#gamergate advocacy of violence all about the menz antifeminism crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse fidelbogen gamebros gynocracy harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men playing the victim post contains sarcasm reddit sarkeesian! self-congratulation victim blaming

The Top Four Men’s Rightsiest things said about the recent threats against Anita Sarkeesian


Men’s Rights activists are the only ones asking these tough questions about the recent threats against Anita Sarkeesian and other outspoken women in gaming.

1) Why isn’t everyone thanking Men’s Rights Activists  for trying to keep women out of gaming?

DaNiceguy 5 points 1 day ago   You know, the worst part is, assuming this threat is real, we are the only people holding these damaged guys back. There are some guys who have been so totally and completely fucked over by women/feminism/gynocentrism that they've come out the other side really unstable. By having male spaces where they can feel safe, they don't feel like their refuge is under attack. Gaming is one of those refuges. Instead you've got feminists storming the castle walls and poking these guys with sticks and then being shocked when one gets ready to kamikaze.  If feminists aren't prepared to leave these guys who are actually dangerous alone, it's going to get bloody. And I don't say that as a threat, I point it out as a fact.

2) Why isn’t anyone focusing on who would be the real victims of violence against Sarkeesian —  teh menz?

Nomenimion 0 points 1 day ago   I sure hope you're wrong... the last thing we need is another Marc Lepine. Such an act of violence would be a crushing setback for men everywhere.3) Why are you hitting yourself?

4) Why aren’t we fighting the real enemy — feminist English majors?

Capitalsman 7 points 1 day ago   The fact that it starts off by informing you who, when, and where she will be speaking in the beginning in a seperate paragraph so it stands out is highly suspect on it's own. It starts like a campus news letter about her speaking there and has grammar better than anything I did in college. If it isn't a real threat like it seems, then surely either a staff member or a feminist majoring in English wrote this.

H/T — Cloudiah, Ami Angelwings




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10 years ago

Oh.. fuck. It’s sort of scary/sad when people one knows personally get at MRM’s attention for just being.

10 years ago

er, an MRM’s attention.

10 years ago

Who are these “damaged guys”? And why is feminism to blame? It isn’t what forces them into their little, tight boxes of toxic masculinity.

10 years ago

How is gaming (even though women and girls have been doing it from the start) one of the only safe spaces for men to do whatever they want?

It seems to me that misogynist men find public transportation, the street, bars, parks, schools, parties, and their homes to be safe places to act sexist.

10 years ago

At some point, someone “proved” that Brianna Wu sent herself the threats she received, because both of them used periods at the end of sentences. I can’t find that comment, but believe me it happened.

Also, FFS John Grisham is wrong on so many levels. The r/mr discussion of this (linked in that r/amr thread) has turned around a bit, due to the intervention of /u/FallingSnowAngel, who is a feminist-identified male survivor of sexual abuse both as a child and an adult. Before he started calling them out, most of the comments there that are now negative were positive.

10 years ago

Scarlett: But feminism is to blame for hot women not blowing them on demand. Because feminism has given women the foolish idea that they’re actual factual human beings and individuals who can say no if they want to and not feel bad for the boners they disappoint.

It really wouldn’t be so bad if they only had some consideration for those poor oppressed boners.

10 years ago

Why did I speak of women in third person in that last post? I am a woman. Hear me rawr.

10 years ago

So when there were comparatively minor disruptions to a college talk, the MRM set out to expose and harass the perpetrators. When there are very severe threats that cancel an entire talk, and they might actually be in a position to deliver the perpetrator to the relevant authorities, they sit back and gloat that ‘we are the only people holding these damaged guys back’, whatever that means. It’s like they’re determined to take the most counter-productive course of action at every turn.

10 years ago

Has Woody been here to comment on the recent threats against Sarkeesian’s life?

Shut up, Woody.

10 years ago

Your real identity as a sockpuppet of David Futrelle (who is actually a bunch of ferrets in a human suit) slipped through a little.

Daeran Zemaitis
Daeran Zemaitis
10 years ago

“Men are the superior, more intelligent sex! – MRAs 2014
“This death threat couldn’t have possibly been written by a MRA, it’s too articulate and smart-sounding!” -MRAs 2014

10 years ago


10 years ago

This may be just me completely misunderstanding how the internet works, but I thought that if there were men who wanted a closed space, members only, where they could talk about how damaged they’ve been by women and feminists, with no interference from said women and feminists, they could just set up that kind of forum? AFAIK you can even have “secret groups” on Facebook where only members can read and post. Seems more efficient than to play video games and desperately hope that no women show up.

10 years ago

Sunnysombrera – oh that’s right, before feminism, I thought I had to give blood jobs right then or have sex on demand any time some dude said “hey, how’s it going”

10 years ago

“It really wouldn’t be so bad if they only had some consideration for those poor oppressed boners.”

If only they wore kilts, everything would be OK.

10 years ago

“Safe spaces”? Uh oh, sounds like MAN DETOX:

Don’t “go deep” like the ‘gaters have.

10 years ago

I find the third comment most disturbing. He seems to feel that sending hatemail is a natural and right response to whatever he might find “provoking”.
So we’re supposed to protect ourselves by never voicing opinions. Example: “Hate mail & death threats is unacceptable & wrong.”–because that’s *so goddamn inflammatory and provoking*.

10 years ago

WWTH, the story in that link is appalling! Seems quite likely the lady was killed by an adult family member, and they’ve convinced the child to take the rap because they knew children couldn’t be charged with murder in that state or possibly just knew the justice system goes easy on kids. Sick.

10 years ago

Brain Bleach for later use
Elvis the Coati (H/T Pharyngula)

and Teddy Bear

10 years ago

False equivalency alert: Comparing supposed threats to “Matt Forney” to that of the Utah State Situation. Courtesy of ROK of course.

10 years ago


Not to mention that the “provoking” part consists of:

1. Identifying as a feminist.
2. Saying harassment and death threats are wrong.

10 years ago


WWTH, the story in that link is appalling! Seems quite likely the lady was killed by an adult family member, and they’ve convinced the child to take the rap because they knew children couldn’t be charged with murder in that state or possibly just knew the justice system goes easy on kids. Sick.

Yeah, well, that seems to have backfired because the state just went ahead and is trying him as an adult, and they put him in the non-juvenile facility.

10 years ago

I understand MRA logic all too well. My ex popped by unannounced for a visit at 1:00 am this morning. He needed to let me know right away that he would be leaving for a bit, going on the road because none of us love him, and we all just take advantage of him and it’s making him depressed. He doesn’t understand why his kids hate him – couldn’t be a lifetime of verbal abuse and self-centeredness, could it? Nah. He can’t possibly understand why I won’t let him move in with us, couldn’t be 20 years of physical and emotional abuse – nah, no way. After all I deserved much worse for hurting him by telling him things such as that he should help support his three kids which makes him feel like a bad person, which of course he’s not. He feels I should bear most of the burden (food, shelter, clothing, nurturing, etc.) cause I “turned his kids against him” by not being an asshole to them and actually being a fair, responsible, & loving parent (MRA translation – not backing him up). Or saying that I really can’t trust him after all the years of cheating and lies, cause like I should know he’s not a liar even though he is. See how it works? It’s all my fault for needing 17 staples in my head (after he threw me into a bookshelf) because it made him feel like an “abuser” which of course he’s not, even though he has been abusive, but only when absolutely necessary and it didn’t count because he would never do something like that, even though he did. So he has to leave town because we are all so mean (even though we’re actually way too nice to him) because we remember bad things he’s done (is doing, is likely to do in the future) and we actually expect him to take responsibility for his own mistakes and sometimes even *gasp* get angry with him. Translation – He is the one who is abused.

10 years ago

I love the chestnut about how outspokenness from women alienates men to the progressiveness of women’s rights. Just go along with your efforts to be treated like human beings without being too radical, dearies, because you wouldn’t want to piss off the men who so magnanimously let you exist in their world!

10 years ago

logrey: O.O