Return of Kings contributor “Billy Chubbs,” whose previous contributions to the wisdom of the ages include posts titled Men Should Not Help Sluts, Bangable Women Can Still Be Gross, and Unmarried Older Women Need To Go Away, has outdone himself in the awfulness department with a post this week attacking 17-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai as “A Coward And A Hypocrite.”
Apparently inspired by Chubbs’ bold move, the Sarkeesian-hating, Anton LaVey-looking far-right nitwit Davis Aurini has junped on the bandwagon with his own blog post dissing Malala.
We’ll get to him in a minute. But first, Chubbs.
It’s hardly surprising that a writer for a site that portrays women as emotionally immature, intellectually inferior, and “inherently terrible people” would have a problem with a young woman known around the world for her courageous advocacy on behalf of education for girls.
But Chubbs attempts to portray himself as a true defender of “oppressed girls in crappy countries” and an enemy to “anti-female extremists.” Yes, that’s right: a man who has described young women as “society’s mobile sperm banks” and single women over 30 as “unappealing and repulsive … hoebags” is trying to pretend that he’s better advocate for girls’ and women’s rights than Malala Yousafzai.
His evidence that Malala is a “coward and a hypocrite?” The fact that she has not returned to Pakistan since being literally shot in the face by a Taliban assassin.
The reason the Taliban shot Malala in the head was to send a message that they would attack girls who wanted to get a western-style education. …
Getting shot in the head is pretty extreme, and I could respect Malala if she took it and continued to live in Pakistan. But she ran. She gave up. The extremists won unequivocally …
Malala has done more harm than good to oppressed girls in crappy countries. She says books and education are what we need to change the world, then proved that completely untrue after she ran away when a man with a gun fired a bullet into her.
Yes, what a coward for “running away” after a guy shot her in the face, say Billy Chubbs, a dude who claim to fame in the world is writing clickbait blog posts attacking women, under what I assume is a pseudonym, on a website run by a professional pickup guru who feels resentful that he has to wipe his own ass in order to appeal to women.
Malala has been an activist for education and against the Taliban since the age of 11, when she started writing a blog for the BBC on life in the Swat district of Pakistan, then under the control of the Taliban. A tireless advocate for girls while still a girl herself, she started receiving death threats, some slipped under her door, after her identity was publicly revealed. In 2012 she was shot in the face in an assassination attempt.
And Chubbs — who lives in Canada, and who is unwilling to even post a real picture of himself on the internet — thinks she’s a coward for not returning to Pakistan — where she was shot in the face, and where bookstores won’t even stock her book because of threats from the Taliban.
And he also seems to think that she’s “lucky” for being able to move to England.
Malala was lucky that she was co-opted for an agenda and was given a great place to live in the western world, because while she is touring the globe, advocating girls rights to education, those same girls are the ones forced to continue to live in places where they can be hurt and killed for trying to attend school.
And what were the “lucky” circumstances that led to her relocation to England? Oh yeah, she was shot in the face in a country without the medical infrastructure necessary to treat the injuries she received from being shot in the face.
Chubbs also throws in some old-fashioned imperialist arrogance and racism into the mix:
While Malala was laughing, playing and enjoying the safety of receiving an education in a predominantly white country found upon Christian morals, school girls in Africa were being kidnapped. …
So yes, never fear you ladies of the 2nd and 3rd world. You, too, can brave all those bad men and receive an education: so long as there are prosperous countries founded upon and still more or less exercising European Christian morals that still exist for you to run to (and which you can afford to run off to in the first place), and that you’re willing to be a hollow mascot for the powers that be in those countries.
At one point, Chubbs actually belittles her for … reading books:
Instead of reading text books and trying to fill her head with words, Malala would have been better served to take that textbook and hold it in front of her head to try and stop the bullet.
That doesn’t even make a tiny bit of sense.
Davis Aurini, meanwhile, has weighed in with an equally ridiculous, if not quite as outrageously offensive, attack on Malala for her … alleged unoriginality.
In Aurini’s view, Malala is a mere “youngling,” and a copycat of “Civilized” Western ideas. who doesn’t deserve the Nobel Prize or the money that comes with it.
[F]or the most part, love ‘em or hate ‘em, the past recipients have at least made their mark on history. With few exceptions, they’ve all walked a dangerous path and stayed committed to their cause, and they’ve brought forth intellectual and political blossomings that were unprecedented. They’ve all been inventors.
You cannot say the same for Malala Yousafzai.
Thus far in her life, she’s been little more than a poster child for the prevailing superstitions of our times. Arguing that women should be allowed to read books is not revolutionary when you live in Britain, and while it may be brave for a girl in Pakistan to make such statements, they’re still not creative in nature; she’s merely channelling the culture of the Civilized West, repeating words that were written by others.
This from a guy whose main claim to, er, creativity consists of this “film.”
So brave, dudes. So brave.
You know, Chubbsy here might actually have a point.
If Pakistan were in a different dimension.
Sadly it is not, so all of the speeches Malala gives and all the courage she demonstrates actually have an impact on Pakistan without her being required to stand in front of a gun again. The petition she’s started has been signed on by millions, and she’s been fundraising to put money behind her words.
To say Malala has simply run away is bullshit of the highest degree. She’s done more for children’s education (tangibly more) than the entire MRM will ever do for men.
*bullant. Thanks Obama/autocorrect.
The way I heard it, the Taliban gunmen stopped a bus with Yousafzai and some other young women on it, and demanded that Yousafzai come forward, or they would shoot all the young women. So she did, and they shot her, and she didn’t die.
She deserves far more than the Nobel Prize and the vitriol of internet haters.
To be honest, greebo, I wouldn’t want to get bit by an ant whose jaws are that long.
When even the sexist, racist, Islamophobic assholes of the Tea party couldn’t bring themselves to openly go after this modern-day civil rights hero but the sexist, racist, Islamophobic assholes of the MRA could, that’s a bad sign for their “Movement.”
Can’t say I’m surprised, though.
*Tea Party, damn shift key. =P
A couple thoughts from a random Canadian woman.
First, I am so very, very sorry that my country lets these guys annoy the rest of you. I thought every good Canuck knows to hide their inner asshat, as it ruins our fine country’s international PR.
Second, young Master Grump looked at my computer screen as I was reading this and exclaimed, “Hey! I know her [Malala]. She’s AWESOME!”.
He asked me why her picture is on a Mammoth article and I explained that some guys on the internet think she’s a coward for not going back to Pakistan.
Master Grump said, “Wut?” and looked very confused for a good long moment. Then added, “Really, Mama? That’s crazy!”. (I apologise for the ableism, I’m working on that).
My point being, a nine year old on the Autism spectrum can see why asking a 17 year old to sacrifice herself for politics is a bad idea. But then, Master Grump lives in the same universe that I do, and doesn’t hate feeeeeemales.
Gasp…you mean the terrorists didn’t WIN?
And Malala did step up for other girls even when she was shot?
Well, gee. I guess that if Billy only had a brain, he’d be feeling pretty foolish ‘long ’bout now…
Or a heart, or courage. He’s the entire cast of Wizard of Oz minus the charm, Dorothy, and the little dog.
(He had a dog but it realized that he was an asshole and ran away.)
You’re doing something right. Young Master Grump has more sense at 9 than this “Billy Chubbs” dude (who, I’m guessing, is well into middle age) ever will.
Malala stepped forward to save the other women? That is HARDCORE courage. I don’t think any MRA would risk his life to save a bus full of women. I don’t think he’d even do it for a bus full of his fellow Red Pillers.
Wasn’t “youngling” a word made up for “kids” for the Episodes I, II, and III of Star Wars? I haven’t even seen those movies in years (and I’m not watching them now or ever again).
Aurini and his friend started filming on their Sarkeesian Effect documentary, btw. Apparently $8600 monthly is a “shoestring budget.”
I just realized that by calling himself “Chubbs” he’s probably trying to tell us about his penis, as is the custom with this kind of asshole. Why bother, dude? If anyone wanted to know about your penis you wouldn’t have ended up hanging out on ROTK whinging about “sluts”.
So her continuing to get the education they don’t want her to have is letting them win? Mmhmm.
I guess mood lighting is expensive these days, and Anton Junior presumably needs to oil his facial hair hourly.
Getting shot in the head is pretty extreme,… but not as extreme as drinking red bull and blogging from your basement.
The sky’s the limit.
Yeah, the TP brigade has mainly tried to just ignore her, or co-opt her for purposes of explaining that we need to bomb her former playmates in order to make the world safe for McDonalds.
That bit about England being a country “found (sic upon Christian morals”… I looked it up on Wikipedia and found this:
And modern humans have lived there since the Upper Paleolithic. Christianity has only been around a couple of thousand years.
Hi y’all, I apologize in advance for hijacking the thread. I’m just wondering if anyone is familiar with an organization called Save Services? Someone directed me to an article there claiming that a CDC study showed that more men than women are victims of intimate partner violence. What was written in the article seemed quite unlikely, so I went to the actual CDC study, which was very different (surprise, surprise) from the article on the Save Services website. Just wondering if this organization is on anyone’s radar? The article made claims such as victims of both rape and physical violence were being “double-counted” (because there should be a bulk discount, dontcha know!). I looked at the study and “rape only”, “physical violence only”, and “both rape and physical violence” each had their own category. So the article fudged things, to put it mildly.
I think someone needs to explain to the poor man that the term “moral compass” is figurative, and this means that you can’t use your Christian morals as an actual compass when you’re attempting to find a new landmass.
David, I believe your second paragraph should read
It’s funny. Yousafzai is the kind of activist that the MRA has used for a long time to undermine what they refer to as “First World Problems” feminists. Whenever a feminist in a developed country talks about the issues in developed countries faced, you hear a chorus of screaming about “WHAT ABOUT THE WOMEN IN PAKISTAN OR AFRICA WHO ARE FACING GENUINE OPPRESSION FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS!!!11!!” Basically saying that misogyny is only a problem in underdeveloped countries. But now you actually have someone working on behalf kinds of countries, advocating for girls in an extremely misogynistic culture like Pakistan and she’s getting shat on because she’s living in the UK (key word: living, as opposed to dead because the next time the Taliban tries to take her out she didn’t survive having her face blown off)
I guess to the MRA, the only good feminist is a dead feminist.
Of course if the Taliban wanted to (and could) shoot these guys in the face they’d crap their pants in terror. But that doesn’t fit with their ridiculous fantasies.
@Sarah, thanks for the update on the Creepy Crew’s filming! Part of me is a bit disappointed that people actually thought their project was worth backing. The other part of me, however, is anxiously waiting to see what a train wreck the movie will turn out to be. 😛