#gamergate advocacy of violence all about the menz antifeminism crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies excusing abuse fidelbogen gamebros gynocracy harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men playing the victim post contains sarcasm reddit sarkeesian! self-congratulation victim blaming

The Top Four Men’s Rightsiest things said about the recent threats against Anita Sarkeesian


Men’s Rights activists are the only ones asking these tough questions about the recent threats against Anita Sarkeesian and other outspoken women in gaming.

1) Why isn’t everyone thanking Men’s Rights Activists  for trying to keep women out of gaming?

DaNiceguy 5 points 1 day ago   You know, the worst part is, assuming this threat is real, we are the only people holding these damaged guys back. There are some guys who have been so totally and completely fucked over by women/feminism/gynocentrism that they've come out the other side really unstable. By having male spaces where they can feel safe, they don't feel like their refuge is under attack. Gaming is one of those refuges. Instead you've got feminists storming the castle walls and poking these guys with sticks and then being shocked when one gets ready to kamikaze.  If feminists aren't prepared to leave these guys who are actually dangerous alone, it's going to get bloody. And I don't say that as a threat, I point it out as a fact.

2) Why isn’t anyone focusing on who would be the real victims of violence against Sarkeesian —  teh menz?

Nomenimion 0 points 1 day ago   I sure hope you're wrong... the last thing we need is another Marc Lepine. Such an act of violence would be a crushing setback for men everywhere.3) Why are you hitting yourself?

4) Why aren’t we fighting the real enemy — feminist English majors?

Capitalsman 7 points 1 day ago   The fact that it starts off by informing you who, when, and where she will be speaking in the beginning in a seperate paragraph so it stands out is highly suspect on it's own. It starts like a campus news letter about her speaking there and has grammar better than anything I did in college. If it isn't a real threat like it seems, then surely either a staff member or a feminist majoring in English wrote this.

H/T — Cloudiah, Ami Angelwings




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10 years ago

We create SAFE SPACES, where we broadly threaten women. That keeps people from threatening women. Because no one continues to bear our shitty attitudes all over the Internet after leaving our SAFE-VIOLENCE-FILLED SPACES.

10 years ago

It … has grammar better than anything I did in college. If it isn’t a real threat like it seems, then surely either a staff member or a feminist majoring in English wrote this.

This explains so much about the shockingly poor quality of MRA screeds. MRAs think that a poorly written note threatening a gun massacre is a work of literature! /bangs head on desk

10 years ago

On Facebook, a friend shared a mock photo of a book called, “How to Even for Dummies”. Ah! Here is a page:

I need to get this book, because right now, I can’t even.

10 years ago

we are the only people holding these damaged guys back

Thank you for keeping all the violent misogynists physically confined to the internetz … er … wait a minute

10 years ago

Well, my link seems to be missing. Perhaps I should have anchored it to text instead of leaving it out there all naked. Just picture a “for Dummies” book with “How to Even” at the top.

10 years ago

I also need to acquire “How to Even for Dummies”.

Shut up, Woody!

10 years ago

4) Why aren’t we fighting the real enemy — feminist English majors?

I knew that degree was good for something…

10 years ago

Way to misander, Puddleglum!

10 years ago

The grammar comment is absolutely bloody hilarious – it can’t be a men’s rights advocate because it’s written with a degree of intelligence?

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

I love No. 4. “We’re too stupid to have written this!”

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

“It’s almost like this threat, that says it comes from a college student, was WRITTEN BY A COLLEGE STUDENT. OMG SMOKING GUN ZOE.”

10 years ago

@Cassie’s Major Domo

Us men is bad at wordmaking. Only evil females are write.

10 years ago

Why do these already damaged menz’ safe spaces need to be filled with misogyny and foulness?
Does safe space actually mean space to do whatever I please no matter how hateful with zero consequences?

10 years ago

“That man is far too literate to be an MRA!”
Oh my god, that’s rich.

10 years ago

Jeez, #1: They just don’t seem to get that they can’t just declare an entire hobby, something that many different people enjoy, as a “male safe space.” That’s not how a safe space works. And nice little implied threat, there. “If you feminists don’t stop gently criticizing video games, it’s going to get bloody!”

That’s just, yeah, I think I need the “How to Even for Dummies” book too, because I can’t even either.

10 years ago

Safe space? Seems more like a staging area to me.

The Arbourist
10 years ago

I’m curious as to what this “safe space” they are referring to as society is geared toward serving male interests, male needs and the promotion of men as the norm to judge all others by.

This “safe space for men” is really almost all of society. :/

10 years ago

I am also highly amused by number four. As a feminist English major, allow me now to rub my hands together and cackle malevolently.

10 years ago

I haven’t read the post or the thread yet, but here’s something MRAs should be focusing on.
It’s doesn’t have anything to do with feminists though, I’m sure they don’t care.

10 years ago

They think men can;t write. How misandrous of them.

10 years ago

@hellkell: They think men can’t write, they think men can’t control themselves, they think men are naturally and justifiably violent when provoked … they think they represent me.

I just can’t. Possibly I can’t even, but it’s too early to tell.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Now, now. Some of these men have been very badly hurt by grammar.

10 years ago

So again they go from “false accusation! she’s fabricating it!” to “she’s provoked people, what do you expect from the poor dude? that’s how men react” to “well she deserved it”… which is exactly the same they say in rape cases. Nothing new coming from the victim blaming “safe space” manosphere.
But yeah the refutation ad ignorantiam is priceless.

Cassie's Major Domo
Cassie's Major Domo
10 years ago

Anita Sarkeesian uses complete sentences when she speaks, that misandrist. Men need safe spaces from complete sentences of the Sarkeeeesian.

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