weirwoodtreehugger being unclear?
I guess I can quote the salient parts.
Wait no I just copy-pasted 87% of the response now.
Honeybee Democracy Thomas D. Seeley is about democracy in honeybee colonies, and how they interact to figure out patterns for solving problems. It’s a fun read.
Moonwalking With Einstein is about remembering everything, forever, and is interesting.
@Policy of Madness, I really have very little desire to do that lol, I’m still easing back in to the internet. I took a brief scan and that was enough for me.
Law’s Order by David Friedman is kind of an introductory book aimed at non-economists. It’s a fun read. It’s also available for free on the Internet, something I discovered only after I bought a hardcopy. LOL
The hardcopy has a nice cover with a weird texture that I can’t stop petting, so it’s not like I feel cheated.
More tangentially, there is Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-first Century, by Dreier, Mollenkopf & Swanstrom. Unless you are in the field you probably have not heard of these individuals, but they are Big Figures, and it’s a smart book.
Oh, and it just occurred to me: I can also recommend The Geography of Opportunity: Race and Housing Choice in Metropolitan America, edited by de Souza Briggs. It won’t give you any good feelings, but it’s information that probably everyone should have.
Will the feelings be better or worse than reading about people who think a 17 year old a coward for fleeing from a country wherein she was shot in the head?
Hey, I don’t blame you. There aren’t that many entries, but it’s obvious that this TRPer is teaching himself to engage with women on the shallowest possible level, and feeding himself the “all women are alike/women are a monolith” story. So he finds something on the internet that advises women to play hard to get; therefore, this is something all women do, and they obviously do it successfully because otherwise they wouldn’t tell each other to do this (the concept that sometimes people give bad and stupid advice to complete strangers never seems to cross his mind), and therefore he should incorporate this into his “game” because it is always, 100% true
He doesn’t report stunning successes (at one point he says that all 20 women he’s talked to since January have “flaked” on him) but seems to think that just means he hasn’t done TRP enough, thereby demonstrating an ideological affinity to the Austrian school of economics, although I doubt he has ever heard of that.
He seems to have the most success with FWB, about whom he says, “These two women also know the current issues in my life (and I know theirs) because we communicate well,” and “The best part of a FWB is not needing to work any ‘game’ through text messaging.” In other words, he has sex when he turns off the “game” and actually communicates with women, but for some reason the realization of what this means hasn’t percolated through his cerebral cortex.
In other words, you’ve drunk the Kook-Aid. Congrats, you are now delusional!
>dismisses silly troll with a regal wave of the hand<