#gamergate advocacy of violence all about the menz antifeminism crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse fidelbogen gamebros gynocracy harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men playing the victim post contains sarcasm reddit sarkeesian! self-congratulation victim blaming

The Top Four Men’s Rightsiest things said about the recent threats against Anita Sarkeesian


Men’s Rights activists are the only ones asking these tough questions about the recent threats against Anita Sarkeesian and other outspoken women in gaming.

1) Why isn’t everyone thanking Men’s Rights Activists  for trying to keep women out of gaming?

DaNiceguy 5 points 1 day ago   You know, the worst part is, assuming this threat is real, we are the only people holding these damaged guys back. There are some guys who have been so totally and completely fucked over by women/feminism/gynocentrism that they've come out the other side really unstable. By having male spaces where they can feel safe, they don't feel like their refuge is under attack. Gaming is one of those refuges. Instead you've got feminists storming the castle walls and poking these guys with sticks and then being shocked when one gets ready to kamikaze.  If feminists aren't prepared to leave these guys who are actually dangerous alone, it's going to get bloody. And I don't say that as a threat, I point it out as a fact.

2) Why isn’t anyone focusing on who would be the real victims of violence against Sarkeesian —  teh menz?

Nomenimion 0 points 1 day ago   I sure hope you're wrong... the last thing we need is another Marc Lepine. Such an act of violence would be a crushing setback for men everywhere.3) Why are you hitting yourself?

4) Why aren’t we fighting the real enemy — feminist English majors?

Capitalsman 7 points 1 day ago   The fact that it starts off by informing you who, when, and where she will be speaking in the beginning in a seperate paragraph so it stands out is highly suspect on it's own. It starts like a campus news letter about her speaking there and has grammar better than anything I did in college. If it isn't a real threat like it seems, then surely either a staff member or a feminist majoring in English wrote this.

H/T — Cloudiah, Ami Angelwings




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10 years ago

Safe spaces for women: places to discuss things like rape culture.

Safe spaces for men: places to discuss how women should be raped and killed.

Gee, it’s almost like there’s a total false equivalency here and they’re just trying to piggyback on the work feminism and actual social justice causes have already done!

Also, dudes. Stop blaming your behavior on your tragic backstory. I have a pretty shitty history, and I have yet to threaten anyone with murder, violence, or rape. Because I’m a grown man and have control of my actions. If you don’t, and feel uncontrollable urges to hurt others, that’s part of what mental hospitals exist for.

It’s not women’s job to organize themselves all around your failings as a human being. It’s YOUR job to own up to your failings and learn to adapt to them. Especially when that “failing” is uncontrollable violence.

10 years ago

katz – Sorry. I meant to offer a small window into life with an MRA type guy. I thought that would be ok here. Maybe I’m just frustrated today. Sorry, I won’t post like that again.

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

“I love the chestnut about how outspokenness from women alienates men to the progressiveness of women’s rights. Just go along with your efforts to be treated like human beings without being too radical, dearies, because you wouldn’t want to piss off the men who so magnanimously let you exist in their world!”

I get the exact same reaction from homophobes whenever I bring up marriage equality. “[Gay people] would be tolerated more and be given their rights overnight if they’d just shut up, act straight and stop bringing [marriage equality] up all the time!” Yep, because that’s exactly what MLK, Rosa Parks and the suffragettes all did. =P

M. the Social Justice Ranger
M. the Social Justice Ranger
10 years ago

“Sorry. I meant to offer a small window into life with an MRA type guy. I thought that would be ok here. Maybe I’m just frustrated today. Sorry, I won’t post like that again.”

No, there’s no reason to apologise, absolutely rant here if you need to; I think Katz was just shocked at what you’ve been through. *hugs, if that’s alright with you*

10 years ago

My family actually uses similar logic with our rape and incest experience. They saw any discussion of these things as proof that we were “living in the past,” and that we “needed to move on.” If we did not obey those injunctions, they tended to get pretty mad; our father is STILL following our online activity, years after cutting contact, and sent us pissy emails about how dare we discuss our rape publically when I won’t discuss them with him?

(Actually, the last contact I ever had with him was an email explaining all of this history to us. His response was one line: “May God be with you.” Until I started writing public posts online about it a year later, when he immediately sent us a hearts-and-flowers email about how he would’ve LOVED to tell us, but see, I had said I would show his emails to other people and he cared about his privacy, you see…)

10 years ago

Ugh, typo, I mean to say, “explaining all of this history to HIM.”

10 years ago

logrey: there’s nothing wrong with what you posted. I’m just sorry you went through that. But thanks for giving an example of why David thinks of the MRM as the “abusers lobby”.

10 years ago

Falconer, yes, I bet they didn’t see that one coming. Le sigh. I hope the truth is uncovered in this one.

Inez Milholland
Inez Milholland
10 years ago

Laci Green posted info about the threat on her official Facebook page. I lamented the fact that women who dare speak out are still threatened with violence, even a hundred years after we were all branded hysterics, institutionalized, and subjected to force hysterectomies, and I might as well have said that I am evil bitch goddess who demands bloody testicles as tributes. And when I wasn’t being attacked personally by trolls, they directed their ire at me for supporting someone who is “clearly faking these threats for attention.” One even quoted Roosh V as conclusive proof that Anita is clearly faking it. Ugh.

10 years ago

@Sarah, it’s kind of the same line of thinking that led that douchey Microsoft guy to say women shouldn’t ask for raises, they should just sit back and if they deserve one, karma will take care of it. Don’t want to piss off the men who so magnanimously let you exist in the workplace, right? What a douche.

10 years ago

Just realized “douche” and “douchebag” might be considered a gendered slur. Hope nobody was offended.

10 years ago

logrey: You’re well rid of him and, from the sound of it, doing pretty well without him.

10 years ago

Thank you all for the support! 🙂

10 years ago


You don’t have to excuse yourself, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with ranting about your history on a blog like this one. It’s good to hear that you managed to quit the guy, as I think we’re aware that exiting abusive relationships is hard and emotionally draining.

10 years ago

The misandrist English teachers strike again! And they are here to inform you that no, helping someone work himself up into a frothing rage and suggesting that he would be justified in hurting women is not, in fact, what “holding him back” means.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago


My own sentiment (I am a woman) which is shared by many women I know, is that douches at best accomplish nothing and can actually be harmful, therefore I consider it to be a totally acceptable and apt insult for MRAs. But obviously others may disagree.

10 years ago

Also, (hugs) logrey.

10 years ago

MRAs and douches also share that “things that I never, ever want to come into contact with my vagina” quality.

10 years ago

Lemme see if I can answer those questions:

1) Because MRAs are the problem.

2) Because MRAs are the problem.

3) Because MRAs are the problem.

4) Because MRAs are the problem.

See, fellas? That wasn’t even hard.

10 years ago

Logrey, that’s horrible. LBT that’s disgusting.
I’m shocked and sorry both of you went through all that, and I’m happy that you’ve survived it and are safer now. Well done and enjoy your asshole-free life 🙂

blahlistic (@blahlistic)

katz – Sorry. I meant to offer a small window into life with an MRA type guy. I thought that would be ok here.

Is ok, sorry that the douchecanoe still paddles by occasionally…
(17 staples? in your head??? OW! And scalp wounds always bleed spectacularly, too.)

Abusers/MRA’s/rapists sure do have a LOT of overlap in mindset, don’t they?

10 years ago

Logrey, just echong that it’s totally fine to share that information here. Just sorry you had to deal with it.

LBT, I’m sorry you have had to deal with all the crap in your life that you’ve been through

On topic, if these people weren’t so awful, they’d simply be ridiculous

10 years ago

RE: Skye

They can be awful AND ridiculous!

10 years ago

Valid point, LBT

10 years ago

@WWTH The sad thing is that this kid isn’t even the youngest Penn. child initially charged as an adult for murder- the youngest was only 9. Seems Penn. initially charges everyone as an adult no matter the child’s age, and its up to the judge to move the case to juvinial court. Seems to me that, being children, *ALL* minors should be in juvenile court.

There’s already a bunch of comments that are blaming the mother or saying that this wouldn’t happen if the boy had a father in his life. Never mind the fact that this boy does have a father in his life- his dad was supposed to pick him up from jail but didn’t feel able to because it turns out that this boy has a long history of behavior problems and violent outbursts. (Funny that; having men in a boy’s life doesn’t just automatically make everything OK! 9_9) Regardless, this boy certainly isn’t too traditionally “feminine”; if anything he is already too caught up in the toxic hyper-masculine ideal that the best way to deal with dissapointment or anger is by lashing out.